My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 547: Wind milled black copper

At a distance of nearly 200 million kilometers, there is no air resistance in the emptiness, Bai Yu has reached the state of distraction, and drove forward with all his strength, almost reaching 40 times the speed of sound, and can travel more than one million kilometers in a day. However, as long as the numbers in the universe are touched, they are desperately huge. Otherwise, how can astronomical numbers be said? The second girl forgot, just rushing forward without sleep, it will take nearly half a year!

Fortunately, at the time of the Baiyu subspace, he had already had the experience of traveling in this empty emptiness, and with the presence of the two girls, it would not be too lonely, but the little golden crow, the more The closer it gets to the destination, the more excited it is. After the hair on its body has dried up, it becomes hairy and cute, but no matter how you look at it, it only feels naive, and there is only one cute word to describe it. Where is the legendary three-legged golden crow? God is so handsome.

"Xiao Jinjin, are you female?" Bai Yu glanced at Xiao Jin Wu.

"The female is yin, you are the sun **** bird, how can you be yin again when you reach the sun?" Bai Yu touched his chin with a look of inquisitive expression on his face.

Little Golden Crow and Bai Yu have become familiar with each other. Seeing Bai Yu appearing so inconspicuously, even though he was still in the chick stage, he was so angry that he jumped on Bai Yu's head and pecked twice, causing Bai Yu to cover the top of his head in pain.

The second girl said angrily: "You don't look like a dad at all, how can can you look at girls like this?"

Bai Yu then understood why Little Golden Crow was angry, and thought I didn't bring it up to look down. What was so angry... Besides, it was still three legs, and Bai Yu burst out laughing.

Little Golden Crow and Er Yatou didn't know what he was laughing at, but it was nothing good, so angry that Little Golden Crow pecked him **** the head again.

Without the sun, Bai Yu can only put his divine mind far away. Since this month, because he didn't care, he has plunged into large and small celestial bodies several times. Although Bai Yu is now hitting the celestial body, the big one is directly He will be knocked out of a big human-shaped hole, most of the small ones are knocked in two by him, but who likes to bump into it?

Later, he learned to behave and released his divine mind. Although there was a deadly black all around, he could feel the emptiness in the divine mind, but it was extremely active. There were various rays from the stars, and after the sun star exploded. The tyrannical energy of, there are various energy winds in the emptiness, and all kinds of strange-shaped celestial bodies. After letting go of the divine mind, they will feel more clearly.

Just letting go of the sense of divine consciousness in this way consumes a great deal of divine and soul power, because Bai Yu at least needs to place divine consciousness hundreds of kilometers away in order to adjust the route as soon as possible.

Later, he was inspired by the radar scan and condensed his spiritual thoughts into one stream. It was sent farther and the consumption was reduced a lot. At this time, he was like a blind man, holding a guide stick on the way forward. The upward fan is swept back and forth, and when encountering something, he will naturally be sensed by his spiritual thoughts. At this time, he will tell Eryatou about the location and distance of the thing he found. Eryatou also adds to the road map based on the data he provided. in.

In the vast emptiness, there is no distinction between up and down, left and right, southeast, northwest, and northwest. In this case, if you get lost, it is a great disaster. If you move in one direction, which is a little bit off, under the magnification of astronomical numbers, the final destination It would be a very exaggerated situation, and I don't know how many monks were lost in the vastness and emptiness like this.

The star chart of the previous solar galaxy has no reference value at all. The gravitational force of the sun star has been lost. All the various celestial bodies with the sun's center as the center are escaping outward, just like a rock tied with a rope. Throw out a circle with the rope length as the radius, but when the rope is broken, the centrifugal force will cause the stone to fly to an unknown place. Bai Yu is now encountering such a situation, countless various celestial bodies, erupting in the sun Under the power of, most of them were burned into a variety of sharp liquids lost by the sharp rise in temperature. On the way to the outside, they slowly lowered the temperature and condensed into various strange shapes, even many metals directly It is melted by high temperature and precipitates impurities to become a pure element metal. After being burnt by the real fire of the sun, it is exposed to various cosmic rays and washed by energy storms. For mortals, it may be extremely dangerous to kill. But for monks, it is a rare treasure of heaven and earth.

Bai Yu traveled all the way, although it is difficult for him to settle down on any large celestial body, specifically to mine some heavenly materials and earth treasures that can not be found on Haogang Star, but some are not particularly large, pure and incomparable metal celestial bodies, he can't collect them. less.

Only when humans enter space will they know that there are many times more resources in the sky than on the earth. The same is true in the world of cultivation. The resources on the planet are limited, even if the monks try their best to domesticate those herbal medicines. Self-cultivation, but in fact, the rate of consumption will never keep up with the rate of cultivation, but when it is in Taixu, it is completely different. Even Bai Yu received more than ten tons of Taiyi fine gold on the way. It can be refined anywhere, but the problem is that only a few grams can be extracted from a ton. On earth, can Bai Yu go to the White Eagle Country to steal their reserve gold?

Thinking of the earth, Bai Yu couldn’t help feeling stunned. He didn’t know how well his parents and younger sisters, Luqiu, Qiang, Wu Kesu, Shi Mingwei, and several of his apprentices had practiced, but they couldn’t compare to Hua. Ying and Qiu Xiushuang, after all, the aura content of the new barracks world is too high, completely different from the earth.

"Hurry up! Bai Yu, there are good things over there!" Er Yatou suddenly cried.

At the request of Eryatou, Bai Yu spent two days refining something similar to light scanning for Eryatou. This is a device that emits pulsed laser light. The system of Eryatou is connected to this device, which can be used in light encounters. After reaching the obstacle, feedback instantly, and can get the distance of the object.

Bai Yu drew a big arc in Taixu and flew towards the position designated by Er Yatou. Two hours later, Bai Yu stopped. In his divine thoughts, the celestial body that looked like a banana was sensed by him. He slanted past him and flew away, Bai Yu stuck it with his spiritual thoughts, and chased it quickly.

Not long after, Bai Yu was already standing on the celestial body. Such a curved cylinder with a length of nearly one kilometer and a diameter of more than 100 meters was naturally heated to a liquid state by the heat of the solar star explosion. It should have formed a spherical shape, but because of the centrifugal force Throw it away, and it will become like this when it condenses.

Most of it will be vaporized at such high temperature, and the metal is refined into elemental metal, which can only prove that it is incredible.

Bai Yu pinched a magic formula to illuminate the thing, only to realize that the metal looked dark and unremarkable.

"It seems to be... wind milled black copper?" Bai Yu asked the second girl.

"Such a big piece, Bai Yu, we have made a fortune!" The second girl said happily, saying that every time she found something good.

Little Golden Crow: "Tweet Tweet!"

Bai Yu said strangely: "You can eat this?"

Little Jinwu nodded repeatedly, jumped off the white feather head, and landed on the wind milled black copper. This wind magic black copper has a very high density. Such a piece also has a weak gravitational force. The high density and hardness will not be too low. The Golden Crow pecked up, but only a small gravure was pecked on it, and it slowly recovered its level.

This is also the characteristic of wind milled black copper, which has the characteristics of memory metal and can repair itself.

Wind milled black copper, this wind refers to the solar wind. Ordinary copper has to constantly change its structure through the power of the real fire of the sun to form wind milled black copper, but the melting point of copper is relatively low, and the real fire in the solar wind Copper will continue to evaporate and gasify. Tens of thousands of tons of copper often evaporate before being transformed into wind milled black copper, so this kind of heavenly material is called wind mill, meaning It is the solar wind that is like a grinding disc. It is worn away layer by layer, and the final wind-milled black copper has a self-repairing effect. When making weapons, adding part of the wind-milled black copper will also obtain self-repairing weapons. Characteristics, Bai Yu murmured: "If you use this thing to make a town-sealed treasure... Tsk Tsk Tsk, I guess it will be better than Brother Fan’s Xuanhuang Pagoda, right? And the wind milled black copper also carries the sun. Sex is very masculine and strong, tusk tusk, as the saying goes, thieves don’t go empty, pooh, go into Baoshan and return empty-handed, which is undesirable."

Bai Yu walked around to the front of the super-large "black banana", resisting its movement with all his strength, and spent most of a day's effort, finally set it in the emptiness.

In the next time, Bai Yu discussed the refining plan with the second girl, and used all the treasures recently collected.

But now Bai Yu has several fire properties and needs to refine such treasures. The past pill fire is naturally too inefficient, so it is necessary to use the Yuan Ying Xinhuo, and Bai Yu’s good fortune merit gold pill when he forms the pill. Yuan Ying is naturally also good fortune. Although the power of the merits of the second girl is almost exhausted, the merits in the Baiyu Yuanying are not damaged at all, and the power of good fortune and the power of merit are brought into the fire of the Yuan Ying. Therefore, Bai Yu uses the Yuanying Heart Fire to refine the artifacts, but for all magic weapons such as town closure, even if the wind-milled black copper itself has no merit, after it is completed, it has the innate effect of absorbing merit, which can be said to be accurate. An instrument of merit.

Bai Yu sacrifices to Yuan Ying, Yuan Ying is already eight or nine years old at this time. When Yuan Ying’s face is in sync with Bai Yu, that is, when the distraction period is complete, then Yuan Ying will no longer be vulnerable at this time. Rather, it turns from the yin **** to the yang god, that is, the sky thunder, earth fire, and gang wind, and it will not cause the Yuan Ying to be severely injured by the touch.

There are so many miscellaneous energies in the universe. Although Bai Yu is an unusual monk, Yuan Ying does not dare to let Yuan Ying exist alone in Taixu. Yuan Ying blows out a large flame in his mouth. A sea of ​​fire was formed, enclosing the giant wind milled black copper.

The little golden crow was extremely excited. For it, all the flames were food for its growth. Taking advantage of Bai Yu's attention, it jumped around in the fire, hiding out of Bai Yu's sight, and quietly opened its mouth. Sucking, a large amount of Yuanying's heart fire was sucked into Xiao Jinwu's belly, and it suddenly felt that the warmth in its belly was extremely useful, and then took another big mouthful, but in fact, Bai Yu's entire mind was enveloped. When the black copper was wind-milled and the little golden crow sucked his head, Bai Yu also endured it. After following him, this little thing, except when he received some natural treasures, pecked two bites, he was no longer interested, so this one I haven’t seen any growth in it since the beginning of the month, and Bai Yu feels a bit bad at it, but at this time, this little thing took a bite and took a second bite. After that, Bai Yu’s face turned green all of a sudden, you know, that Yuan Ying Xin Huo If Yuan Ying's cultivation base, Yuan Ying's cultivation base is equal to the realm of Bai Yu today!

Bai Yu only felt that the realm of Nascent Soul was shaken, as if it was about to fall from the end of the middle stage of distraction to the beginning of the middle stage, and yelled anxiously: "Xiaojin, don't **** anymore! If you **** it again, I will lose the realm!"

Little Golden Crow was startled: Will it still happen? This was aggrieved and poked out a small head from the wind-milled black copper: "Tweet?"

Bai Yu said: "Don't **** it! Yuan Ying's heart and fire is the manifestation of my cultivation level, and it is not easy for me to practice!"

The second girl said: "Yeah! It's been several years before I get distracted! It takes a few months to get to the Integral Realm. The Mahayana needs one or two more. It doesn't take five to spend five years. If it doesn’t work in six years, it will be farther to become a saint. It is estimated that it will take decades..."

Bai Yu: "..."

Xiao Jinwu jumped back on Bai Yu's head unhappily, as if he had caused trouble for himself.

Bai Yu comforted: "It's not to blame you, don't you know, it's okay, I will find some good-grade fires for you to eat in the future!"

Little Golden Crow cheered up: "Tweet?"

Bai Yu nodded and said: "Guaranteed to speak up!"

Little Golden Crow was happy, jumped a few times on top of Bai Yu's head, and suddenly uttered a big burst of flames.

The power of the sun’s true fire in this flame is mixed with Bai Yu’s good fortune and Yuan Ying’s heart and fire, but within a few dozen breaths, the wind-milled black copper turns red, and then becomes blazing white, finally It melted into a liquid metal ball with a diameter of more than 800 meters!

Little Golden Crow spit out the fire, burped, and spit out a puff of black smoke, shaking, and finally standing unsteadily, and fell into the white feather hair.

Bai Yu was surprised: "What's wrong with you, Xiaojin?"

Little Golden Crow struggled and shouted: "Tweet... Tweet..."

Although Bai Yu initially "born" this little golden crow by himself, he felt a little lumpy in his heart, and I always felt it was not a taste, but for more than a month he took the little golden crow to move forward in Taixu, this little thing is very attached to himself, and Bai Yu is naturally. He also put aside the peculiar idea of ​​"unmarried first, surrogate mother to have a baby", and really regarded it as his own daughter. At this time, seeing it weak, how can he not panic? Hearing its answer, he just needed to rest for a while, and then he was relieved. At this time, he was refining the magic weapon, and he couldn't be distracted, so he let the little golden crow nest on his head...Of course, it seems that the little golden crow is looking for it. After Bai Yu's hair pile was removed, he was unwilling to let it leave it. This is another way of saying.

Bai Yu shrinks the Yuanying Fire to smelt the metal ball, and adds a lot of treasures obtained from Taixu during the period. Because the wind milled black copper has the characteristics of memory metal, it must be kept soft and formed at one time, not to mention , This pagoda is not only to be refined to have the functions of offense, defense, sealing, and town, it will also be Baiyu’s home in the Taixu. Yes, after adding Dark World Star Silver to the tower, it can become a space of its own, even Bai Yu also reserves corresponding interfaces for upgrading various functions in the future, such as living, breeding, planting, experiment... and a series of functions, referring to the ideas of Ruyi Baoju, but it is far stronger than Ruyi Baoju. , Because after all, Ruyibaoju is just a place to rest in the wilderness, and does not have the ability to attack, and the defensive ability is just unsatisfactory, but the tower refined this time is a magic weapon for offense and defense. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 547 Windmill Black Copper), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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