My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 378: reveal

The fifteenth day of the event.

Du Ziqiang VS Shi Ming Wei Naijie, odds: 1.07:1.05.

The entire fund, which has been valued up to 270 million Eagle Swords, is all bet on Du Ziqiang. According to the official odds analysis, Du Ziqiang's attack method is single. Shi Ming Wei Naijie has shown a sword technique once, and a large number of insects are assisting in the fight. , So the winning percentage is slightly higher.

But everyone did not expect that after Shi Ming Wei Naijie played with Du Ziqiang fake bus for a while, he sold a flaw and Du Ziqiang punched it out of the field. A large number of gamblers and dealers who were optimistic about him Suddenly, it was like eating a fly, and it was too disgusting to bear, but the domestic netizens almost laughed and pissed: let you operate in the dark!

Of course, whether there is a black box operation, the benevolent sees the benevolence, the wise sees the wisdom, netizens are certainly not satisfied with this match.

Afterwards, a person from the competition team came to question. Shi Ming Wei Naijie sincerely told the other party that because he had a problem with a lumbar disc herniation, so the pain was unbearable, his movements went out of shape, and Du Ziqiang seized the opportunity. The committee's investigation team was still not satisfied, and asked him why he didn't use insects, and he answered sincerely, because the insects have entered the breeding period and there is no way to let them come out to assist in the fight.

Obviously knowing that Shi Ming Wei Naijie just found a reason—someone saw that the relationship between him and Du Ziqiang was good! Obviously you are fighting a counterfeit match.

Looking at the organizing committee’s investigation team, Shi Ming is still thinking about it. Shi Ming is not Jie Mao: "Is it allowed to admit defeat?"

The organizing committee said for a long time: "Of course it is possible to admit defeat."

Shi Ming Wei Naijie spread his hands, "Isn't that right? Just treat it as if I gave in, okay? I just confessed that life is boring. I'm distracted, and he's beaten him into the air. Isn't that okay?"

The organizing committee left in shock. In fact, the content of these responses was the help of the assistant team. How can I say such shameless words based on Shi Ming Wei Naijie’s shy personality, but the organizing committee understands it in general, Du No one can deny the victory of self-improvement. No matter what the situation, Du Ziqiang stood at the end of the game. This victory belongs to him. Whether he has a private agreement with Shi Ming Wei Naijie, it is the organizing committee or whatever. People can't interfere, because Shi Ming Wei Naijie is a free status martial arts master, fighting or not fighting is his personal will.


"After you are familiar with the acupuncture points of the meridians and meridians of the human body, you can learn advanced things. I will now use my spiritual power to walk through the meridians of your five element attributes. You can memorize these acupuncture points for the meridians." Bai Yu and Lu Qiu Hanyan met. After asking her about her recent progress, she felt that the time had come, so she wanted to teach her the Five Aggregate Secrets.

Judging from the five element attribute treasures currently obtained, the Qi refining period only needs to mobilize the ubiquitous five element essence on the earth to meet the demand, and the various treasures needed to break through the foundation building period are not particularly rare. Even if it is not easy to obtain, oneself I have already made up enough of the pre-requisite treasures to enter the Nascent Infant stage. By then, the physical body will travel the universe and it will be easier to obtain the treasures. Therefore, resources are no longer the biggest difficulty in shackles and practice, but the various dangers in the universe. It is the important reason that makes it more difficult for oneself to obtain treasures.

Therefore, it is very important to let people around you who have the opportunity to enter the Tao to start practicing as soon as possible, so as not to be pulled too far by yourself. Last night, Bai Yu had already carried out the same process at Huaying's place, and touched Huaying's room in the middle of the night. There was a big misunderstanding.

"Little Fatty also wants him to start practicing as soon as possible. The younger sister was damaged in her spirit, so she had a big psychological problem, but my aptitude is not bad, and she should also be good." Bai Yu's spiritual power turned into Filament traveled through Luqiu Hanyan's acupuncture points, explaining to her the speed of internal Qi rotation, the residence time of Qi in each acupuncture point, breathing interval and frequency, while thinking about what people around him should do.

The meridians of any normal person cannot be occluded. It is nothing more than weaker or narrower. Naturally, Bai Yu cannot use the method of spiritual energy to promote the growth of the seedlings. The forging body is basically combined with the Qi refining stage, but strictly separated. Afterwards, the energy in the forging body gas is internal qi (internal force), the qi refining period produces true qi (true power), the base building period turns zhen qi into true essence, and when it comes to the golden core period, it becomes spiritual qi (spiritual power). Counting spiritual power is three major levels of energy higher than internal energy, plus the golden core monk’s superiority in divine consciousness, Bai Yu can simulate the process of internal force operation without affecting Lu Qiu Hanyan’s meridians as much as possible. It will have the effect of nurturing the seedlings, but it can also use the spiritual energy to nourish the meridians, but although this nourishing effect is good, when Lu Qiu Hanyan generates internal force on its own, and then starts to expand the pulse and channel, it will be a lot of pain, but this is a fundamental improvement. Therefore, even if there will be a lot of pain, Bai Yu and Lu Qiu Hanyan have explained in advance.

According to Bai Yu's analysis, cultivation is a very ideal thing, or why the most advanced science can't find the evidence of meridians from the human body? And the most basic of all cultivation is to realize the mysterious energy generated from nothing in the body through imagination, so Bai Yu believes that cultivation is actually a step by step realization of the strengthening of the power of thinking, and finally the effect of changing the material by the power of mind.

Therefore, let the newbies feel that the "meridians" and "breath rotation" are very good for the subsequent smooth practice. Some sects even made a special trip to create a kind of "breeding" in order to avoid the process of being born out of nothing. The method of cultivation is to place a group of inner Qi seeds in the opponent’s Dantian, but although this method is convenient, the inner strength seeds can be good or bad. If you are a major-level monk, condensing a Qi seed, of course, is the future. Infinite, but ordinary sects, at best, are monks who build foundations, and the quality of the condensed Qi is not so good. This kind of monks who have no prospects because of the cultivation method and their own qualifications are basically practiced. There won't be any major deeds, it's just that it's fast and safe, and it's a good way to train low-level disciples.

In fact, most of these sects are also using this kind of aura to harvest a large number of coolie disciples, and some of them are only crude, but they are really good, and they can stand out. This means that the major sects are divided into inside and outside. The reason for the door.

After all, resources will be inclined. It is clear at a glance which is more reasonable to focus on supplying talented disciples or to provide them equally to all disciples.

"School is about to start in China! Bai Xiaoyu, which school do you think you want to go to?" Lu Qiu Hanyan asked in passing as she tried to remember the route of Bai Yu's spiritual power.

Bai Yu was startled, not to mention this, he really almost forgot that he was a high school graduate, although he did not even take the final college entrance examination, but the energy of Longwei, Zongxie, and Huajia is so great, although Bai Yu did not participate. However, according to Hua Ying, the results shown in the information were not bad, and he was even seen in the test video proctoring video.

Bai Yu can't laugh or cry about this, are we also a privileged class?

Hua Ying said: "The unprivileged class is not important. The point is that you are not the kind of person who wastes teaching resources. These days, there are not a few second-generation students who join the school. It’s horrible, so you don’t have much more, you don’t have a lot less, at least you can withstand investigations better than them."

Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "I ask Xiaopang, we don't need to study to get ahead. That kid's grades are not particularly good. I guess he will take an ordinary one. Then I will be with him. You can also take care of it. It’s best to stay in the residence. Don’t arrange to go to other residences. It doesn’t matter if everything is big or Shanghai University. Most of the young people who can be admitted to these well-known universities are young people who can do things in the future. Going there and occupying other people's places, Xia Guo may have fewer talents."

Bai Yu told Lu Qiu Hanyan her thoughts, and Lu Qiu Hanyan nodded again and again. When she asked Lu Qiu Hanyan, she said that after the competition, she would let her aunt tell her about it and win the same school. This is useful for working in education. For Luqiu Weizhong, it is not too difficult.

"Also, what happened to you the other day? I think you look so ugly." Lu Qiu Hanyan asked.

"..." Bai Yu hung his head and remained silent for a long time, Lu Qiu Hanyan felt a little anxious, and asked with his hand.

After a long time, Bai Yu raised his head, Lu Qiu Hanyan was shocked, Bai Yu's eyes were red, and his eyes were full of tears.

She quickly took out a tissue, trying to wipe his tears, Bai Yu turned her head away, her voice was a little hoarse: "Tong Ya wanted to hurt someone at home. There was a person I was very close to, and he was killed by him."

Lu Qiu Hanyan regrets asking this matter very much. For her, the world is beautiful and kind. At least, when she encounters a few times of danger, it turns out that bad luck has turned into good fortune. Therefore, the death of the so-called closest person has never happened. I have never experienced the death of an elderly relative in the distant house. It is the end of life. In addition, there is only blood relationship and no family affection, so it is completely insensible. At this time, Bai Yu’s pain made her feel deeply. Fear, even a guy like Bai Xiaoyu is so sad, if... she didn't dare to think about it anymore, but she didn't know how to comfort, so she could only hold Bai Yu in her arms.

She panicked and patted on Bai Yu's back lightly: "It's not sad! It's all such a day, if you want to start, be strong."

Then I felt very embarrassed, this guy is very strong! He saved himself every time, and he actually enlightened him with a coaxing tone.

"I dare not say anything, Luqiu, I only dare to tell you, my dad...he didn't die back then. He was transformed into a biochemical man by the government. I didn't know until the beginning of the year. He couldn't come back and talk to us. Living together, there is no way to help us, I can only stand by us silently, and my mother is about to marry, I don’t know how to persuade him, now, he...he is gone, he was killed by Tong Ya , I didn't help him get revenge, Tong Ya hid, and I couldn't find him...I was so useless, I hate how I didn't kill Tong Ya last year!"

The next words are like a thunderbolt hitting Lu Qiu Hanyan, what kind of plot is this? Are you kidding me? But she also knew that Bai Yu would never make a joke about this matter. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 378 Disclosure) reading record, and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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