My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 360: Struck

Hunger fell from the air, fell to the ground, and turned into two pieces, but granulation sprouted from the cuts of the two bodies. He tried hard to reach the other half, Qiu Xiushuang stepped forward and cut it into several large pieces with several swords.

"Referee! Announce the result!" Qiu Xiushuang said loudly.

She shook her figure, and suddenly Lian Shuying flashed out of her body. There were still several black mist resentful souls in the field, and Lian Shuying absorbed them cleanly.

Qiu Xiushuang was confused again, retreating from the powerful state of the sword spirit just now, only feeling weak.

On the other side, the hungry remnants that turned into pieces were still trying to assemble them on their own. Qiu Xiushuang successively sacrificed several blazing fire charms and hit them. Suddenly, there was a string of squeaks in the arena, and those hungry remnants were The fierce flames curled and shrank for a while, and suddenly, a big stench wafted throughout the venue.

The hungry remnant also gradually lost his response.

Seeing that there were no safety hazards, the referee observed and announced that Qiu Xiushuang was promoted.

In the VIP room, Apollo casually said: "Do you think that thing is dead?"

Bai Yu frowned and said, "I'm still alive like this?"

Apollo said, "It was starvation. I saw it once during World War II. Even if it was chopped into meat sauce, it only temporarily lost its vitality. Your friend, chop it into a few pieces and burn it with fire. It can't kill it. I have seen from the military research data that it will either be put in liquid nitrogen and it will enter a dormant state, or it will be burned directly to ashes to make it completely Disappear from this world."

Bai Yu nodded, stood up and was about to leave, Apollo said, "Are you going to deal with it?"

Bai Yu said: "Could it be that the organizer can just find a place to bury it?"

Apollo shook his head and said: "I have notified the people from the military that they are here, and they will solve the follow-up problem."

Bai Yu turned his head to look at him, and said sharply: "The people of Baiying Country are really bold enough. Don't they know this is dangerous? What should I do if it leaks?"

Apollo sneered: "Isn't Xia Guo also conducting biochemical experiments? Do we need to blend these political issues?"

Bai Yu thought of his father, Bai Jinheng, who was speechless for a while, and Apollo said, “Don’t worry, they are professional. The advancement of science and technology, especially the advancement of biotechnology, sometimes cannot tolerate kindness. Leakage? Are there people like us here? , What are you afraid of leaking?"

Bai Yu suddenly stood up, pointing to the cold voice in the arena: "What do they want to do?"

The five soldiers pointed their guns at Qiu Xiushuang and forced them towards her.

Apollo also stood up, with a look of anger: "Are these guys full?"

A large number of people wearing chemical protective clothing walked into the arena, and were storing the limbs severed by Qiu Xiushuang in special containers, while some were looking for tissues on the ground that might have been missed.

Some people have even covered the ground to prevent the liquid flowing on the ground from being missed. Fortunately, those liquids seem to be highly corrosive, so you only need to look for potholes on the steel plate.

These are not the main points. A few soldiers pushed to Qiu Xiushuang, Bai Yu's face sank, and Apollo quickly dialed the phone:

"Don't be extravagant, you can't move that woman."

"Don't talk nonsense with me. If you can't be the master, call someone who can be the master. I don't rule out that I will use extreme methods!"

Apollo put down the phone and said to Bai Yu: "Well, don't worry, there will be no misunderstanding."

Bai Yu sneered and said, "I'm not afraid of misunderstandings."

He stared at the arena closely. The leader of the five people seemed to have finally received the order from the superior. With a wave of his hand, the team members pointed their guns down, Qiu Xiushuang turned his face and looked at the VIP room. Position, Bai Yu stood in front of the French window and nodded to her.

Bai Yu turned his head: "Apollo, are they testing me? I don't believe that they don't know the relationship between Xiushuang and me. Is our agreement invalid?"

Apollo said embarrassingly: "Bai, you know, this kind of high-risk biochemical pollution is indeed more severe, and no one will test you."

Bai Yu nodded profoundly, "I believe you once, and I don't want something like this to happen again, can you understand it?"

Apollo nodded readily: "Don't worry, next time, I will unscrew his head and send it to you."

At this time, the host did not stop because there were too many officials in the field, so he directly started the matching procedure and got the participants of tomorrow:

Georgie VS Alan Fonda.


Daoxian County is located on the eastern edge of the Tubo Plateau. It is a small county town that relies on tourism resources for development. Thanks to several famous scenic spots in the surrounding area, the economy here is developing well. It is a place where many ethnic groups live together. About half of the time, the Xia people have become a minority here instead.

There are also the most ethnic disputes here, because each ethnic group has its own living habits and customs, so the local government also tries to reassure as much as possible when mediating, but what makes the government very powerless is that most local residents have disputes with each other. , They are reluctant to resolve by legal means, but ask respected elders to mediate. What is even more annoying and funny is that these disputes, the local government participates in the mediation process, so as to avoid the mediation. It was too extensive and violated the law, but the front feet were still racking their brains to make both parties satisfied. As a result, the two parties involved in the dispute were already drunk with a big meal, and the parties were as good as their brothers. Over time, the local government. Seeing that the effect of their own mediation was pretty good, ordinary disputes were left to their own disposal.

But today, Zhou Chumin, as the chief officer in charge of public security in the county government, received a report of a brawl, but his head was big. The reporter was Suolang Wangdui. His home was stolen: mobile phones, cash, clothing, There are a lot of bits and pieces, it was like this kind of thing, the report is finished waiting for the yamen to notify, the point is that this guy called the famous guy in the county who likes to do some sneaky activities one by one, that is, his family. Many, others dare not say anything, and change to another person, only if they will gather together and fight!

Zhou Chumin asked Suolang Wangdui: "How can you hit people casually?"

Suolang Wangdui: "A few of them, they usually like to steal things, but they stole things on my head."

Zhou Chumin smiled bitterly: "They all had evidence of their absence yesterday."

Suolangwangdu said, "Except for them, no one steals anything in the county!"

Zhou Chumin patiently said: "They are all from the county. They usually do some petty theft, but the property involved is not much. We also often arrest them and criticize and educate them. But this time you really wronged them. Besides, it's not right for you to hit someone so directly!"

"Impossible, only they can steal things in this county."

Suolang Wangdui is a simple-minded person. I just feel that they steal it anyway. Even if they beat them this time, they just punish them in advance for the mistakes they made in the past, the mistakes they didn't discover, and the mistakes they might make in the future. When encountering such a guy, Zhou Chumin was stunned to waste his boss's efforts, and then convinced him not to trouble those few people. As for the lost finances, the county government will step up time to supervise and then persuade him to go back.

It stands to reason that if this kind of beating is to be true, it is normal to be arrested for 15 days and fined a few thousand yuan, but this kind of place cannot be enforced in this way, because there is still a strong clan rule here. Inertia, what the old elders say, is much more effective than the law.

Not to mention the headaches of those who were beaten in vain and Zhou Chumin. The reason why I said this was because the thief who had stolen the thing had already packed a taxi and went to Jincheng.

More than 100 kilometers, along the way are highways and national highways, but two and a half hours, Tongya arrived at Jindu from Daoxian County.

Along the way, he chatted with the driver quite speculatively. The driver also looked at his young and gentle appearance, and even seemed a little weak, so when it came to losing his ID, he didn’t think much about it, plus one thousand two. He was also greedy for the fare of more than a hundred fares, and even the company sent Tong Ya to Jindu without reporting.

After arriving in Jindu, Tong Ya asked him to send himself to the vicinity of the temporary headquarters of Xianzi Health Care.

After a very polite farewell, the driver drove back to Daoxian, but felt that the appearance of the young man just now became more and more blurred, but in five or six minutes, he had completely forgotten what the young man looked like, and shook his head. There were no more drivers. Think, step on the accelerator and go back to Daoxian.

Tong Ya found an Internet cafe and acted as if he was anxious to surf the Internet without his ID. The webmaster did not look like a minor when he saw him. In addition, the appearance was very confusing, so he took a backup ID card for him. Turned on a computer and told him to sit down.

Tong Ya opened the web page and inquired about the relevant information of Xianzi Pharmaceutical, only to find that Xianzi Pharmaceutical had become the number one health care company in the province, with annual sales reaching 1.7 billion.

Tong Ya nodded: "Very well, you have become a rich man, but I have just come out. I won't let you lose everything. How can I be worthy of my nearly one year of study."

After Tong Ya retired and paid the fee, he walked to the Xianzi Health Rental Building. The internet cafe was one block away from there. He went to the teahouse opposite the building and sat down, ordered a cup of tea, and called again. Gai Zhuo seemed to be paddling the phone casually, but in fact, his eyes were firmly locked on the main entrance of the building and the garage exit.

This time I sat until after five o’clock in the afternoon, Tong Ya’s eyes flashed, and a silver-gray Mercedes drove out. The driver was a middle-aged man. There was a beautiful woman sitting next to him. It was Han Lin and Tong Ya. I saw Han Lin at the parent meeting. At that time, Bai Yu's family was impoverished. They can only say that they were dressed clean and not sloppy, but from the white washed clothes on Bai Yu's body, it can be seen that this family must be very poor. , And at this time, Han Lin’s makeup was exquisite, and she couldn’t tell that she was a woman in her early forties. Someone might believe that she was 27 or 18 years old. The men talked very happily.

"It's you!" Tong Ya sneered. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 360 Strikes) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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