My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 346: Met the parents

Originally, on the entire network, most of the content spread by FeiFangYingTian was related to this martial arts conference. At most, it was just a little fresh meat that changed into martial arts clothing and hummed the traffic, but the martial arts conference On the third day, there was a lot of news about the FBI’s gratifying achievements in corruption cases. From the political circles of the White Eagle country to the military and business circles, a large number of officials, military officers, and businessmen were already "assisting investigations." The President praised the FBI staff for not being afraid of power and bravely doing things. At the same time, he strongly condemned the **** who embezzled state property and said that he would investigate it to the end. Various countries have also decided against corruption in the White Eagle State. Non-tolerance expressed a supportive attitude; such obvious political turmoil, the White Eagle Nation did not seem to have much influence, and it was easy to get through. It also made various countries amazed at the quality of the White Eagle Nation’s civil servants.

Du Ziqiang blamed Bai Yu for not taking him with him.

At nine o'clock in the morning, it was still very cool. At about ten o'clock, it was the time of the match between Li Yinhe and the Chief. The crowd gathered in the front lobby of the hotel and prepared to go to the gym to watch today's match. At this time, an unexpected guest came.

Du Ziqiang took a step to stand in front of everyone: "What are you doing?"

Apollo shrugged: "Don't be nervous, I'm here to find Bai."

Du Ziqiang said: "I know you are looking for him, there is..."

Bai Yu patted Du Ziqiang on the shoulder: "Brother Qiang, it's okay, he is not malicious."

Du Ziqiang stepped back angrily: "Be careful, I will look at you."

Apollo said, "Bai, your friend is really irritable..."

Today, Apollo wore a gray shirt, tied lazily in his jeans, and a pair of very ordinary sneakers under his feet. After concealing his beautiful muscles, his sharpness seemed to be reduced a lot, and he looked like a neighbor. The big boy of, very handsome, Ping Yihan, Yan Kong's eyes gleaming, with an idiotic expression on his face, wanting to come forward to strike up a conversation, but Xu Yining grabbed him.

"He's just worried that the Bai Yingren can't figure out the situation, what's the matter?" Bai Yu said helplessly.

"It's nothing, just to tell you that the matter is resolved, are you satisfied?" Apollo said.

Bai Yu nodded: "As long as I don't trouble me and my friends anymore, this matter will end here."

Apollo nodded: "They are very scared, so I will be with you during this time."

Bai Yu couldn't laugh or cry: "Let you watch me? They are really big."

Apollo sighed: "There is no way, after all, this is my country, and my family is also afraid of you doing something."

"Okay, let's go together. With you as a big bodyguard, I am very relieved, let's go to the game, how about you?" Bai Yu nodded.

"It must be together. Before you leave, I will depend on you for my clothing, food, shelter, and transportation." Apollo said.

"no problem."


Li Yinhe VS Chief, odds: 1.13:1.05.

Bai Yu did not expect that Li Eun-hyuk actually has a large number of fans, most of them are female fans. He only came on stage. In the introduction of the host, he was very embarrassed in the stadium runway holding the Gaoji Bangguo national flag around the runway. After running for two laps, he returned to the arena calmly.

During the period, I also took the host’s microphone and emphasized that there are many elements of Gaoji Bangguo in the culture of Baiying Country. Even in the great voyage era, the people of Gaoji Bangguo have already come to this continent... In short, it proves in a roundabout way that Baiying Country There is a copy of Gaoji Bangguo.

The key is that his statement also caused his fans in the audience to cheer wildly. In the end, even the host could not bear to regain control of the microphone, and invited another player chief who participated in the competition today.

The chief didn't say a word after he took the stage, but his strong body and various hideous scars made the whole stadium slowly quiet.

The chief raised his rock-hard face and screamed up to the sky:


"That guy is not his opponent." Apollo was playing a mobile game, raised his head and glanced at the situation on the court, and said.

"Of course he is not the chief's opponent. His combat power is not bad, but he is like a peacock in the courtship period. His attacking skills are too good-looking..." Bai Yu nodded and turned to ask Huaying: "Aying, are all ready. Is it?"

Hua Ying said: "No problem, it's the old method. This kind of wind is one-sided. Whoever misses the opportunity is stupid, but the odds are slightly lower."

The combination bet method is too laborious. Although the return is high, Bai Yu and Hua Ying agree that they only bet on the winning rate of the two, so the risk is small. Although the return is slightly small, they cannot bear the large amount of total investment they have invested!

The battle on the court has already begun. Bai Yu quickly pressed the button on the screen and was chatting with Lu Qiu Hanyan.

"My aunt said that she had booked a seat at RIVEA tonight."

"Okay! No problem, does your auntie have anything you like?"

"She? She likes outdoor sports, like rock climbing and bow hunting."

"Faint, like these? That thing is really not easy to send, would she like outdoor hunting knives?"

"Should it be okay?"

"Is it good or bad?"

"it is good!"

"Then what do you think of me making her a set of hunting knives that can be bought on the market."

"Okay? In your words, it's called refining, right?"

"Yo! Do you know all of this?"

"I still want to read the web articles!"

"Okay, when the stick is finished with the chief, I will practice a set of hunting knives, and you can make sure your aunt likes it!"

"Can I just watch?"

"sure, no problem."

Bai Yu raised his head, and Li Yinhe was lying on the ground with one leg abnormally bent.

"It's over?" Bai Yu was chatting seriously, but didn't even notice that it was over? Lee Eun Hyuk is too good, right? How long has it been? Is there 5 minutes?

Booing constantly in the gym, this guy with all kinds of shows is too good.

Du Ziqiang looked at him and yawned again and again. He remembered that when he met this guy in Sanyin for the first time, he was not his opponent yet. It's better to sleep in with your arms around Isis!

On the field, during the countdown, the host pressed the matching remote control button.

Shi Ming Wei Naijie VS Connor Coughlin.

"Flashed! This is really a waste of expression." Du Ziqiang stood up.

"Lao Shi, tomorrow is your session, and you have to be prepared today!" He patted Shi Ming Wei Naijie on the shoulder.

Shi Ming Wei Naijie nodded: "No problem, I will win."

Bai Yu received Lu Qiu Hanyan at the entrance of the gymnasium, and when she saw her alone, she wondered: "Where's Cuixi? Why are you alone?"

Lu Qiu Hanyan sighed and said, "This guy is more **** than friends. Isn't your friend called Nick? The two of them have hooked up! These days, they have been doing hard work, and even the hotel hasn't returned."

"Is there such a thing?" Bai Yu laughed, and he was considered an international media player?

"What about her, this guy is very big, besides, don't you want to cooperate with Nick? It is estimated that if they are not just for fun, nothing will happen." Lu Qiu Hanyan is not worried about Trixie, it is purely a return. The playful girl who didn't grow up.

"How do you do it now?" she asked.

Bai Yu replied: "Go to the desert, the city is not too convenient."

There are a lot of materials in the storage ring, so it is not a big problem to refine a set of hunting knives-if it is just a knife used by ordinary people, how can it take a few tons of steel?

In the desert, Bai Yu put a Xuanqing talisman on Luqiu Hanyan, and the heat was immediately isolated from the shield, and only he could do that when he used the talisman as an air conditioner.

"What kind of situation is this? It immediately cooled down!" After Lu Qiu Hanyan got out of the car, she broke out of the air-conditioning, sweat rolled out, and soon her vest was soaked, and she suddenly cooled down, feeling very surprised. .

"A talisman that can protect the body, and maintaining a suitable temperature is just one of its most useless functions." Bai Yu replied smoothly.

Bai Yu still used the method of refining flying swords to let the metal grow into weapons automatically.

A set of hunting knives are used for chopping, cutting, chipping, peeling, and cutting, so the blade shapes are also different. The blade tip, S-shaped curved blade, and long blade are sharp. The thickness of the blade and the opening angle also vary according to the purpose. different.

With the help of divine mind to shape, everything becomes simple, even a few hunting knives used for cutting, Bai Yu also uses divine mind to shape dense and invisible fine teeth on the cutting edge, which makes the cutting feel more Delightful.

The handle Bai Yu uses hard scarlet rosewood. After polishing, the handle looks bright and shiny, even like a piece of red jade with beautiful patterns.

The scabbard part is also made of the same material. The white feather also has exquisite patterns carved on it, and is attached with the solid mountain charm (a rune that increases the toughness and hardness of the item), the Tibetan front charm (converging the evil spirit on the weapon), Net clothes symbol (no filth, it will last forever).

Each hunting knife, Bai Yu is marked with a sharp gold talisman, which can make the blade sharper; solid mountain talisman, increase the durability and strength of the knife; clean clothes talisman, can be free from dust and dirt; exorcism town magic talisman, the world is more and more The worse, guard against demons and ghosts.

Such an outdoor hunting knife is a good partner that every outdoor adventure enthusiast dreams of. Even Lu Qiu Hanyan felt greedy when she saw it.

A row of shiny and soft mahogany hunting knives are completely artistic.

It's not over yet. Bai Yu took out the cowhide he bought to store this set of hunting knives and made a knife storage bag. After inserting the hunting knives and sheaths into the knife bag, he rolled them into a bundle, fastened the belt, and you're done!

After driving back to the hotel, it was already past 3 o’clock in the afternoon. This set of beautiful outdoor hunting knives immediately made everyone love it. After experiments, everyone was sure that there was indeed a saying that Shi Ming was not Naijie and Du. Ziqiang and Hua Ying were clamoring for a set, and even Johnny joined in the excitement. Bai Yu was dizzy by the quarrel and had to agree one by one.

After a lot of trouble, business finally started.

Connor Coughlin, a martial artist from the Barr Peninsula, reached the final after a **** fight in the White Eagle Division.

Shi Ming Wei Naijie’s assistant Tang Ming played the video of the event. In the video, Connor Cuvlin seemed to be a caller of plants and animals. He was always followed by a crow. This crow seemed to have a detecting function. During a battle with a Sakura Ninjutsu cultivator, when the ninja is hiding and invisible, the crow will always see through his tracks at the most critical time, and the other summoned object is a wolf with thick skin. Thick, extremely difficult to kill. In the last promotion game, Connor Cuvlin revealed his hole card. His strongest is actually plant control. In that game, his opponent was a Viking warrior, Viking. The warrior’s attack speed was extremely high, and even his war wolf hadn’t escaped. He was almost killed on the spot and lost the coordination of the summoned item. He had to use physical skills to contend with the Viking warriors. He was soon scarred and scarred. Everyone thought He lost. As a result, a large number of vines sprang out of the Viking warrior’s body. It turned out to be the plant seed that Connor Cuvlin planted in the Viking warrior’s wound. After the seed was urged to grow, it grew from the wound. A large number of branches, these branches rely on flesh and blood to grow, the Viking warrior was almost absorbed by this blood-sucking vine, and had to admit defeat.

"Lao Shi, what are you going to do?" Du Ziqiang asked.

Shi Ming Wei Naijie thought for a while, and replied: "If he is only at this level, I don't think it is a big problem. Even if he is mobilized to use the worm sea tactics, he can be defeated without thinking."

"Perhaps he has other cards?" Du Ziqiang asked rhetorically.

"My insects will be difficult for opponents with ice and fire attributes. The rest, no matter what hole cards he has, can only be submerged in the sea of ​​insects." Shi Ming Wei Naijie replied.

"Alright, rush up and let your bugs eat the wolf that he summoned. Without the wolf, he probably won't have anything to do."

RIVEA Restaurant, located on the upper floors of Delano Hotel, overlooking the Las Vegas Boulevard, you can see the brilliantly lit casino at night and the crowds in the feasting and feasting. It can be said to be one of the best places to enjoy the superb night of the casino.

Today, Yan Shuyuan wore a lace and silk corset shirt with a blue long skirt underneath. Her hair was curled up high, and her temples were draped with small curly hair strands, expressing women’s intellectual and soft lines vividly and vividly. Lu Qiu Hanyan was six years older, and went to study in Da Lizhou when he was fifteen. Later, he settled down in Da Lizhou. Now he is studying for a master's degree at a well-known university in Da Lizhou, mainly in the field of natural environment. No wonder Lu Qiu Hanyan is here. This aunt is so keen on outdoor activities and extreme sports.

She carefully looked at the boy opposite, her eyes a little fierce, presumably she wanted to use her aura to overwhelm the wild boar that broke into her vegetable garden.

This wild..., no, this boy looks like a very clean and refreshing boy, with warm and deep eyes and fair skin, but he is not the kind of weak boy. She often ventures in the wild, from the peaceful appearance of that boy. Below, she seemed to feel the silent volcano or the undercurrent under the calm sea, and she secretly warned herself: This young man is by no means as simple as it seems!

What's more, she is also a fighting fan. She knows that the boy is one of the protagonists of this martial arts convention, so she concluded that he is not an ordinary person. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (see the parents in Chapter 346), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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