My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 320: All five elements

"Look at other things and say as you go, what's the use of it?" Lao Bai's eyes lighted up, this son is okay, he has been embarrassed by Xia Guo's scientists for so many years, so he knows the origin?

Bai Yu continued to move forward: "It is more compatible with some special powers, such as true essence, spiritual power, belief power, and magic power. If the world has magic power, but how to apply it to technology, I really don’t know. For me, after this promotion, it will be useful for me to advance to the next level."

Linghong Tianjin is the metallic natural material for Jindan to enter the Nasal Infant. Although it is not needed now, it will solve the same five-element attribute needs in the future. Bai Yu certainly can't let it go, and after being promoted to Jindan, with It is a guide, adjust your spiritual power, and the remaining part can also be used for upgrading the flying sword.

"Special power? Does the ability count?" Lao Bai asked, touching his chin.

Bai Yu thought for a while, and shook his head: "I don't know about this, don't you still have more than 20? Try it."

Sure enough, there are all kinds of weird things in this secret library. In Bai Yu's view, some are of great value, and some are just strange. It is estimated that those who identify these things will not be able to eat them, but they don't dare to discard them at will, so they accept them. Go to the secret library and wait for someone who is destined to discover their role.

"What is this?" Bai Yu stopped in front of a hood.

Lao Bai said: "What was found in a primeval forest, and the carbon fourteen determination was done. It was more than 13,300 years ago. How could there be such a sophisticated carving technique at that time?"

In the cover is a green statue. A woman with whole fruit is kneeling on a plate. There is a light green liquid in the plate. She holds her hands together in a prayer shape on her chest, just blocking some inconvenient positions, just as Lao Bai said. Yes, if it is something that is more than 10,000 years ago, it is impossible to have such a sophisticated carving technology. The best figure dolls are only at this level, but more than 10,000 years ago?

"After testing, alive. Experts from the sect said that it is the legendary Chiren." Lao Bai said.

"Alive? Impossible, right?" Bai Yu said strangely.

"It's alive. Experts in biotechnology have done some...destructive sample collection, but it didn't take long for it to recover. How can I say? It's still composed of cells, plant cells, but under X-rays, It can be seen that it has internal organs. At that time, scientists concluded that this must be a creature of prehistoric civilization. Well, it may even be the main body of this civilization. Like us humans, we immerse it in a nutrient solution in order to maintain its activity. If you leave the nutrient solution for too long, it will begin to wither and crack."

After speaking, Lao Bai added: "It is composed of ordinary plants, and it does not seem to have a powerful medicinal effect similar to the thousand-year-old Zhixian. Back then, when the previous dynasty defeated the island, this list was also shipped away. Here, everything was intercepted by us."

Lao Bai smiled again: "Fortunately, if it is really a good thing in legends like the Chiren, it might have been stewed long ago."

Bai Yu nodded: "I want this too."

Old Bai nodded: "Okay, you know it comes from the best way, it's useless to keep it anyway."

But he asked unwillingly: "What is it?"

Bai Yu said: "If you use the magical setting of the opposite bank, it is a tree elves, born and raised, it is a treasure of wood attributes, but the wood elves seem to have lost their spirituality. For humans, it is a vegetable, although the body Still alive, but brain dead."

The two of them continued to walk forward, Bai Yu stopped in front of a heart-shaped stone, which actually throbbed like a heart!

Lao Bai said, "This piece was taken by our secret service personnel from a volcanic site in the White Eagle Country. It was not like this at the earliest. It was like a piece of magma. Later, it seemed that the heat slowly dropped, and it became the present. It looks black and shiny, and the researchers sampled it for testing. It is an ordinary silicate substance."

Bai Yu said: "I want this too. It is about to die. If it really dies, it will be of no use and can only be used as a naturally formed stone sculpture."

Old Bai said: "Do you recognize this too?"

Bai Yu said: "The heart of the magma stone man, although it is the heart of the stone man with the soil attribute, it provides the stone man with life force, so it is actually fire. At my current stage, it can provide the fire attribute for promotion. Role."

After walking around and looking at the flowers, Bai Yu was drooling. As expected, it was collected by the government and the whole country. There are some good materials, and there are even water-based gold cores that break through the treasures of Yuan Ying. , But since it's not needed now, let's put it in the Dragon Guard Secret Library! When you have a good opportunity in the future, come and change these things.

At 30 minutes, Lao Bai took Bai Yu out of the secret library, and again cooperated with the old man to close the secret library door, and took the elevator back to the ground.

Lao Bai logged into Longwei’s proprietary network, entered the three item numbers into the extraction list and submitted it. Soon, the review was completed. After reading the feedback content, Lao Bai said, “You can send it to your home before tomorrow afternoon. There is a request from the headquarters."

Bai Yu frowned and asked, "What are your requirements?"

Old Bai said: "They hope you can give them a textual explanation of the nature, function, and effect of these three things."

Bai Yu's brows stretched out, this is not too much, it can be agreed.


In the secret library of the Clan Association.

Bai Yu knows that strength is the most important way to protect himself. Therefore, the most urgent task now is to break through the golden core. The five-element treasures that are urgently needed are obtained from Qin Lie’s water ganoderma and Qiu Xiushuang’s ocher dragon bloodstone and dragon guard. There are three things in the secret library. At this stage, the heart of the magma stone man and the remains of the wood elves are needed. In other words, to find another metal treasure of heaven, material and earth, the golden pill is expected!

There are many kinds of treasures in the secret library of the clan association, all kinds of books, slips, bone fragments, all kinds of broken swords, and magical treasure remains. To be honest, it is very much like a waste recycling station opened by a clean obsessive obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Among these neatly arranged rags, Bai Yu closed his eyes and felt that the energy in the air was very messy, but it appeared very weak. Among these mixed energies, several were obviously stronger and much stronger.

Bai Yu opened his eyes and walked towards one of them. There was obviously a sense of sharp gold, but he didn't know what kind of metal material it was, but the strength was suitable for his own use now.

He stopped in front of something like a transparent thermos cup.

There was a thick red juice inside, but it kept bubbling like a boiling liquid.

Zheng Pingbo said: "A certain mining team saw a spring with a big bowl deep in the ground. It contained this liquid, but it was very heavy. It looked like mercury, but it was red. It's just boiling. Because the amount is too small, I don't know what the bottom is, so I put it here."

"This is earth vein blood, and it is also a kind of metal. Alchemy and refining tools are very useful. Where is that place?" Bai Yu was very interested.

"Do you want to find something like this again? You say it is called Dimai Xue? It's a real image. If the place collapses, if it is to be excavated, the amount of work...Anyway, the government is not good enough to bother to get it." Zheng Pingbo shrugged Shrugged.

"If it's money, I can think of a way. It's a pity that the earth vein blood is the essence of the earth. Without the essence, the earth energy will naturally dry up. Forget it, it can be achieved, but it can't be achieved. Forget it, most of the wounded earth veins It was also removed, which led to the collapse of the mine. What about the casualties at the time?" Bai Yu asked the ground vein blood and observed it carefully.

"After obtaining this thing, the army was stationed there within two hours. As a result, half of the mountain collapsed before the exploration started. Therefore, there were actually no casualties." Zheng Pingbo said.

Bai Yu sighed: "It's a pity, it's a pity, it's probably not easy to find a wounded ground vein and bleeding from the ground vein."

"Look again over there." Bai Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart: It was a worthwhile trip. I didn't expect to walk in the secret storehouse of Longwei and Zongxie, and found everything needed to achieve the golden core. The next time, Using these things as a guide, change the five elements' true essence, and merge them into one place, and you can form a pill! When the time comes, the earth is so big that with the cultivation base of the Golden Core Period, it is enough to be called a land immortal. Where else can I go?

Accompanied by Zheng Pingbo, he continued to move forward.

In a large water tank, a bunch of hair-like things swayed slowly in the water. Zheng Pingbo said: "This bunch of aquatic plants will move on their own and will also prey on small fish and shrimps. The cell tissue is between plants and animals. Scientific research The staff said it was a genetic mutation... How about coaxing ghosts, no matter how you change it, you can't break through the biological barriers. Some pharmacological tests have been done. Except for the relatively high content of amino acids and vitamins, which have a certain anti-aging effect, there is nothing surprising. Spectrum test These are also normal, and the fruits of many plants are not worse than it. Otherwise, it is estimated that it has been boiled long ago, but because of its non-plant and non-animal characteristics, it has been preserved." Zheng Pingbo introduced.

"This is also a medicinal material only used by Taoist pills. It is called Qinglongbeard. It is said that the blood of Qinglong falls on the common grass. It is a strange species that has evolved after countless years. I want half of this. You can keep half of it. Slowly grow back." Bai Yu said.

Zheng Pingbo: "It's useless if we keep it. Why don't you take it all? You don't know how long it will take to regenerate if you keep half of it. Maybe it just died like that, which is a shame.

Bai Yu shook his head and said: "That's because you will not cultivate. I will give you a way. This thing will be cultivated properly and will not die because it is divided in half. About three to five years. If you cultivate according to what I said, you can grow back to the present. Remember, you use a jade knife when you divide it, and you can’t use metal. Although it looks like aquatic plants, it is actually wood. Use gold to counteract the wood. Be careful to kill it directly."My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 320 Five Elements) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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