My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 290: Can be baby

"I'm so stupid, really." Fatty Wei raised his lackluster eyes, and then said, "I only guessed that Yuenu girl is skilled, no matter how unpalatable it is, it is not poison; I don't know that it looks good. , The things I got out would really eat people. I was waiting next to this girl, thinking about Mo Tired of this girl, so she asked her if she needed some help from me, she asked me to help him make beef, pick vegetables, and chop wood, girl Yue Slave The culinary art is all-in-one. It’s really, very well said, every word is brilliant, and the heat is well mastered; she is in charge of the stove, and I will do some rough work next to me. When the table is almost renovated, I will Go to invite her young master. But after calling for a long time in Ziyi Alley, no one answered. Going in, only Mo Baiyi’s two apprentices were the only ones who didn’t know me, so I had to guard against me; I went everywhere. I only said that Mo Baiyi should be in the brothel. I never entered the brothel when I was this age, so I asked people to look for it. Until the next half of the day, I looked around and found it in the wine shop. Already drunk..., I had to take them back to the study..., I was so hungry, I couldn't wait for the two of them, and I was afraid that the dishes would be cold and wasted, so..." He then whimpered and couldn't say a word. Words come.


Fatty Wei almost didn't spit out his first mouthful of food, his face turned green, he still swallowed abruptly after all.

Huayuenu was full of hope: "Is it delicious?"

Fatty Wei tried his best to mix his breath, looked at the table that was full of flavours, the food that drew people's index fingers, and the appetite, he smiled forcefully: "Miss Yuenu's craftsmanship, I don't have to say, it's this!" Means.

Huayuenu sighed: "In order for the young master to eat better, I have worked a lot! Eat more if it is delicious, but it's a pity that the young master is drunk and can't enjoy these delicacies." Huayuenu's face was sad. He glanced back at the back compartment.

In the back compartment, the two talked through voice transmission, and Mo Baiyi said in a strange way: "Brother, I think the dishes made by the moon slave are pretty good? Why are you so... scared?"

Bai Yu said sadly: "Yue slave likes cooking and making medicine, but it is the things that are made out. It is really hard to eat. If you don't believe in white clothes, you can try it out with wine, but if you eat something good or bad, don't blame it. Moon slave."

Mo Baiyi smiled dryly: "Brother, no, no, no! I saw that the fat man's face is green, hey, it's really green! Is it poisoned?"

Bai Yu urged his spirit and said: "If there is no accident, the fat man will stay in bed for at most half a month and will not die. Tsk tsk, it seems that Yue Slave has improved his ability to turn food into poison a little bit more diligently!"

Mo Baiyi turned the topic away: "What is the origin of this fat man? I think you, brother, seem to be very at ease with him."

Bai Yu nodded and said, "I was thinking about getting some medicine materials in the fog and rain, so I ran into him. Although this guy is greedy and greedy for money... well, I have to add another lust, but I still have a bottom line. I'm cooperating. He is basically credible, hey, he said that he is lustful and it is not bad. The girl is still at home waiting for him to go back. This fellow sees Yue Nu but can't walk, and he deserves to suffer such hardship."

Next, Bai Yu will elaborate on his experience after going to the cold ice depression, and Mo Baiyi is surprised: "Unexpectedly, there is still such a big secret hidden in this mist and rain!"

Bai Yu suddenly remembered: "White clothes, I think you have built a foundation? Sure enough, you can rebuild your qualifications, and there is no bottleneck. Tsk tsk, your rebuilding speed is really fast!"

Mo Baiyi smiled and said: "It's just that the golden core has no bottleneck. Since Yuan Ying is still polished by time; if it weren't for your righteousness, my brother, how can I have such a chance to rebuild? Yes, speaking of it, if you go to the Tomb of the Insect King, don’t leave me behind. It’s much easier to do things with multiple people!"

Bai Yu said, "This time I went to the Tomb of the Insect King to be too rushed. I have to prepare for some time. I will go back next time to get through the Tomb of the Insect King.

Mo Baiyi suddenly said nervously: "Brother, the fat man is foaming, is it okay?"

Bai Yu shook his hand: "I'm afraid, how can the foundation-building monk be so fragile!"

Mo Baiyi said: "Yes, brother, I think you are just a golden core, when will you break through?"

Bai Yu said: "The growth of the cultivation base in my sect has been added to the evolution of the creation as soon as it came out of the creation of the life. I am currently thinking about how to make the creation of the life evolve, and it is not organized yet..."

Mo Baiyi's face solemnly said: "Well, it is true that you shouldn't be rushed about the matter of cultivation. The fat man's eyes are bleeding, really nothing?"

Bai Yu hesitated: "It should be fine... right?"

Hearing his suspicious tone, Mo Baiyi said, "I see him turning black, and I always feel a little frightened. If the fat man dies here, I am afraid that he will have to go to court in the duny world..."

Bai Yu reluctantly said: "But that big table, if you don't eat Yuenu, you will cry, Baiyi, can you help me eat?"

Mo Baiyi forced a smile and said: "Recently, Bigu...but brother, you have such a deep affection for a little puppet maid, you really are...long love."

Bai Yu relentlessly fought back: "Don't talk about bigu, the fennel beans just now, you have eaten two more than me!"

There was a scream outside, but the fat man fell to the ground, and tried to get up again, with a red and green face, and heard Yue Nu sadly say: "Fat man, did you eat something unclean outside? I think you look down. Some seem to be poisoned? Would you like me to fry you a bowl of detoxification Zhengxin soup?"

The fat man struggled and said, "Yue...Miss Moon Slave, I'm's okay, but suddenly I think...I remembered, home...the little girl in my family...Shang, wait for me to go home...I...I just...Go ahead Tell...Farewell!"

Bai Yu praised: "This fat man is knowing the opportunity, this is a small life, white clothes, please remember, any food that Yue slave takes out must not be imported! It is a distraction..."

Bai Yu was immersed in the memory, and even Zou Zhifeng heard the change of color, ha ha.

"Even distraction and major repairs are no blessings."

Huayuenu's murmured voice came from outside the room: "Unfortunately I can't smell or taste the dishes, and I don't know what is wrong with these dishes?"


"Fairy Zihe, it is mentioned in the classics:'Special energy is soft, can you be a baby?" Does the monk need to concentrate on straightening out his breathing? What's the answer to being a baby?" Shi Yun asked, Zihe repeatedly She would come to check the progress of these chance disciples, and Shi Yun would seize the opportunity to ask her to answer some things she didn't understand.

"The human body has birth, old age, sickness, and death since its mother's womb. When a monk enters the path, there are four realms of success, badness, dwelling, and emptiness. Does the monk act against the sky in order to see good for a long time, or no desire? If there is no demand, it is better to take nothing as a good thing?" Zihe asked rhetorically.

"I just don't understand. It's obviously a counterfeiting of heaven and earth, and it will be intolerable to the world, but it emphasizes inaction. I really don't understand such a contradiction." Shi Yun was also full of doubts.

Zihe said: "As a layman, under destiny, no matter what you do, you are just a puppet under destiny. You can't escape the barriers. If you enter the Tao as a monk, you will be in destiny, and you will have rebellious and obedient fate. Opportunity is just that no matter how you struggle, you are still in destiny, but there is always a chance to jump out of fate and grasp the true self. The so-called practice is cultivation, which is cultivation of life. Therefore, the classics you are currently reading are all If you can understand, there are contradictions in the explanation, but the general sentence is that mortals can only obey their fate, but monks have two choices: obedient and rebellious. Therefore, it is right to live without doing anything in accordance with the fate of heaven. It’s also right to change your fate, depending on how you understand it."

She went on to say: "Special Qi Zhirou means that when a person is just born, he is still in the fetus, loved by the heavens and the earth, with an innate aura. At this time, the baby sleeps when he gets tired, and he eats when he is hungry. If there is no desire or desire, the monk should be like a baby, able to do and not to do, without too much force, only need to return to the innate, and regenerate that innate aura. At this time, it is obedient and hidden. Whatever you ask is not jealous of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, but only asks for the clock of heaven and earth. This is Shuntian, and what you see in the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth is like a baby."

Shi Yun said: "It is to conform to the way of heaven, be quiet and indifferent, and cultivate innate aura."

Zihe praised: "Exactly, eh? Having said so much, this is clearly a sentence in the "Dao Jing". When did you see it?"

Shi Yundao: "Recently, I have learned more and more monks using words, so I tried to read them. Fortunately, although there are still some words that I don’t know well, I can always find them in the comparison stickers. After reading through the Taoist scriptures , It seems there is something, but I don’t fully understand it."

Zihe was surprised: "How many characters have you learned in a month?"

Shi Yun shyly said: "I'm too stupid. I still have a lot of words unfamiliar. I have memorized about 67 out of ten, and I still need to memorize more."

Zihe sighed: "Back then, we learned monk writing from scratch. We have never been impressed by secular writing. It is much easier to learn, but it took three full months to read some simple words. Sentence, you... one month, huh, if this is also stupid, then what am I?"

Shi Yun hesitated for a while and said, "I think Fairy Zihe was still young at that time, so she couldn't remember so much for a while."

Zihe shook his head: "You don't need to find a reason for me. One month to get started with writing. It's not good. There are five months left. These dozens of classics can really be memorized by you. You can look for them carefully. There may be some in them. Surprise."

Zihe stood up and took a deep look at this woman. Let alone let her find a surprise for herself, she gave herself a huge surprise. Fortunately, the disciple was severely polarized, or lacked aptitude. Becoming a servant, a maidservant, or soaring into the sky, becoming a monk among the monks, and because the world of practice enters the world, low-level disciples who are like white paper in their minds are often more mature, and they know how to cherish opportunities, in terms of practice. , Very self-controlling ability, it seems that it is a good thing to have a good relationship with this woman unintentionally.

She slowly said: "The chance is rare. You should study hard. If there is anything you don't understand, I started early, and I know a little bit. You made your servant come to me."

She handed out a jade talisman: "This is a memorandum that a disciple of the outer sect can give. With it, the outer sect can walk without hindrance. I have never given it to others. As long as you don't have trouble in the outer sect, this jade talisman still has some effect."

Shi Yun looked grateful, she grew up in a brothel, she didn't know if it was Zihe who was making good friends with herself? She opened her eyes here and there was no acquaintance, and only pointed at this Zihe. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 290 can be a baby), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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