My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 255: response

Bai Yu pressed on Du Ziqiang's veins, and his expression was neither sad nor happy.

Mu Xiaolei said anxiously: "Lao Bai, how is Brother Qiang going down?"

"There is no big problem. There is bleeding in the internal organs, but it is not too serious. The giant hammer warrior is really a bit powerful. If it weren't for the evil invading his soul and suppressing each other, Brother Qiang is really not his opponent. With the shock, coupled with his transformation, his strength is far superior to Brother Qiang, and Brother Qiang really suffers from forcibly parrying."

Mu Xiaolei said: "Lao Bai, don't you have a talisman? BiuBiuBiu, just a few clicks."

Bai Yu has a black line on his face: "Fatty, your uncle, what BiuBiuBiu, the rejuvenation talisman can cure minor illnesses and traumas. It is not good at treating internal injuries. It is better to pick a few pairs of herbs. You are the rejuvenation talisman that will answer all things. Do you want to post on infertility?"


"What are you afraid of, I'm strong, just take a rest for two days, don't worry!" Du Ziqiang coughed twice, cleared a **** sputum from his throat, and spit it out in the trash basket.

Bai Yu frowned and said: "It's a pity that I didn't enter the golden pill. Only when I used the pill fire to refine the pill can I be called a pill. The current one can only be called a pill, a powder, and a potion. Aura cannot be retained in it. Otherwise, the lowest white tiger Nei Zhuang Dan, one pill down, at most one night, Brother Qiang will be able to recover as before."

The cultivation base restricts one's own means, which is really a troublesome matter.

"So what can I do now?"

"There is no way. My practice of the Five Aggregate tactics, the five elements according to the five internal organs, can speed up the healing of Brother Qiang’s internal injuries, but after all, there is still no way to recover in two days. It’s just that with the cultivation base that Brother Qiang now builds, as long as The day after tomorrow is not assigned to a few important people by the computer, there is no problem to win." Bai Yu replied, although this is the first World Martial Arts Fighting Competition, there are not so many participants, but the entire Zhonglu, 26 into 13 , And those who can survive now are basically quite powerful characters. If you run into a sluggish item by luck, it really can only be resigned to fate.

"At most, I will get Brother Qiang with all kinds of charms at that time, and go up and smash them indiscriminately. Are you afraid that you won't be able to protect him from promotion?"

Cheating, what's wrong, besides, he can use his own talisman, that's part of his strength, isn't it? Bai Yu comforted herself comfortably.


Qiu Xiushuang's trouble is coming.

The old-school sect is worthy of being an old-school sect, mobilizing contacts and immediately showing its power.

Domestic calls came, and its chain hotels, sports halls, and small supermarkets were subject to joint inspections of fire control, safety, and sanitation. Nothing in this world can withstand the two words of truth. If the government is determined to investigate, how can it be How many investigations can you afford?

Qiu Xiushuang gritted his silver teeth and tried to adjust his emotions.

"Want to make me surrender with this little method?"

"The government is not stupid. At best, it can only give them a story of vain face. Local enterprises have been tossed so much. Who would dare to do business in a place with such a bad investment environment?"

"Mr. Shen, it's me."

"Chairman, what's your order?"

"What's the situation now?"

"Now the tax bureau is here too."

"Do we have tax evasion?"


"Okay, all, rectify and coordinate according to their requirements. We are operating legally and must not violate national laws."

"But, Chairman, if we do this, our capital chain will have a lot of pressure."

"Don't worry, there is still more than half a month before the settlement date. All the stores that need to be rectified will be closed for rectification, collected information, and let the regional managers cooperate."

"Good chairman."

"Then collect the information about all our stores that have been checked, and send them to the officials of the provinces, cities and regions, and ask them if our group is annoying people? If the place doesn't welcome us, we can withdraw our capital."

"Chairman, is this too tough?"

"No, if they really want to be someone else's knife, we will recognize that hundreds of chain hotels in our Southwestern Province have been investigated at the same time, resulting in our inability to operate normally, so many employees are unemployed at the same time, do you guess whether they are in a hurry or Are we in a hurry? Prepare the information. If they still find our troubles, they will report the information as soon as possible. Hundreds of the same brand will be investigated at the same time. I see how they explain to the common people that public equipment is used for private purposes. If they are not afraid of death, they will be given a ride. We operate in accordance with the law and cooperate fully."

"Will you offend the government?"

"Have you read the news on the Internet?"

"Yes, chairman."

"Our industry, most of the output, has been fed to wolves. I try to maintain the operation of these industries. Now that everyone has turned their faces, do you think I need to work hard? I'm not crazy, they think If you want to smash the pot, then smash it."

Originally, there were foreign affairs personnel everywhere begging father and grandmother to ask about the situation. After the communication between Qiu Xiushuang and the general manager of the group was over, all industries were immediately closed for rectification, and employees were on vacation and could only receive 50% of their wages.

They stopped their movements, but made the government a little anxious. You didn't come to intercede, and let me give instructions on what to do. This is persuaded? No, what should you do if you persuaded me? I'm still waiting for a reply. Are you so afraid of losing money?


Bai Yu contacted his father Bai Jinheng again.

"I watched your people's performance in the martial arts conference, not bad."

"It's just good luck."

"Well, your contact with me is definitely not a simple routine."

"Qiu Xiushuang is now my person. Someone is in charge of her business. If there is a violation of laws and regulations, what should be done to deal with it, but now someone is doing something, is there any way to deal with this matter?"

"Local affairs cannot be handled by Long Wei."

"Qiu Xiushuang will completely divest. This is a result of losing both sides. In fact, it can not be said that the money she made in this area has been fed to the West Kunlun Swordsmen. Even if it is recovered, it is estimated that she has been arguing with West Kunlun for a long time. Mind will continue to operate."

"How did you plan? With such a complete withdrawal, the impact is very bad."

"No way, the people of the West Kunlun Sword Sect are too ugly to eat. People say that making money is not killing, but these people not only seek wealth but also seek sex, and the most terrible thing is that they kill. Qiu Xiushuang just wants to live. She has very good qualifications and can build a foundation in the past two years at most. It is a pity that such a genius is regarded as a furnace, and we don’t want to make things too ugly. As long as the other party doesn’t get entangled, all these industries can now be given to They...except the gym."

"Is she credible?"

"I agreed with her to swear to heaven after she builds the foundation and become a Taoist companion, so she is credible."

"Will it be too rash?"

"Road couples are rare, and Dao couples with good qualifications are even rarer."

"Well, we also have some interactions with the place. I'll help you find out."

Putting down the phone, Bai Yu dialed another number.

"Chairman Zheng, hello."

"Mr. Xiaobai, what's your order?"

"I don't dare to be ordered, I want to ask, how should we resolve a conflict between the sect and the sect?"

"You are talking about the Yuangong Sword Sect and the West Kunlun Sword Sect. What does this have to do with you?"

"Qiu Xiushuang is my Taoist companion. The affairs of the sect belong to the sect, and the affairs of the government belong to the government. Is it a violation of the West Kunlun Sword School to use the power of the government?"

"Forget it, but currently we don't have a good way to restrain them."

"That is to say, I can handle disputes through the previous methods of handling disputes between sects?"

"Theoretically, this is the same, but..."

"Qiu Xiushuang is willing to give up the interests of these businesses, and the two have nothing to do with each other."

"In this case, we might be able to help make peace."

"Not to make peace, but to tell them that if they don't want to, they won't get anything."


"Qiu Xiushuang has sacrificed for the West Kunlun Sword Sect for so many years, if they want to deceive others... ten years of sharpening a sword, Frost Blade has never tried. Today, Shijun, who has any injustice."

"Okay, please rest assured, Mr. Xiaobai, I will take care of this matter."


Originally the atmosphere was relaxed, waiting for Qiu Xiushuang to subdue Xu Chongfan's face, who was begging for mercy.

The contacts they mobilized responded back and forth one by one: "The other party’s companies have been operating in compliance with the law on the ground, and the use of administrative power to suppress it can only be temporary. After all, this also involves local management issues. The government must also consider public opinion. If there is a problem, you can ask for it. The other party rectifies, but it is impossible to keep the other party closing the shop."

People from the Zong Xie also came over to say hello one by one: "Everyone is Xia Guozong. You can no longer fight and kill like the previous dynasty, but you can't throw related matters to the local government. After all, the government is not suitable to intervene in the sect. Disputes."

"Head, how is it?"

Xu Chongfan looked a little uncertain: "Qiu Xiushuang said, as long as the marriage contract is dismissed, don't pester her anymore. She will transfer the chain hotel and small supermarket chain under her name to the name of Xi Kunlun Sword."

"She is so brave! What is entanglement!? Where do we entangle her?" Zhou Qinian said violently.

"It's not important. These hotels and small supermarkets are worth two to three billion yuan. It's just that, as spiritual practitioners, where do we have time to take care of them?" Xu Zhongfan sighed.

"So how did Yunyin explain it? I could have used the Chalcedony Mingfeng Dao body to give me an extra gold core from the West Kunlun Sword Sect, so I could easily let her go..."

Xu Chongfan gritted his teeth and said: "No, no amount of money can be exchanged for a golden core!"

"Yes, we do not have the ability to operate. The great ancestor of this dynasty once said:'It is better to save people and lose money, save people and money, save money and lose people, and lose money in both people." Wouldn't it be far better to have her take care of our business? It’s much better for us to get these things by ourselves? Yunyin is also the head. You’re too arrogant. With Qiu Xiushuang’s talent, it’s not impossible to get into the Golden Core. Then I will not be the same in the Western Kunlun Sword Sect. Three golden pills? If you have to talk outside and use her as a cauldron, this child is too ignorant!"

"This kid...Oh, I only hope that he will learn some lessons this time. Don't be so ignorant of the importance." My dream will come true. Real latest chapter address: dream can come true. Read the full text Address: dream can come true txt download address: https: // dream can come true Mobile reading: https://m. the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (the first Chapter 255 Response) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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