My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 248: Identity leak

It was only 30 kilometers away from Liumeishan to Huanfeng City, and it only took about half an hour to drive. Yunyinzi took Gu Yin and Xuanyin to Huanfeng, found the best club in the house, and opened a luxurious room. Private room.

"Young boss, don't you give too little this time?" That Xuanyin looked upset.

"Hmph, Qiu Xiushuang is not here, there is only a Yi Weizi, no way, this little money, tusk, can barely support a few days." Yun Yinzi sneered.

"Could it be that Qiu Xiushuang has any thoughts? Did the Yuan Gong Sword Sect regret it?" Xuanyin worried.

Yun Yinzi glared wildly: "She dare! Really think I'm annoying with the West Kunlun Sword School? When I came to see her a few times ago, I felt that she was hesitating and evasive. When she married me, I would be fine. It's the head, and she is the wife of the head. Can this reputation be lost to her? Dare to regret it, is it a disadvantage to be my sword in West Kunlun?"

Gu Yin said: "Young Master, Junior Brother, you still have to hurry up and get into the innate, I'm afraid this woman has changed her mind over time, so she really has to go back, it's not easy to do it."

"Xiantian! Xiantian! You are so easy to enter when you are an innate? How many innate in Xia Guo now? It's not a great school with deep inheritance, can there be an innate? Only I am in West Kunlun, and there are only four!" Yun Yinzi stared.

"But if you think about it, the young master can marry her after entering the innate. With her chalcedony and phoenix body, the young master can go straight to the golden core. My West Kunlun Sword Sect has one and two golden cores. I'm afraid it won't be too much to rule the roost in the west." Gu Yin admired.

"Huh, that's right, Xiaoye will go back this time to practice well, and strive for the early innateness. Well, the closure must be closed, so just close... one, no, half a month, no, it's still too long. , For a week!" Yun Yinzi thought for a long time and finally made up his mind.

Gu Yinqian smiled and said, "Should be the boss, I'm afraid that a week will be a little...slightly shorter."

"Qiu Xiushuang ran to make MTV and film movies for three days. She has tried to break through her innate. Am I not as qualified as her? Find out that I am a genius who has never met in West Kunlun for a thousand years. Just like me, I can hope to build a foundation before the age of 30? The way of cultivation needs to not go against the original heart, need to relax and have a way, don't you know that?" Yunyin disdainfully said, in his opinion, cultivation requires understanding. Like the two people who followed me, a brother and a brother, they belong to monks with ordinary understanding. They can enter the innate before the age of fifty. If they are lucky, they will enter the innate before the age of 30. It is basically a certainty. Why do you need to cultivate as hard as you are chased by wild dogs? Isn't Hong Chen's mind training practice?

Seeing what the two people still want to say, Yunyin said impatiently: "I have my own opinion, but I am not called someone?"

Xuanyin pressed the hello button. After a while, the waiter came in and Xuanyin said, "Call your mother here and arrange some girls for us."

Yunyinzi clicked on a string of popular songs in front of the song screen, and sang the ghost crying and howling. At this time, mother Sang also took the girls to the private room.

Yun Yinzi glanced, uninterested, and told Gu Yin and Xuanyin: "You choose."

"Shao Yun, isn't it appropriate?" Xuanyin asked.

"This kind of vulgar fan of Luminous brand is really not interested anymore." Yunyin sighed.

Xuanyin said in his heart, even I am not interested in these women, and I don't know that you are a dignified monk, don't you think it is dirty? But his face was grinning and said: "Mother Sang, what do you mean, these younger sisters are only suitable to greet the two of us, who are Shao Yun? You just use them as a perfunctory? You don't want to open this club? Do you think we Can't afford to pay?"

Xuanyin threw a thick four or five lumps on the table, mother Sang's expression remained unchanged: "Where is there, these are just the first batch, three gentlemen, there will be more later, and more!"

Xuanyin stared, "Hurry up and ask for the best!"

Mother Sang Le said: "No problem!"

Not long after, mother Sang brought another group in, Xuanyin sighed: "Forget it, it seems that you have no sincerity."

My mother said anxiously: "Three, we will be in this area. The quality of my sister is the highest. If you can't choose it here, you can't choose it in other places, or..."

Mother Sang gritted her teeth: "It's not that there are no better ones, but it's a student who can only sit out!"

Xuanyin laughed as soon as he heard it: "If there is something good, you can let me choose these. Mom Sang, you are too good at doing business, right."

Mother Sang said in embarrassment, "Because I am a novice, I am afraid that the poor service will offend a few people."

"Call in."

A few more came in, and there was indeed a lot less dusty smell. Most of them stood in front of the three awkwardly in their happy years.

"This, this, this, this, that's okay, just these four!" Xuanyin touched four people in a row.

After the miscellaneous people waited to quit, the private room suddenly became lively. Although these girls are still a little strange, they still know that these three are gold masters, and they are not the kind of greasy middle-aged people, and the monks are also a little out of dust. The aura of Qi Yun, a few people beat up fiercely in a while, drinking and drinking, it is even more frivolous.

Usually after singing the song is to buy a clock to eat supper, and then open the room to fight, but the four girls never agree, but Yunyin is very interested in this kind of semi-experienced person. Seeing a few girls do not follow, his heart is moved. Xie Nian, while they were not paying attention, a few illusion charms entered the drink.

At this time, I called my mother Sang to pay the bills and gave the money to the bell according to the rules, and then he wanted to take the young girls away.

Mother Sang's face is a bit ugly. These little girls, she did not intend to let them go out, and she has repeatedly confessed that she has to be willing to do this business, if she wants to earn more, she wants to go out, everything is voluntary, the general result is self-cleanliness and self-love. Most of the women who arrived here would not hold on for a long time before they would get along with each other, but the four little girls hadn't been a week since they came here, so why did they fall so fast? Obviously it is intended to be used as an adult's favor.

"Have you guys figured it out clearly?" Mother Sang asked in a low voice.

The four girls said in unison: "I've thought about it!"

Mother Sang sighed, "Okay, I won't stop you if you want to go."


It is a famous city in the prosperous world, No. 888 Songliu West Road, Huanfeng City Center. Early in the morning, pedestrians rushed to start a day of life, and some waited for the bus to sit in the roadside shop and eat some tofu, noodles, etc. After Feng Qingyuan paid the money earlier, when he went out, he saw the famous capital opposite. The peanut-sized window suddenly opened, and a sesame-sized white spot jumped out, stretched out in the air, and fell down.

"Puff! Someone jumped off the building!" He yelled, and while rushing to the hotel, he dialed 120 to inform him of the situation.

Dial 110 again, the line is busy.

He rushed into the hotel square. The square was in a panic, and the staff rushed back and forth in a hurry.

"A lot of blood!" Feng Qingyuan saw the person who had fallen.

It looks like a very young woman, covered in red fruits, is falling on the fence of the meadow, her back has been pierced by the spikes of the fence, and the fence has also been smashed down. With such an injury, there is absolutely no chance of survival. Now, he took the time to take a few photos with his mobile phone.

"Don't take something to cover it!" He scolded when there seemed to be a security guard coming.

Unsure of his origin, some staff hurried back to the hotel and took a tablecloth to cover the body of the deceased on the ground.

In the front hall, Yun Yin's expression was panicked, how did he know that one of the women had such a strong temperament? When I went to the bathroom, I just jumped!

He was anxious to check out, but the front desk was pale and told him that he couldn't handle it. Because of the investigation, it was the three who brought four women to check the room. The three girls inside cried into a ball, almost freaked out!

He said anxiously: "Why can't you handle it?"

The front desk said with difficulty: "There are still people in your room, we can't handle it!"

Yun Yinzi gritted his teeth and said: "Junior Brother! I'll leave it to you here!"

Xuanyinzi said with a black face: "Okay, don't worry, young master!"

Naturally, he didn’t dare to shirk. This matter is at best a reputational damage. The reputation of the secular world is a fart for him, but it is just a tank. On the face of it, they did not force the women, and it is impossible to find out. What is the problem? Dingtian is nothing more than prostitution and prostitution. Fines, compensation, and administrative detention. How big can they be?

Yun Yinzi turned around and was about to leave, and the security guard at the door came over: "Sir, there has been a murder case here, you can keep it temporarily."

Yun Yinzi said angrily: "You mean I am a murderer?"

Anbao said: "No, no, there is absolutely no meaning to it. It's just that people from the police station will be there right away and they want to control the scene.

"I have the freedom to leave, I have nothing to do with this matter!" Yun Yinzi said loudly.

"It doesn't matter to you, it's not you who have the final say, you want to prove it." A voice came from the entrance of the hall.


Police station.


"Yun Yin."



"Year of birth."

"I said police officer, isn't it all on the ID card?"

"This is the process, please cooperate, it's not right, isn't your name Xu Yingtong?"

"Sorry, Yunyin is my dao name, and my affairs are under the supervision of the clan, not yours."

"This is a human life, and I don't think any organization has special powers that can override the law."

"Wait, can I contact a friend? After contacting, we promise to cooperate!"

"Yes, but you can only contact us under our supervision. After all, you are now assisting in the investigation."

"Thank you!"

Yunyin sent a voice connection request.

"what's up?"

"Lian Shuang, I have some trouble in Huanfeng, look..."

"What's the trouble?"

"I, I have a murder case."

"You murdered!?"

"No, no, no, now in a society under the rule of law, how could it be possible to kill, so what, isn’t it my junior, took a girl to the hotel, and... Then, I don’t know what happened, that girl jumped off the building, and now I’m in the police station Well, you know it on the ground here. See if you can spend some money to give it to you?"

"You prostitute, let me clean up the mess for you?"

"You can't say that, this, this..."

"Why don't you say that? What about this and that? Let your father handle it, I can't handle it!"

"No! No! My father knows, he will kill me! You must help me, because I am your fiance!"


"Hey! Hey! Bai Lianshuang, you bitch! How dare you call me! What am I..."

"The call is ready? Bai Lianshuang? The Bai Lianshuang who worshipped in the Yuan Gongjian faction?" The police officer in the transcript seemed to smile, but he didn't expect this kind of melons to be eaten. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 248 Identity Disclosure) reading record and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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