My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 225: Ask the sky

"How is the assessment method?"

"The disciples believe that the assessment should be based on the Qi refining period. According to our Tiangongmen disciples' cultivation situation, our basic mental method "Heavenly Work Qi Jue" is divided into seven layers. With the resources issued by the sect, if we enter the country on average every year On the first floor, the foundation building within ten years is considered to have met the minimum requirements. Among the seven floors, the assessment is required once a year, corresponding to the first floor each year. If it fails to enter the country successfully, it will be sent back to the place of origin. At the same time, the text, writing, and Tao must be assessed. According to the theory of law, our Tiangongmen is a place for Taoist cultivation, not a place to scratch your heads and poses for Sao men!" Bai Yu said fiercely.

"Will this be too harsh?"

"Master, Brother Fan has been in my Tiangongmen for less than ten years, and it's almost a golden pill."

"Why are you and your Brother Fan in this case?" Situ Jinsong waved his hand.

"Most of the younger brothers and sisters who have been with me and Brother Fan have already built the foundation." Bai Yu reminded.

"This one……"

"So, Master, building a foundation within ten years should be normal for my Tiangong Sect. After all, few disciples selected from outside have extremely poor aptitudes, but they are descendants of the so-called sect elders. The sense of superiority that comes from nowhere, practice is a matter of fighting the fate of the heavens, and you must not relax for a moment."

"You little guy, don't talk about these old sects, after all, sects also have their own considerations."

"The disciple hairpin has gone."

"I can't tell you the more the hairpin. You should take care of these things sooner or later. What's the deal? I'll be a wicked person again to help you clear these difficulties?" Situ Jinsong sighed, the sect is big, this way Such shortcomings are revealed. People are bloated, people are overwhelmed, and people eat and die. They are everywhere. If you don't have to ruthlessly prune these dead branches and leaves, it will be harmful to the sect. Newborn calves like Baiyu He is determined to forge ahead and he is not afraid. What can I do as a dignified master?

Next, re-enrolling disciples learned the lesson. It’s not the same as before. As long as the people who have been squeezed in, they all gritted their teeth. Turning their eyes from the inner door to the outer door, the resources of the outer door disciples are not half that of the inner door. The aspect is willing to put down the force, but still has little entry. The reason is that Bai Yu knows well. Although the outer disciple is also a Tiangong disciple, it is impossible for the inner disciple to get too many pointers and many questions during cultivation. In the case of no answer, the speed of entry can be imagined. Knowing that it is possible to enter the small solitary mountain to practice, a large number of outside disciples crowded the place where they signed up for selection.

Bai Yu took a day out and followed the selection staff in silence, only to realize that these outer disciples had limited knowledge, and often the examiners asked questions that were okay, but those who didn’t know had to explain them forcibly, but it was precisely these forced interpretations. However, they showed their clever thinking side, which proves that they are trying hard, maybe many ideas are naive and ridiculous, but this is not their fault, but the way the sect trains disciples has gone wrong.

Bai Yu begged Situ Jinsong again.

"The disciple wants to take out a part of Xiaogufeng's research in advance."

"What kind of thing?"

"It's about answering questions about practice. Outer disciples can get three chances to answer questions about practice every month on the light curtain. If the three chances are used up and there are still questions, they will spend their accumulated merit points to purchase. answer."

"What is the light curtain?"

"It's just a light curtain of illusion, the disciple thought, our Tiangongmen disciples are composed of 0.40% of direct disciples, 0.60% of entering disciples, 30% of inner disciples, and 60% of outer disciples, but each disciple receives resources. They are not all the same. Even outside disciples can only listen to deacons and deacon elders teaching things when they teach the Fa publicly, and explore on their own. The entry is extremely slow. Many disciples with good aptitudes just squandered like this. For the Tiangong Sect, It is a great loss. Since the main engine of the rune computing system was built, the disciples have tasted the benefits of data management. The power of exercises, creations, formations, etc. can be improved through accurate data. Why can't data management be realized in personnel management? What?"

"This... tell me about your thoughts?"

"By including the personal information of each disciple and establishing coordinate data, it is natural to understand the progress of his cultivation at a glance..."

Bai Yu explained the principles of the real-world X and Y coordinate systems, and very unkindly pasted Fan Yunju’s data. Suddenly, the progress curve of Fan Yunju’s cultivation base drawn on the paper is clear at a glance, especially for foundation building. After the mid-term, the high-sold curve made Situ Jinsong nod repeatedly. Basically, from the timeline, you can see at which point he encountered a bottleneck. As a distraction overhaul, he knew which bottleneck he would encounter at which stage. , Naturally knows how to teach students according to their aptitude.

"The establishment of this coordinate system by the disciples is only to facilitate the understanding of the disciple’s progress in practice, but in fact, the more important role of the light curtain is to encourage disciples to accumulate more merit points in exchange for opportunities to solve puzzles. These tasks in the animal garden are far less popular than weapons, alchemy, and other tasks. The deacon needs to specify and arrange. Why? These crude workers cannot contact the middle level in the door, and tasks such as alchemy and alchemy sometimes get the guidance of the middle-level monks in the door. Ask the channel to solve the puzzles, these tasks will certainly be rushed to complete by the outer disciples, and there will even be a situation where the tasks are difficult to find. At that time, if we then spread the scale of the spiritual field, the medicine garden, the mining area, and the spirit beast garden. Isn’t it just a matter of the waterway? It’s no more than asking the disciples of the main courtyard to write a set of programs in the little lonely peak and find a place to set up a magical array in the outer gate area."

"Even according to the position and cultivation level of the sect, they can also use the points as rewards for the fellow sects who hold the position, and ask the disciples of the outer sect to complete some tasks. Naturally, the disciples of the disciple club will actively participate. Isn't it the best of both worlds?"

"Isn't this a separate set of circulating funds besides the spirit stone? I'm afraid it is too risky?" Situ Jinsong keenly thought of the result of this matter after it took shape, and even if there were disciples who took advantage of this opportunity to do something. Who will bear the intermediate risk when it comes to hype?

"Whether it's the outer door or the inner door, aren't some disciples who are talented merchants also doing various transactions? Asking the sky is just putting these things into management, so as to prevent some disciples from acting improperly after mastering the resources, let's talk about it. , The sixth master and the deacon of Liushangyuan will intervene in this matter, and it will not lose control." Bai Yu disapproved.

"This matter needs to be discussed with your Sixth Master..." Situ Jinsong immediately sent a message to Zeng Yumu.

Not long after, Zeng Yumu went to the other courtyard of the head. After seeing the ceremony, Situ Jinsong explained Bai Yu's thoughts and thoughts, and Bai Yu personally explained what was not so obvious.

Zeng Yumu closed his thoughts and opened his eyes for a long time: "It's feasible."

"What if there are disciples in it for profit?"

"It is better to block than to sparse, and guide norms."


Half a month later, the Fifth Academy of Tiangong installed phantom throwing arrays outside their respective schools. There was a huge light curtain on the array, with words scrolling on it, explaining the role of the light curtain and urging the disciples to replace them with new disciples. Token.

After entering the light curtain, the new disciple token can activate the formation on the token and connect to the database of the Rune Operation Center. The disciple can check their own information, and can also obtain various issued by the sect according to their permissions. Tasks are exchanged for points, and points can be exchanged for additional puzzle-solving opportunities after three free puzzles a month. At the same time, points can also be used to publish their own needs in exchange for help from the same door.

At the beginning, because the outer disciples could get fewer points every month, the benefits of platform trading were not reflected, but it is always a good thing to work hard in exchange for the opportunity to solve puzzles, right? As Bai Yu expected, the tasks on the platform were wiped out, and even after the mopping-up task, the scalper party selling the tasks appeared. These disciples were invisible under the data monitoring, the deacon of the Liushangyuan. We obtained Bai Yu’s guidance and directly confiscated the scalper party’s gains, leaving them with nothing to lose. No one would dare to maliciously sweep the mission. In addition, the scalper party disappeared after the new regulations for accepting tasks were immediately issued. .

But then there was a situation where a batch of materials that were needed all the year round were accumulated. Under the guidance of Bai Yu, whose heart and liver were so dark, the deacons of the Liushangyuan waited for these profiteers to get fat and accumulated a lot of materials, and then came again. After a heavy blow, it is said that these profiteers ran into the mountains and cried all night.

Later, these disciples who liked to use rules and loopholes to take advantage of the loopholes, and the business-loving disciples were persuaded by Bai Yu's moves behind the scenes, and began to act in accordance with the rules, at most not collecting more information to do some task consultation, such as What kind of materials are easy to get, and what kind of beasts can be found wherever they are. This makes it easier to improve the efficiency of task completion. Bai Yu also let go of these rather calculating disciples, but with these, it also allows these disciples to accumulate. With a good net worth, at least, with the points earned in exchange for spiritual materials, it is not lost to the inner disciples.

What surprised the outer disciples the most was that no matter what kind of question they have, they can be answered on the questioning light curtain. The questioning light curtain frees the middle-level monks from the trouble of teaching their disciples by hand. The efficiency of spiritual practice has been greatly improved.

Half a year later, as the person in charge of the second academy, Fan Yunzhen was very grateful to Bai Yu for pulling him to Tianqi Liansuo. Because of the analysis of the most basic rune principles, his knowledge level has been greatly improved, and he has made a breakthrough in Jin Dan. Only a step away, if he hadn't planned to consolidate the foundation, he could make a breakthrough at any time.

There is the example of Fan Yunju before. Bai Yu’s six masters took turns to bomb him. For example, your original cultivation base was before Fan Yunju, but now you are only in the late stage of building the foundation, your brother will soon become a golden core monk. You haven't done creation yet. As the chief disciple of the head, you can't be so slack and all kinds of thoughts.

Bai Yu couldn't laugh or cry. If his destiny creation is a matter of minutes, the host of the rune operation center can make Eryatou become a spirit at any time, but so big, how can he carry it? You can't take it away with a mustard technique, right? After being taken away, Tiangongmen's many creations that rely on the host to perform data-based calculations will immediately lie!

In fact, the design of the natal creature has already been completed, and now we are waiting for the software and hardware to be in place, the assembly of various highly integrated runes form the hardware module, and the production of software; most of the disciples in this department are already assisting him in this matter. Just wait for the assembly to be completed for the test run. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 225 Asking the Sky), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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