My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 870 Pink Devil Fish (Part 2)

Xiang Yang nodded, "It is indeed possible."

But scientists also don't understand why the pink stingray in Australia's Great Reef can live in the sea for so long.

According to scientists' estimates, the pink stingray in Australian waters is at least ten years old.

Living unscrupulously in the sea with such a bright color actually proves the power of the pink devil fish from the side, and ordinary marine life has no way to kill it as food.

Stingrays do have some fighting power, they are extremely powerful, and most sharks will not be opponents of stingrays under the same size.

"However, compared to the fact that there is a population of stingrays that are naturally pink, I believe that pink stingrays are actually the result of disease." Xiang Yang said.

Scientists have sampled and analyzed the skin of the pink manta ray near the Australian waters several times. The analysis results show that its pink color comes from natural genetic mutations, similar to changes such as albinism and melanin precipitation, which can be called red. Change.

Since the color of the same kind living with it is normal, it can be ruled out that it turns red because of skin disease or pigmentation in food.

It can also basically be ruled out that it is a brand new species of devil ray.

Reddening similar to these two pink stingrays has also occurred in land animals.

A few years ago, some scientists discovered leopards with pink patterns on their bodies due to the lack of melanin in some areas. They are genuine pink leopards, and their pink patterns can be passed on to the next generation, but the number is very rare, many Nobody knows.

Although the pink stingray looks very special to humans, in the eyes of the stingray kin, the pink appearance does not seem very noble.

This point can be concluded from the fact that the pink stingray was competing with its six companions for a female stingray when humans first discovered it.

If the pink stingray is also special in the eyes of the same stingray, how can the pink stingray compete with six other stingrays for girlfriends? Shouldn’t it be six female stingrays?

"Damn, this devil fish really wants to eat. What time is it, and it's still eating." Fang Youqun exclaimed suddenly.

Xiang Yang looked at the devil fish, and sure enough, he saw that its mouth was opening and closing, continuously swallowing all kinds of sea fish covering its body.

"This devil fish is interesting. At this time, it can still think about eating. It seems that it thinks that we won't hurt it." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

Although it is said that eating is the nature of many animals, especially those beasts that have not been domesticated in the wild.

But generally, as long as animals with a little bit of intelligence, they will stop eating after encountering danger.

Like wild cats, stray dogs, and even wild wolves, etc., when eating, if someone or other creatures approach, they will stop eating immediately and turn to observe or drive away the intruder.

Only a big fool like a shark would put near eclipse first no matter what the situation.

When the great white shark is eating, even if someone hits its head with a stick, it will never give up the prey in its mouth.

This is actually related to the brain capacity of these animals.

Although stingrays are cartilaginous fishes, their IQs are not low at all, and they are much smarter than their relatives, sharks.

As for sharks, especially great white sharks, they are notoriously stupid in the ocean. The brains of sharks are often compared with dolphins by biologists and scientists. Together with the world famous paintings, the painter is simply full of malice towards sharks.

"Although the devil fish is a cartilaginous fish, its brain is very developed. It has the largest brain among fishes, and its IQ is not low. They can recognize different human beings they have encountered, and even recognize their own images from the mirror. The devil fish sees that we haven't hurt it for so long, maybe in its subconscious judgment, we won't hurt it, so let's invite it to eat." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

The mirror test is the most common way to test the intelligence of animals. The specific operation is to put an animal in front of a mirror to see whether the animal can realize in the reflection of the mirror that the image on the opposite side is itself, not another animal. This test can help humans quickly judge the IQ level of an animal.

Said, Xiang Yang walked towards the devil fish, and then tried to squat down.

Chen Qingsheng who was behind hurriedly grabbed Xiang Yang.

"Captain, this is a stingray, and it's an adult stingray." Chen Qingsheng said anxiously.

Xiang Yang understood that Chen Qingsheng's potential words were that as long as this devil fish exerted strength, it could kill people with a single slap.

"Don't worry, the devil fish's temper is actually very good most of the time, especially for humans, it is extremely dependent and friendly, as long as someone does not actively provoke it, it will not go crazy." Xiang Yang said.

Stingrays are indeed extremely friendly and dependent on humans.

Whenever a manta ray gets entangled in a fishing line, net or garbage, it will search for divers everywhere on the bottom of the sea, and then swim to the diver's side for help.

In the process of being rescued, the devil fish will also cooperate quite well.

Even if there is no difficulty, there will often be mantas swimming quickly to the diver's side, then slowing down, hovering around the diver, or simply playing with the diver.

While talking, Xiang Yang gently touched the fin of this pink devil fish.

When you touch it, it feels cold and rough.

Seeing Xiang Yang approaching, this pink devil fish immediately stopped eating, and swayed its fins happily, even its whole body was rippling, like a swaying pink flower.

"Look, I just said that this devil fish won't attack me." Xiang Yang grinned.

Xiang Yang dared to run to this devil fish at this time, but he still had some grounds and reliance in his heart.

In nature, stingrays are curious baby-like marine animals. They often interact with divers they meet. Some marine experts even said that he taught a stingray some simple gestures. Using these postures, the Stingrays are capable of simple communication with humans.

Seeing that the devil fish did not attack Xiang Yang, Chen Qingsheng finally let go of his hanging heart.

"Captain, what should we do with this devil fish now? Should we just put it back into the sea, or bring it back?" Chen Qingsheng asked.

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