My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 782: Unexpected Jellyfish Treasures

"Of course, if you are stung by a jellyfish and you hide it, there will be big problems." Xiang Yang warned.

Xiang Yang said this, not to scare the crew, but to state a fact.

If a person stung by a jellyfish acts improperly or is carelessly paralyzed, it is easy to drown, fall or be in danger due to untimely treatment.

"Captain, don't worry, who will be stung without incident and keep it secret? Besides, our ship's protective equipment is so advanced, how could it be possible to be stung by jellyfish?" Chen Qingsheng said with a smile.

Xiang Yang nodded, "Now, let's deal with the jellyfish."

Before eating the jellyfish, the toxin must be processed by special methods. Chen Qingsheng knows how to do this step, and Xiang Yang only needs to wait for the treatment to be completed before eating.

To be honest, Xiang Yang was actually looking forward to the taste of these stinging jellyfish.

As far as Xiang Yang knows, jellyfish can be divided into jellyfish head and jellyfish skin when they are eaten.

Although both the jellyfish head and the jellyfish skin are processed and soaked from marine jellyfish, there is still a big difference between the two.

Jellyfish skin is made from the umbrella cover of jellyfish, which is characterized by large slices, thin skin, white color, and a black film.

Jellyfish head refers to the tentacles of jellyfish, and the meat is thicker.

Xiang Yang has eaten jellyfish skin.

Jellyfish skins are sold in general cold food stores. They are cheap, delicious, and extremely refreshing. It is a very friendly delicacy.

However, jellyfish heads are the best among real jellyfish.

The taste and nutritional value of jellyfish head are better than jellyfish skin.

Therefore, when you want to eat jellyfish, you must choose different types according to your needs before buying. Don’t treat jellyfish head and jellyfish skin as the same thing. There are many profiteers in the market who like to use jellyfish skin as jellyfish.

In the market, jellyfish heads are much more expensive than jellyfish skins.

Moreover, jellyfish skin can be bought everywhere, and there are many ways to eat it, but jellyfish heads are not easy to buy, and it is more difficult to make than jellyfish skin.

The jellyfish skin that Xiang Yang once ate was cold jellyfish.

Cold jellyfish skin is one of the most common ways to eat jellyfish.

As a kind of cold dish, cold jellyfish skin has a very good taste. It is cool and delicious when eaten. It is a very good side dish.

In addition, cold jellyfish also has various seasonings such as vinegar, sugar, and sesame oil, which makes it taste much more delicious.

Its preparation method is very simple, very suitable for eating at home.

If you put a little more chili, it will be excellent with rice.

In addition to cold jellyfish, the most common meal of jellyfish is probably assorted jellyfish.

Assorted dishes are made from jellyfish and assorted dishes.

There are many types of assorted dishes to choose from, such as kelp, carrot, cabbage, cucumber, black fungus, dried shrimp and so on.

Put assorted jellyfish and assorted jellyfish together in a pot for frying, and the assorted jellyfish after cooking is delicious, and it is one of the optional foods for daily life at home.

In addition, there are sweet and sour jellyfish in some seaside seafood-themed restaurants.

As the name suggests, the taste of sweet and sour jellyfish is sour and sweet, sweet and sour, very delicious.

In addition to jellyfish as cooking ingredients, there are also cucumbers, radishes and other ingredients, which are made through a sweet and sour method. The taste is both sweet and sour, and it is a delicacy worth tasting.

These three cooking methods of jellyfish are relatively simple and suitable for home use.

Some of the remaining cooking methods are relatively advanced, and without certain cooking skills, they cannot be cooked at all.

Like crunchy jellyfish.

The crunchy jellyfish is characterized by its crunchiness, deliciousness and refreshing taste.

Crunchy jellyfish skin uses jellyfish skin as the main cooking ingredient, and it is made through careful cooking. Its production method is very difficult, and it is necessary to grasp the amount of various seasonings, so as to ensure that the jellyfish skin tastes better. This delicacy can only be eaten in high-end hotels.

Then there is the Internet celebrity curry jellyfish that has only emerged recently.

Curry is a very common ingredient in our lives. Even those who have never seen curry should have eaten curry rice or curry beef.

Curry beef is very famous.

In fact, jellyfish can also be cooked with curry powder. The resulting curry jellyfish has a unique taste. The thick curry sauce and delicious jellyfish look very delicious and mouth-watering.

Xiang Yang saw that nothing happened to the left and right, so he walked leisurely towards the cabin with his hands behind his back.

"Captain, why are you here?" Chen Qingsheng was dealing with the toxin of the jellyfish, when he saw Xiang Yang coming, he got up and said.

Xiang Yang smiled and said, "I'll come over to see if the jellyfish is ready. By the way, can you make cold jellyfish?"

"It hasn't been dealt with yet, but it's coming soon."

Chen Qingsheng washed his hands with warm water, and then asked with a smile: "Captain, why do you make cold jellyfish? We are fresh jellyfish, and the cold jellyfish we make may not necessarily taste good."

Xiang Yang was puzzled immediately, "Isn't cold jellyfish the most common jellyfish recipe?"

"That's because the jellyfish has been taken outside, and it's difficult to guarantee its freshness. We catch it ourselves at the place of origin." Chen Qingsheng said with a smile.

"It's a waste to use fresh jellyfish to make cold jellyfish."

"When I was handling jellyfish in the previous fleet, I left a lot of jellyfish parts that would not appear in the market. These jellyfish parts that are not easy to preserve are actually the ones that are really delicious."

"Won't it appear in the mall?" Xiang Yang asked doubtfully.

Chen Qingsheng nodded and said, "Look, Captain, for example, the jellyfish lining is just a layer of film rubbed off the body of the jellyfish, which is not found on the pickled jellyfish bought in the market, and it will be rubbed off with washing."

Xiang Yang looked in the direction of Chen Qingsheng's finger, and what he saw was a thin layer of transparent crystal like cicada wings.

Xiang Yang had never eaten this stuff before, so he couldn't help asking: "Can this stuff be eaten?"

"Of course it can be eaten. It tastes really good when you fry it directly. When I first saw this thing, I thought it was mutton membrane. After I tasted it, I was shocked. If this thing is not Those who live by the sea, or are really rich, can eat fresh jellyfish in the inland, and have no chance to taste it." Chen Qingsheng said with a look of admiration.

"In addition, there is this, this is called jellyfish brain, which is also not available in the market. Once the jellyfish is marinated, this thing is gone. It can be made into jellyfish brain and stir-fried bitter melon. The taste is really unique. , and also to cool off the heat, there are so many top-quality ingredients, Captain, you actually want to eat cold jellyfish?" Chen Qingsheng said with a look of surprise.

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