My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 724 Fishing Jellyfish

Fortunately, there are no jellyfish in Qinglong Bend.

Otherwise, given the situation of Qinglong Bend a few years ago, the fishermen simply could not afford to support two people who specialize in fishing for jellyfish, and the fishermen of Qinglong Bend might have disappeared long ago.

"Regardless of whether it is useful to catch it, we are all fishermen. Since we have encountered it, we can't ignore it. Let's find a way to catch that cross jellyfish." Gao Chuang said softly.

Xiang Yang nodded, then looked at Fang Youqun, "Fang Youqun, come on."

"Ah? What am I going to get?" Fang Youqun immediately became distressed, and looked at Xiang Yang with a troubled expression.

Xiang Yang felt a little funny, "Didn't you just ask yourself to fish it up? Why don't you dare to let you do it now?"

Fang Youqun was so excited by Xiang Yang, he was immediately annoyed, "Who says I dare not, I'll go and fish it now."

With that said, Fang Youqun picked up two fishing rods and ran towards the edge of the ice floe.

"Be careful, don't fall into the water." Xiang Yang quickly reminded Fang Youqun when he saw that Fang Youqun was really coming.

Fang Youqun nodded cautiously. The ruthless cross jellyfish never misses any chance to prey, and sometimes even kills his own kind. Facing such a terrifying opponent, he must of course proceed with caution.

Cross jellyfish will attack their own kind. In order to satisfy their own food supply, greedy cross jellyfish often stretch out their tentacles to their own kind, and stage a scene of cannibalism.

Once, biologists caught a giant cross jellyfish in the Norwegian waters, and the giant cross jellyfish had 34 moon jellyfish that had been captured by it hanging on only one tentacle.

Fang Youqun was walking towards the edge of the ice floe.


Suddenly, the sharp-eyed Xiang Yang saw three jellyfish in three different directions.

Xiang Yang quickly grabbed Fang Youqun, "Wait a minute, there is more than one kind of jellyfish under this sea area."

Fang Youqun stopped quickly, "Is there any other jellyfish?"

"Well, look at that one, that one is definitely one of the most vicious jellyfishes among all jellyfishes, it's called flower cap jellyfish." Xiang Yang pointed to a jellyfish that looked like a yellow and green headlight. Jellyfish Road.

The flower cap jellyfish is a rare species of jellyfish. It is widely distributed in all sea areas including cold water and tropical seas all over the world. Its umbrella is transparent and has stripes. It looks very beautiful. It is a sea tank. Top-grade ones can only be sold for hundreds of thousands of yuan, and if they are of excellent quality, they can even be sold for hundreds of thousands of yuan.

The umbrella that Xiang Yang and the others saw in front of them has three colors in total. The bottom is light yellow, and the upper part is a very beautiful light green. The colorful tentacles are very attractive in appearance. If you take them to the aquarium, they can sell for at least 5,000 yuan.

Of course, in China, private individuals are generally not allowed to trade such dangerous things.

The flower hat jellyfish is extremely dangerous. There is a poisonous needle near its mouth. If it is accidentally stabbed by the poisonous needle, the pain will be infinitely magnified, and it can kill a person alive.

The remaining two jellyfish are both man-of-war jellyfish.

The jellyfish is also a jellyfish that stings very painfully. The two ends of this jellyfish are very sharp, and the top is raised in the shape of a dorsal peak. It looks like a monk's hat, so it is called a jellyfish.

Fang Youqun looked at the mantle jellyfish, and then at the two man-of-war jellyfish, "Brother Yang, what should we do now? Don't fish them out, or catch all these jellyfishes?"

"Catch it. Anyway, I have nothing to do now. It's just a catch if you catch one, and a few are just a catch. I want to live that jellyfish. If you catch it for me, I'll give you two thousand yuan." Gao Chuang said with a hearty smile. .

Fang Youqun's eyes lit up, and he quickly looked at Xiang Yang, "Brother Yang, Boss Gao said that jellyfish with flower hat is worth two thousand yuan."

"Then you can fish it." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

The market price of that flower cap jellyfish is around 5,000. This is the place of production, so it is definitely impossible to give it according to the market price. 2,000 yuan is almost a fair trade. Gao Chuang has already opened his mouth, and Xiang Yang can't say anything more.

Hearing this, Fang Youqun hurriedly ran towards the edge of the ice floe, full of energy.

Xiang Yang and Gao Chuang watched with smiles.

In fact, fishing for these jellyfish, whether for Xiang Yang or Gao Chuang, was just a matter of having fun to pass the time.

It is impossible to catch jellyfish vigorously by manpower.

To suppress jellyfish, we have to rely on the natural enemies of jellyfish.

Although most jellyfish are highly poisonous, jellyfish also have natural enemies, and there are quite a few natural enemies.

Among them, the two most common natural enemies of jellyfish are sunfish and sea turtles.

Sunfish live exclusively on jellyfish, and can freely shuttle through jellyfish groups, and then easily tear off the tentacles of jellyfish with their mouths, making the jellyfish lose their ability to resist, and then eat them.

Although sea turtles are omnivores and will eat anything, their favorite food is jellyfish. Whenever a turtle sees a jellyfish, it is like a whale sees a cuttlefish.

However, sunfish are very timid, and there are not a few sunfish that are scared to death by jellyfish every year. The eyesight of sea turtles is not good, and many sea turtles mistakenly swallow plastic bags as jellyfish and die every year.

Under Xiang Yang's comment, Fang Youqun quickly ran to the edge of the ice floe with two fishing rods in hand.

Then, Fang Youqun shook both hands at the same time, and threw out the two fishing rods.

The cross jellyfish is very close to the shore, only three or four meters away, and the two fishing rods are sea poles, which can easily touch the cross jellyfish.

Fang Youqun put his fishing rod under the cross jellyfish, and with a strong pick, he picked the cross jellyfish out of the sea.

"Haha, I picked it." Fang Youqun suddenly laughed.

"Be careful, handle it slowly, and don't touch this thing to anyone." Seeing Fang Youqun's excited look, Xiang Yang hurriedly shouted.

Fang Youqun nodded immediately, and then worked hard with both hands, carefully holding the cross jellyfish to the shore with a fishing rod.

The remaining three jellyfish were all a little far away from the ice floe, so they were not so easy to pick.

Fang Youqun did some common knowledge a few times, but the fishing rod couldn't reach the remaining three jellyfish, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

When Chen Qingsheng saw it, he couldn't help rolling his eyes, and shouted loudly: "Idiot, if the fishing rod can't reach you, don't you know how to use fishing line and hook?"

Fang Youqun's eyes lit up, "It makes sense."

One word awakened the dreamer, and Fang Youqun, who was instructed by Chen Qingsheng, quickly went to install fishing line and hooks on the fishing rod.

Xiang Yang smiled and shook his head, then walked slowly towards the cross jellyfish that Fang Youqun put on the ice, which looked like a broken plastic bag.

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