My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 193 Reciprocity

Xiang Yang was taken aback by Boss Qu, the other party's reaction was too great.

"Oh my God, I have seen many Fuji brains in their prime. When was the last time I saw one with such a pure color? While reading."

Boss Qu looked left and right around that Fuji brain coral, and couldn't put it down.

"Boss Qu seems very satisfied with this Fuji brain." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Satisfied, very satisfied, what price are you going to pay for this Fuji brain?" Boss Qu said loudly.

"Hehe, Boss Qu, you are the professional one. How much do you think it is worth?"

"This one, and those, I'll pay half a million."

Xiang Yang blinked his eyes, the price really surprised Xiang Yang, half a million dollars to buy a Fuji Brain is really too high, that is the price that can only be achieved by Donut Brain Coral, at least Xiang Yang never I have never heard of a Fuji brain worth 500,000 yuan.

"Is it too high?" Xiang Yang knew that Boss Qu might want to befriend him and establish a long-term cooperative relationship with him, but Xiang Yang didn't want to take advantage of Boss Qu, because he also wanted to establish a long-term relationship with Boss Qu. Since the boss Qu has sincerity, Xiang Yang has to show his sincerity, "All the brain corals on my boat, you pack them with 300,000 yuan and take them away."

"Actually, it's not exaggerated at all. If the Fuji brain of this quality is well-hyped for 700,000 or 800,000 yuan, someone will want it. This is our first cooperation. I won't earn your money, I will earn yours. Friendship, it’s only 500,000, we both earn money at this price.” Boss Qu took out his mobile phone and made a call, “It’s still the account just now, you dial 500,000 into it.”

Xiang Yang heard a text message ringing from the cell phone in his pocket, "Okay, then I will look for you when I find Brain Coral later."

"Not just brain corals." Boss Qu lowered his voice, "Basically, I collect all corals."

Xiang Yang was startled, and immediately understood the meaning of Boss Qu's words, he said with a dry smile: "But there are some corals that I dare not pick."

In recent years, many corals have been included in the ranks of animal protection. Although there are still many fishermen who like to take risks, not only fishing in the high seas, but also secretly fishing in territorial waters, and even dare to go to other countries. Fishing in the territorial waters, Xiang Yang never thought of doing this, and he was even unwilling to do the side-ball in the high seas, because as long as some things are done, there will be endless troubles.

Boss Qu smiled, "Okay, then let's leave a contact information for each other, and then I will ask my people to come over and move the brain coral."

"Wait." Xiang Yang left him and said, "Boss Qu, if you don't mind, why don't you come to my boat and have a drink before leaving? I just caught a tongue kun fish, which can be used as a seafood pot."

The second transaction with Boss Qu, although Boss Qu has clearly stated that the Fuji Brain Coral can be worth 700,000 to 800,000 in his hands, but he can really pick up the leaks in the first transaction, Boss Qu Of course, Xiang Yang would not do nothing to show his favor.

"Oh? Tonguekun fish is a good thing." Boss Qu smiled and said: "The seafood pot can be kept for eating, but the wine is fine. Don't be afraid of Boss Xiang's jokes. My drinking capacity is really just one glass."

"Actually, I just pour it out of one glass." Xiang Yang laughed and said, "Let's have half a glass each."

"Okay." Boss Qu readily agreed. In fact, like Xiang Yang, he also has a poor capacity for drinking, but he likes to take a sip or two whenever he has something to do.

"Fang Youqun, help me get out the seafood pot." Xiang Yang shouted.

Then Xiang Yang made a gesture of invitation to Boss Qu, "Let's go to the bow of the boat to eat, where we can eat seafood pot while watching the scenery, and the sea breeze blows, sober up."

"Okay, let's go to the bow to eat."

Immediately, the director's crew moved them two plastic chairs and a folding table to the side of the bow.

"Here comes the seafood pot." Fang Youqun put a purple hot pot on the table and connected it to the power supply, and put a bottle of pure milk in front of Xiang Yang and Boss Qu, "Brother Yang, it will take a while for the water to heat up. Drink a bottle of milk to warm your stomach first."

"Thank you." Boss Qu was not polite, grabbed the bottle of milk and drank it, looking around while drinking.

Xiang Yang took out a pack of hot pot ingredients and shook it in front of Boss Qu, "Do you like to eat boiled in clear water or seasoned?"

Many people like to eat seafood in its original flavor and do not like to add any seasoning, but Xiang Yang does not have this special hobby. He likes to add various seasonings to seafood, in short, how delicious it is.

"The guest can do whatever he wants, I can do it." Boss Qu laughed.

"Then put some hot pot ingredients. This hot pot ingredient is slightly spicy and a little numb. It's a good product for making seafood pot." Xiang Yang tore apart the package of hot pot ingredients, put about a third of it into the seafood pot, and then I started to put white radish in the seafood pot, "The white radish is resistant to cooking, you can put it in and cook it before the water boils, and cook until the end, the taste is also extremely delicious."

Boss Qu picked up a fresh crayfish from a plate and put it into the seafood pot, "I don't like carrots very much, I prefer shrimp."

Seafood hot pot is a bit different from ordinary hot pot.

In general hot pot, the meat is boiled in the pot first, and then vermicelli, vegetables, etc. are put into the pot and eaten after a while.

Seafood hot pot is just the opposite. It puts some vegetables first, then turns off the heat to the minimum after the water boils, and then picks up all kinds of seafood and puts them in the hot pot to be boiled. Most of the seafood It doesn't need to be cooked for too long, just boil it and eat it.

"Come on, touch one." Xiang Yang raised his wine glass and said. The two of them ate and chatted, and the relationship grew closer at an extremely fast speed. Xiang Yang also learned that Boss Qu's name was Qu Yongchang, and also knew his approximate identity.

Qu Yongchang's family is not in the coastal area. He is from southern Hunan. His ancestors were originally small civil servants.

At that time, Coral was still a high-end product. At the beginning, no one in China could afford it. In the earliest years, his ancestors suffered a lot. It was not until the company in his father's hands that it gradually became bigger and stronger. Now he is actually Having yet to officially take over his father's business, he's doing it on his own now that he's out of college.

"Brother Yang." After two sips of wine, Qu Yongchang was slightly drunk, and he said, "Thank you very much, since I left school in October last year, I have traveled to almost all the piers along the entire coastline. Brain corals are actually two of the most valuable corals I have ever received."

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