My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 471: Scene 8: Looking at each other


Sparse applause came from the corner of the auditorium. Some people took the lead, and most people applauded. Although they were all surprised by this inexplicable ending, it has to be said that the maturity of this movie seems too mature in this era. It's too novel, not to mention, there is a good result, isn't it?

The screening hall was soon surrounded by applause. Only some sensitive people could feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts under the strong spotlight. They still remembered the movie posters posted all over the city. This is a documentary film.

But amidst the warm applause, a discordant sob quickly attracted their attention, and the applause gradually subsided, and people's attention was attracted by a thin boy in shabby clothes in the back row.

"Is there really Ali in reality?" Jin bit his lower lip hard, tears swirled in the eye sockets, making the dirty eye sockets even more blurred, this strong appearance of holding back tears made Qiao Kun Da Xin felt pity, and she couldn't help seeing the appearance of losing her "father" a few months ago. Jin wiped his eyes vigorously with his worn-out sleeve, and said with a sob, "Even if there is, it won't be my friend. We have nothing, if you hadn't brought me, Jokunda, I wouldn't even be able to enter this place, the Germans don't look down on our family possessions, and they don't even want to take us to a concentration camp."

"Don't cry, child." Jokunda hugged Jin's slender shoulders, and it was difficult for a child his age to speak such a long sentence, but was the price of such precocious wisdom too cruel? She gently stroked Jin's back like a mother, and whispered softly, "It's all over..."

"How could it pass? I once told the Germans patrolling the street, let them catch me and go to a concentration camp. I told them that I could carry a bag on patrol, and I could even be a target for them. I am not a burden to grandpa, but They told me to go."

In Jokunda's arms, Jin seemed extremely flustered. He had never enjoyed such an embrace, and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet. Even in the most aggrieved and helpless moment when he was young, his brother Ferdinand just Tell him to "be strong", but what is being strong and what can being strong bring him, no one has ever taught this child, and the grandfather who brought up the two little ones is just silent all day long, looking for some strong men on the street Men are unwilling to do hard work, and his love has already collapsed with his waist in exhaustion. Even in such a grand celebration of the whole city, the old man just thinks that there should be more opportunities for coolies.

"Two years ago, my brother told us that he was a wizard and would soon be picked up by Bubaton, a school specializing in teaching magic. He said that we would have a better life, and he would keep us from freezing and starving forever, I can grow up like everyone else with peace of mind, he left home, even found a few friends, and brought them to our house! These friends are the ones who beat grandpa that day!"

Hearing this, Jokunda felt heart-wrenching pains in her chest. These days, she only focused on teaching Jin how to guide the alchemy props to stimulate magic power. She often despaired of his stupidity, but she never had a good talk with him. , she always felt that Jin's heart should be as simple as his peers.

If this kid is like his elder brother, he should be enjoying his second grade on campus now, but he looks a little younger than his peers, only seven or eight years old, and the anger in his chest is getting bigger and bigger, just This anger is directed at no one but himself.

"They told me that I'm a Muggle, a useless Muggle, and if I still follow my brother, he will always be bullied by other wizards," Jin clenched his fists tightly, and his body stiffened, "I'm not only It’s my grandfather’s burden, I’m still my brother’s burden, and even for the Germans who invaded us, I’m also a burden they wouldn’t want to pick up.”

Jin was immersed in his own emotions, and he didn't notice that most people in the auditorium were looking at him. Those adults who had experienced the war sighed. Martha, who was sitting in the first row, thought of himself, and The spectator who came in with Jokunda took off his hood and stared at Jin's arm with interest. This spectator was Ivy who showed up in Diagon Alley.

A simple silver square was tied to his forearm by two cowhide ropes. As Jin's unwillingness and annoyance became stronger, runes that connected with each other emerged on the silver square.

The magic was aroused around this contraption, but because it was channeled unconsciously by Kim, lacking the right method, it just sent some flimsy trash from the surrounding ground floating up like most little wizards touch their wand for the first time .

"So, doesn't this kid have magic power?" Ivy pondered silently, looking out of tune with the atmosphere in the auditorium, "Just using his emotions to influence the magic power... and then stimulate the magic power that was set in advance, really It's a genius idea, but how does he ensure that the user can successfully use these magic powers? Magic power only belongs to the wizard himself, and is suitable for everyone. Could it be..."

Ivy's eyes moved away from Jin's body and stopped on Jokunda's body.

"Sikes, I did find it."

Gradually, the audience in the screening hall also noticed the changes around Jin, as well as the shocking information revealed in his language that could be linked to the plot of the movie. The inexplicable movie does have a sequel, but the sequel does not happen on the screen. It breaks the fourth wall and extends the story to every audience.

" it Beauxbaton?" A man in formal attire who seemed to be of high status pondered for a moment, with a painful expression on his face. He rubbed his temples with both hands, and the memory that was artificially erased slowed down. Slowly came to mind, "I remember this name, it is listed in the registry every year, but no one has ever verified its authenticity, why? Why..."

If he continues to dig deeper into his memory, he can even think of the French Ministry of Magic. The arrogance of wizards has been cultivated hundreds of years ago. Although the officials of the Ministry of Magic are used to respecting the rules of Muggles, they are often ceremonial. More than practical significance, even this job has been handed over to the most unpopular Muggle Liaison Office in the ministry since the untestable age, those wizards with little skills and no background are often stuffed there, their Forgotten Curse Not even the memory of an ordinary Muggle can be completely wiped.

The Muggle official pressed his temples hard, trying to recall his forgotten memories, but the memories didn't come to mind, and the pain in his head didn't decrease but increased. It is a common problem, they will not paint wantonly like wizards who are proficient in this way, they will only roughly cover the memory they want to erase with white, and deceive their ears and steal the bell.

The official tried his best to remember, but soon passed out from the pain.

Although he didn't come up with any substantive conclusions, this distraught gesture also corroborated King's words. In the absence of most facts, a speculation that "the devil feeds humans" quickly emerged in people's minds After coming out, no one would feel that the so-called wizards belonged to the same race as themselves.

Their eyes were attracted by the floating garbage, and they all speculated whether it was the so-called magic, but just now Jin Mingming said that he was a Muggle, even though they didn't know what Muggle meant, people still instinctively felt shame from it, this Not a good title.

In the screening hall at this moment, the only people who know the situation are Martha and Jokunda. Although Penguin has already erased the memory of Martha's interview with consent in order not to violate the confidentiality law, but as a child who grew up My big friend, Martha had already guessed about Tom and Nelson's strange behavior, and Nelson's look back at the end of the movie also confirmed this. She wanted to stand up and appease the emotions of other audiences, but just as her butt left her seat At that time, he was pulled down by Little Jack.

"Mr. General, I need—"

"You don't need it," Little Jack stared into Martha's eyes, and slowly shook his head to help her. The wisdom in his eyes was not at all like the hairy monkey jumping up and down on the deck of the Icarus, but belonged to a man on the battlefield. He frowned, quickly accepted the reality, and said in a low voice, "We have heard that the Germans are secretly conducting supernatural experiments, and now I finally know what nuclear physicists mean. What is it?"

"Mr. General, look at them, they are already in panic." Martha kept hearing pessimistic speeches from the audience. They even described Nelson on the screen as a monster. She pointed at the screen He said anxiously, "Since you know what kind of person he is, you should tell everyone not to panic."

"Don't do unnecessary things," Little Jack stared closely at the open black door behind the removed screen. The back of the door was as dark as a door panel, as if it could absorb all the light. Supported on the back waist, his body was tense, the hard and cold touch from his fingertips made his heart a little more at ease, the scar on his face was red and hot because of the rapid flow of blood, as if he had returned to that place. Duan spent his days looking at photos in the hail of bullets, "No matter what you say, how do you explain what is happening now? How do you explain why you know this? At sea, those warships who like to chat on radio stations will always be Sink first."

"Mr. General..." Martha felt that Little Jack really looked like a real general.

"Take my wife to the back," Little Jack scanned the faces of all living beings in the projection hall with his peripheral vision, and turned his shoulders to the direction where Ivy was sitting. This strangely calm person attracted his attention , "Something big is about to happen."


"Something big is going to happen."

Aberforth's face smelled like it had been fished out of the sewer, and he was clutching his wand, staring at the back of the colorful tower, the cracked sky like a mirror, the tower's black shadow in the gap Slowly emerging, there is also a silver light that is so dazzling that you can't look directly at it, and the roaring roar of the flood that can be heard even on the other side of the wall.

"What's the big deal?" Dorian looked at Aberforth's face, feeling like he had seen him somewhere before, his eyes widened suddenly, he slammed his fist heavily on his palm, and shouted, "I remember, you are the one Take the goat—”

"Damn it," Aberforth said cursingly as he pushed Dorian onto the excavator's crawlers, "can you not mention that damned goat, haven't you noticed what's going on now? The Ministry of Magic Will you recruit such ignorant dementia?"

After being yelled at by Aberforth, Dorian's attention quickly left the goat, his attitude became serious, and he hurriedly said: "Merlin's pants, you know that Paris was burned by Grindelwald seventeen years ago At that time, they all said that Newt Scamander used the venom of the Winged Demon and the rain of the Thunderbird to erase the memory of Parisians, but now it seems that this venom is time-sensitive."

Aberforth frowned, and touched the bucket of the excavator with his hand, which was covered with muddy mud. Under Dorian's gaze, he put his index finger straight into his mouth, and smacked mouth, feeling the pungent but refreshing aroma of mint, "It's not time-sensitive, but someone used the antidote."

"The antidote?" Dorian also found a clean puddle, made some rainwater and tasted it, his eyes widened. "It does smell like a potion, is it rain?"

"I'm afraid so."

As soon as Aberforth's words fell, there was a crisp breaking sound in the ears of the two of them. They raised their heads in sync, the barrier separating the hiding place was broken, and a godlike silver falcon came out with a monstrous flood. He rushed out of the hole and hit the colorful tower in the main venue.

Pieces of stained glass shattered, and a gorgeous rain fell in the distant sky. Behind the barrier, everything in the hidden place was revealed. Dorian rubbed his eyes in disbelief, unable to believe what he saw.


The projection hall shook violently, and the ceiling above their heads was cut off by a huge silver shadow. The flood flooded over their heads, and the flooded water flooded the hall. The only place in the Expo Garden that was not rained fell, Memories crawled up from the hearts of the Parisians, screaming at them, the torrent overhead and the fire seventeen years ago reflected each other.

As soon as the official woke up, he was doused in a torrent of water. He held his forehead, and the blood vessels on his temples were throbbing.

"That man, the man in the last scene...that actor who looks like a performance artist," he shouted hoarsely, "is also the man who stopped...that demon 17 years ago."

Seeing that the hall was about to sink into the flood, Jokunda let go of Jin and gave him an encouraging smile.

Jin's expression changed from sad to dazed and hesitant, and then quickly became firm. He stroked the device on his forearm, felt its "heartbeat", and raised his arm suddenly.

Jin's movements were a bit clumsy, like a sick patient who had been bedridden for a long time felt his legs again, and he couldn't wait to put aside the doctor's order, and fled from the white ward with the railing to the garden where the sun can be seen .

After receiving Nelson's gift, he adapted for a long time. Although Jokunda kept telling him to "empty your mind and think about what you want to do", the suppressed emotions made him dull, always It made him lose the point, every time that silver device was about to work, his emotions always made a mess of everything, but now he understands, these unwillingness, these helplessness, these various things that need to be eliminated Emotion was just what he needed.

With the lift of that thin arm, the water stagnated.

It was as if God heard their prayers and took out an umbrella to protect them.

Jin raised his head and looked at the smiling Jokunda.

"Go, Jin," Chokunda pointed to the open black door, pointed to the spotlight-lit stage behind the screen, and pointed in front of Jin, "Go and see what's behind the door."

Surrounded by everyone's eyes, Jin walked onto the stage step by step. He stretched out his thin arms and reached for the door. Following his movements, the originally crumbling tower fell down in unison, and the door still stood on its original position. land, but people don't need it anymore.

Behind the collapsed wall, a group of people in strange costumes were playing happily, holding the snacks they bought in their hands, fighting with each other, as if they were two worlds from the depressing auditorium.

No, there are two worlds.

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