The first train for the school leavers was empty. Although most of the students were eager to return home, they were still immersed in the happiness of being able to sleep late and wake up late after being freed from the tension at the end of the semester.

There were only a few passengers on this morning train, but the steam gushing from the front of the train was no different from a car full of people.

In the special carriage for professors at the front of the train, Nelson and his party are nestling on the sofa and baking shoes. Although it is already early summer, the coldness shrouded in dusk in the morning still makes people feel unmotivated, let alone before they set off. There was also a light rain, although it would not obstruct the traveler, but it was enough to wet the corners of their clothes.

Alphard was slumped in the soft cushion like a slug, yawning, he was sliding down the silky fabric of the sofa, there was still some gum from his late sleep in the corners of his eyes, and he looked sleepy As if about to die suddenly.

Walburga sat beside him, suppressing the urge to beat up his brother.

"Walburga, how's your NEWTs score?" Nelson, who clearly read Walburga's thoughts and wanted to save Alphard's life, put down the book in his hand, raised his head and asked, "I hope you don't Come back and continue to be my classmate."

"Why are you asking such an unlucky question so early in the morning?"

Walburga puffed up his cheeks pretending to be angry, grabbed the menu on the side, crumpled it up and threw it at Nelson. Nelson easily avoided it, and the paper ball precisely landed on the napping Professor Slughorn in front of him, who was already bald. on the forehead.

"Sorry, teach—"

"Hush." ​​Nelson signaled Wolb to shut up. Professor Slughorn, who was saddened by the loss of the Academy Cup, had just poured himself a whole bottle of mead, and he was still unconscious. As long as he didn't disturb him, he would He doesn't feel like someone is hitting him, "I heard Tom say that you did well in the exam?"

Walburga covered his mouth, stared at Professor Slughorn's bright and regular ups and downs, waited for a while, let go of his hand with a long sigh of relief, glanced at Tom, smiled and whispered, "Tom told Yours? Thank you for your notes, I far exceeded my expectations."

"Don't misinterpret what I mean," Tom, who was sitting opposite Nelson, peeked out his face from above the newspaper, and said quietly, "I just said that the test points you drew seem to highly overlap with this year's test."

"You probably don't usually do too many questions," Nelson raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "The newts exam is easy to formulate. Except for some exam questions that keep pace with the times, most of the exam syllabus are repeated every seven years."

"Really?" Alphard, who was still limp like a slug just now, suddenly came to life, straightened up from his seat, looked at Nelson longingly, blinked his eyes, and had to say, extremely disgusting, "I Is there any chance of getting a seven-year-old—"

"You have no chance, Alphard," Nelson said mercilessly, tearing up his illusions, "The OWLs and NEWTs exams were jointly issued by the Ministry of Magic and the Wizengamot, and they were written after Professor Dumbledore became the Wizengamot. After Chief Mo, as a teacher, he will definitely make certain adjustments to the exam questions, after all, from the current point of view, many contents in the exam syllabus that did not know hundreds of years ago are outdated."

"Okay." Alphard blinked, and turned back into that wriggling slug again. The speed of the movement made one have to wonder if seeing him wake up just now was a hallucination.

"I got an O in Magical Beast Studies and Divination, and I got an A in everything else. I'm very satisfied with such a result." Walburga tossed his hair, but his expression quickly became sad, "I just think that next semester I will I can't study at Hogwarts with you, and I feel a little sad."

"You might as well feel sad about your grades," Alphard smacked his lips, talking in his sleep, "with the help of the exam outline, you got this—"

Before he finished speaking, Walburga, who had endured for a long time, pounced on him like a tiger descending from the mountain. She strangled her brother's neck, pressed her wand against his temple, and covered his mouth with her other hand. Drag Alphard out of this carriage.

Seeing this scene, Tom and Nelson stared at each other with strange expressions.

"The death of a student during his term of office must be a stain on Dumbledore." Tom folded the newspaper, and the first page continued to report on the battle for the chairmanship of the International Federation of Wizards after the completion of the Wizengamot's reorganization. The banner got another chance to appear on the screen, and there were many more oriental wizards around in support. They stared at the camera implicitly, as if if the readers outside did not vote for Mr. Liu, they would cast a curse through the newspaper.

Nelson was stared a little hairy, and used the Levitation Charm to grab Tom's newspaper from the air, folded it and stuffed it into his bag.

"Why are you still carrying this bag?" Tom pouted when he saw Nelson's whitish backpack at the corner, "Do you need me to sponsor you to buy a new one?"

"This bag is pretty easy to use," Nelson patted the dust on the schoolbag, padded it to the back of his waist, and said softly, "It can always remind me not to forget things, every time I see it, I will doubt that I am It’s not being poisoned, which will make me more vigilant.”

"Speaking of which, how is that Jokunda doing now?" Tom asked curiously, "I feel like she gave up studying after she left Hogwarts. The time I met her in Paris, her magic was so lame. Yes, but good at running away like a mouse, very street style."

"The magic of the Sykes family will always attract other people's covetousness, especially when an underage wizard who dropped out of school holds this treasure. I have so many people in the United States, and I have been chasing her for a long time," Nelson shook his head. , "I believe she has completely changed her mind. I received a letter from the American Muggles before, telling me that a witch is very interested in how to make Muggles obtain magic. I think it should be her. She is now Stay at Memorial Park in Second Salem and hope she becomes a less selfish person."

"You're really idle," Tom curled his lips. "Have you played pretend games with such a small person for so long, did you become addicted to listening to someone call you Dad?"

"I admit that the method used at that time was a bit despicable. At that time, the secret I restored for Sykes was a bit extreme. If I could do it all over again, I would rather choose a more brutal way of snatching it." Nelson sighed, "Playing with people's souls I still can't let go of the guilt brought about by my emotions, and it is actually enough for her to pay the same price as the Winged Demon."

"You are still too gentle, Gnar," Tom said seriously, frowning, "If I were you, she would have no future at all, you are such a freak, growing up in a place where snakes and rats are rampant in the West Side I can still have such priestly thoughts.”

"Which one of us is not?"

Nelson carefully stuffed the book on his lap into the bag, and continued: "Actually, the affairs of the Sykes family have not yet come to an end, and I still have many doubts. Coincidentally, a person who can answer these doubts People are looking for me too."

"The guy who sells eggs?" Tom's eyes showed a trace of fear, "I still can't understand, how can he be a Muggle?"

"Maybe he used to be a Muggle, or maybe the owner of such a name was a Muggle," Nelson leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes and meditated, "According to the investigation results sent by Johnny, the owner of this name belongs to Mrs. Brother, she is a Muggle-born witch, and her brother is supposed to be a Muggle."

"That should be because the pseudonym didn't run away."

"No, the real situation may be just the opposite." Nelson's expression was serious and suspicious, "After Aberforth brought the letter to me, Johnny sent me a detailed investigation report. The Ministry found Mrs. Sykes' hometown, visited there, and found the remnant image of Mr. Ivy in the memory of several people of the same age. It was indeed the one who gave the acromantula eggs to Hagrid. people."

"But wasn't Dr. Sykes' brother-in-law used as an experiment by him?"

"But the experiment didn't necessarily fail."

Nelson said in a deep voice, the shocking experimental records in the Home of Love appeared in front of him and Tom at the same time, the temperature in the whole car even dropped because of this, and Professor Slughorn, who was still drunk not far away, fell asleep in his sleep Feeling the temperature change, I hugged myself tighter.

Soon, distress hit the two travelers, and they fell asleep with Professor Slughorn.


"Mr. Williams? Is that you, Mr. Williams?"

Just when Nelson was standing at the gate of the train station to buy tickets, a pleasantly surprised voice came from behind the two of them. Nelson felt that the voice was a little strange, so he turned his head in a daze, and saw a tall man in a well-dressed suit standing behind him. His broad shoulders are like mountains blocking the sun, and there is an old scar under the corner of his left eye, and his face is full of surprise.

"I'm Williams, may I ask you..."

"I'm Jack, Mr. Williams." Although the man was dressed in a gentleman's attire, his posture and demeanor revealed a resolute look from the military. Nelson, who knew what was going on, was out of breath. After the hug, he stood in front of Nelson, and the tall man had tears in his eyes, "It's great that you are still alive... I don't know if you still remember Remember, I used to be a trainee on the Icarus."

"Icarus? Intern?" Nelson raised his eyebrows, thinking of the young sailor who liked to ask questions. He still remembered the white sailor cap. Looking at the man in front of him, he really couldn't distinguish him from him. At the beginning, the young man who was as sensitive as a monkey on the cable was connected. He was silent for a moment, and said with a smile, "You have changed so much, I almost didn't recognize it."

"I've been floating at sea for so many years, and I'm no longer the cucumber egg that I was back then, but you, Mr. Williams, are still as eye-catching as before." Jack scratched his head and grinned, "Sorry , I lost my composure just now, and I am so surprised to see that you are still alive."

"What? Is there any damn element in Gnar?" Tom, who had been standing by and ignored, made a dissatisfied voice.

"This is Tom, I often mentioned him on the boat," Nelson put his hand on Tom's shoulder, infected by Jack's joy, he also laughed happily, turned his head to look at Tom again, and introduced, "This The bit is what I told you about, one of the three Jacks on the Icarus."

"It turned out to be you. I heard about you from Mrs. Cole. Thank you for everything you have done for the children of the Westside Orphanage." After learning who the person in front of him was, Tom's attitude instantly improved. , shook hands with Jack, felt the calluses and strong strength of Jack's hands, and sighed, "There is a big difference between you and Gnar."

"It's been a long time, sir. I went out on patrol today for the first time, and I didn't expect to meet Mr. Williams. This must be a gift from God. Do you want to sit with me?"


"Served on a ship called the Blaney. She was a dilapidated ship, but a beautiful ship."

"The reason why I am worried about what will happen to Mr. Williams is because after he got off the ship, Poland became the occupied area of ​​the German devils, and the situation of the British there is worrying," Jack poured hot water for the two in the sheriff's office. tea, rubbed his hands and said, "When I was on the Icarus, I heard Mr. Williams tell a lot of interesting sea stories, and I felt that I couldn't be a sailor until I died. It happened that the Royal Fleet was recruiting troops at that time. I just signed up to join the army and spent a long time floating on the high seas, fighting with the fleet, thanks to the frequent failure of the Blaney, I missed many battles that were defeated."

"You are so lucky." Nelson sighed, he knew the cruelty of war.

"The closest I was to death was when I encountered the Polish fleet on the high seas. It was a year before the end of the war. We were ordered to lay mines there. At that time, I thought I was going to die. The fleet actually sank them."

"Which ship are you on?" Nelson raised his eyebrows.


"Nothing?" Nelson shook his head.

"Later I was ordered to send the army to log in. In the absence of a port, this was undoubtedly a suicide mission, but on the way, the war was inexplicably won, and I survived," Jack said lightly about the past few years. "The commander of the Blaney was actually a guy named Doug, but he had hardly been on a ship. After the war, I suddenly didn't know what to do. At this time, people from their family found me , he needs military merit, I need money, we hit it off, you see, I am doing well now, and I have a good job."

"You could have had it both ways."

"Forget it, let's not mention these bad things," Jack clapped his hands and said, "Mr. Williams, in fact, many people are looking for you."

"What?? What did I do again?"

"You may not know that a novel is very popular in France recently, and I heard that a movie has been made," Jack said enthusiastically, without noticing that Nelson's expression became more and more strange. The scientific and technological officer with the same name concealed the German government and secretly released the prisoners. I remember you said on the ship that you were a nuclear physicist. I didn’t expect to be so powerful, valued by the Germans, and under such strict supervision..."

Nelson could no longer hear what he was talking about. He just wanted to escape from England quickly by boat. He couldn't stay in this place for a second. Tom, who was sitting by the side, held up his glass and suppressed his smile, and finally , A mouthful of hot tea was sprayed out.

"What's the matter, sir?"

"Nothing," Tom pulled out a magazine, "I just happen to have movie tickets, I wonder if you're interested."

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