My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 448 The Curtain of Decay

"Oh, by the way, how did you do in the exam?"

In the secret passage away from Hogwarts, Tom turned around and asked Nelson who was following behind him. Although they could walk out in this kind of day after the final exam, but for Hogwarts? For some students, it may be due to their rebellious psychology, and this kind of secret passage that violates school regulations is still their preferred way of travel.

But for Nelson and Tom, this is just a good habit they have developed because they seldom go in and out through the gate. After all, in the castle's records, he is even a good boy who doesn't like to go out of school very much and only likes to spend time in the library. student.

"Of course, no problem," Nelson replied reasonably, "if the professor of ancient runes doesn't care about Credence's offense to her."

"There's nothing Odin on the final exam questions," said Tom. "It's rare for a person to be her age who doesn't think about the health of her heart."


Shafik raised his head feebly, and quickly hid his eyes. The consciousness of those wizards who had been wandering in the auditorium came back at this moment. They were like a group of carrion crows. The eyes are full of unworthy greed, just like the close alliance in the past, just like the promise they made to each other, these despicable guys will always cling to the strong and eat up the losers who are gone.

He didn't think he was wrong, after all, the wizards in the British Isles have come here for a hundred years.

Shafik's eyes wandered, seeing those wizards who had sworn to themselves before the election. Their clothes were even more polished than before. Compared with the pure-blood wizards who surrounded them, old Malfoy I was even fatter before. He smiled wryly, no wonder those Gallon-loving guys didn’t react as violently as they imagined when Dumbledore proposed to cut administrative expenses. How can the three melons and two dates earned be put on the table?

"I underestimated you, Albus," Shafik looked lonely at Dumbledore aside, and said in a tone of a senior who thought he was advanced, "I have to remind you, if they dared to betray me for profit today, next time If you dare to betray you, this is a group of unfamiliar wolves, you must have paid a lot to defeat me, and then you will have to pay a greater price to maintain your power."

"I think you must have misunderstood something, Mr. Shafik," Dumbledore said with a smile, "I have paid nothing, and I will not try to master anything."

"Really?" Shafik snorted coldly, his eyes drifted away, he seemed to understand something, and said softly, "Is all this a trap specially arranged for me? Even including the previous agreement? Is it worth it to pay such a high price for a illusory revenge?"

"You misunderstood." Dumbledore was not so eager for Shafiq's throne, he explained patiently and gently, "No one is against you, no one is the center of the world."

"Are you calling me arrogant?"

Shafik stretched out his hand and shook his collar vigorously, not daring to meet the greedy eyes in the auditorium. He wanted to escape hastily, but was stopped by Nobby Rich when he was about to take a step. Qi approached Shafiq and looked down at him.

"Judge Shafiq, today is the last day of your term, how do you feel?"

"Rich, do you dare not even say honorific words to me?" Shafik suppressed his anger. Rich was the person he despised the most in this dark room, and his disrespect brought Shafik Fick's greatest humiliation.

Dumbledore patted Rich on the shoulder and walked towards the witch who presided over the campaign, and the two chatted familiarly.

"I didn't feel it before, but I didn't expect this room to be quite bright."

"Dumbledore... Judge Dumbledore, I think it may be because your heart is bright, which affects your eyes."

"Call me Dumbledore." Dumbledore held his forehead helplessly, "If you must add a title, I hope it is Professor."

"Okay, Professor Dumbledore." The witch nodded with a smile.

"I don't think the Wizengamot will need the Justice in the future," Dumbledore raised his head and sighed, "After learning about the development of Muggle justice in these years, I feel more and more that the Justice is so eloquent. The job requires too much quality, no matter in terms of knowledge, experience or morality, but none of us will be exposed to this knowledge in school and life. This is a very dangerous thing .”

"You are right, Professor Dumbledore," the witch is a well-known faction among the Wizengamot who is not decisive and never speaks up, which is why she can preside over today's competition, "but the Muggle The law is not for us."

"We need to hear more voices, and let more people be able to express themselves here. There is no doubt that this chair, which seems to have been inherited from the Middle Ages, is undoubtedly a shackle on everyone's mouth," Dumbledore shook his head, "This is not good at all, it is squeezing the future of this country."

Shafik turned his back to the two people who were chatting, and the veins on his forehead were bulging. He couldn't even hear what Rich was saying in front of him. Insulting himself is throwing decades of achievements under his feet and trampling on them.

What are knowledge, experience and morality? Is there something lacking in his world-renowned Judge Shafiq?

"...Shafik, I am not your servant. According to the charter of the Ministry of Magic, the Wizengamot, as a legislative body, has no right to interfere with administration."

Nobby Rich's expression was indifferent, but the flames accumulated over the years were burning in his heart. While maintaining his dignity as a minister, he wanted to severely criticize Shafik. At the same time, he remembered that Shafik When Ke chose him to be the acting minister, he was full of enthusiasm, while savoring the torture and humiliation he had suffered during the years of sitting in the position of minister. His emotions towards this old man were complicated.

"I thought you chose me because your son-in-law did not do well in the position of minister. I thought you valued my justice and courage back then, but I didn't expect that you just wanted to support a clean and better The benefits of control!"

"Even a guy like you dare to bark at me?" Shafiq just wanted to leave this disgusting place, and he angrily rebuked Rich, "Get out of the way!"

"You can't go," Rich stopped in front of him firmly, "You need to pay the price for your previous actions. The Ministry of Magic and the Wizengamot are short of tens of thousands of Galleons every year. Those who have a close relationship like a snare department, deteriorating social conditions and rising crime rates, those—”

"Enough!" Shafik's face was flushed, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, and vented the anger he got from Dumbledore on Rich, "Go away! Mudblood!"

The air in the hall instantly became quiet, everyone stopped their actions and words, and their gazes refocused on Shafik, the former judge.

"Oh hoo~"

Old Malfoy turned sideways, and whispered to Old Carlo beside him, "Has he lost his temper to this extent?"

Old Carlo was still angry at his previous behavior, and ignored old Malfoy. The boring old Malfoy shrugged, stared at Shafik intently, and rubbed his smooth bearded chin with interest.

"Shafik," Dumbledore turned around, showing a rare expression of displeasure, "You can't say that kind of thing, don't you have any regrets about what you have done up to now? "

"Don't say that hypocritically! Dumbledore," Shafik said with red eyes, looking like a madman. A series of blows almost completely destroyed his mind. These self-confident fellows, he pointed at everyone present, and still did not forget to pour dirty water on Dumbledore, "You liars, criminals, profiteers, and villains! Do you think it is fun to knock me down? Dumbledore kills The criminal will give you a better future? Ridiculous! He is much colder and smarter than you. You just changed from my pawns to his toys. I have regrets. The thing I regret the most is that There is no death sentence for you dark wizard who tortured Muggles in Norway!"

There was a sneer from the gallery, they didn't care about such things at all, on the contrary, Dumbledore and the Muggle-born ministers cared a lot more, Shafik was over.

"Shafik," Dumbledore's tone became icy, "Just like Minister Rich said, you'd better stay here and receive the trial you deserve."

"I promised Mr. Williams one thing." Rich turned sideways and gave Shafik a way to the gate. "He pays great attention to the inheritance of wizard history. He told me that the Ministry of Magic encountered Most of the questions can be answered in history."

"What* are you talking about?" Shafik squinted at Rich.

"I have proposed a draft to establish a new department in the Ministry of Magic, called the Chronicle Office, to record history for reference by future officials," Rich said flatly, "You will be the first contemporary person we record. Famous wizard."

"You want to screw me up with this? You have a good idea!"

Shafik squeezed Rich away, and fled towards the door with a straight face.

"Mr. Shafiq, I am your admirer, can you sign me?"

At the door of the Wizengamot Hall, an idle young man leaned against the door frame, blocking Shafik's way. He raised his eyebrows frivolously, took out a stack of parchment from his pocket, and handed it to Shafik. Fick.

Shafik shrank his pupils, turned his head and looked back, no one moved in the hall, Dumbledore was continuing the conversation that had just been interrupted, and Rich also joined the discussion in the auditorium, no one cared about himself , or no one will worry about escaping.

"I think the Wizengamot needs fresh blood. As a legislative body, all fields and all walks of life need to be balanced, and decadent ideas cannot be allowed to occupy here..."

Dumbledore's harsh speech came into his mind, and he carefully looked at the young man in front of him. His face was a little strange, and there was a ridiculous doll hanging on his waist. He didn't look like an English wizard, and he had no attitude towards himself. No respect at all.

Shafiq had a bad feeling. He lowered his head and planned to bypass this young man. He didn't want to cause trouble. As long as he could get out of this trap, with the help of the Shafiq family's entangled power, he had enough confidence to crush the house to death. Those two brats in here.

The young man just looked at him with a smile, and the pendant around his waist kept shaking, "Let me introduce myself, Mr. Shafiq, my name is Penguin, you can also call me Penguin."

Shafik ignored his strange speech, buried his head and walked out quickly, the corner of the corridor was in front of him, as long as he could pass...

When he reached the end of the corridor, he let go of the breath he was holding.

"Let's wait and see!"

But after turning this corner, the ridiculous penguin doll came into his sight again. Shafik raised his head, looked at the penguin leaning on the door frame with a distorted expression, and asked through gritted teeth, "What do you want?" What are you doing?"

"I just want an autograph."

Penguin smiled and raised the parchment in his hand.

"I think the Wizengamot needs fresh blood..."

Dumbledore's harsh speech came into his mind again, Shafik turned his head in horror, there was a corridor behind him, it was clearly the hall of the Wizengamot! And Dumbledore's speech continued: "As a legislative body..."

Shafiq's pupils shook. He pushed the penguin away, causing the parchment to scatter all over the floor. Extraordinary potential erupted from the old body, and he rushed forward with his head buried. All this is just an illusion, as long as it can pass...

"Mr. Shafiq, it couldn't be easier for you to sign your name."

After finally running to the end of the corridor again, the devilish voice came again, and the parchment was covered all over the floor. He took a cursory glance and saw what kind of autograph book it was, it was clearly a statement of confession!

"I think the Wizengamot needs fresh blood..."

Hearing Dumbledore's voice again, Shafiq's face turned livid.

"Go away!"


"Sign it, Mr. Shafiq..."

"I think the Wizengamot needs fresh blood..."


"I think the Wizengamot..."

I don't know how long it took, but Shafik's face turned pale. He seemed to have fallen into a hell of eternal reincarnation. He ran for an unknown distance in the corridors he had walked through countless times. He also tried to attack penguins. But the penguin's superb magic made him despair again and again. Finally, when the penguin doll came into view again, Shafik knelt down on the ground with a "plop".

There was not a single muscle in his body that was not trembling, and there was not a single part of his soul that was not free from fear, his consciousness was almost swallowed by this reincarnation and despair.

"I sign...I sign!"

"Is there a pen? Is there a pen?! No pen, no, I will do it myself..."

He cut his fingers with a magic wand, and signed his name on each piece of parchment with dark red blood. The wounds continued to heal and were torn apart, but the numb Shafik could no longer feel the pain. Pick up each piece of parchment, as if it is not a life-threatening spell, but a life-saving antidote.

"Why bother? Mr. Shafiq, we don't need to make it so ugly."

The penguin whistled, squatted in front of Shafik, and patted his wrinkled face.

"There is good news, your report has been printed, and we will send you a copy, even in Azkaban... By the way, remember to turn around."

Shafik didn't have much sanity left, he pulled the last piece of parchment trampled by the penguin, wiped the footprints on it with his cherished robe sleeve, and signed his final name.

He raised his head, and the penguin had disappeared, but even without guards, he didn't dare to set foot in the corridor again. Holding the heavy paper and disheveled hair, he rushed into the hall of the Wizengamot like a mentally disturbed scavenger. middle.

The wizards who saw Shafik were very surprised. They didn't understand why he figured it out so quickly and came back right after he went out.

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