My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 402 Awakened Adele

"Although it seems to have been compromised, but, little girl, something still flows in our blood, it is a dark nightmare enough to swallow our existence."

In the smoke, Credence's voice came slowly, "You can also feel it, it's scared, and the fear makes it restrain temporarily, put itself on a plate and hand it to you obediently, but the poisonous snake won't just because of Afraid of being prey, it cuts off its own fangs... For it, possession and destruction are an innate instinct, just like it has been a part of us since its birth, even after the washing of the soul , its nature is still evil, just as good intentions will not easily bow to power, evil thoughts will not either."

"Sorry, Credence, I don't quite understand what you're saying."

"That's fine."

Credence put his hands in his pockets and stared at the towering stone mountain pierced by Adele's magic without blinking. His eyes showed nostalgia. Once upon a time, Grindelwald stood beside him like this , encouraged him, taught him, ignited the fire in his body, drew out the power that belonged to the silent one, just like today, a small hill in the outskirts of Nurmengard was cut off, And a cemetery was built on the flattened hill.

"Feel your inner voice, catch it! But don't accept it!"

Adele's black magic power swelled up suddenly, and her mean laughter echoed in the darkness that covered the sky and the sun, looking terrifying and crazy.

"I'm dying, but little girl, I think you still have a future, a beautiful family, and things to cherish," Credence said in a hurry, "Think about all the hard work to keep you alive." Thinking people, think of those who care, Adele Wertning! There is no handy spell against obscurity, only your determination!"

Adele had already disappeared in the berserk magic power, and she couldn't see her figure clearly, but that huge magic power seemed to be conscious, dragging the falling mountain body, fighting against gravity.

But as Credence's shout reached Adele's ears, the black magic power shrunk while becoming darker and more solid. Indistinctly, a black Adele magnified countless times I slowly take shape in the air.

"Is it the same as me? Is it true that, as Riddle said, the consciousness has been erased?"

She, or it, looked down at Credence who was muttering at her feet, squeezed out a huge smile, and then disappeared suddenly.

The natural "axe handle" carved out of a whole stone mountain is falling rapidly among countless broken stones. This stone mountain looks like an indomitable giant who raised his ax and thrust it into the ground many years ago. , Standing in the dangerous area with dense falling objects at this moment, Credence seemed to feel the momentum of smashing Huashan.

Facing such a scene where the mountains collapsed in front of him, Credence remained calm, his hands were still in his pockets and he did not even look at Adele in the smoke, unlike when he played Nelson at Hogwarts. The young man who is very curious about everything looks different. At this moment, he is like a sculpture, and there is no emotion on his straight expression.

Just when the mountain was about to hit the ground and a catastrophe of trembling the earth was about to happen, the figure of Tom holding a magic wand appeared in the smoke and dust, followed by a rapidly growing shrub clinging to the cliff, its branches growing wildly, They are entangled with each other like bones, blood vessels and meridians, vaguely forming the shape of a person, the flying leaves form the muscles and skin, the stamens condense into long hair, the petals weave into a long skirt, and even the rapidly growing fruit has become a long skirt. Luxurious beads are hung on the body of the visitor.

"What did you do, Credence!"

Anger was hidden in Tom's tone. He held up his wand, and the deadly magic power gathered at the tip of the wand. He looked around, looking for Adele, and Royna who followed was not idle either. He took a flower-like posture, and then, on the bare ground, countless vines quickly emerged, twisting and fighting towards the sky.

"Don't be too nervous, both of you."

Credence stood indifferently in the stone rain, a piece of broken rock was flying towards his face at a speed that was hard to discern with the naked eye, but he did not choose to dodge, but closed his eyes.

"Adele, where are you?!"

Billowing smoke and dust obscured his vision, and in desperation, Tom took out a handful of small balls that Nelson had left him from his pocket and threw them into the sky.

The golden light suddenly appeared, but just when the ball was opened and the contents inside were about to reveal their true appearance, a hair-thin black thread flew from a distance with a whizzing sound. The aura pierced through the stone that was only a hand away from Credence's face.

The stone that was strung in the air like a grasshopper caught by a child stopped moving in an instant, as if its kinetic energy suddenly disappeared. Then, black lines like the smiling face on the jack-o-lantern appeared on the stone, and the next In a few seconds, countless identical black threads shot in all directions from somewhere in the open space at the foot of the mountain, precisely hitting every large or small piece of gravel in the fall—including the half-cut mountain peak.

The same smiling face appeared on every piece of gravel, and they surrounded the mountain suspended in mid-air, surrounding the biggest smiling face, adding a playful comedy atmosphere to the forest.

Tom even heard a clown-like laugh, and the smoke and dust pervading here quickly dissipated. Tom looked along the black lines and saw that they all converged at one point, which should be Adele's position.

Soon, these smiling faces twisted and lit up with black light. In a silent explosion, the stone powder that was ground to the smallest size shrank inward, engulfing the dust in the surrounding air, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The top of Tom's head was only left with the spider-like black lines. These black lines quickly lost their color, became transparent, and then disappeared completely. Adele, who was kneeling at the starting point, lowered her head without any movement, her golden long hair Her hair covered her expression, and she couldn't understand any of her status just by observing.

Tom walked towards Adele with an anxious expression, but was held down by two forces from the left and the right.

He first turned his head to the left, and Credence's half-black and half-white smiling face came into view. He gave Credence a hard look, and whispered, "What the hell are you doing? We didn't have such a thing in our plan." ring."

"Don't be impatient, you need to let Miss Adele wake up by herself," Credence said, "If everything is her crutch, how can you rest assured that she will face more silent or others in the future? Where is the danger?"

"If something happens to her—" Tom gritted his teeth and threatened, but still decided to listen to professional advice, stand where he was, and wait for Adele to recover by herself.

Then, turning his head to the right, he said, "Royna, this is just a little experiment, don't—"

The dazzling golden light in front of him made him close his eyes, the sound of gears rubbing and the sound of cracking electric arcs bombarded his ears in turn, Tom narrowed his eyes, and on his right stood a Thunderbird that was taller than a man , just slightly different from the real Thunderbird...

"Wow, what is this thing?"

Tom's eyes were still blank, and he could only hear Credence's exclamation from the side, followed by a muffled sound, and Credence closed his mouth immediately.

The sound of the electric arc was slightly weaker, and the harsh golden light became softer. Tom opened his eyes and looked at the uninvited guest. Soon, he discovered the difference between this thunderbird and its real kind—it was made of An alchemy mechanical bird made of some kind of brass-like metal, those supposedly soft feathers are as sharp as a knife, a steel claw made of extremely delicate structure, more flexible than a real thunderbird On his shoulder, it was the one that stopped Tom just now.

At this moment, Thunderbird's pupils emitting golden light kept shrinking and expanding, as if expressing his doubts: "What do you want from me?"


Tom thought back to Nelson's entrustment when he handed these small balls to him-"use it when running", thinking that this Thunderbird big enough to ride should have a good escape speed-he held back and wanted to ride With the idea of ​​going up to try it, he kicked the ball that fell on the ground and said, "The matter has been resolved."

The Thunderbird glared at him, took its claws off Tom's shoulders, lowered its head, and pecked the ground with its sharp beak. A surge of thunder spread around, and small balls affected by the magic power flew up from the soil one after another. , Thunderbird spread its wings and waved them vigorously. A whirlwind spread from its wings. Tom was affected by the strong wind and couldn't help squinting his eyes.

Soon, he felt something in his pocket, and the Thunderbird that was called out without knowing what happened had disappeared.

"Wow, what's that?" Credence asked curiously, rubbing his ribs closer, "Did you transform a Thunderbird into metal? I'm going to tell Newt Scar Mande, he will definitely come to clean you up."

"It was made by Gnar using alchemy, just like the Alexander who beat Kelian."

"What is it for?"

"Some kind of... er, means of escape."

"I see, a new type of broomstick."

While the two were talking, Adele in the distance moved, they stopped their conversation quickly, and looked at Adele together, only to see Adele raised her hands on the ground, sat up straight, and Raising both hands in front of her, she didn't seem to believe that she did everything just now.

"When I mastered this power for the first time, I didn't believe it. After all, I was just a crappy wizard who didn't even know how to use a wand before that." Credence stood side by side with Tom, watching his hands Adele, "Compared to the magic that needs to be memorized one by one and connected over and over again, the power of silence does not require any effort, but the most difficult thing is that when you get it, you are still yourself."

"Don't you need to pay anything?" Tom shook his head. He remembered the first time he saw Adele, her limbs were twisted, her body was covered with scars, and she almost died soon. "Compared to complicated practice and memory , or that kind of pain is more resisting... Whether it is physically or mentally, I think if Adele, no, let you choose again, you should also choose to be a person who grows up in an ordinary environment. Big average kid."

"Not necessarily, why don't you ask Adele?"

"I don't want to tear open her old wounds."

"Huh? Are you willing to tear open my old wounds?"

"You're a strong adult, Credence."

"I may not be as strong as Adele, of course, she will be stronger than me in the future," Credence shook his head, his eyes serious, "When I was young, the way Second Salem tortured little wizards was just Concentration camp-like management, mainly mental abuse, only those who don't listen to the "mother" will receive a whip, Adele's condition is so good that I misjudged it, and I didn't think it was possible It was you who took good care of it... The people from the Magical Congress of America seemed to be in a hurry, as if they were in a hurry to hand in their homework, they intervened in the experiment in Second Salem, and used all the tortures they could think of."


Tom sighed softly and did not speak. At this moment, Adele was patting her body, as if to confirm whether she was complete.

"About Second Salem, there are two people you must be careful about." Credence said suddenly, "I wanted to end the sins of Second Salem myself, so I have been chasing news about them all over the world."

"Which two people?" Tom cheered up.

"The first person is called Daguerre, and he seems to be the earliest patron of Second Salem. In the early years, this person was responsible for the work of abducting and trafficking young wizards to expand them. According to my guess, he is the earliest person in the United States. A group of scavengers have somehow survived until now," Credence's eyes were full of fear, "I blocked him once, and he told me that he wanted to end all of this. I don't understand what the end is. He has been saying that I am not perfect and did not resist, but easily escaped my pursuit. To be honest, there are not many people in the world who can do this. I think he may target Adele, so be careful."

"It's over? It's because the perfect work has appeared, so he doesn't need to continue these experiments?" Tom narrowed his eyes, looking at Adele who stood up staggeringly, "Who is the other person?"

"Amando Dippet," Credence said gravely, "your ex-principal, this old man is going crazy, he is very irritable now, and his grandson, Barry Dippet, is a silent man, I've had a face-to-face meeting with that kid. Dippet seems to want to find a solution to his grandson's obscurity, and even wants to arrest me for research! If he knows that Hogwarts has a young Adele, Think about it."

Tom didn't speak, he stared at Adele who stood up, she was slowly turning her head to look at the two people in the distance, one eye was filled with pure black, Tom was about to approach, but was caught by Creden S stopped it.

"Let her get used to it for a while," he thought for a while, and added, "This is a rule of thumb, you don't want to be blown out ugly, I'll find some water for her to drink."

After saying that, his figure turned into a wisp of black mist and flew away.

"Or from your family?"

Royna's questioning voice sounded from behind Tom, he turned his head, and the stump man changed his face again, a floor-length rose-colored dress was very conspicuous in the green forest, she tilted her head, her blonde hair was covered Toss and toss.

"Yes, this is Adele Wertning."

"It's so cute," Royna shrugged and said, "Thank you so much, the tallest tree in my forest will be from now on."

"I'm sorry, I will compensate you," Tom was still immersed in the power of Adele's obscurity, but he quickly woke up and asked with a frown, "Why should I compensate you? Is your name?"

"It's a pity, I almost know what human currency feels like." Roy shook his head regretfully, and sighed, "Last time it was a blood-cursed orc, but this time it's a silent one. With all due respect, your family may only have You and Nelson are average."

"No," said Tom, shaking his head, "Gnar's a prophet, so I'm the only one who's nothing special."

"Oh, what a pity."

The typo will be corrected tomorrow, too sleepy

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