My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 399 The Witch's Confession

"Cluck...horned camel beast..."

In the early morning, when the first rays of sunlight shone into the hut, Jokunda woke up murmuring in her sleep. She put on a thin unlined garment and tiptoed to Nelson who was sleeping soundly on the sofa. He fell asleep with his clothes on, and covered his body with an old blanket that had mostly slipped off. His elephant-like snoring made the wooden house tremble uncontrollably. The strange thing was that despite his harsh snoring, Jokunda slept peacefully. The last time she fell asleep like this was when she was at Hogwarts. One night she slipped into the kitchen to find something to eat, and fell asleep lying on the small wooden table in the kitchen without knowing it.

"Mr. Chuan is really a reliable and good man..."

Jokunda squatted in front of the sofa, holding his face with both hands, staring at Nelson's unshaven chin. Nelson was still smoking the pipe before going to bed. Jokunda gently took off the pipe and carefully placed it on the table.

The steel coin was lying on Nelson's face, sleeping on all fours, a huge snot bubble dangling on its face, reflecting Jokunda's recovered face, she looked at the reflection Perhaps because the vegetable soup last night was too healthy, her wheat-colored skin regained its luster, and the youthful color of a girl returned to her face. Smiling softly, he picked up a piece of broken pine wood scattered on the floor, and turned it into a crude comb with the little magic power he had just recovered. Take care of your appearance.

It snowed all night in the lake area, and the rising sun sprinkled warmth on the snow. Outside the window, there was a line of small footprints like plum blossoms. I don’t know what cute creatures visited here at night.

After a good night's sleep, Jokunda no longer finds the snow dazzling. Instead, she wants to rush into the snowdrifts and roll around wantonly.

"Mr. Chuan, it will be very cold when washing clothes."

She just thought about it, then quickly dismissed the idea, grabbed the roots of her hair, and vigorously smoothed the intertwined hair. The waist-length long hair spread out on the ground like a waterfall, and the single clothes slipped from her shoulders. Exposing Jokunda's close-fitting waistcoat and slender arms, the girl's healthy skin is shining with crystal colors, like a cocoa fruit that has been peeled off, radiant.

Xixiu turned over, the snot bubble burst in response, and Nelson's snoring stopped abruptly. He opened his eyes in a daze, rubbed his sore neck, opened his eyes, and saw Qiao Kun holding a comb Da.

He was startled, and turned somersaults onto the back of the sofa. Jokunda froze for a moment, then covered his mouth and giggled.

"Why don't you go to bed early in the morning?" After a while, Nelson climbed up on the back of the sofa with his waist supported. He gave Jokunda an annoyed look. He seemed to be still asleep and yawned. Said, "Go and boil a pot of water for me, I'm thirsty to death this night..."

Suddenly, as if he had just realized it, he rubbed his eyes, looked at Jokunda, and said hastily, "Damn, I thought my daughter was still here, wait a moment, I'll boil a pot of water and get some maple leaves." Sugar and tea for you."

"Let me go!" Jokunda stood up abruptly and said briskly, "Just treat me as your daughter!"

"You can pull it off, raising a daughter is enough of a headache!" Nelson said angrily, the two looked at each other and quickly laughed.

"By the way, where did you get the comb?"

"I don't know, I just found it casually."

Jokunda picked up the hem of her skirt, ran to the fireplace, picked up the firewood next to her, and was about to add it to the stove where the embers were still warm.

"Hey, what are you doing, little girl," Nelson said, holding his forehead, "You'll put out the sparks in the stove, first use the hay next to it to light the fire, then pick some thin dry wood with pine seeds to stir the fire, and finally burn it —Damn, less hay, do you want to choke yourself?"

Under Nelson's step-by-step guidance, Jokunda managed to light the fire although she was clumsy. Although she was blackened by the smoke and her eyes were full of tears, she sat in front of the fire contentedly. When she saw Nelson for the first time, the stool he was sitting on was warmed by the fire, and she felt warm in her heart. Compared with the blazing flames, the experience of starting the fire made her feel more satisfied.

"That's right, it's at the level of my daughter's three-and-a-half years old." Nelson yawned, picked up Xixiu, who had rolled under the sofa, put on his shoes, grabbed the coat hanging by the fireplace, and put it on his body, "You Let's boil some water and wash your face first, it's as black as your snow...uh, Nixiu."

"Mr. Boat, I thought hunters would go out to work before dawn." Jokunda warmed up to the fire, looked at Nelson's back, and joked, "I didn't expect hunters to be much more comfortable than I thought."

"At this point, the slaves in those factories in the south are not working, why should I start?" Nelson rolled his eyes and put on his gloves.

"Didn't it say that the early bird catches the worm?" Jokunda asked curiously, "Shouldn't the hunters be out at such a time to catch all the prey?"

"That's a good idea," Nelson put on his wool cap, mocking in a rough voice, "Do you think the worms know this?"


"Miss, you are talking about the kind of Indians who are waving their long hair and chase them from morning to night. It is the twentieth century now, and we already have many convenient traps..." Nelson had already opened the door and walked out. The wooden door He turned back with a creak, and his boots made the same sound when they stepped on the snow. His voice came faintly from outside the door, "There are towels at the end of the bed, you can make do with it."

Jokunda nodded silently, brought the kettle and filled it with a small bowl.

When the lid of the pot began to hit the body of the pot with a "bang bang bang bang bang" and made a sharp sound of steam, Jokunda was sitting on the sofa wearing steam, holding the smell to his eyes, and stroking its belly.

After a while, an old gold coin fell out of the belly, bounced on the floor, and rolled under the bed.


Gang Bian covered his face with his small paws, and tried to hide himself with classic skills.

But Jokunda didn't blame it as usual, but hugged Xixiu tightly, buried his face in its warm fur, and said softly, "Gangbi, do you think Mr. Chuan is a bad person?"

"Squeak! (He's a hunter! And I'm a poor Niffler!)"

"You really think he's a good man, right?" Jokunda said selfishly, "My sister always told me that magical animals are dangerous, Muggles are dangerous, and uneducated vulgar people are dangerous. , but I still have you by my side, and Mr. Boat also saved me. You are much better than many dog-like guys I have seen... I feel that Mr. Boat is like my father. Do you still remember Dad? Is it? A steel coin?"


Xixiu scratched his head, and hugged his master's hair tightly with his claws.

"He's a Muggle, and a vulgar fellow as my sister said, but he's the nicest man I've ever met... oh, second only to Papa," Jokunda muttered blankly, "but he I don't even know where my daughter has gone, just like I don't know who killed my father. My sister treats me like a child and doesn't want to tell me anything. She is always so self-righteous, but the result is not Fleeing to the same place as me?"

"Squeak! (He asked me to open my mouth to show him his teeth, and the snoring was so loud!)"

"I don't even know how to repay him," Jokunda said, putting the Niffler on his lap, and sat staring blankly at the fire. "The gratitude of wizards will only bring death to Muggles. I dare not tell him that according to American tradition, someone will soon erase his memory of his beloved daughter, not to mention that I can't protect myself... What should I do, Gangzheng?"

Xixiu didn't cry, just lay quietly in Jokunda's arms.

"You mean...if only he was a wizard?" Jokunda's eyes gradually brightened, and he murmured, "How do you know that Dad left me this gift? But it was from my father The secret, I can't reveal it... But my father told me, probably because he wants me to be a happy person, will it make me happy? Steel, can you tell me?"

"Squeak?" Gangzhi pointed at his own face, his expression was more bewildered than that of Jokunda, and he shouted vigorously, "I didn't say anything! I really didn't say anything!"

"You're right, Gangbang," said Jokunda, "my sister doesn't recognize my father, I'm the eldest daughter of the Sykes family, and the right to make decisions about these magics belongs to me...but I, I still don't know Can it, should it be..."

Although Jokunda is an adult witch, under her father's concealment and her sister's bottomless protection, her mind is not much more mature than the little wizards. Picking a lucky classmate on Hogwarts campus to distribute the Winged Demon as a "gift" without any burden, and feeling sad for a Muggle who met by chance, she has a simple and unique set of judgments on "good or bad" According to the standard, such a person is the most difficult to communicate with, but in the short day and night with Nelson, her thoughts have changed a lot.


The door opened, and Nelson walked in carrying a small wooden basket that was somewhat miniature compared to his size, and there was a pink bow tied with a ribbon on the wooden basket.

He walked to the fireplace, took out a small earthenware pot, an old paper bag, and a small bottle that was frozen over. He lifted the lid of the kettle to take a look, filled another bowl of cold water, and turned his head to look at the water. To Jokunda, said, "I brought some maple syrup, tea leaves, and a bottle of milk. Later, you can drink it directly or make tea. It tastes good."

"Mr. Boat, don't you want to drink?"

"Oh, I bought this for the little girl. She has never been willing to drink it. Fortunately, this year's ice season is short and it can be frozen. But it will be broken if you keep it in it. You can drink it. Don't the ladies in England like to drink milk tea? Nelson shrugged, "I... I can't drink that stuff, what do you mean? Intolerance to toffee?"

Looking at Nelson's clumsy performance, Jokunda lowered his head and hummed lightly, without making a sound.

"When there are no green vegetables, drinking tea is a good choice." Not long after, the baby bottles thawed. Nelson put them on the wooden table and pushed them in front of Jokunda. He cheerfully squeezed some crushed tea leaves and threw them away. into the bowl, poured a bowl full of boiling water, and said, "Otherwise it will be boring."

Qiao Kunda watched him silently make milk tea for herself with clumsy methods, felt sore, unable to speak, held back for a long time, and finally said, "What do we have for lunch?"

"You little girl, you want lunch in the morning, what are you doing at noon? Do you want dinner?" Nelson poured all the ingredients into the vacated kettle, shook it, carried it to the fireplace with the milk bottle, and licked the bottle cap furtively. But she was still seen by the keen Jokunda. Not only was her heart sour, but her eyes became astringent. After doing all this, Nelson continued, "Broth, vegetables have pumpkins, I heard that tropical places Pumpkins are used to feed the livestock, I hope you don’t dislike them, they are quite rare here.”


From this day on, Jokunda's body slowly recovered and became fuller, and Nelson's hunting trip pulling the sled alone also included her and Nixiu in her arms. It was not busy, but it also greatly relieved the loneliness of Nelson, an old hunter, and the continuous heavy snow also cast a layer of fairy-tale color on their figures.

Every time she meets an animal, she will introduce Nelson to similar magical animals. According to her current behavior of violating the "Secrecy Act", she can be sentenced to at least 15 years in Azkaban, but Jokunda no longer cares. I ignored it, but became happy with it.

Nelson became more and more rude, and Jokunda also learned to talk back - they became more and more like a real father and daughter, and Jokunda gradually looked at Nelson with more attachment, but Nelson was under her playful appearance. She became more and more aware of the hollow heart shaped into a doll by Dr. Sykes—if not, how could the figure of the old hunter invade her world so quickly?

Finally, one afternoon a few days later, Nelson cut open the ice cover on the lake, put down his fishing rod and lay down on the wicker chair carried by Jokunda to take a nap. Jokunda found a frozen rabbit by the lake, She rushed over and hugged the rabbit. Although her face was flushed from the cold and her body was wet from the snow, she happily ran to Nelson holding the rabbit.

"Mr. Ship! Mr. Ship! Look what I caught!"


Nelson raised his eyelids and glanced, and sighed in his heart. In fact, his hostility towards Jokunda from the beginning to the end was only on the Winged Demon. The joy of being revenged and at the same time a trace of pity in life——Jokunda was regarded by Dr. Sykes as a tool to revive his wife, by his sister as a troublesome burden, and by Dumbledore and Aberforth as Hogger Woz's troubles, at this moment, he was fooled by himself again - Nelson's "revenge" journey was as soft and powerless as punching cotton, Jokunda was originally an empty person without self, and he worked hard The acting skills that Ku stole from Grindelwald are like winking to a blind man, so what sense of accomplishment can there be with her?

He looked away from the rabbit and Jokunda, who was no different from that rabbit, and said flatly, "Your dinner can be changed."

Jokunda stood there for a long time. When Nelson was biting a fish, she hugged the rabbit and walked towards Nelson silently, watching him pull the rod to take up the line, and sat cross-legged on the snow beside him. Breaking free from her arms, Sahuan ran onto the ice.

"What's the matter?" Nelson saw the gray rabbit jumping out of the corner of his eye, and asked, "You have to lift your ears."

Jokunda didn't speak, and when Nelson put the fish in the basket, she said softly:

"Mr. Ship, do you believe in magic?"

"What?" Nelson shook his head in resistance. "A bishop came here before. Seeing that we only have adults here, he gave up the plan to set up a diocese."

"It's not them," Jokunda suddenly turned her body and leaned on Nelson's shoulder. She took out the magic wand that hadn't been moved for a long time from her bosom, raised it with trembling hands, and pointed it at the ice. He muttered softly, "The rabbit is flying."

Under Nelson's terrified eyes like a real Muggle, the dusty rabbit that was slipping on the ice swished like a gray lightning bolt and flew into Jokunda's hand , The rabbit whose ears were caught kept flapping its thighs, trying to break free.

"This is magic, Mr. Ship," Jokunda put his arms around Nelson's trembling arm and put his weight on it, biting his lip as if afraid that he would run away, "I am a witch, and your daughter Same witch."

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