"I understand, you were also forced." Nelson said sincerely, covering his forehead, and slowly moved his feet towards a low wall on the side.

"Don't worry, child, I won't attack you," Isabel smiled, "If you really understand me, you won't be so afraid, will you?"

"No... I just have a headache," Nelson felt that his brain was about to explode. Isabel's memory was not huge, but it was mixed with the life fragments of the wizards he had read before, and the strong emotions were in the story They rippling and bursting out, causing Nelson's mood and magic to rise and fall like them, "You are joking, I understand, but I think you should realize that you have made a small mistake in solving the problem."

"Arrogance, you haven't experienced what I have experienced, how can you judge what I have done?"

Isabel shook her head disdainfully. She raised her wand, and the flashing silver memory was like a liquid. Although Nelson tried his best to avoid it, he was still occupied by them. He staggered close to the low wall and held it drunk. Everything in front of him was divided into three parts, the double images sometimes overlapped and sometimes separated, a feeling of dizziness and nausea welled up in his throat, and at the same time, longer stories were turning in his mind like pages of a book.

"Don't worry, kid, I won't attack you."

Isabel looked like a mother who put her child to sleep with a bedtime story. She looked at Nelson with tenderness in her eyes, as if she was singing an out-of-key lullaby with Meg for the first time.


One year before Mag was born, Isabel and Robert met. A handsome, down-to-earth handsome boy and a smart and lovely lady, in most vulgar love stories or in real life, they will be blessed by everyone right.

But their stories are more cruel and bloody sweet than the story book, and the root of everything is that little wooden stick—the magic wand.

Isabel is faced with the same choice as McGonagall—choosing a lover or choosing a family. The differences and conflicts that should exist are extremely intensified when facing her father and McGonagall—Mr. Ross, a A hot-tempered and stubborn wizard, his prejudices are more difficult to shake than the tempered rock formations under the Antarctic ice sheet.

For him, it is more reasonable for his daughter to marry a house-elf than a Muggle. After all, elves have at least some magical powers. Like most self-centered fathers, he chose strong control. The obedient, dark, dark basement next door to the house-elf will be the future abode of the disobedient daughter.

Unlike McGonagall, Isabel chose a lover, which made her immersed in the happiness of being a husband and raising children for the rest of her life. At the same time, this was also the beginning of the bloody legend in the Scottish Highlands.

She is as good as McGonagall. Accompanied by the broomstick named "Silver Sword" that her mother gave her on her eleventh birthday, she left the hell that had controlled her for seventeen years. Since then, he and Robert have gone far away, and found a church where they lived in a Muggle settlement next to the Hero Village in the Highlands.

At first, what disappeared was her neighbor, a long-tongued old woman, who vividly told the story of the pastor’s wife and the devil trading eternal youth at the entrance of the village. saved her health.

Isabel endured the different eyes from the villagers, but she was happy with it. In her view, these setbacks were just God's test of her love.

Until two weeks later, that nasty old woman knocked on the door of her house again, and said triumphantly: "Take out your baby, you shouldn't want Mr. Robert to be expelled from the church for marrying a devil."

The undisguised greed in the old woman's eyes made her repressed pain completely explode. The loneliness of living in isolation, the abandonment of her family, and the incomprehension of her rigid husband, the words of the old woman were like a crowbar, easily dispelling these small pains. The built up mountain was overturned, but the people who will be affected by the mudslides will always be the people living at the foot of the mountain.

The next day, the old woman insisted on going to London alone to visit friends. Two weeks later, the police came to the village with her swollen body and a rotten piece of paper with her name and address written on it.

It was the first time Isabelle had smiled so brightly since she had been away from home for many years.

After tasting the beauty of revenge, she began to intensify - her husband's mean colleagues, the village tyrant who invaded her vegetable field, the parents who let their son bully Xiaoge, the old classmates who laughed at her husband's poor, these people who may have only met once Because of my gaffe, I left this beautiful world forever.

Is it rare that Isabel doesn't know what she did wrong? She has a faster brain than most people in the world. From the very beginning, she knew that she had embarked on a road of no return, but she was also good at whitewashing the peace-for a happy family, this simple reason became her Convince yourself of your strongest excuses every day.

Later, those potential dangers that might harm her family members became big troubles that had to be solved in her eyes.

Her genuine concern for her family has made her magic more powerful than ever.

But her heart became empty and urgent as she became stronger day by day—there were too many things in the world that would hurt Robert, McGonagall and her two sons, how could she clean it up by herself?

Under the ravages of black magic, her appearance is beyond the past, and she can only barely maintain it by absorbing the vitality of those liquidated Muggles. This is the first time that "medicine" was born in the world, and she felt that her life was leaving her body But it’s all worth it—Robert goes back and forth devoutly between church and home every day, thanking God for giving him such a happy life, all three children have gone to Hogwarts, and they will become beautiful and powerful wizards, But Isabel always felt that there was not much time left.

Thus, a special guest appeared in Knockturn Alley. On that day, Calactacus Bork shook the crystal bottle in his hand, staring at the charming purple light of wealth reflected by it.

Looking at the subordinates of the black wizard who was paralyzed by the test medicine behind him, but whose eyes were so happy that they were about to rise, he asked intoxicatedly, "Ma'am, what do you need?"

"I don't need anything."

"Then you must want a lot." Calactacus put away the crystal bottle, carefully hid the formula Isabel gave him in his arms, and said, "No matter what you need, I believe that compared to your For all that it brings me, it will never cost more than I imagined."

"This is just a failed product. The real finished product can save your youth without destroying your will." Isabel believes that although the result has been achieved, the finished product she takes is the most precious.

"No, no, ma'am," Calactacus stared obsessively at the subordinate who only had the word "medicine" in his mouth, and said with a smile, "For me, this kind of medicine is the best...it has name?"


"How about calling it 'Power'? Or 'Control'?" Calactacus folded his hands, twitching nervously, "No no no! How do these vulgar names deserve such a great invention of yours? Just call it' Medicine', it can cure everything!"

"I don't quite understand what you mean." Isabel vaguely understood what he wanted to do.

"It can heal my desires, and the map in my heart will be completed with its assistance. To tell you the truth, I already have abundant raw materials that cannot be enriched," Caractacus waved his hands excitedly, and sent out Epilepsy's subordinates maintained the same frequency, "You will be my benefactor."

Isabelle didn't answer him, and she left.


The memory that was forcefully poured into Nelson's mind by Isabel was constantly washing away Nelson's thoughts, and the grief and misery that filled him almost turned into a real flame, devouring him.

What followed was emptiness, but that emptiness was quickly filled with a sick sense of morality and satisfaction. In Nelson's heart, those remaining emotions that belonged to Peeves that had not been cleaned up were aroused, and his expression Constantly changing, from laughing to crying, from crying to anger, Nelson is a little tired of coping, not because these memories are difficult to entangle, but because of the restlessness of those emotions.

When he closed his eyes, he sank into the white city where his soul was, and there were churning black slime everywhere. They gushed out from the sewers and galloped on the streets.

A large metal hand reached down from the clouds, and Nelson jumped up, was caught by Alexander, and carefully placed on top of his head.

The black sniffed and approached Nelson, and even spread to the soles of Alexander's feet, but Nelson quickly pulled out the invisibility cloak and put it on himself. After entering the sewer, the street returned to its former cleanliness, as if nothing had happened.

Only the huge silver ball buried deep in the ground was moaning on the verge of breaking, and mayflies fell from Alexander's body, sank to the ground, turned into chains, and flickered into torrents of magic power, constantly strengthening the silver ball.

In the empty village, Nelson tried his best to open his eyes. At the same time, Isabel's last memory was played.

Looking at Nelson who seemed to have lost his soul, Isabel raised her arms and looked at her palms. She didn't even think that those memories would bring Nelson such a great stimulation. The effect of this magic was amazing. Seeing Nelson Opening her eyes again, she asked with a smile, "Do you understand?"

"I don't understand it, but it's really shocking."

A terrible thought suddenly rose in Nelson's mind.

"Maybe I can just leave and pretend nothing happened?"

He felt more and more that this plan was feasible. At the end of his memory, Isabel's plan surfaced. When a terrifying legend took shape over the Scottish Highlands, everyone would be cautious in their words and actions out of fear. At that time, no matter what others thought, Her family will not hear any bad words, and she can even go home and let the "drug" addicted Ross family accept her family again. What a blessing that would be!

Except for those wizards whose brains are messed up, only Nelson and herself, two sober people, know everything. If they don't say it, no one will know what happened. McGonagall and Robert will only think that the people in the Scottish Highlands are of a much higher quality , even if Isabel passed away, as long as the "drug" was still there, the chain above the head would exist forever, and no one wanted to disappear for no reason.

But soon, the conscience in his heart slapped him awake, not to mention that it is a big mistake to almost return to the form of primitive religion, just looking at this plan, it is also full of loopholes-such a place where the sky is high and the emperor is far away, Will Borgin Bock really follow Isabel's plan and only capture those who break the "rules"? He will only intensify his efforts driven by interests, and eventually turn this place into a hell like Second Salem.

"It seems that you have figured it out?"

"No!" Nelson suddenly replied loudly, startling Isabel, but Nelson just woke himself up, "I'm really in a daze, and I'm actually affected by you..."

"Think about it, child, at least here, Minerva is your closest person," Isabel was still trying to persuade Nelson, "those people have nothing to do with you."

She also noticed that the four wizards were rescuing the Muggles, but she didn't intend to interfere, she just wanted to let Nelson make his own choice.

The wind blew from the entrance to the end of the village, but it still couldn't wash away the blood stains soaked into the soil.

"Mr. Robert, he is an honest and upright person." Nelson swallowed and spoke with difficulty.

"That's right." Speaking of her husband, Isabel's eyes were full of happiness.

"He must not want you to deceive him like this."

"So far, do you still think it's a deception?" Isabel's tone was a bit stern.

Nelson knew that no matter what he said, he would appear too frivolous in front of Isabel, and in her eyes, there were too many tacit meanings.

But he was still stalling for time. The mayflies in the village kept feeding back information telling him that the four wizards who had not been infected with the "drug" were indeed fulfilling their orders seriously. They opened and detained the Muggle "raw materials" The gates of the cell, despite the brutal methods, are still trying to drive them away. More and more people leave the village and are driven away like a flock of sheep.

"If you tell Mr. Robert all this exactly, I think you know better than I what he will do."

"Maybe you can listen to what I said." These words hit Isabel's weakness. Indeed, she knew very well what her husband would think of her, "How dare you use him to blackmail me!"

"I'm not threatening, but I really can't do anything about you and your happiness." Nelson's hands were hanging by his sides, and his two wands were shaking in righteous indignation. "All I can do is raise the wand."

"Damn it!"

Seeing that the persuasion was fruitless, Isabel waved her wand angrily, and the green poisonous cloud rolled in like a tide.

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