My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 303 The cause of death is first aid

The pure black dead light engulfed every ray of light in the arena like a giant dragon, and ran over everything in front of them effortlessly. The audience felt their seats shake violently suddenly, and the walls on the ceiling were also broken into pieces. When they fell off, they drew out their wands one after another and cast magic to protect the field.

"Nelson, what kind of magic is this? Do you know?"

While Newt and Tina were protecting the students around him, he asked the elementary school students beside him. A sunflower with a bright smile crawled out of his pocket, and it became extremely huge in the breath, even the melon seeds on it The size of a fist, it stretched out strips of emerald green vines, rolled up the lower grade students near the front row, and threw them behind Newt.

But Nelson didn't seem to hear him, and Newt freed a hand and poked him on the shoulder.

Unexpectedly, Newt just poked lightly, and Nelson tilted his head and lay on his shoulder.

Newt's eyes widened, he looked carefully at the heroic Tina in front of him, and then looked around to make sure that no one had noticed, then he carefully straightened Nelson's head, pretending nothing happened.

The walls of the amphitheatre, which divides the corridor, suddenly protruded towards the auditorium. The one-way mirror of the game viewing window was instantly squeezed into glass shards flying around, and some ejected bricks collapsed towards the audience like bullets. Seeing the walls crumbling, Dumbledore stood up from the referee's seat, raised his wand and pointed forward.

Countless silvery-white light beams shot out from the tip of the stick, and shot at the completely collapsed wall like fireworks. In an instant, an iron wall as smooth as a mirror appeared in front of everyone, making everyone panic, or bewildered. Or the expression of sarcasm is reflected at a glance.

A human-shaped protrusion suddenly appeared in the center of the wall. The iron wall was like a liquid, and a girl in a red dress was spit out. Her eyes were blurred. After rolling several times, she lay on the ground, motionless.

At some point, Miss Joy, who appeared behind Dumbledore, stepped forward, squatted beside Margaret, made a small cut with her wand on Margaret's neck, and then took out a small bottle from her pocket. The light green potion dripped down the wound.

There was a sound of "sizzling" like a frying pan coming from behind the iron wall. It seemed that an unimaginable high temperature was brewing on the field. The iron wall soon turned red, twisted and deformed and swelled. Eyes behind half-moon glasses seemed to penetrate the wall, examining Tom on the other side.

The high temperature behind the wall was not enough to melt the iron wall, and the loud noise quickly subsided. Dumbledore lowered his hand, and the iron wall immediately fell apart like a puddle of slime, and flowed underground along the newly blasted gap in the ground.

The scene on the arena finally appeared in front of the audience. They put down their defenses one after another, turned their heads to look forward, and saw that the section of the entire corridor had become a smooth circle, but other than that, there was no distraction. Traces of destruction, it seems that everything that should have been there has been evaporated.

In the middle of the track, dozens of large axes with some original shapes can still be seen stuck on the ground. The decorations on the surface of the flying axes have been melted, and even the blades of the axes have become dull. It was hard to really destroy them, but the chains that hung them were all vaporized, and among the axes Tom raised his sleeves over his nose and mouth, and his hair was undisturbed.

He lowered his arm expressionlessly, and the wand was also hidden in the sleeve. A black snake slough was lying under Tom's feet. Every snake scale was clean and complete. He lowered his head and gently kicked the quilt. A bag of slough, but it didn't react.

Tom frowned, bent down, unsealed the seal on one side of the slough, and picked up the other side, a black bald head was poured out, and the carbonized skeleton surrounded his body, and it shattered when Tom touched it. It can be seen that there are two bat wings, which seem to be Ludwig.

Tom put his hand to Ludwig's head, observed carefully, found his nose, put his hand up, straightened up after a while, and shook his head regretfully, then he turned his head and looked at Looking in the direction of the auditorium, he seemed to have seen something bad, and his face sank.

The hearts of those who saw this scene "clicked", could they be dead?

Newt stood up, and it was time for his debut again! Unexpectedly, Tom knew that he was an expert in this field. He lowered his head and looked at Nelson, who was still quiet, and quietly cast a petrification spell on him, then lifted the shrunken sunflower and placed it on Nelson's side Above his head, it was used as a shield for him to fall from a height, and then he squeezed through the crowd and walked to the side of the scorched Ludwig. Gmund, none of them left their seats, but Newt was the first to arrive at the scene.

He glanced at Tom beside him and said softly, "Good job."

"But he seems to be dead?" Tom frowned. "I wanted to save him, but he didn't seem to survive my rescue."

"Your kind of rescue...ordinary people really can't survive it," Newt shrugged easily, "but don't worry, if it's Mr. Kant, he should be able to survive it. In fact, your kind of rescue may be the only one that can save him. There is a way out."

Newt lifted the hem of his windbreaker, and under the watchful eyes of everyone present, he took out a large suitcase from behind his buttocks.


"That ball Nelson gave me, you know."


Tom twitched the corners of his mouth in a complicated expression. When did you start talking with redundancies? Does marriage make a man like this?

"Fortunately, some of my friends feed on blood," Newt said happily. He took out a bag of blood from the side pocket of the suitcase, opened the bag, and poured it on Ludwig's head. , under Tom's gaze, Ludwig's scorched skin swelled suddenly, and the blood dripping on his body was instantly absorbed, "It's even more coincidental that I have dealt with the wizards of Durmster, and I know their What this kind of evil magic looks like in extreme cases."

"What does it look like?"

"Here, that's it," Newt said to the black man on the ground, "His partner will actively enter a state of deep entanglement of magic power in order to protect him, and at this time Ludwig will have his partner. Some characteristics, especially in terms of survival, you have to know that magical animals like supersonic bats are very rare. When they can't find a mate, they will even dry themselves out and hang them in caves to find them. The opposite sex will irrigate them with prey or even their own blood, prompting them to wake up and reproduce... Sorry, will it be bad for me to tell an underage wizard?"


"Listen, his heartbeat," Newt pointed to Ludwig's heaving chest, "one big and one small, the two of them are trying to survive together."

"Thank you, Newt," Tom said expressionlessly, "I was even thinking about how to contact Gnar to let him break the prison after I was caught in Azkaban."

"Haha," Newt patted Tom on the shoulder, "Why did you go to Azkaban? Are they willing to arrest a little wizard because he wants to save his companion but his hands are a little heavy? But ... Logically speaking, he should have woken up."

Tom and Newt stared at Ludwig on the ground. His breathing had stabilized, and some scorched skin peeled off on his own, revealing new flesh and blood. Tom thought something was wrong, he had only mastered this spell not long ago. It was also mentioned in Leitlin's notes that it might cause harm to the soul - Tom once thought it was because the power of black magic would cause harm to the user, but he realized that he was really wrong, this Obviously, it would cause damage to the opponent's soul, a drop of cold sweat emerged from Tom's forehead.

"Albus, your student is amazing."

Staring at this place for a long time, but without saying a word, Sigmund, who was thought to be unacceptable because his beloved student suffered such a catastrophe, suddenly popped out a word.

"Sigmund," Dumbledore said with a wry smile, "trust me, Tom really wanted to save him."

"I understand," Sigmund nodded, "People always miss."

"Of can also say that." Dumbledore nodded, "I never thought that Tom possessed such a powerful magic."

"No one would have guessed it," Sigmund narrowed his eyes, looked at Ludwig who was lying on the ground, and said, "I heard Newt Scamander say that he should have woken up."

"Sorry," said Dumbledore with a bitter expression, "if he really... we will be responsible."

"That's not what I meant." Sigmund shook his head. He turned his head and looked towards the Slytherin auditorium, and said to himself, "Strange, I clearly saw it. Is there something wrong?"

Suddenly, the scorched Ludwig opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of joy for the rest of his life.

"It's so hanging!"

Nelson in the audience let out a long sigh in his heart, and opened his eyes at the same time.

When Ludwig was about to be torn apart by the flying axe, he saw Tom cast his eyes on the auditorium. Although Tom didn't know the arrangement of the auditorium, he directly locked on Nelson's position, and Nelson Immediately understood his eyes: protect Ludwig's soul!

The moment Tom raised his wand, Nelson had already put on the ring of the Gaunt family, and his consciousness sank into a blurred illusion. When everyone's attention was attracted by Tom and Margaret's rescue, the two A pure white hand stretched out from the floor, grabbed Ludwig's ankle, and dragged him and a bat into an imperceptible vortex that was hidden in the smoke and dust under his feet.

Nelson felt a little hot, and the top of his head was also a little heavy. It may be that the long-term sitting made him feel a little uncomfortable. He wanted to change his movements, but suddenly found that he couldn't move!

Nelson's face was flushed, and he tried his best to turn his neck, but he only trembled with all his strength. At this time, a huge sunflower hung down in front of him, and the melon seeds on his face were humanized. Putting on a curious expression, she blinked and stared at him.

With all his strength, Nelson struggled to control the fingers of his right hand, turning the ring on his middle finger around.

Seeing the wounded wake up, Miss Joy rushed forward, Dumbledore announced the end of the match at the right time, and asked everyone to leave as soon as possible, but everyone already knew who the winner was.

After struggling for a long time, Nelson finally broke through the blockade of the petrification curse. When he was evacuating with the courtyard, a crew cut suddenly stopped Nelson and Alphard who was walking together.

"Ludwig is really useless! But in the final duel, I will be his assistant! Wertning, you and Riddle are ready to taste failure!"

Before Nelson had time to speak, Alphard stopped in front of Nelson. He showed an exaggerated smile, and a huge drop of sweat slipped from the corner of his forehead; "Who are you fucking?"

After all, the two of them bypassed Xiaopingtou and began to discuss the sunflower on Nelson's head and Tom who was left behind.


What's in the bell jar?

This is a question that many people are curious about. Everyone speculates that it may contain important information about the content of the third level, but Nelson, who was provoked by Xiaopingtou, knows that the final game will return to a simple and pure duel , where is there any information to tell the winner.

"Use your invincible prophecy to think of a way!" The winning carnival started again in the Slytherin lounge. What's interesting is that Alphard, the instigator, and Tom, the winner, couldn't squeeze into the crowd, so they had to fight with the one at the beginning. Nelson, who gave up participating, sat by the fire together, and Alphard scratched his ears and screamed, "Damn it! It must be that big crew cut that tripped Tom. Tom saved his student, and he is so ungrateful!"

"Gnar, it's up to you." Tom smiled. After the first two rounds of competition, he is no longer interested in so-called intelligence. It may be prudent to pay attention to opponents, but it is timid to pay too much attention to opponents who are much weaker than himself "I guess it's half of the bonus. Professor Dumbledore must have seen that I'm in financial distress recently, so he wants to send me some money..."

"Well..." Nelson picked up the teacup on the table, drank the tea in the cup, smacked the tea dregs in his mouth, raised the teacup again, and shook it like a magic stick and a gambler , then put it on the table with a "snap", stared at the tea dregs on the table and pondered for a moment, then said in an extremely playful tone, "The thing in the bell a MacGuffin!"

"What is that?" Tom heard a word he had never heard before, his expression became serious, and he seemed to have really taken Nelson's words seriously, "What powerful magic?"

"Speaking of which, is there any more powerful magic than yours?" Nelson waved his hand, and the aura of magic stick dissipated instantly, "There is nothing in it, there may be nothing in it."

"Okay," Tom curled his lips, and realized that he had been tricked. "I hope that in the third level, no one will hit me with your 'Maigao Shit'."

"It sounds like a new type of dung bomb," Alphard raised his eyebrows, "I'm looking forward to it."

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