Nelson thought that looking for a few suspicious elements in the castle was tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. Maybe the looking glass in his pocket wouldn't ring before the ball started.

But unexpectedly, he made a big mistake. This job was indeed a needle in a haystack, but the difficulties he faced were completely different from what he had imagined.

As soon as he entered the lounge, Nelson felt a strong vibration in his thigh. He held his wand vigilantly, but saw a scene that left him speechless.

"Abraxas, are you sure you can make me taller?"

A third grade girl whom Nelson had a little impression of was standing in front of Malfoy, nervously rubbing the corner of her pink skirt.

"Of course," Malfoy stood up triumphantly. Seeing his height of 1.8 meters, Nelson on the stairs was taken aback. Malfoy shook his head and said, "Belinda, I spent a lot of money to learn this during my vacation. Curse."

Hey guys, is that what body shapeshifting is for you guys? Nelson was stunned. He helped his jaw, which was almost dislocated, back to its original position. Seeing that the little girl had closed her eyes and was about to receive Malfoy's spell, Nelson jumped down the stairs and rushed up quickly.


"Good evening, Williams." Seeing Nelson, Malfoy put down his wand and saluted respectfully. For some reason, he was very polite to Nelson now, even more polite than Tom as a prefect.

"Good evening," Nelson nodded, without a single pause in his movements, bent down, and pressed his wand against Malfoy's leg, "Don't you know that human body deformation may cause irreversible damage?"

"This... this is the person I specially invited—"

"You've been tricked, Malfoy," Nelson interrupted before Malfoy could finish, "Even Professor Dumbledore can't teach a little wizard to transform a toothpick into a needle."

"But I obviously..." Malfoy stomped his feet, as if he wanted to say that he had clearly transformed successfully.

"Sit down!" Nelson pushed him into the chair behind him and held out his hand. "Give me the wand."

Malfoy handed over his wand in a daze.

"Flash back to the previous curse." Nelson frowned, and pressed his wand against the tip of Malfoy's wand. After seeing the last spell Malfoy used, he let go of his hand and threw Malfoy's wand back. "The Transfiguration Curse and the Growth Curse, Malfoy, now this little girl can kick your long legs in half with a single kick."

"What?" Seeing Nelson's serious expression, Malfoy suddenly lost his mind and shouted out loud.

"Keep your voice down, lest you break your leg with your voice."

Malfoy, who was stared at by Nelson, immediately fell silent. Nelson pointed to the chair behind Malfoy with his wand, and two wheels suddenly appeared on both sides of the chair, which crossed the boundary and became a wheelchair.

"Are you Malfoy's partner?" Nelson looked at the flustered little girl opposite, thinking about her name, "Belinda?"

"Yes... yes." She was completely confused.

"He may not be able to do the opening dance," Nelson straightened up, waved his wand, and several cloth straps "swish" out of Malfoy's trouser legs, securing his legs firmly on the chair, "you Can you help me take him to the school hospital? If you move fast enough, you should be able to catch the dance, but you can only miss the opening."


Belinda tremblingly stretched out her hand towards Malfoy's wheelchair. The little girl was terrified. On the one hand, she was afraid that she would break Malfoy's leg. It's prom.

"By the way, please help me find someone to tell Myrtle, who is in the fifth year of Ravenclaw, that I have something to do and I may not be able to arrive early," Nelson added, "but I will definitely arrive before the dance starts. "

"Okay, thank you," Malfoy in the wheelchair looked at his long legs suspiciously. When Nelson said this, he also felt the pain in the shins and knees of his lower legs, "...William S."

But Nelson didn't hear his thanks, and he had already walked out of the lounge at lightning speed.

Malfoy looked at the back of this windy and strange man, and felt that his legs didn't hurt so much anymore.

"Sorry, Belinda," he held Belinda's hand, lowered his head and smiled wryly, "I almost put you in a wheelchair with me, you couldn't dance."

"It's not your fault, Abraxas." Belinda walked around behind Malfoy and pushed him out of the lounge. Her pink dress was dragged to the ground because of the lack of heightening, and the hem of the skirt looked like a mess , "We can catch up with the dance later! But I have to go to Ravenclaw first."

I have to say that some things still depend on talent.


"Newt, are you sure they will use Transfiguration?" Nelson, who was staged "Wolf is Coming" by Tina's looking glass and Amy's students in turn, stood in the middle of an empty corridor and said with some doubts, "After all, the human body is deformed." It's not too difficult even for a wizard with a full magical education. Are you sure that group of people in Second Salem will use it? I think they are more likely to use Polyjuice Potion, after all, it costs money to buy it."

"I'm not sure, Gnar," Newt's voice was light, "you can go dancing after you check the last place, we've rescued the Obscure and Watchers they brought, luckily , we took them directly to their lair."

"What about the rest of Second Salem?"

"You can pay attention at the ball," Newt's background voice was mixed with Tina's tortured curses, "they can't make any trouble anymore."

"I'll contact you after I finish the examination," Nelson muttered. "They shouldn't be hiding in the school hospital, right? I still have at least an hour and a half to go to the school hospital."


The already spacious Hogwarts auditorium was expanded several times under the influence of the Untraceable Stretch Curse. In a corner of this empty auditorium, students from the three schools lined up to enter the arena. The leader of this year's Triwizard Tournament The three warriors and their partners.

Tom stood in the middle, his black hair, black robe and black eyes contrasted sharply with his fair skin. The only accessory on his body was a necklace with amber. Under the light, he looked like a young god, proudly Raising his chin, he looked down at the people who were about to be conquered by him.

Walburga was standing beside Tom with his arm in his arms. She was also a little lower than Tom in her high heels. The skirt is layered like a rose, and the long hair is carefully coiled on the top of her head, revealing a swan-like neck. She wears a crown studded with diamonds, which blinds the eyes of the people around her, and is caught by the diamonds. Ludwig with a face felt like he was going blind.

Both nelson and tom had an amazing feeling when meeting walburga tonight, nelson even suggested that she take a picture of herself after the dance and have it glued to grimauld place twelve with a permanent charm number on the wall.

On Tom's right hand, Margaret, who is holding her younger brother, looks like a princess who walked out of a fairy tale. The white gauze dress makes it difficult to look away. She didn't wear glasses tonight, and her younger brother is half a head shorter than her. I'm afraid I'm going to feel pain tonight.

As for Ludwig on the left hand side of Walburga, he did not wear the dress robes popular among British wizards, but instead wore a short white trench coat shaped like a suit, which was worn by the boys in Durmstrang. This type of clothes, I have to say, after taking off the robe, Ludwig finally showed his burly figure, he filled his dress to the full, full of power, but the ordinary small crew cut looked He is more capable.

The Latina girl worn by Ludwig is wearing a long skirt with hips, which perfectly shows her bumpy figure. This is one of the only girls in Durmstrang, and Ludwig is inseparable, as if originally It is his girlfriend.

In the center of the auditorium, on a high platform that had just been built, a group of wizards in suits and leather shoes held musical instruments and quietly looked at the white-haired wizard in the same suit and leather shoes on the top. He had a long beard hanging down to his chest, Looks kind-hearted - this unremarkable old man is the most popular wizard singer nowadays, Bob Bowie, of course, people prefer to call him another name - B.B.! Big Brother!

Bob was very old, stooped, and his baggy suit hung like a robe over his bony body.

But when he raised his head and grabbed his tie, everyone held their breath, the dance party of the Triwizard Tournament was about to begin.

Myrtle stood at the end of the line, looking back from time to time, but every time she looked back, she always brought an increasingly disappointed look.

"Don't worry, Myrtle," McGonagall, who sprained her ankle, walked swiftly, and she was also at the end of the line without looking for a partner. She patted Myrtle's arm and whispered, "You are so beautiful, Nelson will definitely catch up." of."


Myrtle wanted to say something more, but on the stage in the distance, Bob ignited tonight's dance with a roar that sounded like a black voice explosion.

Everyone looked at Big Brother, and saw that he pulled hard on the tie with his hand, and it snapped off the tie abruptly, pulling it off his neck.

He tossed the tie into the air, and a flame ignited above his head, lighting up all the candles in the auditorium in an instant.

It's hard to imagine that this is an old man's show.

The only normal ones in this band may be the trumpeters. Unlike the common ones in concert halls, the cellist carries the piano on his body, and the drummer throws the drum above his head, bombarding it with curses and clanging roar.

Amid the deafening (literal) beat of drums, the pop star roared at the top of his lungs.

"Tomorrow I will be guillotined, but I still choose to dance!

I may be dying tomorrow, but dancing is my only choice.

If tomorrow I am lucky enough to sleep forever, my love, please choose a new partner!

In this crazy and calm world, you and I have only the right to dance! "

This song called "Please Take My Afterlife to Dance" is Bob's famous track, but tonight he only sang a verse. The stars shot down, illuminating the three warriors and their dance partners, and as the band slickly shifted to more rhythmic dance music, Bob lowered his hands and pointed at the six of them.

Warriors come in.

The first person to enter the dance floor was the host Hogwarts hero - Tom Riddle.

If someone likes to secretly review while telling others that they are going to fail, then this person must be Tom. After completing a difficult lift, Alphad, who witnessed all Tom's remarks before the dance, said, "I really believe it. your evil".

I saw Walburga with her head held high, and under the guidance of Tom, she easily completed various movements of turning around, turning away, and turning back. Even Bob, who was at the top of the band, gave her applause.

The warriors who will participate in the Triwizard Tournament in the future may dare to say that theirs is stronger than the warriors of this year, but they should not feel that they can dance better.

After Tom entered the arena, Margaret and Ludwig entered the arena one after another. On one side was a dignified and elegant minuet, and on the other side was a tango full of power and tension. In addition, Tom and Walburga played first. In this way, the dance reached its climax at the very beginning.

As the dance music progresses, more and more people enter the dance floor. The most amazing thing about the wizard's dance is that even if each dances separately, there will be no sense of disobedience, just like the Hogwarts school song without a tune. Dance steps from different nationalities and different eras appear on the same dance floor today. Some people hug their dance partners, swaying gently and chatting intimately while some people like to play tricks and try their best to express themselves on the dance floor.

Gradually, most people have entered the dance floor, and only a few people are left in line outside.

Myrtle stared down the corridor, bewildered.

Finally, Mag raised his head, "Mytel, it's really not possible, let me—"

Before she finished speaking, Myrtle's expression suddenly became pleasantly surprised. Mag turned her head and saw a small white figure approaching quickly at the end of the corridor.

McGonagall held Myrtle's hand distressedly. She felt that the little girl had been tormented mad by Nelson, a dishonest guy. "Myrtle, that's just—"

This is the second time Meg was interrupted tonight. I saw the white cat rushing over like lightning. When Meg was about to pull Myrtle to avoid it, it grabbed Myrtle's hand. The moment the penultimate couple entered the dance floor, they pulled her into the auditorium.

"—a cat."

Everyone watches in amazement as Myrtle bursts onto the dance floor with a cat, even the band's dance music pauses.

When Myrtle was unsteady, and before everyone could react, the white cat landed lightly, and Myrtle, who couldn't stop her forward leaning due to inertia, was half-kneeled on the ground the moment she was about to fall. blonde teenager with arms in his arms.

The band's dance music was completely interrupted, and then, a more passionate dance music than before almost tore apart the false starry sky above the auditorium.

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