My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 225 Tom: Why do we sit in the forest for class?

"It seems that I am still more used to this kind of life of standing on the podium and giving lectures, although for me, the last time I picked up the pointer was actually yesterday, the class I taught you and the first Hogwarts The students spoke no differently."

Rowena picked up the teacup soaked in petals, took a sip, and thought it was time to water herself. She looked at Nelson who was sitting upright under the stage, and sighed, "You seem to be the same class of students, but they may have been in the same class for a long time. It turned into a pile of loess."

Nelson nodded, but said nothing.

Rowena seemed unable to rest at all. On the second day after Nelson had the leaf in her mouth, after confirming Nagini's stability, she secretly took away Nelson's blackboard with a thin vine. When Nelson found her, She has already transformed the open space behind the hut into a temporary classroom without authorization. The enthusiasm for imparting knowledge seems to have been carved into her bones. In the battle against Haierbo, she also kept on explaining the details of the battle.

"But you are a little better than them." Rowena shook his head, as if recalling the students in the previous class, with a warm smile that had never been seen on his face, "In our time, many people even recognized letters Not all, Salazar's students are alright, and Helga's silly little ones have to learn to spell from scratch, which is really painful... You don't have to sit so straight, it's class time now."

Nelson moved his buttocks, feeling the small Maza under the seat, and couldn't tell the pain.

"You are better than them. I don't know if you are really smart or if you want me to think you are smart." Rowena continued a cup of hot tea and held it to his mouth to blow hot air. I can't take it anymore, almost half of the world is asking questions in every class, do you know what I admire most about you?"

Nelson shook his head.

"What I like the most is that you never ask questions, you don't ask me what hand gesture I should use for this spell, and you don't ask me how to pronounce that spell." Rowena blinked and praised, "You are A perfect listener."

Nelson didn't know what to say anymore. He stretched out his hand and pointed to the blackboard behind Rowena, indicating that he didn't want to ask questions, but Rowena stuck his head out as if he couldn't see his movements. out the window.

"Slytherin, hurry up and move a bench over here when you get back, class is about to begin."

A few seconds later a stern-faced Tom came sullenly out the back door, carrying the chair he had taken out of Nelson's pocket, fully dressed and looking as though he was about to leave.

"How is Nagini?" Rowena asked with concern.

"As usual, it's always in a non-life-threatening state," Tom pouted, and replied, "but it hasn't improved. She told me that she has phantom limb pain, but I still can't imagine what phantom limb pain feels like."

"Phantom limb?" Rowena frowned, then stretched it out, and said, "For wizards, the best way is to practice. Are you willing to try?"

"Never mind, ma'am," replied Tom dryly. "Even if I cut off one of my own hands, it would do nothing to relieve Nagini's pain."

"Actually, I think pain is necessary for her now, and a certain degree of physical stimulation can make her mentally clearer," Rowena motioned Tom to sit down, and put the teacup in the cup she wove out of vines. On the podium full of flowers, she continued, "Pain will always remind her that she is a person, not a snake."

Nelson rested his head on his hands and leaned against the desk, and the sound of Tom moving the desks and chairs didn't make him move. He didn't raise his head mechanically until Ravenclaw rang the bell next to him.

"Slytherin, last class we mainly talked about the application of the improvement spell in life, you can ask Nelson after the class." Rowena cleared his throat, and the lazy temperament during the class disappeared in an instant, replaced by It is an imposing manner that is extremely confident, "In this lesson we will talk about their role in battle, involving thirty-five kinds of spells, since you all know their original spells, so I hope you don't Waste of time on such simple content."

Rowena raised one hand to her chest, as if she was holding a non-existent book, a rattan stick emerged from the ground, she rolled up her pen and began to write vigorously on the blackboard.

"The original intention of the creation of Defense Against the Dark Arts is to create a spell that can cause the same damage as black magic without mobilizing too much emotional energy to resist powerful dark wizards."

Rowena stood on the podium and talked eloquently, even for Tom and Nelson, what she said was novel and profound: "Because the unlimited use of black magic will cause irreversible damage to the soul, and the use of black magic Magic against dark wizards is a joke, it would be better to say it is a civil war for dark wizards."

"That's why the white wizards in the early years turned their ideas to those commonly used spells, such as the floating spell, the flying spell, and even the life spells such as the automatic socks washing spell. The source of the defense against the dark arts that you are using now may be It's some carrot-slicing spell..."

Plenty of time always passes quickly. Under the teaching of Ravenclaw-style duck-feeding, half a day passed quickly, and the sun climbed to the top of the three of them. Rowena ordered Nelson and Tom to move closer to the tree. She covered the two of them from the midday sun, while she basked in the sun, clapped her hands, and said briskly, "Okay, today's class is over, if you have any questions, you can ask me anytime, since you are still on vacation Time, we only have two classes in the morning every day."

Nelson was a little touched. Although it was unreasonable to take classes during the holidays, when Rowena rewarded him with the phrase "only two classes in the morning every day", he even felt that Rowena was kind. It is indeed the Big Four of Hogwarts...

After saying that, Rowena's figure shattered into a pile of leaves, scattered into the wind and disappeared, leaving Tom standing by the podium to ponder the principle of this magic.

Nelson sat under the stage and sorted out his notes. He was surprised to find that although this morning was extremely tiring, it was extremely efficient at the same time. At Hogwarts, there are only two classes of spells a week, because the need Taking care of everyone's progress, the process of learning a spell is roughly like this:

In the first week, Professor Sykes will spend one class time explaining the theory of spells, teaching the students the spells and spell-casting movements, and leaving another class time for students to practice; in the second week, she will spend a class testing The results of each student in the class will be corrected in one class, tutoring for students who are behind in progress, and a paper will be assigned after class; in the third week, Professor Sykes will comment on some typical assignments and make a review of these I will make a final addition to the precautions for Dao Charms, which will take about two classes.

From this point of view, Hogwarts may not learn a few spells in one semester, but Hogwarts is also very generous to those who are thirsty for knowledge. As long as it is not some strange time, the doors of the library and the professor's office are closed. Always open for everyone, and Rowena's class today is to make this self-study time more systematic and efficient for Nelson and Tom.

Taking today’s thirty-five spells as an example, most of them were familiar to them before, and the rest were also interrelated and easy to comprehend by analogy. Rowena only introduced their spells and effects, and these were of great importance to Nelson and That's enough for Tom.

In fact, Rowena did not expect that she would speak so fast. In addition to the reason that she has the physical strength of a tree, it may also be because there is a Nelson who can't speak and a Tom who is too lazy to ask questions. Bar.

"Seriously, Gnar, don't you think it's strange?" After confirming Rowena's departure, Tom approached Nelson and whispered, "Although Ms. Ravenclaw's class is really great, but we are on vacation! Now it's Holiday time! Why are we sitting in a big forest full of wild mushrooms and all kinds of wild game in a sunny day?"

Nelson looked up from his thick notes, thought for a moment, and shook his head.

"Well, I mean, I always thought that the holidays were a time of rest for students," Tom said, frowning and scratching his messy hair. root."

Nelson shrugged and nodded.

"No, what do you mean by nodding and shaking your head?" Tom's body movements became richer, he looked at the blackboard on the podium, and fished it out with a wave of his wand.

"What are you up to?" He craned his neck to look at Nelson's desk.

[I am writing to Professor Binns, Ms. Ravenclaw's class today opened my mind to new ideas. 】For Nelson, Rowena's comprehensive class has added a layer of content about the history of magic. For Nelson, every word the ancients said is history.

"Oh!" Tom nodded emphatically, "Can Professor Binns read the letter?"

His focus was odd, and Nelson didn't know what to say.

"Then why don't you just write on these papers and tell me?" Tom continued to ask, "Is writing on the blackboard also one of the rituals of the Animagus?"

[These are notes, and paper, Tom. 】

Nelson hits the full stop at the end with great force.

"By the way, Gnar, I asked the snakes in the forest to help me pick some mushrooms, and I killed a few small animals by the way." Tom waited for Nelson to write his signature on the letter paper, picked up the blackboard, and walked out. Half stood still suddenly and asked, "Have you brought the owl?"

I saw Nelson took out his cane from his pocket, poked it on the bound letter paper, and it turned into a white light and disappeared.

[I asked someone to send the letter for me, by the way, are you sure the mushrooms picked by the snake are not poisonous? 】

"Of course not. In fact, last time you said that Sprout was proficient in herbal medicine, I also read some books on herbal medicine." Tom puffed out his chest and said proudly, "Didn't you say that Has Aunt Bella passed on the art of stewing to you? Let me see."

Nelson shrugged, yanked the blackboard back from Tom's grasp, and tucked it under his arm toward the cabin.

After a while, cooking smoke came out of the chimney of the hut. In this untouched primeval forest, few hunters even set foot. The smell of this kind of food is very strange to the animals in the forest. Some bold animals came out of the bushes one after another. They approached the hut, but they were quickly chased away by the surrounding snakes.

"Ms. Ravenclaw talked about so many spells today, and I think your best one is the automatic carrot-slicing spell."

In the house, Tom sat by the fireplace, looking at the cauldron they used to cook the soup. With his chin propped on his upper arm, he looked at the pot with blurred eyes.

Nelson rummaged in his pocket for the bread box, and wrote on the blackboard: [I suddenly remembered, I can’t eat this month, why let me cook? 】

He turned his head and saw Tom who seemed to be in a deep sleep, silently erasing the writing on the blackboard, and replaced it with a sentence [When you wake up, bring Nagini here, she also needs activities today. 】

After writing, Nelson walked back to the counter with the bread he found.

Suddenly, Tom was awakened by a violent shaking from under his feet. He looked left and right, and shouted, "Gnar, is there an earthquake?"

Immediately afterwards, he picked up Nelson's small blackboard, picked up the pot on the fire, and ran out of the house.

As soon as he ran out of the house, Tom saw Nelson apparating to him with a cutting board full of bread.

"Is there an earthquake?"

Nelson nodded, then shook his head again. Although the ground was vibrating, the feeling was very different from the earthquake in the book. It felt like something big broke the ground under his feet, blowing the earth out of the soil. Drilled past.

Tom put the pot down hastily, raised his hand and blew.

Seeing this, Nelson rummaged in his pocket and threw a small bottle. Tom caught it and saw that it was a bottle of white fresh food.

He raised his head and looked at the ax-shaped mountain not far away. There was nothing unusual about the mountain, which was completely different from the earthquake.

At this time, Rowena pushed open the wooden door of the fence and walked in.

"I seem to smell someone cooking," she asked, raising an eyebrow. "What is it? Cream of Mushroom Bisque with Roast Chicken?"

"Ms. Ravenclaw, what happened?" Tom asked hastily, "Did there be an earthquake just now?"

"It's nothing, two strange guys came outside the forest, and they were fighting hard." Rowena shrugged, "I drove them away."

"Who?" Tom gritted his teeth while applying white cream to his hands.

"A fool," Rowena said after thinking for a moment, "and a dumb."

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