My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 207 Revisiting the old place

"Gellert, what do you want?"

The broken coast is uneven and stretches like a glacier colliding with the mainland, like bread torn in two. Islands facing each other are arranged around the coastline. Washed by the waves of the ice floes, these archipelagos not far from the continental shelf are like isolated islands, seemingly connected, but in fact it is difficult to approach.

Dumbledore was wearing a solemn black suit standing on the reef, looking at the shell-like white lighthouse not far away, holding an old silver cross necklace tightly in his palm, looking at the beach not far away. Grindelwald, who was sitting on one knee while hugging the boulder, was not far away from each other, similar to the distance between two small islands by the sea.

"Since when did you become religious, Albus?"

Gellert Grindelwald was wearing a long black trench coat, the hem of which was draped over the huge boulder under his seat. The sea breeze blew up his gray scarf, and it floated gently behind him, pointing to the tall fighting beast in the background behind him A grand building in the style of a field.

He didn't answer Dumbledore's question, but turned his head and looked at the Colosseum behind him. Not too long ago, a trial against Dumbledore was held there. I don't know how many wizards came from all over the world. , they gathered together to enjoy the trial of the most famous white wizard in the world, as if they had also become the spokespersons of the great law.

When the trial was over, the people who were still excited were scared away by the news of Grindelwald's attack. In fact, most of them only heard the news of Grindelwald's attack, and they didn't even dare to go to the rumored Grindelwald's attack. Looking at the direction where Devo disappeared, he was like a headless chicken, exhausted by the crowd, and after returning to his comfort zone, he quickly forgot about this world-renowned trial.

Just as hotspots are always forgotten, the tall Roman columns in the venue are already covered with moss unique to the subarctic zone. In Norway, a humid and cold coastal country, fragile creatures such as moss and vine man will always find opportunities to seek Survive.

"No, I think you know what day it is."

Dumbledore shook his head, clenched his already tight palm, the hard sharp angle of the cross pierced his palm, but did not pierce his skin, he jumped off the reef, stepped on the shell of a hermit crab, and said , "I don't believe in these, but I always have a little expectation."

"Of course I know," Grindelwald shrugged, stood up from the reef, patted the gravel and soil behind his buttocks, and disappeared in place. The next second, he appeared beside Dumbledore. He moved forward Taking a step closer to Dumbledore's ear, he exhaled a fiery breath that was completely inconsistent with the cold Norway, but the words that came out of his mouth were not so fiery at all, "Albus, you are just trying to reassure yourself."

"You—" Dumbledore raised his clenched fist, paused for a few seconds, then put it down lightly, and said in a flat tone, "Yeah, so what, you can think whatever you want, What you say is what you say."

"Hehe, you guy," Grindelwald smiled and shook his head, walked to Dumbledore and stood still, the two of them looked at the seagulls flying around by the sea, without speaking for a long time, after a while, he suddenly said, " I have been looking for a way to bring the dead back from the other side, but unfortunately, judging from the current situation, the effect of the resurrection stone is not as magical as it is said in the legend."

"Did you find it?" Dumbledore turned his head and stared at Grindelwald's profile, only to see him shake his head slightly.

"There's no need to look for it."

Grindelwald put his hand into the inner pocket of his coat, took out a large piece of bread, broke half of it and handed it to Dumbledore. The broken section was very similar to the coastline of Norway, and he ignored the man who took the bread in a daze Dumbledore just tore off a small piece and threw it into the sea.

A seagull rushed up from the sea, grabbed the bread with precision, and swallowed it in one gulp.

"This is a good thing I found in a Muggle shop in the United States," Grindelwald said to himself. "It tastes good, but I can't eat so much by myself."

Dumbledore's body was tense, but he pretended to smile in relief, broke off a piece and threw it into his mouth. Soon, his brows relaxed, and it seemed that the taste was really good.

"I hope you didn't blame me for feeding the birds with your food," Grindelwald was still repeating his action of feeding the seagulls. "If you like, you can go to your favorite student and ask him to take you to buy it."

"Tom?" Dumbledore stopped tearing bread.

"He will be sad to hear that from you," Grindelwald shook his head. "I mean, Newt Scamander, by the way, do you know he's married?"

"Is he married?" Dumbledore stopped completely.

"Yeah," Grindelwald finished feeding the bird quickly, patted the crumbs on his hands, looked at the two suns on the sea, and said, "He may not even know that when he secretly went to Miami to get a marriage certificate , that registrar was me pretending to be."

After that, he turned his head and raised his eyebrows at Dumbledore slyly.

"Look at you, you don't care about your students at all. Marriage is such a big event in life that you have to have a respected senior as a witness. Since you are not here, I have no choice but to resign myself. I am different from you. I care about your students very much. , "The wind on the sea has become a little weaker, and the two suns have merged into one." Of course, I am more concerned about my students."

"You don't want to deal with Tom," Dumbledore poked the bread lightly with his fingers, and threw it into the sea forcefully. During the flight, the bread broke into many small pieces of uniform size, which was tempting. The rain of bread brought a lot of seagulls, they soared above the sea, singing loudly with delicious food in their mouths, "It's not good to do this, you are not young."

"What are you thinking?" Grindelwald gave Dumbledore a blank look. "I'm not interested in him. The only thing I'm curious about is, if I kill him, will you cry at his funeral?"

"He won't be killed by you."

"No, you won't cry."

The two sentences fell almost at the same time. The two looked at each other and walked north along the coast.

"Albus, how long has it been since we walked side by side like this, that time you dragged me to jump off the building doesn't count."

The weather and atmosphere were wonderfully good, and Grindelwald spoke enthusiastically.

"What on earth do you want, Gellert." Dumbledore ignored his closeness, and repeated the question he asked when he first saw Grindelwald, "On a day like this, you invited me to Come here, what do you want to do?"

As if to reinforce the tone, he repeated it again.

"Oh! Albus!" Grindelwald wailed in an exaggerated tone, "You really have no mood, this kind of place should talk about music, talk about literature, talk about all meaningless things."

"Gellert, what exactly do you want?" Dumbledore stopped, grabbed Grindelwald's wrist, stared into his eyes, and said every word.

"Okay," Grindelwald shrugged, and immediately put on a serious expression, he squeezed Dumbledore's wrist with the other hand, and said seriously, "I'm just trying, for some new possibility,"

He gently rubbed the toe of his leather boot on the beach, and a shell was crushed, and a small octopus struggled to crawl out, and burrowed deep into the sand to avoid it.

He bent down with great interest and stared at the octopus that was digging fast. When it was about to successfully dig out the hole, he pinched the struggling tentacles of the octopus and lifted it out.

The little octopus writhed wildly, spitting ink, but it didn't splash on him at all. Grindelwald picked up the little octopus, shook it vigorously, and threw it into the sea.

"You see, if I don't help it, it will live in a narrow shell forever, and it will live like this for a lifetime," Grindelwald said proudly, "Maybe it will go to the shell when it grows up." Get a bigger shell, but it shouldn't be living on the beach and eating some bugs - it should be living in the water, maybe just been eaten by some fish that passed by, but it should have become a predator opportunity for the

"Haven't you ever thought..." Dumbledore hesitated, "Is this actually the habit of octopuses? Maybe it will live on the shore in this season, and it will go down to the sea in other seasons."

"Oh? Is that so?" Grindelwald picked up another octopus nonchalantly, threw it into the sea, and said softly, "I don't care, I just want to give it a chance."

"Even if this opportunity is one he doesn't need?"

"I want to give it, it has nothing to do with whether it needs it or not," Grindelwald shook his head, "Besides, Albus, it's it, not him, please don't do reading comprehension, have you noticed, and talk Dealing with people who play charades is really very easy to get tired, don't you know that you are tired? Anyway, I am quite tired."


"Why don't you speak?" Grindelwald turned his head and stared at Dumbledore with a strange expression.

"So what is the reason why you want to restart the Triwizard Tournament?" Dumbledore spread his hands, indicating that he was not playing riddles.

"If you could talk like this before, I think there would be a lot less misunderstandings in the world," Grindelwald spread his hands like Dumbledore, and said, "I said, I just want to give them a chance, say What you don’t like to hear, Albus, this generation of young people is much better than ours, they need such a stage and opportunity, don’t forget, back then—”

"Okay, don't talk about it." Dumbledore waved his hand and asked, "What do you want from it? I think that people like you should disdain to find something from a group of minors." Yes, do you think they can be our prelude?"

"I've said it countless times, they are them, we are us," Grindelwald shook his head, "Don't think everyone is your pawn or marionette."

"Isn't this you?" Dumbledore snorted coldly and asked, "How did you convince the Ministry of Magic?"

"To be honest, believe it or not, a wizard next to me at that time asked by the way when he finished building the building for your British Ministry of Magic and went to collect the final payment. He himself was a student of Beauxbatons, and he was looking forward to being able to Seeing such a grand event again, who would have thought that the officials of the Ministry of Magic already knew his identity as Nurmengard." Grindelwald made up a clumsy story like a lie, "They seem to have wanted to be with him long ago. We bridged the relationship, so we took the lead in contacting this event, you can ask the chief of your Wizengamot, he is more clear about this matter, after all, Durmstrang is actually not under my control."

"If you don't want to say it, you don't need to say it," Dumbledore was a little annoyed after hearing Grindelwald's stammering narration, I waved my fist and said loudly, "There is no need to call me here to waste time."

"I swear, what I said is true."

"Your oath makes me even more suspicious of the veracity of this story."

"Well, believe it or not," Grindelwald shrugged and said, "I called you out this time mainly because of the Armando Dippet matter."

"Armando? Have you found him?" Dumbledore looked at Grindelwald in surprise.

"Is he not in touch with you? As far as I know, he should train you as an heir," Grindelwald narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and continued, "I don't know if you still remember my subordinates?" There's a little wizard named Barry who's the Obscure."

"Grandson of Armando?"

"That's right, you were the one who suggested that he come to me," Grindelwald nodded, and said, "He was captured by the lunatic from Second Salem."

"Huh?" Dumbledore had a concerned look on his face, "Is he all right?"

"It's not optimistic, the silent one is about to explode," Grindelwald pursed his lips, shook his head with a serious expression, and said, "Dippet and I had a face-to-face meeting. This person is already crazy, and he has no hope at all. What I want to know is, does Hogwarts have any contingency plans for when the headmaster goes crazy, after all, if the Triwizard Tournament does not have the headmaster to lead the team, it will always seem unofficial."

"Where is he?" Dumbledore grabbed Grindelwald's wrist and asked sharply, "What have you done to him?"

"If I do anything to him, I'll bring it up to you today," Grindelwald patted Dumbledore's hand, took it off his arm, and said, "I think it's weird too, and it wasn't before. I have never fought against him, but at that time he was definitely not as strong as he is now. Not only did he know how to master black magic, but his magic power is not like an old man who is about to retire. He is strong, vigorous, and full of aggression. I can’t even keep him. .”

"Is that really the case?" When Grindelwald was confused, Dumbledore suddenly pulled out his wand and pressed it against Grindelwald's temple.

"Of course it's true...but you're doing a sneak attack?" Grindelwald laughed instead, "You're not a sneak attacker, look, your wrist is still shaking!"

"Hmph!" Dumbledore flicked his sleeve vigorously, and his arm fell down.

"I mean, there are a lot of things that need to be communicated by the principal. If Armando Dippet himself is not there, there may be a lot of omissions."

"You don't have to worry about that at all," Dumbledore asked back. "Where's the headmaster of Durmstrang? You locked him up?"

"You don't have to worry about it at all. He trusts me very much and wants me to be the vice principal."

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