My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 151 The head of Gryffindor gave a small talk to a Ravenclaw heir born in Slytherin

"Tom, how was your night?"

Tom got up from the bed, raised his arms, and saw that he was wearing the wizard robes he wore during the night tour last night. It turned out that all this was not a dream.

He rubbed his eyes and looked out the window. The sky was already bright, and he didn't know how long he had slept. After confirming the environment he was in, he looked in the direction of the sound.

Dumbledore was sitting at the table in the bedroom, holding a round red apple in his hand, and took out a small silver knife to peel it.

"Mr. Aberforth?" Tom rubbed his eyes again, took a closer look, shrank back, reached into the quilt, pulled out the wand hidden in the sleeve, and then raised his head to say hello, "Professor Dumbledore, When did you come back?"

"Last night." Seeing Tom's tense movements, Dumbledore shook his head with a wry smile, and realized that he shouldn't laugh in this situation, so he lowered his head bitterly and said, "It seems that my brother's teaching is very good. Not bad, is it?"

"Although Mr. Aberforth did not announce his identity, his courses are indeed very popular." Tom nodded politely but restrained, and asked, "Professor Dumbledore, what is your business here looking for me?"

"Coincidentally, I just returned to England last night, and it suddenly occurred to me that something needed to be done, and my owl was not with me, so I had to go to the owl room to find one," Dumbledore's blue eyes examined through the clear half-moon lenses. Looking at Tom, he said in a deep voice, "Then I saw a little wizard leaning against the wall in the corridor at the door of Professor Sykes...Tom, I'm not talking about you, but sleeping on the ground is not only dirty, but also cold."

"Thank you, Professor," said Tom dryly, "I'm sorry, Professor, but I shouldn't be wandering around in the middle of the night and sleeping outside."

"It doesn't matter, Tom, the current 'Dumbledore' professor is Aberforth, and I won't deduct points for you." Dumbledore stood up, picked up the alarm clock on Tom's bedside table, and waved it into an alarm clock. He placed the peeled apples on a white porcelain tray, and with a light finger of his wand, the apples split into several even pieces. He put the tray on Tom's lap and said with concern, "Tom, you must pay attention." Rest, the root cause of my illness when I was young is still often recurring."

"Okay, thank you, Professor." Tom said with a smile on his face, "I don't have class this morning, so I plan to have a good sleep in the dormitory."

"Night is the time exclusively for sweet dreams," Dumbledore raised his eyebrows. "Whatever you want to do in the future, you can do it during the day, there is no need to stay up late."

"I see, Professor."

"By the way, Tom," Dumbledore asked casually, sitting on the bed opposite Tom, "I've been away for so long, is there anything you want to tell me?"

"No," Tom replied categorically. He felt that Dumbledore was simply incomprehensible, and he asked provocatively, "Professor, do you think I will tell you where Gnar was driven by you?"

Seeing Dumbledore's troubled face, Tom was full of pleasure.

"Then I won't bother you, Tom," Dumbledore realized that he needed to leave, so he turned around and was about to walk outside the dormitory. After taking two steps, he turned his head and said as if suddenly remembering something , "Excuse me, Tom, it's not a wise choice to share memories with others, let alone sink your consciousness into someone else's life."

Tom lowered his head, thrust his hands under the covers, and recalled the time he and Nelson had secretly practiced Occlumency, magic circling wildly in his head.

"Ms. Gray is the most tragic ghost in Hogwarts. The era of her life and her legendary status will always make Hogwarts students infinitely curious. To be honest, I was in Hogwarts back then. When I was studying, I also thought about discovering some legendary treasures on campus, such as Gryffindor's sword, Slytherin's chamber of secrets, and Ravenclaw's crown." Dumbledore turned around and stood still, Staring at Tom seriously, he said, "It seems that you have won the favor of Ms. Gray. This is your adventure. As a teacher, I am sincerely happy for you."

"Thank you." Tom thanked with difficulty. Waking up on the bed was enough to make him feel strange. When he saw Dumbledore sitting opposite him, he already had a clear answer in his heart—Dumbledore was afraid He already knew what happened last night, but he didn't know how much he had seen. Tom held the wand that had slipped from the sleeve, raised his head, and said the truth, "Professor, to be honest, I'm just interested in the Ravenclaw lounge. The knocker at the door is only of interest."

"I understand." Dumbledore, who discovered Tom's little secret, nodded with a smile, and the conversation finally entered his familiar rhythm. Dumbledore said, "We can easily find unexpected discoveries when we are exploring something, such as I once was looking for a toilet in the corridor on the eighth floor, and I accidentally found a room that may be the most magical room in Hogwarts."

"Really? That's awesome." Tom looked down again.

"So Tom, although you are a Slytherin, Ms. Gray has chosen you, out of thousands of students over thousands of years and hundreds of years, this is your destiny, isn't it?" Dumbledore said. Lido said happily, "But the times are constantly improving. Those old things may be powerful, but they may not necessarily adapt. I think you should need a little help."

"Help for what?" asked Tom, looking up.

"I came here this morning just to tell you about it," Dumbledore blinked, "I've already dealt with off-campus affairs, and I'll be teaching at Hogwarts for a long time to come, In the meantime, Tom, may I invite you to my special session?"

"What is that?"

"Although I have always believed that education is equal for everyone, it may be more efficient to entrust some things to more talented people." Dumbledore lowered his head, stared at Tom from above the glasses, and said after a long silence , "Tom, I think you deserve my help."

"Why?" Tom was puzzled. "Why me? What exactly are you trying to do?"

"What do I want to do?" Dumbledore seemed to be stumped by this question, and began to think about it. After a while, he didn't understand what he wanted to do. "It's just for your own good, Tom."

"For my own good?" Tom laughed angrily at this sentence, his eyes widened, he tilted his head to look at Dumbledore, his face was full of disbelief, "Do you remember? The last time you said this, He used the Disarming Curse to take away Gnar's wand, and then drove him to the war-torn Europe, and now he even got together with the notorious dark wizard like Grindelwald! You want to do me good now? I still Where can I go? To Africa?"

"I...I—" Dumbledore muttered, and it was difficult to look directly into Tom's eyes at the moment. He had never experienced failure in his life. Apart from his lover, only Nelson had brought him the same regret. Nelson's curse is the irreparable mistakes in his career as a teacher, "You have to believe me, Tom, although I have my own plans, in my plans, there is no option to hurt you."

The young Dumbledore didn't have as much experience in the future, and he hasn't reached the level of old age where he doesn't tell others. He is still willing to confide part of his heart to the people in the plan.

"To be honest, there are not many wizards in the world who can defeat me. I just want to train you into a powerful wizard who can defeat me."

"Don't you think that you will go crazy and destroy the world, and you are afraid that no one will stand up to stop you at that time, so you cultivate a savior in advance?" Tom's eyebrows almost went to the sky. The man looked at Dumbledore and said seriously, "I don't think you need to have such thoughts."

"Listen to me, Tom, the key to this matter is not me, but you." Dumbledore thought for a moment and said, "Do you still remember the fire you experienced when you went to France last year?"

Tom frowned, thinking back carefully, and only for a moment he remembered the fire that was about to burst through the door and burn himself into coke. When he packed his luggage and was about to leave, the ball seemed to be alive and conscious Tongues of flame rolled up the building, enveloping it in an instant, and the next instant, when Tom felt the windows of his own room about to melt, the flames were gone, and so were the Voldebats filling the sky— So Tom once suspected that his experience was a hallucination.

He looked at Dumbledore with scrutiny and asked, "Professor? Could it be that you—"

"No, it was Gellert Grindelwald who started that fire," Dumbledore explained, "I confronted him in Paris, but he set the building you were on fire with Fiendflame, trying to Come and force me back."


"And he succeeded," Dumbledore shrugged, "but it doesn't matter, it's not time to knock him down yet, these magics are nothing to me, but to you, Tom, as far as I can see Say, you can't even break out of Grindelwald's blockade."

"I really can't," Tom bowed his head dejectedly, "I can't do anything about that kind of flame."

"It's not just Fiendfire, Tom," Dumbledore persuaded, "Do you know about Nelson's parents? Do you know who his real enemy is? That's not some Polish Muggle. With his character, sooner or later he will Against Grindelwald, if you study at Hogwarts step by step until graduation, I don’t think even you will cause any interference to enemies of that level. As far as I know, Grindelwald is in Grow Nelson yourself."

"You guys are so funny, Grindelwald cultivates a person who will seek revenge on himself, and you want to cultivate a person who will knock you down when you may become crazy in the future? Are you a combination?"

Tom let out a dry laugh, and stared at the pattern on the quilt for a long time, as if wanting to see flowers, the two of them froze in this movement for more than a minute, until Tom suddenly said, "Professor, our extracurricular When does the tutoring start?"

It is impossible for him to give up this opportunity to make himself stronger.

"Just next Sunday, Tom." Dumbledore's tense face relaxed, and he said with a smile, "I knew, Tom, if it were you, you would definitely make the right choice."

"Who knows? Maybe both of us made the wrong choice." Tom also relaxed, shrugged, and asked, "Professor, what are we going to learn? Are there some ancient runes or powerful magic?"

"The power of magic is not determined unilaterally by the spell, it depends more on the magic power of the wizard who casts it and the knowledge of the spell. What I will teach you is not just about magic, but something you The knowledge about the essence of magic that has never been touched, of course, it can also make your spells stronger, but those are just minor details."

"That's why," Tom suddenly realized, "Professor, to tell you the truth, I did know some secrets from Ms. Gray, including the whereabouts of Ravenclaw's crown. Do you need me to fetch it?"

Tom decided to tell Dumbledore part of what he had learned last night. Having the Chamber of Secrets, he actually paid more attention to the antique crown itself than the illusory knowledge sealed in it.

"Don't worry, I think it's really difficult for you to control that legendary artifact now, not to mention... I personally think its legend may be greater than its essence." Dumbledore nodded with satisfaction, and said, "You want to use it now?" What I did was to study with me, and it was interesting to think about it. A head of Gryffindor gave a small lesson to a heir of Ravenclaw from Slytherin, so we set the place for the first class to be in Hercules. In Chippa's basement, to make the Big Four feel a little involved, where potatoes are stored for the winter, and it's empty right now."

(Tom: Thanks, but I'm the heir of Slytherin)

"Okay," Tom nodded, recalling what Dumbledore said just now, and asked curiously, "Professor, you just said that now is not the time to defeat Grindelwald, can you easily defeat him? He Isn't he the most powerful dark wizard ever?"

"If it was me and Grindelwald duel, the result is not easy to say," Dumbledore nodded, shook his head again, and said, "but he has a weakness, a place that he thinks he is good at. Over the years, he Relying on it more and more—in a life-and-death battle, a small weakness, let alone such a huge hole, can be fatal."

"What are you talking about?" Tom was confused.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon," Dumbledore patted him on the shoulder, "After you graduate, you can find a stable job in the safe magic world and live in a stable community. Have a safe life, I promise."


"So now, go to sleep." Dumbledore waved and closed the curtains, and walked out of the dormitory. "The trauma caused by memory will take a long time to recuperate."

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