My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 112 Trendy Value Ability to Wear X and Combat Power Are Significantly Positively Correlated

"Miss me? Hai Erbo?"

Nelson, who had returned to his residence from the cemetery, lay back on the bed, took out Riddle's ring and held it in his hand. When the mist of loss engulfed his body, he couldn't wait to open his mouth lightly at a pale void.

Having been placed in Auschwitz, it was time for trouble.

"Of course, my master."

The fog in front of Nelson cleared, and he was in a pure white palace at this moment. The despicable Hai Erbo was standing in front of him. He was wearing a black butler suit and was lowering his head from the long table in front of him. Pulled out a huge chair, that chair can no longer be called a "chair", but like a throne, it has no chair legs, under the cushion is solid steel, and the back of the chair more than two meters high outlines complicated A swarm of colorful snakes intertwined end to end, every eye of every snake shining like a jewel in this pale temple.

"It seems that even if you have been locked up here for so many years, the things outside are still very clear."

"What did you say?" Haierbo asked cautiously, "My master, for so many years, for me, you are the only light that shines in from the outside world."

"Interesting, your suit looks good." Nelson snorted coldly. He raised his left hand, reached into the sleeve of another long wizard robe, held the knuckle of the little finger of his right hand, and rubbed it like turning a ring. Seeing a trace of emerald green there, "For you ancient Greek wizards, isn't this style too advanced?"

Haierbo lowered his head as if he hadn't heard anything, and noticed this scene from the corner of his eye. He was overjoyed, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face. His face was buried between his knees, and he said in an extremely humble tone: "My respected master, this is the throne I created for you, please sit on it!"

"Don't do these boring things. In the trance, this kind of thing can be squeezed out in a second." Nelson sneered, and walked over, standing in front of Hai Erbo, whose body was almost pressed to the ground, politely He asked, "Can you give me a break? I can't get through if you stand in my way."

"Okay! Okay..." Haierbo hurriedly stood up, nodded repeatedly, and kept stepping back, his eyes never moving away from Nelson's left hand.

"Yes, it fits your aesthetics very well," Nelson looked at the huge metal throne, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the armrest padded with the fur of some unknown animal, and with a little force, it immediately turned into a white chair-shaped mass. The fog collapsed, he held up his hand, and a simple small chair appeared on the ground, he sat on it, and commented, "It's really ugly."

Haierbo gritted his teeth, not allowing Nelson to see his expression clearly, and apologized deeply on the ground: "My master..."

"Since you were a famous dark wizard before, and now you are lying on the ground like a dog." Nelson smiled and stroked Hai Erbo's hair, and said, "Let me give you a name, Voldemort, what do you think? "(Note: see the author said)

"Thank you, master..."

"Okay, just kidding, you don't deserve this name." Nelson waved his hand, stretched out his right hand from the sleeve, put it in front of Hai Erbo, and asked, "Do you know what's going on with this scar? The emblem you gave me turned into a snake, and it became like this when it bit me."

Haierbo raised his head, and Nelson saw his face clearly—he had an ordinary appearance, one of those looks that you would forget when you turn your head, he looked about twenty years old, his face was pale but had a tinge of green, The sparse black hair on the top of his head also had green light. His iris and sclera were the same color, and his eyes looked like two dark black holes. They didn't distinguish between the whites of the eyes and the pupils like normal people, which looked scary.

At this moment, even Nelson could feel the ecstasy emanating from the pair of pure black eyes. Hai Erbo's whole body was shaking like a sieve, his throat let out a suffocating roar, and his mouth was grinning like a snake to an unimaginable size. He stretched out his trembling right hand and grabbed Nelson's little finger like lightning. His nails pinched at the root of his finger. Nelson kicked him in the face in pain.

"Stupid, ignorant, arrogant..." Haierbo's face was trampled by Nelson, and the cold and hissing voice made people shudder. He raised his trampled head, and stared at Nelson's face with two black eyes. Beside his face, he wanted to crush this kid who had humiliated him so much!

Haierbo's previous spineless humbleness and compromise were nothing but a disguise before he escaped from birth, and at this moment, the key to the gate of freedom sent by the goddess of fate is in his hands.

"Stupid guy, do you want to control Mr. Hai Erbo?" His voice changed, as if hundreds of people were talking together, men, women, young and old, sharp and deep, all kinds of timbres came from his voice at the same time. Out of the mouth, they are forcibly coupled together to produce a physiologically uncomfortable tone like a suture monster.

He grasped the right hand of Nelson's fingers, and the nails pierced deeply into his skin. Drops of bright red blood slowly dripped, fell on the pale ground of the palace, and were quickly absorbed by the mist of mist, but the mist of mist seemed to Repelling the blood of this living person, the ground where the blood dripped was quickly eroded to show scorched black marks, accompanied by the white smoke that emitted a burnt smell.

"Are you sure you don't want to let go?" Nelson didn't care about the pain in his hand, he asked coldly, "I can forgive your disrespect this time, but—"

"Enough! Ants!" Haierbo let out a high-pitched roar like a chorus, shaking Nelson's eardrums. He stretched out his overgrown tongue and licked his lips, like a poisonous snake delighted in hunting, Staring at Nelson carefully, "What a young, handsome and talented body, Master Hai Erbo likes your contribution very much, so I won't torture you..."

"Are you afraid that my body will be hurt?" Nelson asked curiously, "Do you want to occupy my body, but don't want to be ugly, old, short-haired, and a little disabled like you? "

"Show me your fear! I want your life now!" Hearing Nelson's question, Hai Erbo was so angry that he almost lost his breath. He had suffered too much humiliation from this young wizard. The skill of nourishing qi has been broken, and he cursed angrily, and let out a disgusting laugh of "hehehe", "I want to take out your soul and torture it..."

"Are you in a hurry? Sure enough, it's true that the black wizard is not clear-headed," Nelson said as he sat on the chair. He was acting like a girl who was being proposed to, and he even had time to use his other free hand to move from the other. He took out a small tomato from his pocket and threw it into his mouth, "Can you explain the principle to me? How do you want to occupy my body and then torture me? Will you knock me down by imagination?"

"You!" Haierbo laughed angrily. "It seems that you still don't understand your current situation. An optimistic wizard like you is basically dead."

"Didn't I control your Horcrux and become your master?"

"Are you still dreaming? Poor child..." Haierbo looked at Nelson's face with some sympathy, and said softly, "I will tell you the principle of this matter when you become a ghost."

"So letting your little green snake bite me is your plan?" Nelson didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the problem, but wanted to discuss it with Hai Erbo rather enthusiastically.

Haierbo didn't want to continue chatting with this strange-minded person. He exerted strength with his right hand, and the whole arm started from the shoulder, exuding a green light, and slowly spread towards the hand connected to Nelson.

Looking at this scene, Nelson was stunned. He didn't resist, but just sat there, watching Hai Erbo's arm turn green, and then——

"And then? That's it?" Nelson stared at Hai Erbo's greener and greener right hand, looking more anxious than him, "What's the next step? Will you turn into a green light and sneak in?"

Hai Erbo's frantic face froze, becoming as stiff as Nelson's shoe soles that were close to the bridge of his nose, and the shaking of his arms became more and more intense.

"Get your dirty hands off." Nelson's curious baby's expression disappeared. He raised his foot that was on Haierbo's face, and kicked it out again, using all his strength.

Hai Erbo, who was already emaciated, lay on the side like a rolling gourd. He was still staring at Nelson's little finger, and nothing could be seen in his dark eyes.

"Are you surprised?" Nelson took off his wizard robe, put it on the back of the chair, untied the opening of the vest, woven the cuffs of the shirt up, raised his left hand and reached into the pocket of the wizard robe on the back of the chair Inside, he drew out a straight and slender jet-black wand.

Unbelievably strong emotions burst out of Haierbo's eyes. He stretched out his arms, pointed at the wand in Nelson's hand, and uttered strange syllables like it was stuck.

"Magic wand, I didn't expect it." Nelson raised the wand with his left hand to show Haierbo, and then held it and pointed to his right hand, "There are more surprises, look forward to it."

"Clear water is like a spring." With the completion of the spell, a trickle of water burst out from the tip of the wand, washing the little finger of Nelson's right hand. The water passing through the finger was stained with a trace of green, and then flowed to the ground, wiped out by the lost mist absorb.

"Simple painting skills, but it needs some practice, otherwise it is easy to draw crookedly." He walked to Haier's side, squatted down, and stretched out his white right hand dangling in front of Haier's eyes.

After that, he stood up, walked back to the chair he had been sitting on, picked up the wizard robe hanging on the back of the chair, stretched out his wand and pointed at the chair, and the one was even bigger than the one made by Hai Erbo at the beginning. The solemn throne appeared under Nelson's hands. He sat on it, his robe was draped casually on his body, and he put one leg on the other, leaning on the back of the chair, and asked softly, "Have you thought about how to atone for your sin?"

Haierbo lay on the spot without speaking. He was a little skeptical about life. Ever since the extra horcruxes were discovered, he had been being teased by the young wizard in front of him. He simply closed his eyes and lay down ready to be beaten.

Nelson didn't say a word, just put his right hand on the armrest of the throne, leaned his body and leaned his face on the right hand, and stared with interest at Hai Erbo, who looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"My great master!" Haierbo suddenly jumped up from the ground, turned around and faced Nelson again, raised his head nervously, and asked in a hopeful tone, "Since your humble servant's little trick didn't work, It means that you who are cautious, powerful and intelligent must not have personally taken risks to get my unimportant Horcrux, I can offer a kind of safety—"

"Is this what you mean?"

Nelson showed a friendly smile, and reached into the pocket of the wizard robe. After searching for a long time, he found a strange green ring in the shape of ouroboros, and tossed it between his hands. There are a lot of sundries and metal balls in it, and the surface of this ring, which was brand new a few days ago, is already covered with tiny scratches.

"Your workmanship is very rough, and you didn't even think about adding some anti-scratch magic to it." Nelson commented, holding the ring with one hand and showing it to Hai Erbo, "Look, it's full of scratches."

Haierbo looked at the ring with some distress, felt it silently, then suddenly trembled with fear, and asked in a shrill voice: " soul..."

"It's in a very safe place, I didn't bring it here." Nelson took back the ring and threw it back into his pocket. Hai Erbo's eyes followed his hand, and he felt that his split soul might have been wiped out. In his eyes, Nelson is the most ruthless person of this era. He has put Nelson's threat above Grindelwald, who visits regularly every month.

"I suggest you change the way of redemption." Nelson suggested, "Or you can pray that I don't care about your ambush and previous offenses against me in Auschwitz."

"I would like to present the magic book that records what I have learned all my life, and tell you the burial place of my legacy. There are no traps there, and you only need a small magic spell to enter..." Haierbo wiped the sweat that did not exist on his forehead, A thick book was gradually taking shape in his hands, and he felt aggrieved (Haierbo: I just want to live, what is my crime!), but his tone became more and more flattering, "Master, you can own my book with just a finger move!" everything."

"A cliché." Nelson snorted coldly, and suddenly appeared in front of Hai Erbo and took the book in his hand. He opened a page at random, and it was all disgusting black magic. He frowned and struggled to get out of the book In the corner, I found a slightly normal-looking spell. According to the description, this spell can disable the enemy's ability to cast spells.

Nelson flipped through the book in his hand in disgust, but Haierbo stared at him dumbfounded, and sighed, "Great master, you can actually apparate in the illusion." Then he reluctantly revealed the location of his treasure.

Nelson pointed at him with his wand, murmured words, and tried the spell he had just seen, only to see a tightly fitting iron mask buckled on Haierbo's face.

He nodded in satisfaction, and said to Hai Erbo:


"than me"

"know better"

"Misty illusion."

Nelson supported his words with an exaggerated body language, and then disappeared into the palace in a blink of an eye.

Haierbo looked at the huge throne in front of him, not daring to approach it.

On the roof of the Black Tower library, Nelson lying on the bed threw the magic book into his pocket, laughed at himself and said:

"How good I am there, I will be more talented when I come out."

Here "Voldemort" is not Lord Voldemort, but literally: a dark wizard lying on the ground

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