My Children Are Fierce and Adorable!

Chapter 405: Purple Thunder

Chapter 405 Purple Thunder

Purple represents majesty, which is actually the most authentic power of the judge. The purple thunder chased after Ms. Miao who was not far away and hit her, which actually represented the judge, that is, the little boss. A judgment was made on the matter.

In the trial of the young judge, the person who should be judged most in retrospect and the source of the crime should be this Ms. Miao.

The good doctor made his choice, blackened the lives of so many people, to fill his inner thoughts of deterioration, of course it is the sin of the good doctor, no matter what the nature of the good doctor is, if he makes a wrong move, it will be To bear the sins and punishments of mistakes.

But Mrs. Miao is the source of that sin. Everything started because of her unkindness, and it was her evil that gave birth to evil.

The good doctor has done good to the children in the whole city of the deep, but this woman has only evil.

Although the little judge punishes the evil, he does not let go of the source of the evil.

In this matter, it can only be said that the young judge still has a part of heaven's will, and he did not let Mrs. Miao go.

Therefore, this most authoritative and severe thunder struck Mrs. Miao——

Ms. Miao, who originally left her children and ran away, wanted to avoid danger, but ran towards her without thinking of danger, and hit her precisely. In the deep purple lightning, Mrs. Miao's eyes widened. Her eyes were full of unwillingness and disbelief. She no longer had any feelings. This mighty thunder took her life on the spot. All the evil and evil in her body were washed away.

Just when other people on the spot came to their senses, they were terrified and ready to flee the scene.

The thunder light that covered the sky suddenly dissipated again.

Soon, almost in a few moments, the thunder light dissipated, not only that, but also the dark clouds and haze directly above.

The Langlang night sky was exposed, with light clouds and mists floating on the dark blue sky, with a clear moonlight and a little bit of stars.

The night is pleasant, and it looks a little clearer than usual.

And when the lightning dissipated, there was still scorched black on the ground, which showed that everything just now was not false, and the center of the scorched black was where the good doctor should have been standing, and the good doctor himself had been struck by lightning into a scorched black body .

Couldn't escape, really couldn't escape, killed more than a dozen people, even though the good doctor was kind by nature, even though he didn't intend to murder so many people, even though he was usually gentle and kind.

But everything comes with a penalty.

The judge also judges for the will of God.

The life of a good doctor must pay for his sins.

And the only hope is that the good doctor has saved the lives of many poor people and children before. Since there is a trial for sin, so should there be a trial for good.

The part of the merits of the good doctor who saved many people in Yuancheng is recorded in the good and evil book in the little judge's mind, and giving him the good reward he deserves is to keep the good doctor's soul from being split, and keep it. Can enter reincarnation.

Because a good doctor should be kind, but luck and fate forced him to do so, and he himself did not have the ability to stick to his heart, so he fell into sin.

But he is kind by nature.

God and the little judge settled his good and evil, virtue and evil, and finally sentenced him to preserve his soul and still be able to enter reincarnation. I hope that in the next life, he can have the ability to keep his true nature.

After the cyan and purple lightning dissipated, the good doctor's scorched black and stiff body just stood there for a few short moments.

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