My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 466: Tit for tat

?Shen Xin and "Neorld" had a very stalemate at the time, but if there was a big feast between him and "Neorld", it didn't happen. Even the two sides ended up as a "peaceful breakup".

Even so, when Song Tai proposed to see Shen Xin, he was still politely rejected by Shen Xin at first.

Song Tai later made two more calls, and Tong Yu personally invited him to express his willingness to discuss the electronic version of "Y’s", and Shen Xin nodded.

As for the reason, after entering the Internet age, things have become so fast that no one can guess, what will happen in the next moment, Shen Xin also wants to know what kind of development trend will online comics be in the future.

These questions are of course the most authoritative from the people at the helm of

"ComicFuture" and are in a competitive relationship, but the author does not have a competitive relationship with them. In other words, the competition between platforms gives the author room for survival.

Otherwise, the family is dominant, and any author will be more severely oppressed.

This has nothing to do with loyalty. The magazine only bought the work, not the future of the author. They are also not in an employment relationship with the author, but in cooperation. Otherwise, the author’s five social insurance and one housing fund and various insurances should be borne by the magazine. In fact, these things must be solved by the author.

Magazines also understand this, so they can prohibit cartoonists from drawing for other platforms when serializing, but it is impossible to prohibit authors from contacting other magazines, because cartoonists are not their employees.

What's more, "Y’s" is also a matter between Shen Xin and "Neorld", and has little to do with "ComicFuture".

Therefore, Shen Xin and Song Tai agreed to meet at a nearby star-rated restaurant, and Tong Yu came with Song Tai.

Song Tai is obviously older than before. According to his age, he should be not far from 70 years old now. Tong Yu, dressed in a suit, looks very energetic. He stood up and smiled when he saw Shen Xin coming in.

"Ms. Shen still wears casual clothes."

Shen Xin wore a black sweater and jeans, no different from before.

"Yes, I have to paint when I go back. Everyone's time is very tight. To make a long story short." After Shen Xin and Tong Yu shook hands, they nodded slightly to Song Tai, "Mr. Song, long time no see."

"Long time no see. In recent years, Teacher Shen's name has been very famous in the industry." Song Tai said with a light smile.

"Yes, the platform is bigger." Shen Xin smiled lightly.

"When it comes to big platforms, I think has a very big platform. In the future, it may not be inferior to "ComicFuture". I don't know if we will have a chance to cooperate?" Tong Yu told the waiter to serve the food, and then turned around and asked Shen Xin .

This is the second time he and Shen Xin have met, and they still don't forget to dig someone.

"Who knows the future? Just like this time last year, few people know how many Internet cafes will come out?" Shen Xin smiled.

"It's also..." Tong Yu nodded slightly, "Then I'll wait for your good news."

Shen Xin raised his brows slightly. The news is there, but it is hard to say whether it is good news.

"Mr. Song, Mr. Tong, shall we get to the point? Everyone is very busy." Shen Xin smiled.

Song Tai picked up the teapot and wanted to pour tea for Shen Xin. Shen Xin quickly took the teapot and filled a cup himself, "I want the electronic copyright of "Y’s", right?"

"Yes." Tong Yu said.

"To be honest, I'm quite curious, Mr. Tong, how do you divide the electronic copyrights of the comics you signed, such as "Toggle" and "Ghost Power", from the author?" Shen Xin stared at Tong Yu.

"This... depends on the work, and of course it also depends on the wishes of the magazine. For example, you mentioned "Toggle" and "Ghost Power", we directly pay for these works. The author can receive a lump sum at a time. Money, the subsequent income has nothing to do with the author. We are willing to buy, and the magazine is willing to sell, and everyone hits it off. Some magazines are unwilling to release, we can only provide a platform, and the benefits are equally divided among the three."

"Which kind of "Y's" does it belong to?" Shen Xin asked curiously.

Magazines, online platforms, and authors are each divided into one, which is equivalent to "channels" in the Internet. The author's final profit is about 25%.

"The second kind."

"How to divide?" Shen Xin asked curiously.

"We are the big head, accounting for 40%, magazines and authors...that's your business." Tong Yu said.

Sure enough... it's a model of the Internet.

"However, I have a question." Shen Xin took a sip of tea and looked at Tong Yu.

"Please speak."

"This cooperation...why should "Neorld" be added? The electronic copyright of "Y’s" is in my hands. Why should it be divided into parts?"

"You... don't go too far!"

Song Tai raised his brows, staring at Shen Xin, and couldn't help but press the table hard with his hands.

"What kind of cooperation is your two, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, why should I give up my own interests?" Shen Xin deliberately ignored Song Tai.

"Neorld" is the first release platform of "Y’s". According to common sense, "Neorld" does have the priority of the electronic version of "Y’s". However, the contract did not keep up at that time, and the content of the electronic copyright was not clearly stated in the contract.

Formal magazine social supplement electronic copyright contracts, for example, "ComicFuture" specifically supplements the electronic copyright of 50 comics, deliberately indicating the proportion of comics sold on the Internet. However, "Neorld" did not mention the supplementary electronic contract, nor did it mention the proportion of revenue sharing. When it came up to talk about the transfer of copyright, Shen Xin at least did not see much sincerity.

The old fox is still the old fox.

But Shen Xin is not a sandbag, and can be handled at will. What's more, he came here this time, the main purpose is to see what the bottom line of the two sides is, and to ask about some web comics.

As for, after all, it is only a semi-finished product. He doesn't care if it can be made into an electronic version.

Of course, Shen Xin would not bypass Song Tai and talk to Tong Yu privately, because the lawsuit is troublesome, and Shen Xin doesn't want to get caught in it.

The contract for "Y’s" is three or four years away, and he can afford it.

"It seems that there is such a point." Tong Yu glanced at Song Tai and saw that he was full of anger, but did not see any rebuttals. He knew that there was indeed a problem with the contract. The teacher’s reputation is not very good either."

"Mr. Tong, what you said made me a little confused. People are not afraid of having a bad reputation, but afraid of not having a reputation. You should know this, right?" Shen Xin stared at Tong Yu.

"I discovered for the first time that Teacher Shen is such an interesting person." Tong Yu showed a professional smile.

"In the future, if you communicate a lot, you will know that I am more interesting." Shen Xin still stared at Tong Yu.

"Mr. Song, what should I do now?" Tong Yu kicked the ball to Song Tai again.

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