My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 459: Pressure and sales

After, "icfuture" has been affected, and the sales of magazines have declined significantly. In three days, the sales volume of 200,000 copies has been lost. This makes the atmosphere of the "icfuture" editorial department extraordinarily solemn. Some people began to focus on the 36th issue of the magazine.

Whether the double insurance created by "Game" and "Steel Refining" can withstand the fiercest offensive of is still unknown.

The editors of the magazine know that one of the major problems facing Duoman is that there are too few works on the site, but it takes time to expose this shortcoming.

One month... For at least one month, Duoman will not be affected by the content.

Before October, they...there are other magazines, and they must hold on to the offensive of

At the beginning of the 36th issue, the editorial department was in a tight state. Editors browse the Internet and want to speculate on the reader’s satisfaction with the magazine.

But soon, they discovered a problem, and netizens did not have a heated discussion about the latest comic series.

Not only "icfuture", "mangafly", "Feiyue", "Man Weekly" is the same-whether it is or other forums, there are not too many posts discussed in the latest issue of the magazine.

"Lagging!" Wang Wenhong rubbed his forehead helplessly.

That's right!

Compared with web comics, this is almost the biggest drawback of magazine comics.

Readers have to go to bookstores to buy magazines before they can read and evaluate them. When the magazine first went on the market, it was difficult for readers to get in touch with comics immediately.

The same is the serialization of new works. Readers are exposed to comics on the Internet faster than paper magazines. This creates a situation-two or three days later, readers' discussions on the magazine will reach a climax.

Obviously, this shortcoming has no solution for paper magazines.

Wang Wenhong knocked on the table twice, stood up immediately, took his jacket and notepad, wrote "Bookstore Research" on the whiteboard at the entrance of the editorial department, and was about to leave the editorial department.

In this situation, you can only go to the sales site to learn more about it.

"wait for me!"

Yan Fei couldn't sit still, stood up, put the pen and notepad in her handbag, and also went to the door, and wrote her name on the whiteboard.

The author of the two people is the main cartoonist of this issue, and it is unavoidable to be a little nervous.

Out of the building where the editorial office is located, the two of them trot for a while, entered the subway, found a seat and sat down.

Wang Wenhong's face was serious, and he slid the phone screen with frown.

Now "Sirius" has ranked 10th in the China Comics Hot List, and the momentum is extremely strong.

Although this ranking is only related to the search volume of comics, and is not directly linked to the revenue of comics, it seems that Duoman intends to push this ranking into the readers’ vision. From then on, perhaps this ranking can also become one. Very important list.

"From the current point of view, the transformation of "Sirius" is very successful." Yan Fei glanced at Wang Wenhong's mobile phone and said softly.

"Yes. But it may also be related to free." Wang Wenhong put away his cell phone in an angry voice, muttering.

"Sirius" is something that happened in a parallel world, which is probably similar to the current world. The country has an organization called "Sirius" that punishes evil and promotes good.

Compared with the cartoons in "Flying", the style of "Sirius" is much simpler, and the text used for narration is much less.

This is also considering that the Internet and magazines are two completely different types of platforms.

Readers holding paper books are easy to read, but readers do not have that patience on the Internet platform.

Use more pictures, less words, and more content with split shots. The storyboard of "Sirius" is indeed different from that of "Fu Yaozhi", but it is different from cartoonists like Shen Xin and Wang Yunze who make good use of the lens. It's still a lot worse than that.

"Now it's just a commentary and "Sirius". If Teacher Wang joins, it is also free, then there should be no one else in the first place, right?" Yan Fei said worriedly.

"That's no way..." Wang Wenhong's expression was a bit ugly. At that time, Wang Yunze was definitely Shen Xin's biggest opponent, "But, fortunately, there are not many'contents' on Duman."

"Content is not the key." Yan Fei shook her head.

"How is it possible?" Wang Wenhong shook his head, "They have no foundation."

"How can a company such as Fengshuo Media not be able to deal with this? If you don't make enough preparations, do you think they will start the station hastily?" Yan Fei asked back.

Wang Wenhong raised his brows slightly, sweat oozing from his forehead. If Tong Yu really solves the "content" problem, then is almost impeccable.

But where will he find resources?

Wang Wenhong shook his head. He is not Tong Yu, and it is impossible for him to think of a solution in a short time.

The two got off the train at Nanjiatan Station, exited the subway station, and went directly to Jiman Bookstore.

After a few courteous remarks with the bookstore owner, Wang Wenhong went straight to the subject.

"How about the sales of "icfuture"?"

"A quarter less than usual, right?" The boss shook his head.

The faces of Wang Wenhong and Yan Fei changed slightly.

One quarter missing?

At this rate, wouldn't it be possible to drop one million copies a week?

"Well... what about other magazines? "Mangafly", "Man Weekly", "Girls' Century"..." Wang Wenhong asked quickly.

The boss shrugged, "Even "cf" is in this situation, and other magazines cannot sell too well. I said that you magazines should also quickly find a way. If this continues, the magazines will not sell. "

"We are also thinking of a solution now." Yan Fei took over.

But it is hard to say whether the solution is beneficial to the bookstore.

"By the way, boss, what about the booklet? Is it also impacted?" Yan Fei asked.

"The pamphlets are okay...there has been a decline, and the range is within the allowable range. However, my suggestion is that the number of pamphlets printed in the future is better to be lowered. After all, the supply of goods is here, and it is not the solution to the problem. In the end, everyone lost money.” The boss persuaded.

Wang Wenhong and Yan Fei nodded their heads again and again, so that the printing factory is safer than pressing the goods, and the pressure on the magazine will be less.

After leaving Jiman, the two went to several bookstores near Nanjiatan, only to find that other bookstores were similar. On the first day of the first issue of the new issue, the sales of all magazines declined to varying degrees. Among them, "icfuture "The largest decline.

It's not difficult to understand After all, its base number is too much, and its sales volume will drop a bit. It may be the sales volume of the first issue of the second and third-rate magazine.

The two suddenly lost their appetite for food. Wang Wenhong returned to the dormitory and threw the briefcase on the bed. Then, lying on the bed with a "big" character, his mind was dizzy.

"It shouldn't be... The latest episodes of "Steel Refining" and "Game" are very good... But why can't the sales go up? Or... readers really have a lag in buying magazines?"

No way!

Wang Wenhong immediately sat upright, went to the computer, and opened the forum.

In the daytime, there are only 20 or 30 new posts in the "icfuture" section of, and now a red "170" is written next to the number of posts.

Huh? The number of new posts suddenly rises to "170"! ?

Wang Wenhong's eyes lit up and he subconsciously moved the mouse with his finger to open the "icfuture" section.


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