My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 437: Questions and answers

Xi Muhan was puzzled, and at the same time there was some anxiety in his heart.

Shen Xin frowned and looked at Wang Wenhong suspiciously, wanting to hear his thoughts.

"Original plots do cause damage to animation, but in many cases, the progress of animation will exceed the progress of comics. Animation producers can only add original stories. In fact, removing these original plots does not hinder the structure of the animation. After joining this part of the plot, the audience will feel that the rhythm is slow and not compact.

"It's like a normal person. If the body suddenly grows a tumor that does not belong to him, it will be very disgusting. The same is true for low-quality original plots, but if part of the original story is taken out separately and a single drama is produced, the situation may be It's not the same. This is equivalent to an extension of the world of "Steel Refining". For example, if you drew the "Ixuba Rebellion" in the front, can you start with this part and explain a new story..."

"I will use this part myself." Shen Xin reminded.

"I'm just making an analogy... I mean, we can describe "Steel Refining" from another side. In this way, even if there are more than a dozen episodes related to "Steel Refining", they can be extracted separately. And "Steel Refining" "The story itself will not be affected. Because this part of the content does not belong to "Steel Refining", but an extension of "Steel Refining". Or more directly, it is the official fan of "Steel Refining" ."

Wang Wenhong’s words provide an idea, which is different from the production of "Steel Refining o3", but to re-create an independent plot that will not affect the rhythm of "Steel Refining" itself, but also allows readers to see a different "Steel Refining". ".

Shen Xin rubbed his chin, thinking about the pros and cons.

Xi Muhan looked at Shen Xin anxiously, and then moved his gaze to Wang Wenhong's body, "Then why do you want me to write this part of the original?"

"Of course there is a reason. You have proven yourself with your strength. Whether it is writing the outline of a novel or creating a story, at least in the one you are good at, you are really talented. Creation, in the final analysis, is talent.

"Of course, these are only small aspects. More importantly, what the manga artist is most afraid of is the'fighting to death' original work. If the author and Mr. Shen have some ideas that coincide, or use Mr. Shen In the foreshadowing of the front, you said, when Mr. Shen draws the name behind, do you want to modify the plot?

"If you don’t modify it, readers will think that the author’s level is inferior. Just now, I thought of starting with the "Ishvar’s Rebellion", and other creators can definitely think of it. Therefore, the main reason for asking you to participate is to avoid In this situation, even if there are really similar settings, it is convenient for you to ask Teacher Shen and then modify the plot."

"Mr. Shen, your idea should not be inferior originality. If the originality is of high quality, there may be unexpected gains." Wang Wenhong said his ideas in one breath.

"It's over?" Shen Xin asked back.

"It's over." Wang Wenhong nodded.

Shen Xin sat on the sand with arms around his chest.

"It sounds good, but... this plan is very rough." Shen Xin meditated for a while before he said, "You didn't make it clear how to do it. Who owns this work? Is it me or Xiao Han, or "comicfuture"? Is it produced by the same company? If Orochi does not agree, what are the countermeasures? If this is the case, then this animation will be broadcast before the "Steel Refining" animation is released, or After that? You didn't mention this..."

Wang Wenhong gave a dry smile. He didn't think about this plan until this afternoon. He really didn't think about how to operate it.

Shang Haozhi gave a light cough, "I can answer these questions. The ownership belongs to you, and the right to use belongs to us. The copyright term of "Gang Lian" is the same. We will pay Xiaohan's draft fee. It is currently planned to be produced by Orochi. If he does not agree, Just ask Long Yao to create.

"As for when this story will be released, the principle is to put it before "Steel Refining", because what we need is a full-length comic. This animation can be regarded as a preheat for "Steel Refining". How to operate it, I will let Before tomorrow night, Xiao Wang will come up with a plan. However, I have a requirement that the story must be qualified, at least, it must not be too far behind "Steel Refining"."

"By the way, since the people from Orochi will come the day after tomorrow, I hope to put forward the outline of this animation as soon as possible. When we talk in Orochi, we can negotiate with the other party... It doesn't need to be too long, but at least there must be one direction."

Shen Xin rubbed his face, and Shang Haozhi said so, there is a certain degree of feasibility, but is the original plot really feasible?

The plot of "Steel O3" is definitely not usable, you have to make your own original...

Shen Xin rubbed his temples, a little worried.

"That...I also have a problem." Xi Muhan, who had not spoken, looked at the silent three people and couldn't help but speak.

"What's the matter?" Shang Haozhi asked curiously.

"I haven't written a script." Xi Muhan scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

There is still a difference between a script and a novel.

For example, a novel only needs to tell the story completely, and the length can be adjusted according to the specific situation, but the script is different. The length of each episode is basically the same. Therefore, the content of the script will also be limited, including several highlights and requirements for each episode.

For Xi Muhan, because she had never written a script, she couldn't figure out how much content each episode required.

This is a problem.

Shang Haozhi and Wang Wenhong looked at each other, and they had no experience in this area.

"Do you really want to take this job?" Shen Xin looked at Xi Muhan in surprise.

"Yeah. I think I can do it well." Xi Muhan nodded, "Furthermore, Brother Xin, I have read the comics of "Steel Refining" many times, and I have read the name behind it several times. Besides you, I It should be the person in this world who is most familiar with "Steel Refining". I have the confidence to do it."

"But..." Shen Xin was a little worried.

"I know what you are worried about... I promise the script will be of high quality!" Xi Muhan said seriously.

Seeing Xi Muhan's serious expression, Shen Xin finally nodded, "If the quality is not up to standard, it must be labeled as an'official fellow'."

"No problem. I have confidence in myself." Xi Muhan took a deep breath, his eyes bright.

This matter is probably finalized seven or eight, but whether it can be as usual in the end depends only on the reaction of Orochi the day after tomorrow.

However, Wang Wenhong suggested that Xi Muhan should still create novels, and then ask professional screenwriters to revise the novels, so that both parties can speed up the progress.

Xi Muhan nodded in agreement.


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