My Cards Can Be Fused Limitlessly

Chapter 415 Passing the Throne

After floating in the air for 180 seconds, the reckless dragon circled in mid-air, completely becoming a fixed target.

Panda Sword Immortal, Heavenly King Gaidihu, etc. fired all their firepower, and killed the reckless dragon in less than 170 seconds.

"Ding, kill Manglong, congratulations on getting 100,000 points!"

The melodious system prompt sounded, but Zhou Nan was muffled at the moment, and stopped shouting.

"The reckless dragon, why haven't you come here yet!"

"Stuck by Number Seven?"

"Number Seven, what's the situation, say something!"

"No. 8, Manglong really didn't come to your house?"

"No way, can No. 7 eat Manglong?"

"Number Seven, let Manglong come here!"

"My reckless dragon!"

"Sand Sculpture No. 21, what kind of dragon are you buying, I would rather you not buy..."

Zhou Nan didn't shout, but the other players shouted fiercely. After a while, Zhou Nan was almost pushed to the opposite side of the crowd, and was "criticized" in various ways. It seemed that the severity was as bad as that of player No. 20.

Of course, this is just a mouthful, the reason is envy and jealousy!

Although Zhou Nan earned 100,000 points for nothing, he still didn't dare to challenge Manglong. He knew that if it wasn't for the 30 times critical strike, he would not be able to take down Manglong with blood, let alone Manglong with full blood.

"Hold on, don't wave!"

Zhou Nan stabilized his mentality and steadily harvested the Void Demon King. Player No. 6 would definitely send a residual blood Void Demon King every round.

From then on, all the players were in harmony, and there was no show operation until the end of the game.

"Regional announcement: The game time is exhausted, all 15 rounds of the Void Demon King have been killed, the third round of the cycle game is over, and the liquidation begins... The number of eliminated players in this game is zero, all players have successfully passed the level, and the fourth round of the game is being created..."

"Ding, congratulations, your performance has won the SS-level game evaluation, please check the information panel for details."

"Ding, you have a ten-minute rest time, please look for Dragon Slayer Emperor Li Hanqiang to receive the next round of preparation materials..."

Zhou Nan checked the game information panel.


Kill stats:

Kill the Void Demon King: 15+15

Giant rats killed: 0

Kill Totoro: 10+1

Kill Emperor Tiger: 1

Reckless Dragons Killed: 1

Round score: 255000

Consumption points: 100000

Total points: 226768

Game evaluation: ss

Rewards for this round: Chaos Slab x1, Universal Material x2, God and Demon Coin x2000, Mysterious Treasure Box x1 (please look for Dragon Slayer Li Hanqiang to receive it).


"Double s rewards are good, and there are more mysterious treasure boxes?"

Zhou Nan happily came to the Dragon Slayer Emperor Li Hanqiang.

He found that in front of this npc, the previously opened shopping window hadn't disappeared, but the boss challenge window had disappeared.

"It's a pity, I missed a lot of reckless dragons, it would be great if there is a challenge mode in the next round!"

Zhou Nan sighed for a moment, then looked at the mysterious treasure box he had received.

Zhou Nan immediately opened the treasure box, and a golden book appeared in his book, followed by a pleasant system prompt: "Ding, congratulations, you have obtained the skill book of the exclusive skill of the black card emperor!"


Zhou Nan was suddenly a little depressed.

Skill Book!

I haven't been the emperor of the black card for a few days, the harem hasn't opened yet, and there are no subjects and courtiers. It turns out that the emperor and the emperor have come, which is really unlucky.

Zhou Nan quickly checked the skill description. It was similar to what he had imagined. It could be used by other players, allowing them to inherit all their black card emperor professions, as well as status privileges, family property, etc.

But after using this skill, Zhou Nan himself will not become the "Supreme Emperor", but will retire as a "vagrant".

"Unemployed vagrant" should also be a special profession, but if there is professional talent, then I don't know.

Of course, Zhou Nan's private property is still his own, such as cards, items in the private warehouse, etc.

In addition, this skill is associated with it. If you use it first, it will be automatically triggered, that is, you will delete your own account and give everything away.

If used first, it will not be triggered.

"Wait a moment……"

Zhou Nan suddenly felt a flash of inspiration in his mind.

"If I pass it on to someone else, then these two skills will also be passed on, and the other party can inherit this profession. It's cool to get my magical skills for nothing, then..."

Zhou Nan patted his thigh: "It's nonsense to pass on the crown prince. It's better to pass on the queen. If I pass the throne to Yuebaiting, wouldn't she be kingly and divine? She is both the leader of the red card and the emperor of the black card. Isn't the big professional talent integrated? The red card is strengthened, the black card is combined, and you are invincible!"

"At this time, I am a professional vagrant. If Yuebaiting comes to pick me up again and give me everything, including his abilities, that would be so exciting! He can continue to trap, such as using all of Jia Debiao's abilities... Groove, if you think about it this way, it will be invincible, infinite, omnipotent, can accommodate all professions, and become a full-timer!"

The more Zhou Nan thought about it, the more exciting he felt.

But this idea is not easy to realize.

After all, it hurts others to benefit oneself. When the other party returns the throne, he has to delete his account.

Dear, this chapter is not finished, there is another page ^0^ People are so self-sacrificing.

For example, Jia Debiao, this guy is eager to snatch his throne. If he is passed on to him, he will definitely not return it, and he probably has to do it the other way around.

It is hard to find someone who is trustworthy, and it is even harder to find someone who can make the other party willing.

Zhou Nan will not easily use it to test people's hearts.

"My Ma Ziyue, Bai Ting, is so proud. If you ask her to delete her account, don't you have to quarrel with me? If I pass on to her, there is a high probability that she will become a queen herself. If she is in a good mood, she will take care of me. It's not impossible for me to kick it away, I can't take this risk for the time being!"

Zhou Nan smiled. In fact, based on his understanding of Yue Baiting, he guessed that it would be no problem for him to pass the throne to her. This woman's three views are fine, and she won't deceive herself, but it would be difficult to let her continue.

"It's the imperial guard. I have saved her life. Maybe she is willing to sacrifice for me. She is a copy master. The combination of card copy talent and my black card synthesis talent is also invincible. It has created the king of heaven and earth tigers. Not a problem, but it's not fair to her either..."

"I am too aggrieved to be the emperor, so I start to worry about it. The so-called I am for everyone, and everyone is for me. If everyone is reliable and passes on the throne to each other, then everyone can live the emperor's addiction and play cards." Combining cards, creating a set of powerful black cards, but people's hearts are unpredictable, and accidents are easy to happen once tested."

Zhou Nan shook his head and sighed. After thinking for a while, he spent another 100,000 points and exchanged for one.

Zhou Nan kept the remaining 120,000 points for the time being, in case of emergencies, he said in his heart: "Let's make another Panda Wujixian, wait for the system to give the information of the next round of the game, and then decide whether this elixir is for Pan Xiuchun, Pan Zuizhi is still Pan Qingbai."

It didn't make Zhou Nan wait too long, and soon the regional announcement rang: "The fourth round of the loop game has been created. This round of the game is in siege mode. After the game starts, the gates of Lingxiao City will be closed, and the defensive sections will not be closed. If the siege monsters break through the city gates and enter Soaring Sky City, a certain amount of points will be deducted from the player, and if the player's points are negative, they will be eliminated..."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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