My Best Wife

Chapter 3630: Base (7)

After hearing the results of the victory and defeat, everyone began to cheer and cheer again.

Someone came over and handed Fang Zhiqiang a towel and said, "Mr. Fang, I have long heard that you used to work at the bottom like us. It seems that you have been comfortable in the past few years and you have not forgotten these skills."

Fang Zhiqiang said: "No, in terms of physical fitness, I definitely can't compare with you guys who are twenty years old, but I also trained specially some time ago, otherwise I would never be able to beat him." He said Saying this, I feel sad in my heart. After becoming a boss and having money, I sit in the office all day, but I still cannot live a peaceful life. When I was a courier, I had the hardships of being a courier, but now I am a courier. boss

, but there is a more cruel life and death struggle.

After a few hard but peaceful and happy days on the island, Lucy finally came out of her laboratory. Yoko who followed her also carried something that looked very heavy.

"Uncle, you made me miserable." Lucy started to complain as soon as she saw Fang Zhiqiang, "Do you know how long you made me work overtime?"

Fang Zhiqiang also sighed: "Every time I hear you call me uncle, I want to teach you a lesson. What is that?"

Lucy said: "Of course it is my latest research result. At this stage today, it is finally completed. It will not be long before it can be put into use. When the time comes, it will definitely make an ignorant uncle like you drop his eyes."

Seeing that Yoko was about to open the thing, Wang Yaxin and Dai Qiu gathered around curiously. Everyone couldn't wait and wanted to see what kind of surprise she could bring.

But when they saw what was in the box, everyone couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and some even sighed.

Isn't this just a computer? It's not very different from the desktops we usually use. It has a screen, a keyboard, and a host. The host looks bigger, and it's not yet packaged, so a lot of the structure is exposed.

After all, Wang Yaxin and Fang Zhiqiang were knowledgeable. They could tell at a glance that the integrated circuit board of this host was different from the usual ones, but they couldn't tell the specific difference based on their knowledge.

Dai Qiu was very surprised and said: "This is...a quantum computer? And it's actually this big?" Lucy smiled and said: "Uncle, Dai Qiu is more knowledgeable than you. This is a quantum computer. Do you think I'm busy these days? What, they are just miniaturizing this thing. Many countries in the world are researching quantum computers.

, but I am the only one who can do it so small. "

Fang Zhiqiang did not doubt her ability, but he still couldn't help but ask: "How strong is its computing power? What level of AI technology can it achieve?" Lucy said: "Well, computing power, let me tell you, at Dongji headquarters Under the building, there is a supercomputer. It has gone through many iterations and is one of the top supercomputers in the world. However, its computing power is not even high.

That's half the size of this computer. "Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but gasped and said in disbelief: "Isn't this too exaggerated? In terms of size, this computer is probably less than one thousandth of that supercomputer, but it has twice or even higher computing power. This

How on earth is it done? "

Lucy said: "There are so many things you don't know, Xiaoyu, what happened to the stone I asked you to study last time?"

Xiaoyu said: "It has been found. In the crater, Dad said that you asked me to find the source of the stone. There should be other purposes. I also found something in the information."

Lucy said: "Tell me about it." Xiaoyu cleared his throat and began to describe the research conclusions of the past few days: "According to our analysis, although this stone contains a large amount of calcium carbonate, most of it is due to long-term evolution and adhesion. The result on another material is that some are directly stained with magma, and the attached layer of material can maintain its relative shape in magma with such a high temperature, indicating that the melting point of this material is very high. It can almost be concluded that in this stone

Most of them are metals with high melting points and very high purity. We don’t know much about the smelting technology, but our preliminary guess is that its purity should be higher than that of ordinary iron ore. "

Lucy clapped her hands, gave a thumbs up and said, "Okay, it seems that I have really worked hard these days and basically told you all the knowledge that you can relate to."

Fang Zhiqiang asked: "What on earth is this?" Wang Yaxin said: "To put it simply, it is a rare metal that comes from outer space. The volcano is the crater made by the meteorite. As for the performance of this metal, it is still research, but one thing is certain, it's hard

The strength is about 1.7 times that of diamond, and after adding other materials to make an alloy, whether the hardness will be further improved will need to be put into experiments before we can draw a conclusion. "

Wang Yaxin was surprised: "Diamonds are already the hardest things on earth, but we can actually find harder metals. Lucy, if you can refine it in the future, can you make me a ring?"

Fang Zhiqiang was a little speechless. As expected, women are not resistant to shiny things.

Lucy said: "No problem. When the time comes, I will make two king rings, one for each of us. Anyone who sees the king ring is like meeting this queen. Especially your uncle, if he disobeys you, show the king ring." , ordered him to kneel down.”

Fang Zhiqiang covered his face and said to himself that he didn't expect this technical geek to have chuunibyou. Baldhead and the others were generally quite disappointed when they saw what Lucy brought out. They didn't know much about rare metals, and their concept of computers only limited themselves to whether the game was stuck and whether the screen display was clear enough.

, no matter how powerful the computing power is, it is just a computer, not much different from the one in an Internet cafe. On the other hand, when I heard that the rare metal came from outer space, I immediately felt superior. They would rather see more intuitive things, such as smaller and more powerful artillery shells, robots that can move on their own, etc.


Lucy didn't need any constructive suggestions from them, so she asked them to go out, leaving Fang Zhiqiang and Dai Qiu behind, and formally talked about the real purpose of letting Fang Zhiqiang come to the island.

Fang Zhiqiang said directly: "How long do you need me to help you delay?"

Lucy said: "With this computer, the construction speed here will be greatly improved, but within five years, it will definitely not be able to reach the level I want. But with your people's help, in three years, it should be enough." Guaranteed." "Three years." Fang Zhiqiang thought, "It's a long time, it's not a long time, it's not a long time. Although Tony's attention was temporarily attracted by me, as long as he can't confirm who is helping me, he will still be there. They will turn their heads and point their fingers at me, and with the three-year data, I’m not very optimistic.”

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