My Best Wife

Chapter 3596: Lost feelings (3)

Wang Xia has experienced many intrigues and intrigues. It is rare to see such sincere honesty. She can't help but sigh in her heart. She doesn't know whether Xiaoxiao is lucky or whether kindness should meet sincerity. She believed from the bottom of her heart that what Zhuo Yuhang said would be accomplished, and she felt happy for Li Xiaoxiao from the bottom of her heart. The relationship with Qiangzi left Xiaoxiao bruised and bruised. Now that Zhuo Yuhang takes care of her, she, as her sister,

, which can be regarded as a relief.

Wang Xia opened a bottle of wine, poured it for the two of them, and said, "Then I wish you a happy marriage in advance."

She originally said this sincerely and happily, but just after she finished speaking, her heart suddenly jumped. Why didn't she sincerely hope for Xiaoxiao and Qiangzi back then? How can we say that the relationship between Xiaoxiao and Qiangzi is not deep? As a result, the two went through so many ups and downs, and in the end they came to an irreversible ending.


What is the road ahead of Zhuo Yuhang and Xiaoxiao now?

Zhuo Yuhang raised his glass, noticed the strange look on her face, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wang Xia shook her head and said with a smile: "It's nothing. Xiaoxiao will take care of you from now on."

The two drank wine and opened their hearts completely. Wang Xia also let go of the regrets in her heart and told him everything about Xiaoxiao without reservation. As Zhuo Yuhang listened to her words, he felt that the image of Xiaoxiao in his heart was getting clearer and more perfect. Most people in the world were polluted by the world of mortals, but she seemed to be the only one who remained the same. Hearing about the past between Xiaoxiao and Fang Zhiqiang, he occasionally felt that

A little jealous, but he would quickly put the distracting thoughts out of his mind.

He swore in his heart: It was a pity not to be able to experience Xiaoxiao's past, but the future belongs to me, and I must accompany Xiaoxiao until the end.

After dinner, the two came to Li Xiaoxiao's house.

Xiaoxiao and Xiao's mother were so happy when they saw him, they thought they had developed a good relationship with each other, and they felt deeply that Wang Xia could finally find a good home.

Xiao's mother pulled Wang Xia into the room and asked quietly: "How is it? Have you started discussing when to get married?"

Wang Xia rolled her eyes and really didn't know how to explain it. She agreed to let Zhuo Yuhang handle it by himself, so she said, "Where is this? To be honest with you, I don't like this man."

Xiao's mother suddenly became unhappy and said with a straight face: "Why can't you look down on me? What's wrong with me? Are you showing your temper again and making me unhappy?"

"How is this possible?" Wang Xia hurriedly made up reasons in her mind, "I just think that he grew up abroad, and his cultural environment and living habits are different from ours. He always feels that there is something different. Do you understand?"

Xiao's mother sighed and said: "Well, what you said makes sense, but you are already in your thirties. You can't delay it any longer. You can just make do with it, right? Oh, yes, you have to ask others first. I didn’t like you.”

Wang Xia really wants to say, you really hit the point. It's not that I won't give in, it's that people don't look down on me at all. Do I have to let me say something derogatory about myself?

Finally, she said helplessly: "Okay, take your time. I'll try it first. I will try my best not to let him run away. Please don't rush me in the future."

Xiaoma couldn't say anything else, so she could only sigh. Wang Xia was also annoyed by being pushed, and thought in her mind: I don’t know how long Zhuo Yuhang will be delayed. In Xiaoxiao’s current state, it seems that he is not suitable for pushing too hard. Let’s observe and observe first. If so, let me

Come and help him.

After a few days like this, Wang Xia saw that the two of them had not made any progress, so she took advantage of the opportunity when Xiao's mother took Ai Li out to play, and said to Li Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, what do you think of Senior Brother Yuhang?"

Li Xiaoxiao said strangely: "Very good. Didn't you test it out last time? Don't you still believe it? Really, sister, Senior Brother Yuhang is a real genius. You also know his character. You have to seize the opportunity." .”

"What opportunity should we seize?" Wang Xia asked knowingly.

Li Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and said, "What opportunity did you say? Of course it is to marry him. Such a good person must not be snatched away by another man."

Wang Xia said with a half-smile, "Yes, you have to hurry up and marry him as soon as possible."

Li Xiaoxiao first thought that her cousin finally got the idea and wanted to find a home, but she soon heard a different meaning and her face became very strange. After a long time, she tentatively asked: "Sister, you seem to Is there something in the words?”

Wang Xia said: "Did you hear it? In other words, you and Zhuo Yuhang went out for barbecue that day, and you also heard what he said after drinking."

Li Xiaoxiao's eyes dodge and she said reflexively: "What...what words? What did I hear?" Wang Xia sighed: "Xiaoxiao, I understand that you are escaping. In your relationship with Qiangzi, you have suffered There are too many injuries. Although you usually don't care, you have never come out. You have been avoiding or even afraid of contact.

Another relationship, right? "

Li Xiaoxiao stubbornly turned away his head and said: "No, sister, don't talk nonsense. I told you that I don't care about Qiangzi for a long time."

Wang Xia said: "A person who really doesn't care doesn't care about mentioning him in front of others. Then ask yourself, do you usually talk about hadrons with others? How many times have you mentioned dad to Aili?"

Li Xiaoxiao didn't want to admit the cowardice in his heart, so he had to bite his lips and say nothing.

Wang Xia said: "Also, if you don't care too much about Hadron, then why don't you accept Senior Brother Yuhang?"

Li Xiaoxiao immediately raised his head and argued: "I didn't refuse to accept him? I just... I just... don't have any feelings for him for the time being."

Wang Xia said: "So you see, you heard everything he said that day, right?"

Li Xiaoxiao lowered his head again.

Wang Xia sighed: "Xiaoxiao, my good sister, you don't even dare to admit that you heard it. Do you know what this means? Do you know that it will be very heartbreaking for you to make me a sister like this?" "I know. , Sister, I admit, I heard it that day, but I was so scared, really scared at the time. I also thought that if Brother Yuhang could like you, he wouldn’t care about me. I was so scared that I ran away quickly , but...but...I don't know why, I'm just scared. Brother Yuhang is a very good person, but when he said he liked me, I was just scared. I couldn't help it. I just wanted to run away, sister. ,What should I do

? Am I sorry to Brother Yuhang for doing this? "Li Xiaoxiao was extremely flustered, like a kitten that had just arrived in a strange place. Wang Xia listened silently, with mixed feelings in her heart. She wanted to scold Fang Zhiqiang. If he hadn't fallen in love with Wang Yaxin, things would not have happened at all. It will develop to this point, but this matter is not entirely his fault. After all,

I can only blame my sister for her bad fate.

After a long time, Wang Xia sighed: "Then you plan to live like this for the rest of your life?"

Li Xiaoxiao looked at her pitifully: "I don't know, I really don't know, sister, can you help me?"

Wang Xia grabbed her hand and said sincerely: "Xiaoxiao, I can't help you, you can only come out on your own. You should also know in your heart that if you are too obsessed with the past, you will never be able to get rid of it. You need a new start. ." Li Xiaoxiao remained silent. She kept telling herself that it was time to step out and forget the past, but no matter how many times she told herself, Qiangzi's figure could never go away. After a long time, she whispered: "I know, you want

I accept Brother Yuhang, but, sister, will this be bad? Will this hurt Brother Yuhang? Wang Xia said: "My views on relationships are very different from yours. I can only tell you that if you feel guilty, then be as good to him as possible and make up for it as much as possible without breaking the bottom line." What you call guilt

, I believe that one day, he will not be just a tool to divert your attention. Li Xiaoxiao hesitated for a long time, and finally raised his head and said, "Okay, I'll give it a try." "

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