My Best Wife

Chapter 1224: Mid-Autumn Festival (12)

Chapter 1224 Mid-Autumn Festival (12)

Yaxin said, kissed Xiaoyu on the forehead and hugged him again.

Xiaoyu opened his mouth, but didn't know how to say it, how to explain to his mother that he didn't mean that, and he didn't quite understand what his mother said. So in the end, he can only watch Yaxin turn off the light in his room, and then take the door to leave. The small bedside lamp shed a warm faint light, shining on Xiaoyu and the model in his arms. Xiaoyu looked at the toy and whispered: "Dad."

The robot toy in his arms, he had personally smashed the same, even bigger and more delicate than this one. But he was smashed by his own hands, and the person who gave this toy was very good to him, but he was also violently driven away. I don’t know if his heart is the same as the toy that was ruthlessly thrown to the ground when he left...

Xiaoyu opened his eyes wide, thinking about the mess in that place, the robot, would it hurt?

Xiaoyu is still too young to know what regret is. He only knows that many times afterwards, he thought of the broken robot and felt very sad in his heart. He wished that he had never been broken. It, then everything may still be the same as before, they are all happy.

It's just that maybe the personality inherited Wang Yaxin's stubbornness, and Xiaoyu did not want to admit it, after all, that person had been with his mother and deceived himself deeply.

Even in Xiaoyu's heart, one of the things he hates the most is why he is not his father, rather than the so-called he occupied his home and driven away his real father. I don't know if what I hate is being deceived or that is not the truth. Even an adult, when faced with these, is likely to collapse, not to mention that Xiaoyu is just such a small child, and his young mind simply cannot bear these. So he didn't want to face it, and didn't want to see that father again.

Until in Australia, a small supermarket inadvertently found this very crude robot, Xiaoyu recognized at a glance, this is almost the same as the one that was broken by himself, because once, his father took him with him. Watching a movie, there is such a robot in it, I really like it.

At that moment, the scene was repeated in his mind, the broken robot, and the look of his father who was stunned at that moment, Xiaoyu suddenly understood that he seemed to have done something wrong.

So he fell into self-enclosed again, because he didn't know what to do. The only thing he can do is buy the toy in a clamor, and then hold it tightly in his arms for fear that it will be broken again.

This night, not only Xiaoyu, but many people have trouble sleeping, Yaxin is also tossing around, returning to his homeland, in this room, the last time he came back, and with him... It seems that he can still feel his breath and temperature. . Yaxin closed her eyes and left tears in the darkness.

And the same heartbroken, unable to sleep, there is also Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao knew that after Fang Zhiqiang had gone to northern Jiangsu and that after Yaxin came back, his whole person was like five thunders, and he didn't know how to withstand such a blow. She cried with tears and didn't know where she was going when she drove the car. The world is so big, but there is no place, no corner, to hide her sadness. The kind of pain is too familiar. When you lose your love, your heart will be broken. Li Xiaoxiao felt that his heart had already become a pile of powder. Even more painful than ever before, she had never got a hadon before, and even hadn’t even had a strong son for her all the time, but now, she has clearly admitted, she has said so many things, and said it will last a lifetime. Going down, but in a blink of an eye, those softest words turned into the sharpest knives, with one knife and one knife, Ling Chi's fragile heart, until the flesh and blood...

Li Xiaoxiao drove the car, wandering aimlessly, and when he stopped, he found that he had reached the Huangpu River.

Why did you come here subconsciously? Even Li Xiaoxiao didn't know it. After thinking for a while, she remembered that Yaxin was a strong son who divorced before and decided to go to Australia the night before, she also came here sadly. At that time, I came by myself and comforted him for a long time, and then took him away to play video games to vent. It turns out that when you are sad, there are people who can comfort you. It is not hopeless or lonely. What about yourself at this moment? No one can tell, and no one can comfort, is it completely desolate?

"Qiangzi, it turns out that you have always been luckier than me. When you are sad, there is another me, but when I am sad, I have nothing." Li Xiaoxiao covered his face, but couldn't hold the tears between his fingers, muttered Muttering to himself, "Without you, you would not come to comfort me. Even I may never have received you. Everything is just my wishful thinking, so I am destined to get nothing except sadness. . But Qiangzi, you are happier than me. The love I give you, even if you don’t want it, is love, but you gave it to me, you gave it to me..." Li Xiaoxiao burst into tears: "You are better than me If you are lucky, you must be happier than me. Otherwise, what is the point of being so sad?"

Li Xiaoxiao pulled the car door and got out of the car. She just cried for a long time and didn't drink, but stumbled and walked up the river embankment like drunk. She wants the cold wind to wake herself up, maybe if she hurts completely at once, it will become numb and no longer hurt.

Even if it is late, the riverside is still lively. Freighters on the river pass by, and the neon lights in the distance are scattered on the river surface. The evening breeze just blows away the heat of the day, so many people take advantage of this. It’s time to go out for a walk and enjoy the river scenery. There are even more people than in the daytime. Many tourists take pictures together and ask people to ask: "Where is the Valentine's Wall? It is said that if you kiss and hug under the Valentine's Wall, love will last forever. "Then someone walked over happily and went to the Valentine's Wall.

Love is eternal. Li Xiaoxiao chewed these two words repeatedly. Is there really love? With love, can it be eternal? She smiled mockingly, as if laughing at herself.

Shanghai will always be like this. There will always be many, many people admiring its prosperity, decorating the prosperity, desperately chasing what they want, but many people will never catch it for a lifetime. Some people caught it, but found that it was not what they wanted... It turned out that the neon reflection on the surface of the river, like flowing gold, shattered with the waves, and it was all the broken dreams that many people chased for a lifetime. Now, there is one more of her Li Xiaoxiao's, but what about it, there are so many sad people in this world, and she is just one of them.

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