My Best Wife

Chapter 1101: Real Wall Street Executives (9)

Chapter 1101 The Real Wall Street Executive (9)

Fang Zhiqiang hardly hesitated, so he chose the shop where Bi Luochun was. Shop patrolling is one aspect, and the other reason is that Bi Luochun was helping to take care of his father some time ago, and when he bought the Asian American stocks, Bi Luochun took the initiative to help with money and efforts. Fang Zhiqiang felt that he should have something to eat. Thank you for your meal.

Fang Zhiqiang drove the car and rushed to the store in the heat. As there was no prior notice, the store manager, Bi Luochun and everyone were naturally exceptionally accidental and cautious. The store manager hurriedly introduced each store in the store. The situation. Fang Zhiqiang waved his hand: "It's okay, I just take a look to see if there are any things that customers need or we can promote."

The store manager thought for a while and talked about some situations. Fang Zhiqiang listened carefully, but there was nothing particularly valuable. So let the store manager go and watch carefully in the store. Since the weather is still hot at this point, there are not too many customers in the store, and they basically buy some fruits when they come.

Fang Zhiqiang was also observing from the side, looking at the consumption needs of these customers. Then suddenly I heard Bi Luochun calling him: "Mr Fang."

With the passage of time, the two cannot be called brothers now, and they are directly inferior to each other, so Bi Luochun can only call it that way on occasions like stores. Fang Zhiqiang quickly turned around and said, "How's it going?"

"Very good." Bi Luochun smiled and nodded, "All are okay."

"Wait for a meal together." Fang Zhiqiang didn't say too much. Bi Luochun was not polite: "Okay, it just happens to be the store. Because of the hot weather these two days, I think there are some new things that can be improved, mainly because they are not mature enough. I am going to tidy up and call you back. Just when you came over, I think I’d like to talk to you, maybe you might think more comprehensively than me, and discuss it together.”

In fact, Bi Luochun has always been good at his brain, and he also has business acumen. In addition, he has been training for so long in the store. There will be some gains. Fang Zhiqiang feels quite surprised. Look at the time: "That's OK. I'll wait for you to get off work, go have a meal together, and talk while eating."

When Bi Luochun got off work, Fang Zhiqiang drove him to a nearby restaurant, and then sat down. Bi Luochun first asked him: "How is Xiaoxiao's situation now?"

"It's all okay, there is no problem with the body. The company is in this situation for the time being." Fang Zhiqiang ordered two bottles of beer and poured it on Bi Luochun. He also poured a glass: "I really want to thank you this time. You, otherwise, I really can’t handle it alone. With you, I didn’t care about my dad’s affairs, and the stock account matters are really what we need most."

Bi Luochun was a little cautious: "You don't need to be so polite. Besides, I'm really embarrassed to take it away. Xiaoxiao has always helped me a lot before, but now I have nothing, I can only do a little bit of my heart."

"In fact, it doesn't matter how much. It is the heart that is the most important to see the truth in adversity." Fang Zhiqiang said, remembering another thing: "By the way, what you said about the store development needs to be improved, talk about it. Look, it happens that I am also worried about this matter these few days. The development of the store can only be said to be OK, but from the perspective of this season, we still have a lot of room. I want to hear your thoughts. Then if If possible, it can bring growth to our business. It is also a good development opportunity for you personally. Because your performance these days has been pretty good. If you have a good opportunity, I think you can also go to the next level. Be truly independent or have better room for development."

Fang Zhiqiang really wanted to help Bi Luochun. After all, he was a former brother who had made mistakes but is changing now. Of course, he still hopes that Bi Luochun can take a good future.

Bi Luochun hurriedly waved his hand: "That doesn't matter. I am doing fine now. Without your help, I might be worse than living on the street. So I can just go to work with peace of mind. That said, there are some ideas, but they may not be mature enough."

Bi Luochun put forward several suggestions, one is to increase the refrigerator to sell ice cream and cold drinks products. "To be honest, this may not have much impact on turnover, but it can satisfy and drive a demand of customers. Because of the hot weather, like some office buildings near our shop, there will be many people buying cold drinks after get off work. And so on, but because we only make fresh food and don’t have this, we have to go to other stores to buy it, which is very inconvenient.

This suggestion is really small and it is unlikely to bring much turnover, but what Bi Luochun said is really reasonable, after all, it is convenient for customers. After thinking about it, Fang Zhiqiang nodded: "Okay, I will make arrangements early tomorrow morning to ask the marketing department to add refrigerators to increase cold drinks products according to the situation of each store."

Bi Luochun nodded, and then said: "There is another point, which is actually similar to this. I saw many tea and dessert shops on the street, all of which have freshly squeezed juice, and because of the weather, the business is very good. The demand is great. Our fresh food supermarkets actually have a greater advantage than them. Because the variety of fruits is complete, in fact, just add a juicer, and it can also be matched by customer needs. This may be more it is good."

Fang Zhiqiang’s eyes lit up. Although Bi Luochun’s ideas weren’t any big sensational ideas, the subtle changes made the customer experience different: "Okay, old Bi, just as you said. Do. I think these two ideas are still good. I can really mention it to you at a company meeting, and then go through the formal process, give you credit for your work, and then pass the evaluation in the future. It is no problem. Yes. Any other ideas or suggestions?"

"These are all trivia, nothing." Bi Luochun was a little embarrassed, some cautiously considered his words, "There is another one, because I haven't considered the overall situation, and the investment may be It is relatively large, and the risk is also relatively high. I wanted to wait until I thought about it to perfect it before telling you."

Fang Zhiqiang came to be interested: "Let's talk about it first. Let's think about it first. If there is no way to improve it, then we will discuss it at the company meeting. The three heads can always think of better ideas. And the company really needs new development opportunities now."

Bi Luochun then hesitated to say his thoughts: "In this season, basically, the most popular stores are watermelons and grapes, because they are the most current season items, and their daily sales are ranked first and second. It’s a bit. But according to the current time, their output is far from the highest, so the price is still relatively high."

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