After caring about the NPC employees, Mianmian began to care about the mood of other employees today and the status of the tourists.

  She visited several venues and was extremely satisfied when she saw smiles on the faces of every employee and the enthusiasm of the tourists when they played.

 She has visited foreign amusement parks. The amusement park can only be run well if the people in the entire amusement park are in this state.

Feeling proud in her heart, Mianmian drove the patrol car and turned a corner to the outside of the haunted house.

Before she got close, she heard a tourist discussing with his back to her: "Other projects are okay, amusement parks, roller coasters, pirate ships, even if the name is changed, they are still the same. But this haunted house, even if it says Even though it uses high-tech graphics, it’s still as boring as other amusement parks.”

“I also think this project is too boring. No matter how realistic the dummy is, it is still a dummy. It also says on the outside that this is an adult event. Alas, it’s boring.”

“Forget it, maybe my aunt thinks that using real ghosts as NPCs in it will really scare us?”

After the discussion, a few people decided to go for other exciting projects and left quickly.

Mianmian and others left, quietly opened the door to the staff passage with the key, and walked to the control room of the haunted house.

This haunted house was designed by the sixth nephew and had many mechanisms built into it. The mechanism requires manual control to achieve the effect of frightening tourists. Logically speaking, such a haunted house should be scary enough. The six nephews and grandnephews all said that other haunted houses do not have this kind of design, they are just fixed dummies.

The control room of the haunted house is very small, and there are monitors in it.

Mianmian called out the name of the employee in front of the monitor: "Zhou Hong, how are you today? Are the tourists scared?"

Employee Zhou Hong knew it was Mianmian when he heard Mianmian's voice. He turned around and limped to Mianmian's side. When walking around, the sleeve on his left arm swings around emptyly.

“Hello, my aunt. I observed it and found that the tourists were frightened at first, but then they became bored when they visited again and again.”

“Although these mechanisms are activated at different times, their appearance is basically the same. Tourists have seen it once or twice and said that it is still the same thing and they don’t seem interested.”

 While Zhou Hong was talking, another employee next to him who was responsible for controlling the mechanism stretched out his hand and pulled Zhou Hong several times.

 The employee who controlled the agency had big scars on his face, which looked very scary.

He pulled Zhou Hong a few times, but when he saw that Zhou Hong still didn't respond and was still talking about the disadvantages of the haunted house, he sighed and followed Zhou Hong's words: "Sister-in-law, I didn't operate it well. If you are angry, just take my hand." Salary. Zhou Hong also needs to support his daughter, so don’t deduct his work."

After hearing this, Mianmian said with a smile: "Mianmian didn't say I would deduct your wages. Don't be afraid. Mianmian just wanted to know about the situation in the haunted house. I just heard a tourist outside saying that our haunted house is no different from other haunted houses. . You told the truth, and Mianmian still wants to give you a reward."

Mengshan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that wages would not be deducted.

 He and Zhou Hong are both disabled people with physical disabilities due to accidents.

 Disabled people can't find any good jobs at all. Both White Cat Instant Noodles Factory and Su's Enterprise employ disabled people, and they also applied for jobs. However, the job positions are limited, and it is impossible to take into account all disabled people, so they were not accepted.

If my sister-in-law hadn't opened this amusement park, I'm afraid they would all have starved to death in Beicheng.

Hence, Mengshan was particularly afraid that he would not do his job well. Even if it was a rigid job such as controlling the mechanism, which did not require skills, he would work hard to release the mechanism at the most appropriate time to give tourists a stimulating experience.


"Zhou Hong is right, my aunt, the tourists in this haunted house say it's not interesting." Mianmian touched her chin: "Oh, let's do that. Mianmian will go in and play too, and you guys will scare Mianmian too."

 Just do it.

 Mianmian entered the haunted house from the entrance and walked along the passage.

 The scene in the passage is very realistic, and the latest circular audio and video equipment is used. The ground would still tremble, and sometimes skulls and other things would be kicked.

Mianmian walked very slowly, trying out all the pop-up mechanisms, and then played it five more times.

 After finishing the experience, Mianmian used her mobile phone to search for other haunted houses, and found that the current haunted house had been upgraded to an escape room with real-life NPCs inside.

After reading this, Mianmian returned to the control room and shrugged his shoulders: "Oh, our haunted house seems to be uninteresting."

She found it boring. Of course it was because her mother had been training her with illusions, but mostly it was because when she played the game for the second and third time, she was mentally prepared and knew that the traps would pop up suddenly. She also knew that these scenes were fake. .

 The puff of smoke is fake, the hand that suddenly stretches out is fake, and the blood dripping from the ceiling is fake. With this kind of mentality, plus having played in various other haunted houses, it is natural that it will still feel boring.

 This project needs to be transformed!

Mianmian took out her mobile phone and wrote down a note: Give Liu Yu and the others a salary increase, Zhou Hong and Meng Shan of the haunted house should also have a salary increase, and then change the gameplay of the haunted house.

After finishing writing, she turned over the small notebook and showed it to Zhou Hong and Meng Shan: "Look, Mianmian remembers to give you a salary increase. Your feelings are very good, continue to work hard~"

Zhou Hong and Meng Shan looked at each other and felt embarrassed: "We just said what we should say."

Mianmian: "What you should say will make Mianmian very happy. Mianmian just wants to give you a salary increase. Okay, you continue to work."

 After finishing speaking, she waved her hand to indicate that there was no need to send it off, and walked slowly out of the control room of the haunted house with her hands behind her back like a grown-up.

 Renovating a haunted house is a big project, and the current haunted house must cease operations.

Mianmian took the paper and wrote down various ideas about the haunted house on the paper.

As I was writing, Tan Yanfei, the school ghost caught in the live fortune telling before, flew over.

Behind her was Feng Xian'er, who kept nagging: "Yan Fei, let's be obedient. People in the Su family are good people and cannot be frightened. You almost gave the housekeeper a heart attack yesterday. "

"Help, little aunt, can you send me to that station as soon as possible? I really can't stand it anymore. Not only does this Feng Xian'er know how to clone, he's also verbose. I'm going crazy because of his verbosity. "

Mianmian was writing vigorously in her storybook when she suddenly saw Tan Yanfei's face appear on the table, and was really shocked.

 However, after the initial shock, Mianmian smiled.

  She originally thought that the haunted house would use illusions to scare people. Construct a scenario for each person that they are most afraid of, and let them immerse themselves in it.

Now seeing Tan Yanfei, Mianmian has a better idea.

 In the haunted house, you not only have to be immersed in the illusion, but also in the real ghost!

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