My Disciples Are All Villains

Vol 3 Chapter 783: Find your accounts

784 Chapter 784

Sikong Beichen was also very puzzled. I wonder why Luzhou had this doubt.

Luzhou no longer concealed, and frankly said: "The old man has been to Feixing Zhai and played against Ye Zhen in the dojo."

Meng Changdong said in surprise:

"Senior Lu played against him in the dojo?"

"There is nothing to do with the old man," Luzhou said.

Sikong Beichen was also slightly surprised, saying: "This extraordinary array is extremely difficult to portray and arrange, and has extremely high requirements on the environment. The enemies in the array will be greatly weakened, and the owner of the array will be greatly enhanced. Nine leaves, but the fighting power displayed in the Nineth Hall is close to ten leaves. Moreover, he has karma blessing. Brother Lu was able to break through the sky array and deal with him, admire admiration."

Meng Changdong frowned and said: "No wonder some time ago there were rumors that I was fighting at the Middle Finger Peak, and clearly saw that Ye Zhen was shot down by someone using the Daomen nine-character mantra. It turned out to be true."

"Taomen nine characters mantra palm print?" Sikong Beichen said again, "Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism each have their own strengths and open a hundred schools. I wonder which brother Lu is good at?"

He had personally seen that Luzhou displayed everything as a sword, and there was no way to sword. He always thought that Luzhou was good at swordsmanship.

"My master is proficient in everything except the rhythm." Xiao Kyell interjected, "It's just more convenient to use a slap."


This logic seems impeccable.

Si Kong Beichen wondered: "All three are common to Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism?"

Speaking of this question, Luzhou happened to chat a few words and said: "It is not easy to pass the three. But... Have you ever wondered why Jinlian Realm's thinking is the same as that of Honglian?"

"the same?"

Si Kong Beichen was slightly stunned, his old face stiffened, "I have never been to Jinlian, and I have heard about Jinlian recently."

At this time, Meng Changdong next to him interjected: "Some time ago, Tianwu Academy was also studying this matter. Later, it was speculated that the two sides of the Golden Straits may be a family at first."

Luzhou and Sikong Beichen turned to glance at Meng Changdong at the same time.

Sikong Beichen nodded and said, "It is indeed possible."

As a passenger, Luzhou has much more knowledge than them. He still has some basic knowledge about the fracture of the continental drift plate. It is just that these are all speculations, and there is no evidence of real hammers.

Luzhou said: "You have been to the endless sea."

Everyone stayed quiet and listened with humility.

The topic that the big brother talks about is different, it sounds very interesting.

Sikong Beichen nodded:

"When I stepped into Jiuye, I went to the endless sea. The encounter made me unforgettable all my life. I rode and flew all the way to the depths of the endless sea. At first, some sea beasts couldn't help me. On the fifth day , A large number of sea beasts kept attacking. I lost my mount, got injured, and tried to return."

"These sea beasts blocked the two sides... When the old man was passing through the endless sea, he encountered a huge monster, as long as a fin, like a giant pillar." Luzhou said.

As soon as these words came out, the little kite and the conch echoed: "We saw it too!"

Sikong Beichen was surprised:

"Even Brother Lu can't help it?"

Luzhou shook his head: "I'm afraid that all practitioners in the Red Lotus Realm, if they act together, are not their opponents."


Feiyue flew forward against the wind, wrapped in golden gangles of the Zhenghai Sea, like a golden meteor.

"Even Brother Lu said that, if there is a chance, I would like to see and see, this behemoth in the endless sea." Si Kong Beichen praised.

Meng Changdong and others also nodded and sighed.

The others nodded in agreement.

Long-term knowledge.

Fei Yu flew in the air for a full day.

Along the way, Luzhou and Sikong Beichen talked about the practice of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, the practice of swords, etc., which benefited the practitioners present.

Until the sun hits three shots, the sun rises east, and the sun passes through the faint mist, forming a rainbow halo, and Yunshan appears in everyone's field of vision.

"Yunshan is here."

Everyone came out and saw the twelve main peaks of Yunshan towering into the clouds.

Meng Changdong said:

"Yunshan is famous for its height, and the twelve main peaks are arranged in a seven-star connection, which is one of the largest sect gates of Datang."

Luzhou Fusu nodded, looking at the twelve mountain peaks facing the sunlight, and asked, "How are the twelve cases compared to Feixingzhai?"

"This... is not easy to compare." Meng Changdong said, "On paper strength, twelve cases are much stronger, but... Feixingzhai has Ye Zhen."

Little Kite hummed and said: "Whether he is Ye Zhen or Li Zhen, when he arrives later, my master shoots him!"




Twelve disciples gathered together.

In the main peak.

"Sect Master, the flying dragon of the Jiuzhong Temple is here, fearing that the comers are not good, do you want to notify the Dean of the Tianwu Academy and take the opportunity to win?" A disciple stood respectfully in the temple.

Sitting opposite is Nie Qingyun, the head of the 12th Sect of Yunshan.

Nie Qingyun slowly got up, went down the stairs, and said, "Where does the Jiugongdian come from?"

"Elder Feixing Zhaiye originally planned to meet with you privately and temporarily changed his mind. He said that there is help from a senior in the Jiuzhong Hall, so be careful," the disciple said.

An elder next to him bowed:

"Ye Zhen's way is unequivocal and unbelievable. Twelve 30 disciples of Yuanshen have gone to Feixing Zhai and his whereabouts are still unknown... Ye Zhen's trip was to give an explanation, but the Nineth Hall has appeared... Ye Zhen deliberately made a trick."

Nie Qingyun turned his head to look around, then nodded and said, "Today Yunshan discusses the Tao, only to resolve the contradiction between Feixingzhai, and everyone else is gone."




Bells rang.

On the twelve sacred mountain peaks and clouds, several Yuanshen-level disciples flew into the air and headed towards the giant juggernaut of the Jiugongdian.

The giant dragon slowed down, suspended before the twelve cases.

"The patriarch has orders, and no visitors are seen today. Please come back."

Go up.

Everyone was surprised.

Yao Qingquan stepped out and looked at the crowd and said, "Senior Lu and the master of the palace were invited by Ye Zhen to come to the appointment. How could you not see it or not?"

Since Luzhou dares to come, it must have enough confidence.

This frame must be fought.

The vacant disciple continued: "Master Sikong, Master Nie, said, I don't want to meet you today. Ye Zhen is not one of my twelve ancestors and can't be our master."

Si Kong Beichen had a count in his heart and turned his head to say: "Brother Lu, Ye Zhen really has a lot of tricks."

This move is only good for Ye Zhen.

The Ninth Chongdian fights with the Twelve

Unable to fight, Yunshan has to be forced by the pressure of the Ninefold Hall to make friends with Feixingzhai.

Luzhou Lang Channel:

"Notify Nie Qingyun that the old man has something to find him."

The hanging disciple wondered: "What are you looking for my patriarch?"

"Xie Xuan led many Yunshan disciples to encircle Qianliu Guan, and forgot so quickly?" Tian Buji also flew out.

"You killed Elder Xie, shouldn't we ask you to settle the accounts?" The disciple was a little ignorant.

"We look like you," Tian Buji said.


It might be a bit weird logically, and made the students a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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