My Disciples Are All Villains

Chapter 76: Ye Tianxin's Mystery

Xie Ye Tianxin's head pulled down, because of the long time in the hole, it seems relatively weak.

The whole person is groggy and belongs to a basic coma.

说 Although her cultivation was abandoned by the master, her body is still there, and the coldness of thinking about the hole will not let her lose her life.

Sui Mingshi was suspicious and walked towards Ye Tianxin.

Raise Ye Tianxin ...

Wu Mingshi was startled and almost pushed her away.

Because he found that Ye Tianxin's complexion was very white, as white as white jade!

My hair is whiter than when I came last time ...

If the body function is lost, it will decline, but it will not decline to this point!

what happened?

Wu Mingshi frowned because of his brow.

No matter what, this is definitely not normal.

Wu Zhaoyue asked, "Four Brothers ... Sister Tianxin, what's wrong?"

"I don't know ... I've never seen anything like this. It doesn't look like an injury or a sequelae, but you look carefully ..." Ming Shi let her look away, meaning she had no wrinkles on her skin and was very flat. Guang Jie, just more like Bai Yu ... except that he was unconscious about why he was unconscious.

"Sister Zhaoyue, you take good care of her first, I'll plead with Master."

"Brother ... Sister Tianxin made such a big mistake, what if Master ignores it?" Zhao Yue was a little worried. She felt that Ye Tianxin's situation was not just as simple as being revoked.

The situation is critical.

Tong Mingshi left the thought hole due to flashing.

He saw the female nuns at Yanyue Palace busily going back and forth and greeted, "Prepare for a stretcher ..."

"Four, Mr. Four, what do you want to do on a stretcher?"

"Do it. What a lot of nonsense."

Wu Mingshi didn't have much time to explain to them.

Whispered a little, making the female nuns passing by a little nervous.

At this time, the female monks at Yanyue Palace lived in the West Pavilion of Motiange except for the daily care of Jinting Mountain and repair of damaged buildings. Although some demon heads in Motiange feel weird, they are better than losing their lives.

As Ming Ming ordered, they naturally did.

Not long.

Wu Mingshi came to the main hall of Motiange.

Seeing Master and Xiaoyuer still alive, he speeded up.

Luzhou frowned.

老 The fourth child is really dissatisfied ...

Wu Mingshi knelt down because he didn't think so much, and said, "Master ... Tianxinshimei ... No more!"

Other than that.

He didn't say much else.

I did not plead, nor did she speak ill of her. Honestly awaiting Master's response.

Tong Mingshi didn't know what Master thought ... want to torture her and make her dead, or did she just want to take this opportunity to punish him severely? If the former, no matter how he begged, he would not end well. If the latter, there is still hope of living.

I didn't figure out Master's attitude, Ming Shi didn't dare to plead casually!

Luzhou Fuxu said: "Did she figure out this time?"


Tong Mingshi was so entangled in his heart that he often went to see Ye Tianxin through the holes. Ye Tianxin's stubbornness was beyond his expectation. He didn't want to get through anything.

Xiao Xieer just looked and didn't dare to say anything.

Luzhou shook his head.

搜寻 Search again for the memory of Ye Tianxin in my mind ...

I just got nothing.

Qi Luzhou did not make a decision immediately, but left Motiange with a negative hand.

Seeing this, Wu Mingshi overjoyed, and quickly got up and followed.


When I came to Houshan.

Qiluzhou saw that the nuns at Yanyue Palace had gathered together and had a stretcher prepared.

I was almost neat and knelt down.

Luzhou ignored it and walked towards the thought hole.

Others had to get up and follow.

Xiu Yanyue Palace's nuns saw that Luzhou and others really came to think about the hole, and kneeled down for mercy!

I did n’t wait for Luzhou to scold, Ming Shi Yin said: "Do n’t mess up! Leave three or four people, others ... what should you do!"

I originally wanted to say "get out", and it was not easy to get upset when Master was present.


Luzhou stepped into the thought hole.

Xiao Xieer followed closely behind.

"Yier met Master." Zhao Yue endured the chill, kneeling down to see the ceremony.

Luzhou waved his hand as a response.

Then walked towards the other corner.

Ye Yetianxin leaned against the frosty wall, his head tilted.

Her hair covered her face and she could not see her face.

However, Luzhou still saw the clue from her shoulder ...

White jade-like skin.

Luzhou pulled her hair away.

When she saw her facial features, she frowned slightly.

I was a little kite, covering her mouth and taking a step back, where I have seen such a face.

"Sister, what's wrong?" Xiao Jieer was surprised.

In addition to frowning, Luzhou was not surprised.

I behaved calmly ... as if I knew it would be this day.

In fact, when Lu Zhou first saw Ye Tianxin ... he was more surprised than he is now, but the situation at that time did not allow him to think too much.

When I first saw Ye Tianxin, I only felt that the mud was not stained.

What's more important ... the interface of the system has a completely different prompt than usual-

Name: Ye Tianxin

Race: Bai Min

Revised as: Yuan Shen Robbery (Abolished)

Hate value: 40%.


值 Hatred has dropped a lot.

But ... the point is not here, it's the race.

When Lu met for the first time, Luzhou saw this key point: Bai Min was white, his hair was white, his hair was white, and his face was white as jade. They are talking about the people of the Republic of China.

Luzhou knew her identity long ago, but the missing part of the memory had no information about Ye Tianxin's identity at all, so she had to temporarily lock her into thinking.

"Master ..." Ming Shiyin arched again.

Luzhou looked indifferent and said, "Take her back ~ ~ Yes!"

Xi Mingshi was overjoyed and hurriedly greeted two Yanyue Palace nuns to lift Ye Tianxin out.

After thinking about the hole, only Zhao Yue was left.

Luzhou's eyes brushed her eyebrows and saw that the golden lotus was still there, and said, "Zhaoyue."

"The child is here."

"Here is the devil's pavilion ... and the only place where you can survive. This witchcraft prohibition will not only seal your cultivation, but also expose your position." Luzhou said.

"The apprentice asked Master to open his grace and lift the witchcraft ban." Zhaoyue Fudi said.

"Do you think that this restriction can be lifted for teachers?" Luzhou asked.


Wu Zhaoyue thought about it and continued, "I don't know."

"When do you want to understand ... let's talk about witchcraft." Luzhou left.

He saw Zhaoyue's loyalty is only about 30.

This is obviously not enough.

Moreover, Luzhou was also the first time he was exposed to witchcraft. To say that killing is easier, a fatal punch card is the solution. But unlocking witchcraft is not something that can be solved with a prop card.

Wu Zhaoyue was at a loss, and it was the best way to temporarily hold her in a thought hole.

I left the thought hole.

Luzhou walked towards Nange ... that was where the nine disciples lived.

Xiao Xiaojie, Ming Shiyin, quickly followed.

"Master, Sister Tianxin ... why is this like this?"

PS: Recommended Ticket

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