My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

422. Endless until death

After all, it was Gu Zhuo who was the first to swing the knife.

When the katana slashed at both shoulders, the Tang sword had already struck hard on Titan's right shoulder.

This sword is so fast, so precise, and carries an unrivaled momentum. In one fell swoop, all of Titan's right shoulders were chopped off and he fell to the ground.

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Titan lost his right hand and his attack stagnated. He raised his katana and changed from an offensive posture to a defensive posture, while also retreating.

Gu Zhuo took a deep breath and knew that he had made the right bet. All he had to do next was to continue slashing until the Titan was completely cut open.

But before Gu Zhuo could continue to approach with his sword, Titan, who was originally in a defensive posture, suddenly rushed towards Gu Zhuo, with a desperate posture, as if he wanted to die with him.

This momentum made Gu Zhuo stunned for a moment, and then he reacted quickly.

He chose to defend, because Titan's next step was likely to be a more violent suicide attack.

Sure enough, as the Titan approached, the last remaining samurai sword was used to its full potential in its last left hand.

Its movements were so fast, precise, and intensive that Gu Zhuo could only see a rain of knife tips in front of him - all of them were samurai sword attacks.

With such an intensive offensive, there was no way to defend against it. Tai Tan seemed to have unleashed all his potential and fought Gu Zhuo to the death.

Gu Zhuo could handle it for a while in the front, but in the back, under the powerful offensive of his opponent, he was going to be tired.

It was at this moment that he was caught in the breach.

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The katana was like a ghost, making five false moves in a row. In the history of human swords, this is an absolutely impossible move.

Gu Zhuo defended the first five feints in one breath, but when the Titan revealed its true attack purpose, Gu Zhuo was too late to deal with it.

He knew where Tai Tan was going to attack, and Tai Tan also knew that Gu Zhuo knew everything, but Gu Zhuo had nothing to do. He could only watch helplessly as the katana stabbed towards his chest armor.

Gu Zhuo didn't dare to bet on the power of that stab.

Because he knew that the knife that could cut off large mechas was made of extremely special materials, and there would definitely be a chance to pierce all the armor on his chest.

If he really let the Titan stab him down like this, he would probably lose everything.

You can't bet on this.

Gu Zhuo knew that he had to find another place to gamble.

There is only one way to avoid this stab, but this method is just like the Titan's offensive, it is a completely reckless defense.

But Gu Zhuo didn't hesitate at all, he moved.

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He raised his left hand and held it in front of his chest.

Since the knife can't stop you, I'll use something else to stop you.

This time, Titan's original thrust was aimed at Gu Zhuo's chest, but now it had to stab Gu Zhuo's left elbow.

When it quickly pulled the samurai sword back, Gu Zhuo's left arm also broke and hit the ground.

It's fair now, it's all one-hand versus one-hand.

Gu Zhuo didn't feel any loss for losing a hand, because judging from the fact that it could stab his left arm so neatly, if the blow just hit his chest armor, it would have had a chance to penetrate the layer. The cockpit is protected by layers of defense, thus completely penetrating his body.

The attack just now obviously brought together all the skills of Titan. As this series continued, its movements slowed down briefly, which also gave Gu Zhuo a chance to counterattack.

Gu Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief and rushed forward again, holding the Tang Dao in his right hand and slashing at Tai Tan's head.

Titan raised his sword and blocked the slash.

Gu Zhuo used all his strength, and Titan was no exception. This caused the two of them to shake their knives at the same time, and the two knives flew out of their hands and hit the ground.

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In an instant, the two big guys were facing each other with bare hands.

"Mechanic, let me guess, do you have any other hidden weapons?"

"Answer the host, no more."

The mechanic answered quite frankly, and Gu Zhuo had nothing to say.

I hope that Titan doesn't have any other weapons. Gu Zhuo can accept fighting with bare hands.

But Titan obviously didn't attack recklessly anymore. It faced Gu Zhuo and slowly moved a few steps to the right, as if observing something.

Gu Zhuo was afraid that it would launch a sudden attack, so he moved slowly along with its movements and assumed a corresponding posture.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and unexpectedly, the wings behind Titan instantly opened.

The pair of dark wings spread out like the wings of a giant dragon, adding a dark color to the night that had lost the light from the building. Its wings blocked the pale light of the moon, and everything was shrouded in shadow.

This makes it look even more godlike than it just did.

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Those wings were so huge that they were as big as half a city.

But thinking about it, only such large wings can support the Titan's body and allow it to fly in the air.

After spreading its wings, the Titan took off.

The loud noise it made when it flapped its wings was like thunder on the ground, causing pain in the eardrums, as if needles were piercing them.

Seeing this, Gu Zhuo, not to be outdone, stretched out the wings on his back.

The wings were almost transparent white, inlaid with a little silver. The moment they stretched out, they instantly dispelled the shadow cast down by the Titan.

The sound of their waving was also very loud, mixed with the sound of the Titan's wings. It seemed that the only sound of these two pairs of wings could be heard in the whole world.

Gu Zhuo is like another god, competing with Titan

The Titan moved. It swooped down like an eagle, and its only left hand stretched out, as if it was trying to catch something.

Gu Zhuo flew higher in the air, avoiding Titan's attack at a lower level, but Titan immediately changed direction and rushed upwards.

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Its outstretched left hand grasped Gu Zhuo, hugging him tightly to itself, like a pair of lovers who would remain together until death.

The black wings and white wings intersect together. From a distance, it looks like a work of art intertwined with black and white, a harmonious ink painting.

But only the person involved knows that this is not an art at all, but an emergency moment of life and death.

Gu Zhuo didn't know what Tai Tan wanted to do, but after Tai Tan hugged him, he kept rising into the air.

They fly higher and higher, higher and higher, accelerating faster than a rocket taking off.

Looking at it like this, Titan seems to want to fly all the way into the universe.

Gu Zhuo wanted to break away from it, but couldn't. The Titan's only hand imprisoned him so firmly, as if it were a vine covered with thorns, locking him.

Finally, Titan penetrated the atmosphere and brought Gu Zhuo into the universe.

The earth beneath their feet became a water-blue planet.

But Gu Zhuo still doesn't understand Titan's ultimate goal.

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Until I saw that the wings on Titan's back changed from a straight shape to a V shape, and the upward trend also changed.

It became, dive down!

Like a meteorite about to fall.

Gu Zhuo instantly understood its intention.

It wants to take the most violent and simplest way: smash it down! The winner will be decided by seeing whose mecha is stronger and can still remain intact after being dropped from such a high altitude.

It has no fear that the losing party will be itself, let alone that both parties will perish together.

At this moment, Gu Zhuo once again deeply realized what he had understood before:

The battle between them has always been endless.

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