My Animation Era

Chapter 951 Mother tongue embarrassment?

Koizumi's wonderful ideas and exuberant energy are really a headache.

Gu Miao, who really had nothing to do with him, immediately stopped trying to interfere after learning that this was Ma Kui's tacit approval.

Love as much as you like...

As long as the quality of the final animation is online and satisfies the leader and all the fans, it doesn't matter who has the right to speak.

Ma Kui himself had no objection anyway.

The production progress of the animation "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is generally good. After paying a little attention, Gu Miao's attention was quickly attracted by another thing.

Wanbao Animation, Konjac Studio.

A few weeks ago, the "Dialect Version" animation dubbing and dubbing team led by Konjac Studio was officially established. It is responsible for recording dialect dubbing for many works such as "Bugs Bunny" and "Tom and Jerry".

The hard work of dozens of people for nearly a month finally bore fruit in October.

The dubbing of Bugs Bunny's Southwest Mandarin version, translated as "Shaobao Valley", has been completely recorded. After post-production audio track proofreading and synthesis, it is being prepared to be burned into Blu-ray discs for sale.


Why press it to a CD?

In what age is this, do people really still use DVD players to watch animations, and do people still buy so-called Blu-ray discs?

"Of course!"

Mr. He from Wanbao Toys, who is responsible for disc burning, said with a smile: "It is a fact that the DVD market continues to shrink, but no matter how the market shrinks, there are still some loyal DVD users."

"Besides! Even if this thing is not for viewing, purely from a value perspective, it is worth buying one and collecting it."

"That's true..."

Gu Miao nodded after hearing this.

The domestic DVD market does have a group of die-hard fans, who are the main consumers of optical discs. In addition, this kind of beautifully packaged CD set is also good to buy back and collect.

But then again.

Although the Southwest Mandarin version of "Bugs Bunny" has been burned to CD, because it is a dialect version, the CD may not sell a few copies in other regions, and sales mainly rely on the southwest provinces.

The online version is the top priority!

The CD is just for fun. In the Internet age, few people actually buy the CD. Most viewers watch this dialect version of Bugs Bunny through Wanbao Video.

"As soon as Shaobaogu comes on stage, the excitement will come naturally!"

"Old Biao, what kind of surgery do you want?"

After the Southwest Mandarin version of Bugs Bunny, renamed "Shaobao Valley", was launched on Wanbao Video, its magical brainwashing dubbing and funny and down-to-earth lines quickly became popular all over the Internet and received praise from countless Southwest netizens.

Something more interesting happened.

Although "Shaobao Valley" is dubbed in Southwest Mandarin and its main audience is viewers from the Southwest provinces, according to statistics from Wanbao Video Backend, 30% of the viewers who watch this version are from non-Southwestern IPs.

What does it mean?

In addition to viewers in the southwest, netizens from other provinces can also understand some southwest dialects and find them interesting?

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand."

Mr. Qiu explained: "Isn't there subtitles? Read it with the subtitles, so you can understand it even if you don't understand."

"And I can't understand it. Maybe the perception will be better than the Mandarin version. After all, many people have native language embarrassment..."

Isn’t that just like watching foreign animation?

Gu Miao couldn't understand.

Although he feels that the Mandarin dubbing of some animations is awkward and does not sound as comfortable as the English or Japanese versions, he does not think it is a language problem.

This is purely due to the insufficient voice actors.

If the dubbing actors are good, why would they find the Mandarin version awkward and uncomfortable? Isn’t the Mandarin dubbing of League of Legends much more comfortable to listen to than the foreign language dubbing?


This refers to the normal situation.

It cannot be ruled out that some people with distorted psychology sincerely despise the Mandarin dubbing and think that the Mandarin dubbing is garbage. They prefer to listen to the Japanese or English version. Anyway, the one that cannot be understood is the best.

For such people, there is no need to make excuses for being shy or embarrassed in their native language. It is purely a matter of admiring foreigners.


Gu Miao scratched her head and said, "Does this happen to people who don't understand dialects?"


"Anyway, when I listen to Minnan dialect, it feels like listening to a foreign language." Mr. Qiu thought for a while, and then explained, "This will happen whenever the dubbing is incomprehensible and you need to read subtitles to understand the plot of the animation. "

"The dialects along the coast are really difficult to understand, including Cantonese. I can understand the common expressions such as shit."

"The only dialect that can be understood by the whole country should be Northeastern dialect, right?" Gu Miao said with a smile, "Based on this premise, do we still need to produce the so-called Northeastern dubbing version?"

"It's better to go out..."

"Although northern dialects are generally understandable, there are still some differences from Mandarin. Cantonese, Tibetan, and southwestern dialects have all been done, so there is no reason to use this one."

makes sense.

Mr. Qiu's explanation made Gu Miao feel very reasonable.

Although the dialect in the northern region is very close to the standard Mandarin accent, there are still big differences if you listen carefully. It is not impossible to make a separate version.

Take Northeastern dialect as an example.

If Bugs Bunny's accent changed to Northeastern dialect and he opened his mouth and said "What are you looking at?", it would seem quite funny, and the program would be very effective...

No mother tongue embarrassment this time, right?

The dubbing is so down-to-earth that if you are still embarrassed by your native language, you can only watch the English or Japanese versions of Bugs Bunny.

But the foreign language version...

In addition to the southwest dialect version, Mr. Qiu's dubbing also includes English and Japanese versions.

Gu Miao tried to listen.

There are no big problems with the English version. The dubbing is quite satisfactory. I can’t say it’s original, but at least it doesn’t sound that awkward.

The Japanese version is special.

Assuming that the Mandarin version of "Bugs Bunny" is 100% funny and the Southwest dialect version is 200%, then the Japanese version is 1000%!

It’s really too difficult...

Can you imagine Bugs Bunny speaking Japanese, with Japanese words such as red bean paste, arigado, and oh ha yo popping out of his mouth?

It’s too inconsistent and too eye-catching!

It's not clear why other people looked at Gu Miao. Anyway, when he was watching the Japanese version of "Bugs Bunny", the corners of his mouth kept twitching, and he wanted to find a piece of cotton to plug his ears.

Questions about the voice actors?

Gu Miao thought this was the case at first. It must be that the voice actor was not professional enough and did not match the soul of Bugs Bunny, so it was so inconsistent.

But after listening to a few sentences carefully, he found that the dubbing actors were quite professional, their emotions were conveyed very naturally, and there was no deliberate weirdness.

The reason why he felt it was inappropriate was probably because when he heard the Japanese dubbing, he couldn't help but think of all kinds of beautiful girl harem love animations...

Good guy!

How do you feel about watching an anime about a beautiful girl’s harem falling in love? “Bugs Bunny” seems to have changed in an instant?

To be honest, I have been to many tourist cities and scenic spots. Guilin left the worst impression on me. It really treats tourists like pigs...

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