My Animation Era

Chapter 863 Cool idea (please subscribe)

Another Oscar year.

Wanbao Animation has become the biggest winner, winning the Best Animated Feature Film and Best Animated Short Film awards at this year's Oscars.

Not only that.

In addition to sweeping the animation-related awards, the movie "The Lion King" also won two awards including Best Visual Effects and Best Original Song.

The Lion King won the award, which was expected by Gu Miao. After all, in terms of artistry and box office, there is no animated film this year that can compare with "The Lion King".

"Tom and Jerry" wins another award?

This is already the second time!

As an Oscar professional, it’s no surprise that “Tom and Jerry” won the award.

But this year is special. While the movie "The Lion King" won multiple awards, the Academy also awarded the Best Animated Short Film to "Tom and Jerry", which is very surprising.

"Aren't you sharing the cake?"

Gu Miao asked in confusion: "It stands to reason that many awards have already been awarded to "The Lion King", so it is impossible for the remaining awards to be awarded to us!"

"It's right to share the cake..."

"But the prerequisite for being eligible to share the cake is that you must at least find a second work that is qualified to win the award." Dave said with regret on the phone, "No way, the academy can't find one this year that can compete with "Cats" "And Mouse" and "The Lion King" animations."

Mud can't hold up the wall!

The academy didn't want Wanbao to be so proud, and directly won the animation-related statuettes.

However, the artistry of "Tom and Jerry" and "The Lion King" is indeed outstanding, and I cannot convince the public if I don't award Wanbao.

"Okay, okay!"

Gu Miao was extremely happy when she heard the news.

This year he won four Oscar statuettes at once, and his honor display collection shelf is almost filled with trophies.

What is a major international manufacturer?

There is an entire wall of honorary certificates and various trophies, which mainly focus on intimidation and make people awe-inspiring at the first sight.

By the way.

At this Oscar, the animation "Tom and Jerry" won the second Oscar, which means that the original animation title needs to be remade.

On this point, Dave has a different view.

He made a new title sequence.

This new title is very interesting. In a circular background of red, orange and green, there is a conspicuous string of English letters.


Among them, Tom's mug shot appears on top of the three letters "TOM", while Jerry is sitting on top of the two R's of "JERRY", looking at each other.

In the center of Tom and Jerry's sight, there are two Oscar statuettes floating out of thin air.

From a distance, this composition looks like Tom and Jerry looking at the trophy and smiling.

"Is this a static picture?"

"No, no, no, animation!"

Dave explained to Gu Miao: "This is an opening animation, both Tom and Jerry can move."

"Before entering the main film, Tom will also scream strangely to remind the audience that the animation has officially begun."

This is good, this is good!

Gu Miao feels that this opening is comparable to the original MGM's The Roaring Lion, and is even more interesting and unique to Wanbao.

Especially the two trophies in the middle not only reflect the strong artistry of "Tom and Jerry", but also do not appear obtrusive, as if they should be there.

"Then let's do this!"

Now that the titles have been changed, Gu Miao feels that this can be used as a watershed to distinguish the different stages of the animated "Tom and Jerry".

The previously aired episodes, that is, the version with only "a statuette" in the title sequence, are collectively referred to as the first season internally and are packaged as a collection.

Then the title was changed, and the version with two statuettes was called the second season. It wasn't until "Tom and Jerry" won the third Oscar statuette that iterative updates began.

"I have a question……"

"If it is classified in this way, then "Tom and Jerry" will not win Oscars in the future. Will it always be in the second season?"

"You can say that!" Gu Miao nodded and said, "But I think it won't be too long before "Tom and Jerry" gets the third statuette."

As soon as one year later.

If it were slower, or if the college did something wrong, it would only take two or three years at most.

According to the production schedule of the animation "Tom and Jerry", it is updated every two to three years. Gu Miao thinks it is very appropriate, even a bit slow.

You know, the original MGM version of the "Tom and Jerry" animation only took 114 episodes to win seven Oscars for Best Animated Short Film, with an average of one award every 16 episodes.

The more than 100 episodes of the original animation took more than ten years, so on average, they are obtained every two or three years.

Times have changed.

The production progress of the Wanbao version of "Tom and Jerry" animation will be much faster than the original version. The 114-episode animation no longer requires more than ten years of polishing, and may be completed in three years at most.

But the Oscars only come once a year!

In other words, a work that could have won seven Oscars can only win three awards at most even if it wins the Wanbao version every year.

Therefore, Gu Miao believes that dividing the more than 100 episodes of animation into three or even four seasons according to the number of awards is a suitable and reasonable solution.

If divided into too many seasons, it would be too fragmented.

After all, although "Tom and Jerry" has a large number of episodes, the length of a single episode is very short, with an average episode of less than 10 minutes.

It won’t work if you divide it less.

The main reason is that we are now in the Internet era, and everyone uses "fragmented" time to catch up on animations. Hundreds of episodes are often available, and it is easy to discourage viewers who do not have enough time.

"Oh well!"

Dave thought about it and felt that this division made sense. The animated "Tom and Jerry" really needed to be broadcast in different parts.

"That's right, Boss!"

"Not long ago, our painter suddenly came up with an idea. After discussing it with him, I thought it was cool. Do you think this plan is feasible?"

Cool idea?

When Gu Miao heard this, her heart suddenly rose to her throat, filled with an ominous premonition.

He has been dealing with these foreigners for a long time. According to past experience, whenever these foreigners say they have a "Cool idea", it is probably a bad idea.

"Tell me first..."

"OK! Here's the thing, Jones has a lovely son named Sanjay, and he likes the animation "Tom and Jerry" very much."

Under Dave's narration, Gu Miao learned about this, which was a cool idea in his eyes.

simply put.

A painter named Jones from the Wanbao North American Division brought his work documents home and was accidentally seen by his son, who likes to draw.

His son liked the animation "Tom and Jerry" very much, so he couldn't bear it and completed the remaining work for his father...

Can a fourteen-year-old boy complete the work of a professional painter?

Of course not!

The Tom and Jerry he drew have completely changed, but strangely, everyone agrees that this style of Tom and Jerry is cool and stylish.

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