My America

Chapter 443: Great White Fleet set sail

"Your bodyguard called a telegram saying that the San Francisco City Government hopes to let the municipal government look at the past within five months." Anne appeared holding her son and handed over a telegram and said, "The urge is very tight . "

"That's before February next year? After a while the Great White Fleet set sail to South America, it's almost this time!" She took a telegram for a moment, and Sheffield said with a lip, "Facial engineering, but it's a good thing to ask for money Opportunity, tell Jesra, as long as the money is enough, let our employees work harder. They all make a lot of money from the insurance company. Those who are not working are not allowed to take advantage of it. Zeus can't stand it anymore. "

Annie covered her mouth and smiled, but the word face engineering was quite appropriate. Holding the child directly seemed like a gust of wind disappeared, which made Sheffield very uncomfortable, and the feeling of the tool person appeared again.

On this telegram, the words "face engineering" are said. In order to make San Francisco look completely recovered from the earthquake when the Great White Fleet of New York arrived in San Francisco, the California State Government and the San Francisco City Government asked the umbrella company to make San Francisco see as soon as possible.

The time is within five months. According to the current route determined in the newspaper, the Great White Fleet will sail from New York, bypass South America and practice Monroeism first, stop in San Francisco, and then rush to Asia, first to Australia and then to Japan.

At first glance, this route shows that Japan is the top priority. If it is divided according to strength, it should go to Europe first, then Asia, and finally return to New York.

Japan defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese War and jumped among the world powers. After the war, Japan's self-confidence expanded rapidly, and it can even be said to be floating. Japan began to think that it already had the capital to compete with European and American powers. Therefore, its aggressive expansion in the Pacific and Asia not only seized the market with European and American powers, but also competed with the United States and Britain for spheres of influence in the Pacific.

The Great White Fleet itself went to Japan. There is nothing to say about it. Sheffield can only give a reply. Just breathing, she heard the butler report and Harry Bogut was already waiting.

Harry Bogut is a scholar in New Orleans, the one who is best at racial issues, and a scholar in the United States who is more influenced by social Darwinism, but is actually not well-known and has few books on the body.

The slave owners naturally knew very much about the literature soil of the United States, and the literature of the pro-Dad British Empire could not be compared with France and Russia. A group of countries established at the bottom had no cultural literacy. Even after a hundred years, the United States is more famous than literature, and the outstanding representative of Hemingway is just that.

There is no general in the Shuzhong, Liao turned into a vanguard, this is the national condition of the literary world of the United States. Compared with the rapidly developing publishing industry, this is even more awkward.

Harry Bogut entered the living room and nodded with a somewhat pleased smile, which fully explained that small intellectuals are vigilant to the government and large intellectuals are vigilant to the people. We must be vigilant to the right and beware of the true portrayal of the left.

Since it is a scholar of social Darwinism, it is normal to think about it carefully, and believe in the survival of the fittest.

Reaching for a seat, Harry Bogut did n’t dare to sit down and just sit down, just like a student facing the big exam, Sheffield looked at the other person and said, "Mr. Harry, I did n’t expect little New Orleans to have Such talents, I hope you join my team and help me do something. "

"Mr. William, how dare I compare with you in academia, whether it's the food chain or the plate drift, I have read it all the time. Mr. William is a frequent visitor to best-seller statistics. I heard that he also donated the manuscript to charity." Haribo Gert was quite funny, and wanted to sell for a price, but had to compliment.

Sheffield nodded lightly, and the relationship between the publishing giant and the joint company was naturally worry-free. Many publications can be sold completely because many governments in the South have ordered these books as fun introductory readings and distributed them to primary and secondary school students. This is how the best-selling list comes from.

"If you win the prize, you should do it." Sheffield asked lightly. "Do you know Jack London?"

"That San Francisco writer, he is more famous than me!" Harry Bogut quickly confessed, "Among the scholars of social Darwinism, he seems to be influential, his work is."

"Yellow ... Woe! I know." Sheffield narrowed her eyes and sighed. "I want you to refute him and use your name to shift the focus from an island country thousands of miles away to the country and yourself. You are all lice, and you have time to tickle others? "

Since the result of the Russo-Japanese War has been determined, there has indeed been a white supremacy in the country, but this is not the craze Sheffield wants. There are now few yellow men in the United States, separated by a Pacific xenophobia? Let the air go.

"I pay more attention to the problem of black people, and they are almost stolen." Sheffield stood up and described a few points. "I don't care about the Japanese. Anyway, there are few in China, but the number of black people is large, which is related to the results of the election. . It ’s best to make a pump, get it done before the election, I will make you a banner of Darwin in society, just get this person, is n’t it difficult? "

"Mr. William, I will do my best." Harry Bogut stood up excitedly, feeling that the turning point of fate had arrived, and his life was about to achieve a huge leap.

"Well! The butler will provide the cost." Sheffield nodded and was overtime for a minute. Now he has to call United Motor Company to discuss the truck production with Ramon Hess. As part of the large-scale agricultural plan, the mechanization of agriculture has been initially completed. How can it be done without a truck with greater capacity.

It was determined that the time of next spring would be released. Sheffield's day was finished. When I went back to the bedroom, I saw Anne feeding her. The maternal glory made her wife look holy and could not help but whisper, "Dear!"

"Why, the son is not full." Annie looked alert, holding her son not to let go, "First come tight to the son."

"Oh!" She sighed in disappointment, Sheffield said sourly, "I want to go to New York, the Great White Fleet is about to sail, this is a rare thing."

"Who can control you? Go if you want." Annie said without looking up. "It's no big deal anyway."

Just when I didn't say it! Sheffield closed the door slowly, whispering, "How can I feel abandoned?"

The metropolis of New York is full of bustle and bustle, and it seems that it is not a city in the early twentieth century. People who come here all lament the powerful qualified creativity of industry now. This kind of person does not include slave owners. In his eyes, there are only problems sooner or later. The saddest thing is what it was a hundred years ago, and it is still the same after a hundred years.

If it is only in New York, no one will think of the dark side of the country, such as the corruption of many politicians and government officials, the serious pollution caused by industrialization, the emergence of food safety problems, the occurrence of safe production accidents, and the occurrence of racial discrimination. The working class is still being brutally exploited by large enterprises.

But even so, the United States is still undoubtedly the hope of humanity. This is a worse world. Compared with other countries, the great United States only needs a little better.

Sheffield, who has arrived in New York, is also prepared to look at this peace fleet that will never dominate. The last point fits the theme. After the official sailing, all the claims no longer exist. The starting point for domination.

"Honey, are you going to embark from San Francisco?" Sheffield suffered from the cold violence of his wife recently, and finally found a trace of warmth from Alice Roosevelt.

"Well, when the Big White Fleet arrives in San Francisco, I will go to Australia and Japan." Alice Roosevelt muttered, looking a little cute, "It's boring to sail at sea, or interesting on land."

"There is no way. The Japanese must calm down. The Japanese even claimed that Hawaii is Japan's territory. They also threatened to bombard San Francisco. Our country will naturally not ignore the Japanese clamor." Sheffield persuaded. Tao said, "While turning around now, you can't run around once you get married."

"Who is going to marry you?" Alice Roosevelt said, his head twitching and whispering his lips.

Sixteen battleships of the Federal Navy are assembled at the Hamptons anchorage. Most of these battleships are new ships that have just been completed. As the slave owners, the latest batch of backward warships in the world today are still invincible for ordinary countries. . Even in the face of the Japanese joint fleet now running across the Pacific.

Now that the fleet has been painted white, the fleet that is about to sail has also caused many men and women to find angles to help people take pictures with themselves. Alice Roosevelt also dragged Sheffield and asked a bodyguard to take pictures of the two.

On September 12, 1906, President Roosevelt arrived at the docked Hampton on the Mayflower. He personally came to see off the large white fleet that had been whitewashed and ready to be anchored. The crowds of citizens of the United States were nearby. The pride of the United States came spontaneously to see off.

"This is just a grand scene!" Alice Roosevelt, who held Sheffield's arm, sighed.

If your father happens to see this scene, will these battleships be ordered to kill me directly? Sheffield looked around, thinking absently. Along with the long whistle, this huge large fleet officially set sail in the sight of President Roosevelt.

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