My America

Chapter 345: Roosevelt's attention

The flood is coming violently. Whether it is the workers in the construction site dormitory, the house or everything, tens of thousands of people are drowned in this torrent. There are corpses everywhere in the wild, howling, and terrible, life is so fragile in front of nature, people struggling in the flood, use all their strength, and finally desperate silently, died in a foreign country, from the beginning Some people didn't want them to go back at first.

The Gatung Lake broke the embankment, the flood sloped down, swept the entire construction site in, and it wasn't until the sky was bright that no workers in other locations knew about it and started the rescue operation. What I saw was a vast ocean, everywhere It's black, it's a corpse, and all kinds of expressions of panic and death.

"What? Gatung Lake broke the embankment? Our construction site was flushed by water?" Jesra's expression was overwhelmed with anger, and the staff who grabbed the newspaper furiously shouted, "Do you know? , How many people ’s lives is this? How much money has the company invested, and how much is this loss? ”

"I don't know what to do? I should tell the country immediately! Let the boss know." The man who caught the collar tilted his head tremblingly, daring not to stare at Jesra, and sighed in his heart. Someone in the country came to check. It happened at this time. When thinking of the tens of thousands of workers who might have been drowned, his body shivered involuntarily. Who can bear such a big thing?

"It's still up to you!" Jesra loosened the collar of the person in charge and hit the table with a punch. Hollywood owed him an actor trophy, resentment, fear, and anxiety, and appeared on him at the same time. It took a long time to say with a desperate look, "Maybe it is too late, maybe there are other companies that have spread the matter to the country, hey, send a report to the country immediately."

The excrement workers who are self-proclaimed as uncrowned kings will never let this opportunity pass. For them, things are not afraid of big things. The bigger the better, the better. Such big news must be reported early, and it would be a pity to miss it.

This explosive news was quickly published by all newspapers. All the newspapers exaggerated their words as much as possible, sensationalized the astonishing threats as possible, and increased the number of casualties as much as possible to achieve the general eye-catching effect.

This is why Sheffield, who has the media industry itself, may not know, but even if these excrement workers can make up a mess, they will never think that the facts are often more bizarre than the fabrication. Half of the entire construction team is already here. Was wiped out in a dike.

The joint company on this day seems to be in the midst of storms. The joint company in the vortex of public opinion has not expressed its position, and it has made all parties guess. Even the Rockefeller Jr. who knows Sheffield in Chicago has called to ask for the situation. Des Rockefeller blocked it.

"William, nobody wants this kind of thing!" Edith Rockefeller whispered, carefully watching the silent man, his own man did not speak, indicating that the matter was indeed extremely serious.

The slave owner just didn't want to talk. He glanced at Edith Rockefeller blankly and turned around, his **** facing the oil princess, and the book in his hand just turned to the page where Dayu managed water.

Edith Rockefeller can't understand Chinese characters, only knows that such a big thing is happening now, Sheffield must have been stimulated to do so, looking at it anxiously, I don't know what to do. Just a month ago, the man was still contented, and organized a very successful World Expo in New Orleans, which became like this in a short time, which made Edith Rockefeller very sad.

Whether it is useful or useless, Edith Rockefeller called almost everyone he knew to understand the seriousness of the matter. The feedback was very hopeless. There have been news from Panama, and the loss seems to be more than people expected. Among them, there are more.

It took a while for Edith Rockefeller to come back with a look of embarrassment, and looked at Sheffield, who had even changed his posture, and said slowly, "William, maybe things are really serious. The station on the canal site. "

"The station is built on a lowland, surrounded by hills. It is an excellent place for flooding. It is basically all dead." Sheffield put down the book unhurriedly and said indifferently, "But you cannot be underestimated Survival desires, there will always be some lucky ones in any disaster, dear, what else do you want to tell me? "

"No, no more!" Edith Rockefeller was a little scared by Sheffield's calmness, and suddenly his face changed greatly, thinking of a possibility of extreme thought, he blurted out, "You, this is you ..."

"Huh?" Sheffield stared at Edith Rockefeller and made a questioning voice, directly frightening the question from the oil princess back into her throat, comforting indifferently, "That's forty or fifty thousand lives, how come I'm so big How dare you? "

Although this consolation is better than nothing, it puts Edith Rockefeller's heart back in his stomach. This must be the case. No one has the courage to plan such a big thing. Like Edith Rockefeller, he was comforting himself and ordered himself to believe the man's explanation.

"I just distracted my attention from reading, because I can't help it, and even if it's rescue, it's impossible to recover the loss!" Sheffield stretched his poker face with a confused look in his eyes, "No way . "

How can there be rescue, what rescue? Swim past? There is no life-saving preparation at the construction site. Besides, the lake has been storing water for one year. How long does it take for such a large amount of water to drain? Who has the courage to rescue with a gap?

Edith Rockefeller, who had self-consolation and first saw the effect, just watched Sheffield lighting cigarettes, but did not succeed after lighting several times. It is conceivable that the mind of the slave owner is not as indifferent as it seems on the surface. Sheffield successfully ignited and said, "What now?"

"Although it appeared abroad, this is a major security incident, and the investigation has just begun." Sheffield licked her dry lips. "Now it is not time to cover up the news, and no one can cover it. Neither can the country. What's more, I am a company? Therefore, I must tell the outside world the real situation immediately, but the matter of breaking the **** at Jiatong Lake must be cleaned up. The suspense of the **** is very suspicious. You help me deal with it. I am a little tired. "

The suspicion is of course bigger. The dam was exploded, and once the water level receded, the traces of blasting will leak out. The difference between normal collapse and blasting is still very big.

Edith Rockefeller also knew that it was a matter of importance. Sheffield should be in a mess now, and she must help. She got up and left the bedroom to go out and use her connections.

The floods in the Panama Canal have not receded. The United States has begun to see the aftermath. Edith Rockefeller is like a motivated clockwork. After running, she remembered her family and asked Rockefeller Jr. for help. .

"What time is it, John!" Edith Rockefeller shouted unkindly, "You just ask me what happened to the White House's reaction? Are you happy to see the United Corporation go bankrupt?"

"Okay, but can't you go bankrupt?" Little Rockefeller's face was helpless, bearing the accusation on the other side of the microphone, and waited for a little quieter before saying, "Wait for my news."

Some people are happy and some are sad. For the king of the emerging industry, some people are celebrating each other, and Morgan Jr. is happy. The DuPont headquarters in Delaware has become a sea of ​​joy, and the air is filled with joy.

As for faraway Panama, Jesra has already made a big move. This trick is called thieves shouting and catching thieves. Once the effect is broken, the joint company announced that the quality of the dam of Jiatong Lake is absolutely reassuring and it is impossible to appear suddenly It collapsed, and there was an unusually loud noise late in the day, and there was no thunderstorm weather near Lake Gatong that day, so it is not ruled out that there was an intentional destruction by anti-American forces and the possibility of deliberately creating such a tragedy.

The joint company's statement is currently limited to Panama, but everyone knows that this statement will soon be reproduced back to the country through various channels. At the same time when the statement was issued, the private armament of Heijin Company has made a failure. The purpose of the oath.

To know the Panama Canal project, before Sheffield took over, the French canal management company has completed a third of the excavation, and now it has been taken over by the American Canal Management Company. Moreover, in Panama, there are anti-American forces that have emerged because of the problem of black workers. The accusation of the United Company is justified.

Panama naturally sternly refuted the joint company's statement. This is not how tough the Panamanian government is. They dare not bear this black pot, nor can they afford it. The news that the two sides accused each other naturally returned to the country quickly and made headlines in major newspapers.

As for the collapse of the Gatung Lake, how many people died and how much did the workers of the United Company lose. Because the flood has not receded and statistics cannot be counted, only after the body is smelly can we find a way.

The cause of the collapse of Lake Gatun became a place where the American Canal Management Company and the Panamanian government accused each other. Once it was a disaster caused by vandalism, this was not simply an engineering accident. It became a political issue because tens of thousands of Americans died, even though they were black.

When the suspicion of the breakout of Lake Gatun became the focus of the dispute between the two sides, Roosevelt at the White House could not sit still and took the initiative to concern himself with his staff in what happened in Panama. He had to make a statement, and he quickly convened an issue on this matter in Congress.

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