My America

Chapter 219: The time of the US-Philippine War

"I just worry about you!" No one beside Annie and Sheffield were crooked. Guests in the distance saw this scene and all smiled with kindness, as if blessing the couple in love.

"What are you worried about? I'm not the same as a businessman in this fast-paced place in the Philippines. You should know this." Sheffield smiled dumbly. Although everyone is a businessman, the same place in both sides is limited to occupation. The Philippine rebels represent the national capitalists of the Philippines. What does Sheffield represent? At the highest stage of capitalism, monopoly imperialism.

In the former, the local national capitalists are the most exemplified by the weakness of capitalism, with a little wealth looking ahead. What is yourself It represents the other side of monopoly imperialism. Sheffield has no weaknesses. He only has the cruelest side of capitalism. The two are not the same.

People with certain net worth are actually not willing to lose control of social order. Because this means that their property will be damaged and even life-threatening. Therefore, such a crowd is more willing to make incremental improvements. At present, the leader of the rebel army in the Philippines is this group of people. Is he an imperialist afraid of these being harvested at any time?

Until the reception ended, the news of the expeditionary soldiers in the eastern suburbs was not spread, which made Sheffield somewhat dissatisfied. It took only a few months for the US expeditionary forces to relax. Although it is said that the US ** team has never been good at military discipline, but this is too much.

Until everyone was gone, Sheffield was going to lead Annie to carry the weight, nothing happened, which was too disappointing. At present, such an army, Sheffield himself has no sense of security, how can he protect his own industry? If you pay for your own taxes, you keep such a group of wine bags?

It wasn't until the next morning that a platoon of soldiers who didn't return on Christmas Eve attracted the military's attention. Not paying attention, because the body has been found. The company commander thought that these soldiers would do something that men knew on Christmas Eve, such as looking for women.

He was not taken aback until the corpse was found, took his company to the ambush place, and looked for traces nearby, and then reported layer by layer, detonating the expeditionary forces' high-rise in Manila.

"What? Our soldiers were ambushed. Who is it?" General MacArthur yelled furiously after hearing this, and these local natives dared to take action against the great American army first? This is simply an insult.

This scene happened to be seen by the visiting Sheffield. It is very embarrassing that Sheffield also did not know what his mentality was, which may be similar to the motive of some murderers to return to the scene of the crime. Department as a guest.

MacArthur snatched the warhead and the shell brought by the commander. After careful observation, he wanted to judge the process from this aspect, but MacArthur found that he did not seem to have the impression of such a firearm.

"Isn't there anything to discover!" Sheffield made a sense of indignation, without the tension of the murderer, clenching his fists in both hands, and seemed to feel MacArthur's sense of humiliation.

He would like to remind this army general who is not different from the general ignorant fart, can't he study and study the weapons of other countries? You know that Japan is not satisfied with the United States ’annexation of Hawaii. How can it be regarded as an imaginary enemy? A general does not even have this knowledge reserve?

Finally Sheffield couldn't hold back and said, "With such a rare warhead and cartridge case, once you determine who uses this weapon often, you can tell who attacked our soldiers."

"That's right!" MacArthur nodded fiercely, but he didn't forget to put his troops into combat readiness. Investigating the truth is just a necessary process, and he already doubts in his heart who did it.

The final investigation result came out, and after some locals identified it, the bullet was like a Japanese rifle.

The twenty-two-year-old Murata rifle is a rifle developed by Japan. It was designed by the Satsuma Army Army firearms and artillery expert Major-General Jing Fang as a model based on the French rifle. It is also the first domestically produced firearm after the Meiji Restoration in Japan.

The Japanese have always been good at transforming and clumsy at inventing. The appearance, size and internal structure of the gun are almost the same as the French Chaspor rifle. The shape of the barrel is changed to a cone, and two vent holes are opened in the bore, which creates a unique warhead.

"It is now certain that a person using a Japanese rifle attacked our soldiers. It must be the natives of the Philippines!" MacArthur took the latest findings and spoke loudly in front of George Dewey and his commander, Chief Merritt. Said to give these indigenous people a great.

"Japanese rifle?" General Merritt had his own judgment upon hearing this. Before the arrival of the American Expeditionary Force, the Philippine Rebels stepped up fund-raising to buy arms, and in just a few months, raised 200,000 pesos from the people At the same time, it signed an agreement with Japan to purchase 100,000 guns and 150 artillery pieces.

This matter is not a secret for General Merritt ’s generals. The Philippine Rebels dared to fight the Spaniards. The secret support Japan has shown will certainly have a huge effect.

Sheffield nodded frequently, and finally got to the point, as to why his private armament had Japanese rifles. Although money can't buy everything in the world, the vast majority can buy it. How difficult is it for him to get a rifle?

More than a dozen middle and senior military generals almost agreed that this is the fact caused by the Philippine Resistance Army. What is the fact is not important, what is important is that they have determined that this is what the Philippine rebels did.

Just as there was a lot of discussion, it was discussed whether to take the first action to actively attack the Philippine Resistance Army in the eastern suburbs. An officer came in and reported, "The Philippine Provisional Government sent people and was sad about the attack on the soldiers of the expeditionary army Cooperate with the investigation. "

This scene completely angered the first-class and second-class people of the United States. At this time, this action of the other party obviously did not take their military generals into consideration. Even George Dewey, who had some doubts about it himself, Was also irritated.

This assist by the Philippine Provisional Government surprised Sheffield. She really needs a pig opponent to compare her wise heroes, but it is too happy. No, it was clearly his foresight that had caused such a result, but others had nothing to do with it, and all the glory was attributed to Sheffield United.

What kind of response the Philippine Provisional Government responds to is actually not very important. What matters is the military general in Manila. I hope this is done by the Filipinos. A little evidence is enough. There was no need for in-depth communication and investigation. Almost immediately George Dewey telegraphed the attack on the expeditionary soldiers to the federal government.

Almost at the same time, Sheffield leaked the news to the newspaper media that he controlled by radio. The federal government needs public support, but the United States is a democratic country.

A story about the farmer and the snake soon appeared on the front page of major newspapers. In this story, the American Expeditionary Force came to the Philippines like an angel, helping the Filipinos defeat the evil Spanish colonists. Filipinos have been loved by the local people for a few months.

However, some Philippine dignitaries who were afraid of losing their powers were hostile to the American expeditionary forces with goodwill and helped them to rid the Spanish colonists. They were blindly xenophobic, and our pure soldiers were not prepared for this, which caused this A tragedy.

The final social comment is that the United States of America has an obligation and has the right to lead the local indigenous people into the modern civilized society. This is an unshirkable obligation of the United States of America. Because under the rule of such a group of unknowing people, the lives of Filipino civilians are like hell.

"I kill your husband, sleep your wife, and beat your son. All this is for your own good!" Sheffield summed up the meaning of these newspapers in very straightforward language, no matter how shameless the field, who dare to say that the United States is the beginning scholar? But although shameless, but some of these newspapers are their own, then everything is right.

"If it weren't for Filipinos attacking our soldiers, the newspaper wouldn't say that." Anne grumbled and walked over to Sheffield with her coffee, softly, "Drink, the temperature is just right, I have tried it Now. "

"Dear baby, you're right!" Sheffield murmured and drank the coffee. He smiled, "Even now, the Filipinos still want to clarify the misunderstanding. These rebels, as long as the military makes some point It will definitely be destroyed. "

These so-called Philippine national bourgeoisie, when they encountered monopoly imperialism, really exposed the weakness of the bourgeoisie to imperialism. Both sides are at different stages of capitalism. Once collided, it really becomes a dimensionality reduction blow. In fact, the Philippine Provisional Government showed no evidence of advancement and retreat, and even he, the initiator, could not bear it anymore.

On the contrary, the military is ready for war before the decision of the federal government is obtained. All the troops are on standby and can be put into the battlefield with a single order.

On the day the federal government called back, the Expeditionary Force Command ordered a war against the Philippine Provisional Government. Spain was a past tense, and the US-Philippines war officially broke out. The artillery of the American Expeditionary Force immediately launched an artillery attack on the Philippine position in the eastern suburbs! At the same time, the various troops drove out of Manila to attack the position of the Philippine rebels. The Philippine Provisional Government has always been bearing the burden of humiliation. Eventually, it was not accepted by US imperialism. Now they have to bear the consequences.

Faced with the sudden attack of the American Expeditionary Force, the Philippine Resistance Army, the officers could not find their own soldiers, and the soldiers could not find their own officers! The whole barracks was in chaos, and the commander asked the interim government whether it was resistance.

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