My 26-year-old Female Tenant

Chapter 421: : Do you really know Jian Wei?

After the woman in red said that Jian Wei was one of the people who provided the photos behind the scenes, she didn't speak anymore. Compared with her calmness, my heart was full of waves, and I said to her for a long time: "You said it was her , Is there any evidence? I don't quite believe it!"

"It's not a criminal case, what kind of evidence is needed?...I believe that if you go to Jian Wei to confront this matter, she will definitely admit it. At least I think she is a brave woman .”

I lost the desire to continue the conversation. After picking up my wallet and paying the bill, I left the coffee shop before the woman in red. I am going to find Jian Wei. I want to know if she did it, and if so , Why did you do this? She was far away in the United States, and who gave her these photos, and my private life became miserable, and it was also after we broke up. What's the point of passing such photos to her?

  With this series of questions, I finally called Jian Wei, and I told her that I was waiting for her by the moat, and I had to go, no matter how long I waited!


On the moat, I stood by the guardrail smoking a cigarette and waited for Jian Wei. Although the rain that had lasted for several days had stopped, my heart was heavier. If my past was a scar, this scar is still connected to me at this moment. The flesh and blood were torn apart again, and I panicked.

The river still flows to the north along the autumn wind, and the starlight reflected on the river's surface shakes a little. I'm in a daze, and I can't imagine the river in front of me as a happy river, even though Jianwei and I jumped into it for the sake of the guitar. …

I flicked the cigarette ash in my hand, and then tucked my collar. The wind was a bit chilly, and she came to me in this chill, and my heart became cold, and I began to agitate again. Then he became a little hot, so he smoked half a cigarette in one gulp, but he didn't know how to ask her.

  The cool wind blew her clothes, she tied her hair behind her ears, and asked me in the boundless night: "It's so late, what did you invite me to do?"

  I looked at her, she had lipstick on her lips, obviously dressed up, otherwise she would not be closer to the moat than me, but came behind me.

  I took out another cigarette and lit it. I still couldn't find a way to speak without hurt and suspicion, so I simply asked directly: "Those photos that were exposed by the media were provided to Weiran, right?"

Jian Wei looked at me without any change in expression. It seemed that what was going to happen that night had been within her expectation. She finally nodded and said, "I provided it to him... .”

   "Why do you have these pictures and why do you do it?"

Jian Wei turned her back, stopped looking at the river, and said to me in a low voice for a long time: "I just want to prove one thing. As for these photos, when I was in the United States, people kept sending them to me anonymously. I'm not sure. Whoever it is, but they all kept it, and now it seems that it is right to keep it."

My scalp was a little numb. It turned out that I had been living under the noses of others during the most decadent period of my life, but I didn’t know who that person was. I took another deep breath of the cigarette and asked, “What are you doing?” What do you want to prove?"

After a very long silence, Jian Wei finally said: "After we broke up, I couldn't forget you, and even wanted to go back to China to find you, but on the night I packed my luggage, I began to receive the first photo like this ...That night, I cried all night, then tore up the ticket, and chose to stay in the United States! Every month since then, I will receive a photo like this, I gradually despair, and finally Affirmed the fact that we have broken up... However, two years have passed, and I still doubt whether my decision to stay in the United States was correct, whether I was too narrow, so I want your current My girlfriend also looked at these photos, and you also broke up. This fact proves that no woman will not care about her lover's distracting thoughts in the center of love. I can't do it, and Mi Cai can't do it either, although we can't accept it There is a difference between essence and motivation, but it is not us who are wrong, but you, are the one who stinks up love!"

I was silent at first, and then an uncontrollable anger rushed into my heart, and I asked, "Why did you break up with me before love didn't stink?...It's been three years since we broke up, why did you break up with me?" You have to do something like this, you not only ruined me and Mi Cai, but also ruined Le Yao's stardom, do you know, I ask you if you know?"

  Jian Wei rejected all my questions with silence.

   "Jian Wei, are you taking revenge on me?... If it's revenge, you've succeeded! I'm living without any dignity or desire!"

Jian Wei burst into tears...: " you really understand me, do you understand Jian Wei?...I followed you when I was 19, and when I was 20, I gave you the most precious virginity of a woman. Before that, I never knew what to pursue...My father was one of the earliest advertising designers in the country, the vice president of the Advertising Association, Famous in the entire advertising industry, my mother is a national cadre, I have lived a life full of stars since I was a child, I have no pursuit of material things, because I have everything I want, until I met you, you always told me , there must be a clean city in this world, but it needs the two of us to manage it, I believe it... I think this is the pursuit of my life, it is the soul in my body, but you are here In the eyes of my parents, I'm just a **** who doesn't want to make progress. My family can't tolerate you...but it doesn't matter. For the city you made up, I can elope with you, My family is cut off... But people grow up, don't they? The older they grow, the more unreal the city becomes, so... I went to America!  … After arriving in the United States, because of the distance, because of misunderstanding, because of indulgence, I really lost this city, but because of the loss, it became real again... I have been living in **** since then I don't know what else I can pursue in life, I am really in pain... very painful!"

These words threw me into the river of memories, so I cried too...crying for the past, crying for the city that cannot be recovered...she said That's right, the older I get, the more that city looks like a lie. I used my ignorance when I was young to fabricate a city for the woman in front of me, but I defiled the city with my own hands. So all the lies are not lies. And I am the biggest lie in life!

After we broke up, I hugged her for the first time and hugged her tightly into my arms. We sobbed, missed, but hated at the same time, hated because of the lies of a city, what Jianwei hated was That city, and I hate myself!

   What she hates is so unreal, what I hate is so real...


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