Museum of Demons

Chapter 269: The blood of the willow, the ancient emperor pool

Chongwu Mountain is a landmark mountain in the Western Mountain Classics.

It was also for some reason, leaving a very heavy mark in Wei Yuan's heart.

Let him list this mountain as the first of the Three Classics of the West.

After all, after eating Chongwu Zhishi, which can benefit the children and grandchildren, I frightened the female girl a good meal, leaving behind a shadow that has not been able to dissipate for thousands of years. There is really no way to compare with other mountains...

When I went to the overseas daughter country or husband country, I was very vigilant and didn't even dare to drink water.

The people over there thought that Yuan had an opinion on them, and almost started fighting.

Especially the general of the daughter country, Wei Yuan still has the idea of ​​fate.

How could that woman beat the generals of Tushanbu.

When I went there together, the daughter country wanted to compete with people from the Central Plains. Yu is a hero, and Niujiao is Yu’s wife. Qi ran away with divination in advance. The unlucky civil servant and cook lost her once. The female general at the time. After the fight, I was embarrassed to come over to apologize, and turned Yuan over again with wine.

Because Yuan cooks delicious food, he was almost **** as a general's husband.

Wei Yuan still remembered that the female general was about to undress and undress when she drank too much, and King Yu broke out in the middle of the night.

He started a clay pot headshot, fainted the female general, and then laughed and ran away carrying the Yuan tied in the quilt. Under the starry night, a rough old man was carrying another rough old man on his back. On the avenue of a foreign country, there are screaming girls running wildly, behind them are a group of persistent beauties chasing soldiers, and in front of them are the opened city gates, the fainted girls and the animal carts that stunned the guards.

What is Yingwu!

What is the **** descending to earth!

This is!

such a pity…


It was more than four thousand years ago that such a period of time when the dog was jumping.

Wei Yuan’s expression softened unconsciously. He looked at the fruit on Chongwu Mountain. The stone next to him was where he sat when he had a stomachache after eating the fruit. However, at that time, it was next to him. A piece of wasteland, but now several trees have grown, quite lush.

Just when thoughts came out from the bottom of Wei Yuan's heart.

Fei Yu and Wu Yu have already started to pick those fruits.

Feiyu stretched out his hand, paused, then retracted his palm and wiped it on his clothes. Only then did he carefully reach out to pick the fruits, which looked like citrus fruits, but if you look closely, you can see. The epidermis seems to be translucent, and there is a touch of aura shaking inside.

These auras gather together, like a flower.

Will be shaken away with people's movements.

Submerge into the pulp again.

Wei Yuan came back to his senses and added:

"By the way, you must be aware that this kind of fruit can only be eaten by women. After men eat it, it will be uncomfortable."

"If you don't handle it correctly, there is a high probability that your life will be in danger."

Fei Yu and Wu Yu nodded.

Wu Yu collected Wei Yuan’s recipes in the past few days and recorded them respectfully on the fur of his pocket. Looking at this crystal-clear, extremely attractive fruit, he stuffed his pocket into his pocket and asked: "Master Shanshen, this Just grow the fruit raw and eat it. Isn’t there any special recipe?"

Wei Yuan was silent.

Without changing his face, he said, "I haven't eaten it before, how do I know what the taste of this fruit is."

"Naturally, there is no way to prepare a corresponding recipe."

"Eat it raw."

During this period of time, Wu Yu, who was obsessed with recording "Shanhai Cooking Guide", was slightly disappointed.

In the past few days, three meals a day are not repeated, flying in the sky, running on the ground, and swimming in the water.

Whatever falls into the hands of the Lord Mountain God will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Compared with the current practice of Chaoge City, which is cooked, steamed, steamed and mixed with vegetables, mashed into meat and then marinated into meat sauce, it can almost be said to be a miracle. As a sorcerer, Wu Yu naturally took all of these practices. Record it and prepare to take it back and spread it widely.

Wei Yuan looked to the southeast, and where he was, it was the direction of Kunlun Hill.

It is a sacred mountain guarded by the **** Lu Wu.

And near this mountain, there is Emperor Yu who killed Xiangliu and excavated from the place where Xiangliu’s blood was corroded. It is also a treasure land that fits with the jade book of Shanhaijing in his hand. As long as you pass, you can Find out what exactly King Yu left behind.

Wei Yuan retracted his gaze and saw that Feiyu and Wu Yu had picked most of the ripe fruits.

He drew out the knife again, cut off a branch, and put it away carefully.

Is this going to directly try to transplant the treasure tree on Chongwu Mountain to Chaoge City?

Wei Yuan saw Feiyu's plan, did not stop, nodded, and said, "You already know the way you came. As long as you follow that path, you can safely return to Chaoge City. You will also accompany them. If there is any danger on the road, please help deal with it."

Bare Long breathed a sigh of relief.

He answered in a low voice, sounding like a war drum.

In the past few days, the more it thinks about it, the more it feels that something is wrong. It always feels that this guy had a special purpose in compiling the Shanhaijing, that is, because of his own reasons, he passed away early, otherwise, the "Guide to Shanhai Cooking" might have been published directly. NS.

Especially when I saw the fierce beasts in the hands of the young Taoist, they changed their way into a variety of delicacies. While the beasts were eating, they were frightened, worried about when they would become meat on the plate. Wei Yuan sent himself away, feeling that he was free from the possibility of spare food, then Bare Long let out a long sigh.

Regardless of the grudge between Feiyu and Wu Yu and himself.

He was about to engulf Huoyun and flew down the mountain with the two of them, but was stopped by Wei Yuan's hand.

"It's too rude to come to someone else's house and leave without seeing the owner."

Wei Yuan smiled, covering his sleeves with his hands and holding the ancient jade book in his palms.

Then took out a piece of white jade from the cuffs, digging a hole at the highest point of Chongwu Mountain with sword energy, and buried this piece of white jade. West Mountain passes through the third mountain, starting from Chongwu Mountain and ending at Yiwang Mountain. , A total of 23 seats, six thousand seven hundred and forty-four miles, the way of offering sacrifices is similar.

Sprinkle white rice on the ground again.

Wei Yuan bowed his hand slightly and said softly:

"It's a pity, this time I came in a hurry. I didn't prepare rice, and there was no way to sacrifice to you."

"Next time I will prepare double the amount."

"You can show them a way."

Feiyu and Wu Yu were puzzled: "Master Mountain God, you are..."

Wei Yuan stretched out his fingers to his lips, smiled and nodded, signalling for silence. Suddenly, a low rumbling voice sounded, Fei Yu and Wu Yu looked back subconsciously, their expressions were dazed. There was originally a dense forest on the side of Chongwu Mountain. But at this time, the woods moved slowly, the water flowed around, the mountains and rocks turned, and a path abruptly appeared in front of him.

This is no longer guiding the way, but the mountain **** directly paved the way.

Apparently Chongwu Mountain God heard him and responded to it.

Bare Dragon's expression trembled.

The young Taoist man with wide sleeves, pointed forward, with a soft tone, and asked with a smile:

"Not down the mountain yet?"

Dismissing the dragon back to his senses, the lurking scales grew back, raised their heads low and roared, and left with Feiyu and Wu Yu, following the road paved by the Chongwu Mountain God, like a cloud of smoke and dust, quickly disappeared. , The speed was so fast that Wei Yuan was a little surprised.

This guy, just want to go back to Chaoge?

It runs very fast.

Wei Yuan retracted his gaze, did not think much, stretched out his hand and patted the stone that he had leaned on to rest at the beginning, looking far away in the direction of Kunlun Hill. He was too solemn and did not notice at all. He was also in the east of Chongwu Mountain. On the face, there was an abyss, and I didn't realize that there was a body buried in that abyss, and King Yu wrote the sentence'Looking west to the emperor's hill of hunting animals, looking east to Yanyuan'.

He lowered his head, looked at Chongwu Mountain, and said, "Thank you very much."

Tap your toes lightly on Chongwu Mountain.

The whole person followed the path paved by the Chongwu Mountain God, and quickly swept towards the Kunlun Hill, and the walking beast left. Wei Yuan could only rely on the strength of his own body and could feel the speed of the consumption of the divine power. Suddenly speed up, and once the divine power is exhausted, even if he is here, this body will dissipate, and then his consciousness will return to the human world.

Now this body is full of divine power, able to display the flying body support traces in the Tiangang magical powers. Compared with Yufeng, it is faster. Weiyuan from the mountain and sea world has walked by himself, and he is more familiar with the route of Kunlun area. Arrived near the destination soon.

Bypassing Buzhou Mountain and Zhongshan.

Avoiding the mountain of Huaijiang, I didn't encounter the Huaigui Lilun and Youqiong on both sides of this mountain.

Flying further forward is the Kunlun Hill.

It is the place where Lu Wu is in charge. Wei Yuan has no good feelings about that tiger. He even squeezed his fist and had the urge to beat the tiger violently. But right now his fist is not big or hard enough. In the age of mountains and seas , All the beasts, beasts, gods, and demons of a hundred races were there. At that time, the big fist might not be justified, but the small fist must be unreasonable.

Wei Yuan didn't plan to send Lu Wu a sliding shovel.

Had to retract the line of sight.

Turning to look to the north of Kunlun, continue on the road, every time he landed, his body swayed, he would sweep a long distance away.

Soon, Wei Yuan saw that in the strange low-lying places among these mountains, the white mist had been rising here for thousands of years, as if the sea of ​​clouds in the sky had fallen into the world, with bronze ware and huge white jade. Pavilions and pavilions constructed of materials.

This is where Xiangliu was killed in the first place.

The blood of the Xiangliu family couldn't resist even the ground and soil of the gods, and it was corroded into huge pits. Dayu drew ice water from Kunlun Mountain, poured it into it, compacted the ground, and trimmed it into a high platform for the gods to play.

Xi Yang, Nu Wa, Nu Xi...

It is a pity that if the place where Chaoge City goes is to the west of the Great Wilderness, the descendants of Nuwa will be there, and it is almost the beginning of Tianhu. Moreover, the Tushan clan is also related to the Nuwa clan, which is recorded in "Shishuo·Emperor Family" "in.

Female Greek, female Greek.

One is divided into two, one is female and the other is hope.

Nv Jiao is probably inseparable from this clan.

Therefore, she was able to live to the present after King Yu left.

Legend has it that Nuwa transforms into seventy-seven in one day, and it is possible to transform into a nine-tailed fox. Therefore, King Yu will have soil in his hands. Wei Yuan feels a little pity. If this is a great wilderness, it would be better. It is the strongest in the Shanhai Era. Jin Thigh is not only close to the human race, but also maintains an extremely good relationship with both the Tushan clan and Dayu.

With the emperor Wa, the current problem is probably not a big problem.

Wei Yuan took out the jade book of Shanhaijing from his sleeves, held it in his hand, the mana flowed, and the mana flow radiated from the jade book of mountains and seas, and the huge emperor platform in front of him had a connection, and Wei Yuan vaguely felt it. , Own control of this area.

That feeling is amazing.

Somewhat similar to the influence of Chaoge City's ancestors on Chaoge City.

Wei Yuan was able to rely on this connection to re-set up a simple Talisman Formation in the sky above Chaoge City, imitating the Talisman Heavenly Court in the world. If that is the case, then could it be possible to build a similar array over the Emperor Tai Yaochi? Fu Lu big array.

Once it is successfully established, it will be able to unite with the human heavenly formation when it is in contact with people.

That undoubtedly means that true cultivators in the world can receive blessings similar to local battles during the Shanhaijing period, and the talisman in the world can stir the vitality of the mountain and sea world, which is a strategic geographical advantage.

In Wei Yuan's mind, one thought suddenly surged.

The white mist suddenly circulated.

Wei Yuan subconsciously raised his arms and stood in front of him. The mist was flowing violently like a river, passing through his body.

In the mist, there is resentment that has remained for thousands of years.

The cloud subsided, the young Taoist's sleeves stretched, his black hair moved back, his eyes raised and looked forward, a huge nine-headed giant python emerged from that resentment and hatred, and each snake body looked like a whole snake body. The mountain is so huge, the aura that belongs to the ancient fierce gods, even if it is just a strand, it is extremely heavy, far beyond the comparison of the willow in the world.


Xiang Liu's residual hatred and resentment raised his head and roared.

Let the earth tremble and the water flow turns.

But he still couldn't find his enemy.

At this moment.

Xiang Liu moved for a while, his eyes fell, and he looked at Wei Yuan who looked like a young Taoist at the moment.

The nine poems almost occupy the world with a huge spirit, and then, the eighteen pupils all turned to lock him, and slowly said:

"It's you…"

"I remember you. UU reading"

Wei Yuan: "??!"

He stared at Wei Yuan coldly:

"It was you who suggested to him to cook and eat me."

ps: Today's first update...4,000 words, a little late, thank you Qingshan for the reward for your late return, thank you~

Challenge today, finish it by one point... Cover your face

"Historical Records" quoted "Shiben": Tushan's name is Nuwa.

"Shuowen Jiezi": Wa, the sacred woman of ancient times, is also the one who transforms all things.

"The Great Wilderness North Classic": The co-worker's name is Xiangyou, the body of a snake with nine heads... No hardship is hardship, and all beasts can do nothing. Yu Yan floods, kills Xiangyu, its blood is smelly, and it can't grow valley. The land is rich in water, and it is impossible to live in it. Yu Yanzhi, Sanren and Sanju, thought of the pond, and the emperor of the group thought of Taiwan, in the north of Kunlun. Xiangyou is Xiangliu


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