Musashi of the Elves

Vol 2 Chapter 81: Fetish

   The two mysterious figures who completed all of this did not leave, and Audrey bowed again to pay homage and slowly exited.

  The witches headed by Rika and Musashi began to appear on the stage. They knelt down on the high platform one by one, the tribute in their hands was steadily lifted above their heads, respectfully asking the gods, and enjoying the delicacies they prepared.

   Although Musashi lowered his head, the weight of the offering table in his hand was light, knowing that the food on it had been taken away.

   It is impossible not to be excited, for the first time in my life to have such close contact with a beast.

   One is Sherabi, also called Shirabi, and the other is Shemi, Shemi in the form of the sky. They are all cute creatures with grass attributes.

  As the **** of the forest, temples are scattered all over the forests of Guandu.

   As the **** of flowers and plants, the flower garden is his paradise.

   "The only one who can invite the beast to the entire Kanto, except for my senior sister, is the old guy above."

   "Silaby! I really want to touch it."

  The superpower queen Qiuyuan Mujin completely ignored Yingu's flower language, and said with an idiotic expression on her face.


  . . . . . .


   There was another ringing, and Musashi and the others put down their offerings and prepared to dance.

  The dance is called Kagura, which means to make the gods happy and comfortable, and to thank the gods for everything they have done for Yuhong City.

   also has a meaning to give it to you. You can leave when you are done jumping and watching.

   The ‘dharma tools’ in the hands of the six priests standing on both sides of the stage disappeared. They were replaced by Taiko, Flute, and Zheng.

   The solemn and solemn music sounded.

  Musashi and the others took out the Kagura bells, gold and silver fans and evergreen branches placed under the altar, and began to dance to the accompaniment.

The movement of    dance is very simple, but every move requires extremely precise manipulation.

   I don't know if Musashi has a talent for dancing, or because of other help.

   After only one day of learning, the action is not bad when imitated. Apart from the lack of unique charm, there is nothing else to choose from.

   It is precisely for this reason that Audrey dared to place Musashi in the ranks of the maidens and become one of them.

   Except for Li Jia, although there are criticisms about Musashi's joining other witches, the majesty of the empress has already been imprinted in their hearts, and they dare not make any mistakes.

   Even if it is intentional, it cannot be implemented because the time is too short.

  The fan opens and closes, gold and silver are two colors, gold is yang and all things grow, silver is yin, and all things are lonely.

   Seven-five-three bells, the bells rang, and between the jingle bells, the heart was excited, and the sound and accompaniment resounded throughout the garden shrine.

   At the end of the song, the two gods in the sky whispered and gave two divine things, one is the evergreen feather, the other is the flower of Gracidia.

   The two gods slowly fell on top of Musashi and Rika, and they turned into blue and white feathers, and the hairpin was between Musashi's hair accessories. A hairpin turned into a pink and white flower, adding a brilliance to the sober Li Jia.

   Shirabi and Xie Mi in the form of the sky circle Musashi and Rika each, seeming to be very satisfied with their works, and they are nowhere to be seen in the cheerful whisper.

   The New Year's Day blessing ceremony, which lasted more than an hour, also came to an end at this moment.

   The people on the periphery began to evacuate in an orderly manner, but the dignitaries in the circle got up and walked towards the main shrine of the garden shrine, along with the humble village and couple.

   looked back to Musashi.

   At this time, Musashi held the tribute in his hand, and followed the **** Audrey back to the main hall.

   When comparing, there is an extra step between the hairpin, and the one with the same change is Li Jia, and there is an extra flowerpin on the hair side.

  The other maidens who were with her all looked at the two people who were favored in front of them with envy, but they didn't dare to show their jealousy at all. It should be that Audrey is the time when she has the strongest power.

  God Lord is not only a simple title, but the improvement of divine power is a crucial part.

   Although the divine power will slowly fade with the end of the sacrifice.

   But now it's at the peak, and if you are careless, the punishment will not be less.

   These things, Li Jia also mentioned with Musashi, so even if the system sent a major message, Musashi did not dare to read more, so as not to be distracted and blasphemy.

   After returning to the artifacts that have been passed down for hundreds of years, Musashi's identity as a witch is finally over, and his tight heart relaxes at this moment.

   But there is another important thing waiting for Musashi, that is, apprenticeship!

   The comfortable witch costume on her body is a bit out of date.

   At this time, the butler Okuko appeared, and took Rika and Musashi to the private dressing room to change clothes and arrange hair accessories.

   During the period of changing clothes, Musashi only needs to be like a wooden man, at the mercy of the steward of Okuko, and the same is true for Rika.

   And Musashi finally has time to check carefully, what is the message sent by the system.

   (Complete Kagura Dance once and get skill dance (Kagura Dance) lv1. Because of the talent bonus, the level is raised to level 2.)

   (Completely participated in a blessing festival, the etiquette skills were upgraded to lv4, and the skill etiquette (divine) lv1 was obtained, and the talent bonus was increased to the second level.)

   (Participate in a blessing festival and increase the reputation of Yuhong City to: small reputation. ~ Turn on the prestige attribute in advance.)

   (Receive the blessing of the Rabbi Shi, feel +1.)

   (obtain the blessing of Xie Mi (sky form), agility +1)

   (Accessories: Blue Sky Feather.)

   (Name: Blue Sky Feather

   Material: Shirabi's feathers

   Producer: Shirabi · Wutong · Bud

  User: Miyamoto Musashi

   Category: Accessories

  Quality: Legend


  ①: Free to change, once a day.

  ②: Perception +1

  ③: The soul is bound, and it will automatically return from the user within a certain range. )

   These are all the gains of this New Year's Day blessing ceremony, but there is also a teacher apprenticeship I don't know if there will be other gains.

   Musashi thought greedily.

   As for Rika's hairpin, Musashi also used it as an exchange to explore the specific attributes.

  Name: Eternal Flower

  Material: Undefeated Gracidia Flower

   Producer: Xie Mi Siti

  User: Hong Yulijia

   Category: Accessories

  Quality: Legend


  ①: Free to change, once a day.

  ②: Charm +1

  ③: The soul is bound, and it will automatically return from the user within a certain range. )

   Two-to-one comparison, except that the added attributes are different, everything else is the same. As for the bonuses of perception and charm attributes, it may be related to their corresponding materials.

  The feathers of the rabbi are full of spiritual power, so they can improve perception. Gracidia's flower language is for gratitude, and because of its beautiful shape, it can enhance the charm attribute.

   "Okay, Miss Lijia, Miss Musashi, let's go, don't let the host and guests wait too long."


   Two delicate girls wearing small vibrating sleeves nodded hand in hand.

Li Jia wears small vibrating sleeves with green and rose red, a gorgeously printed bag strap around her waist, and her half-length hair is made of accessories given by Xie Mi: the eternal flower, which is transformed into a green embroidered red flower headband to hold the restless. Broken hair. Wear white foot bags and flip-flops.

   The red and green color scheme adds a bit of vitality to the already quiet Li Jia.

   Musashi wears light pink printed small vibrating sleeves, with a simple patterned bag belt around his waist, the red hair of the shawl is tied behind his head with the emerald-colored ribbon transformed by the feathers of the blue sky, and his feet are also wearing white foot bags and flip-flops.

   The slightly plain color makes Musashi, who is already lively and cheerful, a little more quiet.

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