Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 61: Fossil Pokémon, Fossil Helmet

The dark gray gymnasium, a rough building constructed with huge rocks as the main body, but in the rough, Musashi found many amazing details.

Symmetry is one of them, and the other is the high-tech hidden under the rock, full-automatic rock site paver, lifting site changer, energy protection piles on the viewing seats on both sides, as for full-covered lighting, one of the full-automatic fire extinguishers Not much to say about the class.

"Huh...! Uncle Wu Neng, this is an ancient Pokémon fossil?"

Musashi asked in surprise when he saw the Pokémon fossils on the wall as decorations.

"Hahaha, yes, these are real ancient Pokémon fossils, but they are all artificially supplemented after incomplete ones. The economic value and scientific research value are not high, so they are just used as decorations."

Xiaomi looked at Wu Neng with a proud face, smiled in his heart, turned his head slightly to look at home, and didn't know if Xiaogang and Jiro could take good care of their younger siblings.

"Look, these smaller spiral shells are fossils of ammonites, and those with spikes on these shells are also fossils of spiny ammonites."

Musashi looked one by one in the direction pointed by Wu Neng, and when his gaze crossed a certain fossil, there was a difference in his heart, because...

Wu Neng obviously had a certain understanding of these fossils, and introduced Musashi with a positive expression.

Musashi let go of the differences in his mind, and echoed the introduction of martial arts.

"Before, I saw some precious ancient Pokemon fossils unearthed in the Dark Gray City on TV. Today is the first time I have seen them."

"Haha, then just take this opportunity to see enough."

"Uncle Wu Neng, can I touch it."

Musashi looked at the fossil that made her difference again, and asked.

"Yes, of course. After all, I am not a museum here. All types of fossils are also very common. But if you can find a real and intact ancient Pokémon fossil, I will give you a mystery. one's gift."

Wu Neng said indifferently, and then suggested with an idea, showing a strong show off in his tone.

"Uncle Wu Neng, although I can't tell the authenticity of these fossils, I can find the most special one among these fossils."


Wu Neng and Xiaomi looked at each other, revealing curiosity and doubts in their eyes.

"It's the fossil helmet fossil."

Musashi pointed to the fossil helmet inlaid in the corner and stacked on top of other fossil helmets.

"This..., how did you see it?"

"Because he is still alive."


"This is impossible. Although I am not a trainer specializing in grass or water systems, I still have basic life perception. It is impossible, impossible."

Wu Neng denied repeatedly, and couldn't believe what the little girl Musashi said.

As the wife of martial arts, Sutomi is an orthodox water system Pokémon trainer, but the trainer level is only elite, plus he is not specialized in medical assistance and has a high perception of life energy, so he did not notice this fossil Only after Musashi raised this anomaly, did he vaguely perceive a little abnormality, but there was a child in his heart, thinking it was an illusion.

Therefore, he is also skeptical of Musashi's statement.

"Come out, Marilu."

The blue water mouse Pokémon revealed his body under the call of Xiaomi.

"Lu Li?"

"Marylu, can you help me hear what is unusual about this fossil."

"Luli? Luli!"

Marilu, the cute water creature, was puzzled. Master, you haven't trained Pokémon for too long, or have you given birth to too many children. Let me listen to the sound of a stone. What's so nice about it?

But who made Xiaomi the trainer, obediently complied.

"Luli??? Luli? Lulili???"

What's the matter with the seemingly non-existent heartbeat, but listen carefully, and there is no, quite strange, Mary Lu does not believe in evil and puts her big ear on the fossil, but she doesn't find anything...

Have you hallucinated?

Although Marilu did not give a positive answer, and there were only countless doubts, this performance was enough to explain many problems.

"Can you let me do a little experiment? I won't see anything abnormal like this, unless Mary shows the level of a quasi-kingdom, or is born extremely sensitive to sound."

"Well, what do you want to do?"

Wu Neng regretted his suggestion of letting Musashi find fossils, because in his opinion, all the fossil causes are partly real, and coupled with the superb craftsmanship, they can almost reach the point of being fake. If some experts do not have the assistance of professional tools, it is impossible to distinguish them accurately.

But Musashi recognized it at a glance, and planned to do something with this precious, suspicious fossil.

In case it is broken and you find that it is not alive, isn't it because you lost your wife and broke down.

But I said earlier that Musashi could touch it, and Musashi didn't clearly say how to do it. Apart from the entanglement in Wu Neng's mind, there was only entanglement.

"You don't need to worry, just use the moonlight skills to stimulate this ancient life form. If it fails, it won't cause any additional damage to this fossil."

Xiaomi can see that Wu Neng is hesitating. In her opinion, this stone is of no use except for its only collection value. It's better to experiment with Musashi. There is no harm in it, right? Fossils do have some abnormal behaviors, don’t they?

"My husband, let's try it. If it succeeds, there will be a birthday gift for Xiaogang. Moreover, according to the doctors' guess, the fossil helmet and ammonite beasts are all the composite attribute Pokémon of rock and water, and they are just a combination. It’s the expertise of both of us."

"Even if it fails, as Little Sister Musashi said, it will not destroy this fossil."

"Okay, just listen to you from Xiaomi. Musashi, please start."

What Xiaomi has said, even though Wu Neng feels distressed, he is not hesitating anymore.

"Thank you for your trust."

"Come out, Fan"

"Dafu." Master.

"Fan, can you perceive anything unusual about this fossil?"

"Dafu!" Yes, he still has a breath of life.

so hot……

Wait, what did he say!

"Lu Li?" Is this true? Is the heartbeat that I feel real?

"Dafu." This Pokémon is in a state of suspended animation. In addition, a large part of the body is petrified, and all life breaths have become abnormally weak. You can't accurately perceive it because of your strength. .

Bawanghua carefully explained to Marilu.

"Lu Li." Oh oh.

It's more handsome to explain patiently...

I don't know how much she has heard, Marilu is caught in a **** again.

"A quasi-King-level Overlord Flower? Little Sister Musashi, you are really hidden."

Wu Neng smiled bitterly without notice, because he was also a quasi-tianwang level now. Although he had found hope for a breakthrough not long ago, he hadn't made a breakthrough yet, did he?

How can this not let him down.

"Haha, the master of the martial arts hall, I'm starting."

Wu Neng is also a veteran trainer of the quasi-Tianwang. He has also served as the master of the gym for several years. He is still very qualified in mentality adjustment, and then he said "Please start."

"Fan, Moon Dance, Moonlight!"


After presiding over the grand moon **** ceremony of the Pippi clan, Bawanghua's feelings for the dance of the moon became more and more profound, and the random movements jumped out of the moon's clear spirit, mysterious and secluded.

A bright moon appeared in the dark gray city hall with the dance of the Overlord Flower, and the frosty white moonlight fell directly on the fossil of the fossil helmet.

"Boom boom, boom boom."

The clear heartbeat was clearly conveyed to Marilu's ears.

The blushing Marilu escaped from the beauty of the Overlord Flower, her expression gradually focused.

Then the petrified shell of the fossil helmet changed a little, and it seemed to be a little smoother.

"This, is it... really alive?"

Xiaomi covered her mouth and muttered to herself.

After determining the strength of Bawanghua, Wu Neng basically believed that what Musashi said was true, but this slight change made Wu Neng extremely surprised.

With the continuous irradiation of the moonlight, the carapace of the fossil helmet has completely changed from gray petrification to brown-yellow calcification. The two bean-sized black photosensitive organs on the carapace are like the eyes that gave birth to the fossil helmet. feel.


The fossil helmet fell from the rock wall that fixed him, and the two pairs of yellow claws shook slightly. The red luminous body representing the eyes stared at the front without focus, obviously not fully awake.


"Well, it succeeded."

"Hey, Uncle Wu Neng, why are you unhappy?"

"Of course I am happy, but it is a Pokémon of the ancient times. Studies have shown that it lives in the shallow Triassic waters in front of 300 million. We can't give him the living environment of that era, which means that we cannot raise it. Its life is destined to be short, so I can't be happy again."

"Uncle Wu Neng, in fact, you can rest assured about this, because after 300 million years of adaptation and adjustment, he has been able to explain many problems before he completely died."

"Now that I am awakened again, I am basically sure that he can adapt to the current environment. Of course, it is best to have a professional Pokémon doctor to conduct meticulous research on him, so that he can have credibility."

"Yes, without further ado, I will call Dr. Omu now, and I don't know if Dr. Omu has a rest."

"Wait, use the poke ball to subdue him. Then it will be sent directly to Dr. Oki."

"Yes, yes. Oh, Musashi, you haven't eaten yet. Stay and have a meal, and the mysterious gift promised to you."

"Then I'm not welcome."

Musashi's eyes lit up. After all, he hadn't eaten home-cooked food for a long time, so he missed a little.


"Xiaomi, entertain Musashi for me. I'll call Dr. Oki first."

"Well, Musashi, please come with me, but there is a mess at home, please don't mind."

Xiaomi turned around and said apologetically to Musashi, the pace of returning home was a bit hurried.

"No, no."

. . . . . . .

"Xiaogang, Jiro's name is Musashi, do you want her sister to know that she is a guest at our house today, by the way, do your younger siblings cry?"

"Good sister."


"Mom, brothers and sisters are very good, and they are still sleeping."

"That's good, that's good. Ah, why is it so late, Xiao Gang, help my mother entertain Sister Musashi, and I will breastfeed my younger siblings."

"Musashi, I'm really embarrassed. The hospitality is not good. I will breastfeed the children first."

"Sister Xiaomi, go quickly, I'll be fine."

"Haha, you'd better call me auntie. Otherwise, our family will mess up the order of generations."

"Then Aunt Mi?"

"Yes. After all, I am also a mother of four children."

After Xiaomi finished speaking, he said to Musashi disrespectfully and walked quickly to the back room.

"Sister Musashi, please drink water."

"Thank you. Your name is Xiaogang, and his name is Jiro. You two brothers really look like you, or you really look like your father."

"What other people say, hee hee."

As the eldest boy, Xiaogang is obviously a little more outgoing than his younger brother Jiro, maybe he is the elder brother.

"By the way, Kogo Jiro, what will you do when you grow up."

"Pokémon Breeder."

Xiaogang thought for a while and said.

"The master of the gymnasium like Dad."

Jiro replied without thinking.

"They are all amazing."

"Haha" 2

"By the way, Sister Musashi, how about you."

"I, I want to be the top coordinator and performer queen."

"Queen?" 2

"Queen is a title, representing the most powerful performer in this area."

"There is no performer in Kanto, and there is no queen, so I want to be the first performer queen."

"Awesome!!!" 2

"Hahaha" 3


After more than twenty minutes, Xiaomi reappeared in front of Musashi, and asked with a smile, "What are you talking about, so happy."

"My sister is teaching us about Pokémon."

After Jiro and Musashi got acquainted, their desire for expression was quite strong, and he immediately replied when he heard the question from Xiaomi.

"Oh, what did Sister Musashi teach you."

"Sister Musashi taught me that I want to train a small boxing stone well. The basic skill of rounding is very important. It has to be practiced all the time, and, oh, the basics, the basics are very important."

Jiro did not know the specific role of rounding and what the basis means, but it did not prevent him from showing off to Xiaomi that he had learned new knowledge.

"Jiro is awesome, then Xiaogang, what have you learned?"

"Sister Musashi, teach me how to take care of the rock Pokémon, so that I can help Dad take care of his Pokémon."

"Well, Xiaogang is also great, you can continue to chat with your sister, and mom will prepare dinner."

"Musashi, thank you."

"No thanks, no thanks, mainly Xiaogang and the others are too cute. One wants to take the road of feeding and raising home, and the other wants to inherit the gym. When I am idle or idle, I just teach it casually. Don't blame me for giving it my own opinion. It would be good for Kogo Jiro to instill strange knowledge."

"No, no, yes, do you have anything you want to eat."

"I can do it, as long as it is home-cooked, it's been a long time since I have eaten it."

"Okay, I'm going to prepare now."

"Well, you guys sit down, let's continue to talk about the care of the rock-based Pokémon."


"Do you know how the Rock Pokémon bathes."

"Bath? They are afraid that they don't need to bathe with water, so they can't bathe them with water."

Jiro said anxiously. In his concept, taking a bath is like playing with water, but once when he was playing with a water gun, he accidentally got the Wuneng Xiaoquanshi, and the Xiaoquanshi suddenly ran away. This picture left Jiro. Made a deep impression.

"It's It's okay, don't bathe with water, Jiro doesn't bathe with water, but they are also good children who love to clean, how to keep it clean."

"Um..., I don't know."

"Xiaogang, do you know."

"I, can I use sand."

"Awesome, just use sand, but how did you know Xiaogang?"

"I once found my father's rumbling rocks rolling around in the sand with a very happy expression. I think they like to do things like this."

"Xiaogang, your observation ability is very good, you must continue to maintain it. For them, sand is an important material for polishing and cleaning the body. It is also a basic element for repairing the body after injury. And sand can also help them understand the energy of the ground system. , So you should always take them to bathe in the sand, which can make them clean and make them better."

"I am back."


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