Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 46: After the battle, the King Flower vs. Nido

The trembling roar sounded like a switch for the battle. The combat squad dominated by Nidolino immediately launched an attack. The roots of the poison needles on the back were erected. Obviously, they were preparing to use the poison needle technique and could conduct the first round of bombing. Expand the advantages.

Standing at the forefront of the heads of the Nitorans, they skillfully condense the energy of the flight system, and increase their sharpness while also increasing their movement speed. They ignore the poisonous needle rain pouring from the top of their heads, and their heads droop. The unicorn faced Pippi in front, exerting force on his hind limbs.

   Attack! ! !

The Nidolans standing in the back row, using their immature voice and cute appearance, successively used screams and wagging their tails in an attempt to combat the fighting will of the opposing Pippi, and finally used the help skills to enhance the skill power of their companions, and the poisonous needles became more and more powerful. The horns become more slender and sharp.

On the side of Pippi, the reaction was also very quick. When King Nido was angry and roared, the Pippi vocal group was activated: one loud voice, three rounds, two charms, four singing for ten. Only Pippi, who didn't care about the rain of guns and bullets that was about to hit, tried to influence the trend of the battle with the illusion of singing. Those Nidoran who rushed to the center of the battlefield only felt that the magic sound was drowsy.

   There are five more Pippi to jointly activate the protection skills, and the huge transparent green protective cover successfully protects the safety of all Pippi at the moment when the poisonous needle rain falls.

   There are three more Pippi to jointly launch your first request skills, inspiring the remaining teammates to use their finger skills before the enemy uses the next skill.

   Pippis’ **** speed increases in vain under the effect of your first request. The advantage is that the skill is released quickly, but the disadvantage is that the linkage effect cannot be formed well.

As a result, various skills fly up and down, most of them are change skills, like splashing, tail wagging, screaming, etc., of course, there are other more powerful change skills, such as wide-area defense, mirror reflection and the like. One or two skills also appeared, and finally it was the part that formed a linkage and successfully used the attack skills. Fengshui, earth and fire intertwined and impacted an iridescent energy stream, rushing towards the dense enemy.


   King Nido saw that the battle was in a one-sided situation, and suddenly became a little untenable, planning to personally intervene in the direction of the war.

   And after Nido, who has the instinct to guard the cubs, saw that Nidoran and Nidoran were about to suffer a fatal blow, and how could they stand up, they used brute force skills to prepare to fight the torrent of energy before King Nido.

The strong physical fitness and the hard scale armor just resisted the attack that was enough to make the vast majority of Nitoran, Nitoran, and Nitorino lose their fighting ability until the torrent of energy dissipated and left on the ground. Two deep dents and cracked scales on Nido's back.

   After Nido, who resisted the mixed skills, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at the Pipi clan glaringly. Regardless of his scarred body, he condensed an energy ball made of cold ice in his mouth.

   "It's the freezing light, Yuehku command your tribe, use your finger again!"

   "Fall, I will leave it to you after Nido, Naga, go and deal with King Nido."

   "Mianyue, Jun, you go and help disintegrate the vitality of the Nido clan as soon as possible."

Seeing that these two big guys came off the field in person, Musashi immediately commanded Abokai and Overlord Flower who were paddling in the rear to continuously strengthen themselves, and asked them to take over Pippi's main attacking position and stop the angry King Nido and Queen Nido. .

In fact, as early as when Yue and King Nido had a quarrel, Abogua and Bawanghua had some urges to take the Nido clan at a knife, and this impulse was accumulated by them in their early childhood, and against the Nido clan. Hatred.

   When Bawang was walking in the grass, it was because of the Nido clan that made him live a precarious life for a while, but luckily he met Musashi. But fortunately, fortunately, all the hatred of the Nido clan will not be diminished.

   And Aboguai spent a lot of time with the walking grass in her childhood. Under the subtle influence, her sense of the Nido clan is not better than that, as long as she sees it, it will be a life-and-death situation.

Therefore, to fight against the Nido clan, they agreed with 10,000 people. For this reason, the Overlord Flower also produced a lot of pollen clusters for Pippi. This is not only a medicinal value, but also a highly toxic mixed poison. , Even if the Nido clan are poisonous Pokémon, they will be extremely poisonous and their combat effectiveness will be drastically reduced.

   As for the big rock snake who did not appear, he still has more important things to do, and that is to steal the moon stone.

   Soldiers against soldiers, and generals are against each other. This is the unchanging way of fighting in the course of the cold weapon era. If one of the generals loses, then the outcome of the battle is basically determined by both sides.

   After arranging the task, Musashi holding the Lyarqin stood in front of the ten Pippi who was in charge of vocal music. The passionate music flowed out from the little Lyarqin and instantly dominated the Pippi's singing.

And what Musashi played was the special ability of the bard, inspiring courage, and then through the chorus, round singing and loud sound of the Pippi, the sound was expanded until it spread to the entire battlefield. Hearing the singing Pippi and the treasure of Musashi But Meng only felt that strong morale and fighting spirit emerged from the bottom of her heart.

   Soon pink, purple, and blue became a mess, various skills fluttered freely, and extremely wild body collisions.

The freezing light was intercepted, and Empress Nido’s rage dissipated a little. Her eyes were facing the Overlord Flower who appeared in front of her and had the same height as herself. Although she was slightly injured, Empress Nido, who had the strength of the king, still I really don't look down on the Overlord Flower, which only has the strength of the quasi-heavenly king. There is a trace of contempt in her eyes, and the freezing light lasses towards the Overlord Flower.

  The beautiful waltz jumped up in successive circles, easily dodge the freezing light of Nido, but a Pippi on the battlefield did not have such dodge skills, and was directly frozen and lost the ability to fight.

  Overlord Flower’s eyes condensed, without saying anything. The weather ball that represents a sunny day bursts out from the flower core and is filled with endless light and heat. While the power of the fire attribute skills has increased, the Overlord Flower’s movement speed has also doubled.

   Both hands drew out his fiery red and curly calyx from under the thick petals, straightened it instantly during the shaking, the sword dance was activated, and the Tai Chi domain was activated.

Feeling the natural energy around him that is not under her control, Empress Nido put away her contempt, and her sturdy tail hit the ground forcefully. The huge stalagmites continued to rush out from the foot of the Overlord Flower, but it did not shine too much on the Overlord Flower. Disturbance from The Overlord Flower is like an unknown prophet. It always reflects the knowledge of the protruding position of the stalagmite, and avoids it in advance, and the distance with the Queen of Nido is getting closer.


   The tip of the poisonous sword collided with the scales of Queen Nido.

   Not right, Nido looked at the two inconspicuous red dots on his arm, and the speed of his attack was so fast.

   and a slight tingling sensation continued to spread from the attacked place, but it was quickly swallowed by Empress Nido's own immune system, but this tiny point made Empress Nido pay unprecedented attention to Overlord Flower.

Because she also started her home with poison, not to mention ordinary toxins that corrode her scales, just let her soak in it, and drink it will not affect her a little bit, but the Overlord Flower will attack her twice at random. She felt a slight tingling sensation, and the accumulation of small amounts would definitely affect her combat effectiveness, so she had to guard against it.

   And the attack of the Overlord Flower came once again, and it was also touched and left, without nostalgia, it was as slippery as a mud loach.

   The interception after Nido failed again.

   In that case, don't blame me for not being moral. Empress Nido's eyes shone fiercely and looked at Pippi around him.

   I can't catch up with you, those Pippi can't escape from my palm.

   After Nido thought about it, he directly used the power of the earth toward the surrounding Pippi.

  The Overlord Flower couldn't, a dangling body appeared on the only way to the stalagmites, and the double-edged blades in his hand slashed one after another huge stalagmites, and the ground system energy appeared disorderly and shattered.

   Keniduo's goal has also been achieved, double fists hit the Bawang Hua body, brute force!

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