Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 102: Beautiful flower

   Musashi who returned to the cave found that his temporary residence was occupied by an uninvited group of three gophers. Of course, Musashi couldn't bear it, but we didn't list it first.

   Yuhong City, Garden Shrine, Main Hall.

   "Mother, you said that compared with Musashi, which one of us is better."

   Li Jia and Mei Hua adjusted their breath after completing a match at Yuhong Gymnasium, and asked with a little expectation, kneeling down under Audrey.

Audrey retracted her gaze from the beautiful flower, looked at Lijia without answering Lijia’s question, and said, “Musashi’s smelly flower completed its evolution a few days ago. It’s an overlord flower. The evolution process has been recorded by Musashi. Take a look."

   "Recording a video of the evolution process? Yes, why didn't I think that I should also record the evolution process of the beautiful flower, and then send it to Musashi, so that she would be envious of it."

   Audrey watched her daughter hear Musashi's movements, and drove in front of her. There was a jump in her thinking. Audrey didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

   asked again, "Do you want to see it?"

   After recovering, Lijia heard Audrey's question again, and blushed and replied respectfully: "It depends."

   Audrey did not correct Li Jia's previous rudeness, nodded towards the steward of Ou Zi, and a small three-dimensional holographic projector was placed in the middle of the main hall.

   reached out to start the machine, and the grand evolutionary process appeared in front of Li Jia. On the green grass, the main coffee smelly flowers danced in the moon dance to sacrifice to the moon, the deputy Kahuajie and the chaotic Ibrahimovic.

   Under the majestic moonlight fusion beautiful tunes, smelly flowers evolved.

   During the evolution, Li Jia obviously felt that the energy projected by the moonlight became more and more majestic, and the smelly flowers in the rich white light did not stop dancing.

   Until the light of evolution dissipated, the moon returned to its original position, the overlord flower in perfect shape appeared in front of everyone, and the video was over.

   Lijia was lost in thought. Her beautiful flower was in the smelly flower, even when she was walking on the grass, she had already set the evolutionary path in the future, which is to evolve into a beautiful and lovely flower.

   Mother Audrey had no objection after knowing it, and there is no need to object, because this is indeed the most suitable evolutionary path for Li Jia, the walking grass.

  Musashi should be just like himself at the time. When he saw the walking grass, he decided on the future evolution of the walking grass.

   But Musashi's walking grass, his aptitude at the time was not good, Li Jia could see this. But when he evolved into a smelly flower, his aptitude improved a lot.

   Although, I'm not even worse than my own stinky flower, but it's not too much. Until it evolved into the Overlord Flower and completed the final catch-up, it was truly comparable to the beautiful flower with superb qualifications.

   Li Jia was both happy and disappointed in her heart.

  Because of Musashi and her Overlord Flower, all their achievements are accumulated bit by bit by themselves. But after enjoying so many resources, he only reached the same height as them, and it was impossible not to be shocked in his heart.

   However, as an opponent and as a good sister, this blow can only make me work harder.

   Among the genres summarized by Audrey, the balance flow, the Fuso flow and the laurel flow, present a three-legged trend, supporting her core ability, the mastery and development of life energy.

   Balance Flow: Mainly for the dual-attribute grass Pokémon that goes hand in hand, and is a dual-attribute that is full of resistance, such as grass poison, grass flying, grass, grass insects, and grass ice. Among these attributes, a genre in which the two attributes make progress together without weakening one of them.

   Musashi’s Overlord Flower is inherited from Audrey’s balance flow, using awakening power as the core to balance the two attributes in the body.

   Fuso Stream or Sun Stream: It is a genre with grass attribute as its main attribute. Whether it is a single attribute grass-based Pokémon or a dual attribute grass-based Pokémon, it will only serve the grass attribute genre in the end.

   This genre is particularly suitable for single-attribute grass-based Pokémon, and the final evolutionary form of single grass-based Pokémon.

However, there are two special cases, namely the grass flying attribute and the grass dragon attribute, because these two second attributes are full of yang and the dragon attribute is the existence of extreme sun, so they will not be absorbed by the grass attribute. , On the contrary, it will become an alternative balance flow.

   The beautiful flower inherits the Fusang flow. By completely absorbing the nutrients in the poison attribute, it can strengthen the foundation of the grass attribute. The core of it is the growth skills and the absorption skills.

   and considering that Meihua can master almost all dance steps, the mastery of dance skills is also a top priority.

   Coupled with the particularity of Li Jia's beautiful flowers, there is a very special skill among her genetic skills, Dragon Dance.

   Because of the blessing of fate, the awakening power just awakens the dragon attribute, and it is very logical to master the dragon dance.

   The choice of the timing of evolution is also very particular, because Audrey, as a great priest of the shrine, pays great attention to the calendar solar terms and the number of onmyojis.

   So in her opinion, Li Jia's smelly flower wants to evolve, and the best time to evolve is during the Duanyang Festival on May 5th or the Chongyang Festival on September 9th.

  Because of the special concepts of flying dragons in the sky during the Duanyang Festival, Audrey thinks that this day will be more suitable for Lijia's smelly flowers. The conceptualization of disease-relief and epidemic prevention removes the deep-rooted poison attribute. The concept of flying dragon in the sky strengthens the dragon attribute energy in her body, turns it into a hidden core, and strengthens the various abilities of beautiful flowers.

   Li Jia’s smelly flower is also competitive, or it’s very time for the catfish Musashi to break in. It took more than a month to affect Li Jia’s lifestyle in five or six years.

   The sense of crisis greatly accelerated the accumulation of Li Jia and Stinky Flower, and completed all the accumulation of the foundation before the Dragon Festival.

   Then, under the auspices of Audrey, he chose Duanyang on this day, when Yang Qi was about to reach its peak.

   The smelly flower is standing on the sun stone, and slowly dances the dignified, elegant and mysterious dragon dance. Amidst the sound of the trembling drums of the dragon boat race, the dragon dance enters the final stage, rising the dragon!

I saw the smelly flower stepping on the void and hovering up. When the Yang Qi was at its peak, in the last drum sound that rang through the world, it absorbed the hot sunlight and turned into a warm jade sunstone, silently blending into the smell. The body of the flower, the light of evolution is overwhelming.

   There seems to be a dragon chant resounding through the sky, and there seems to be an endless fragrance of flowers and curse heaven and earth.

   At this moment, the smelly flower faded away from the ordinary coat, and the beautiful flower with the ultimate charm appeared in front of the world. With the floating characteristics of the dragon dance, the beautiful flower slowly fell and made a perfect ending for his dance.

   Li Jia’s beautiful flowers are used in the Dragon Boat Festival. Under the repeated washing of endless Yang and Qi, all the source of poison is exhausted, and the vacancy of the original source is filled with the supplement of Dragon Qi.

   At this point, the beauty cost has lost his exposed poison attribute origin, obtained the hidden dragon attribute origin, and obtained an unexpected blessing.

   Sun’s Favor: Increase the race value by 50 points in the sun, and increase the arrangement speed by 10 other attributes each increase by 8 points.

   The beautiful flower that fell has a tender green body, and the round green head is covered with two red flowers that look like hairpins. It is said that these two flowers will only fully open under the sun and release a strong floral fragrance.

  Between the two red flowers, a cute and playful little unicorn is hidden in it, but you can only see it when you open the petals.

   There are two pinks under the blue round eyes, which makes her look even more affectionate.

   Under the green arms, there is a Confucian skirt made up of yellow and green leaves. Although there are no feet, the thick skirt is enough to hold the full weight of the beautiful flower.

   If you observe carefully, you can still see the looming dragon scale pattern on the leaves, which greatly enhances the defense ability of the beautiful flower.

   Audrey looked at the perfect creature he had contributed to with satisfaction, wondering what evolutionary time Musashi’s smelly flower should choose.

   Finally, I chose August 15th in my heart, because at this time, the anode produces yin, and it is also a famous moon worship ceremony, which is suitable for the smelly moon dance.

   But, after only half of the summer vacation, Musashi sent a video of his own smelly flower evolving into an overlord flower.

   This Audrey is a little helpless, and the plan can't keep up with the changes. When Musashi was told to carefully consider the timing of the evolution of the smelly flower, it seemed that he could not hold back.

   But looking at the entire evolutionary process, Audrey nodded with satisfaction. Musashi deserves to be her own daughter, and she is the true biography of herself.

  The hands hidden in the big sleeves kept counting, and they came to the conclusion that this day is even more ideal than August 15th. I can't help but sigh, the weather is unpredictable.


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