Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 404 Don't know what will happen

Then came a sharp applause.

Xie Yu saw Meng Yutang's eyes turned red all of a sudden, bloodthirsty red!

He always felt that this girl was cold, but when he saw some news about her, she laughed very healingly, and she didn't seem to be angry at all.

He has always been curious if she would be so cold if she was really angry, making it impossible to see.

Now he saw that she looked frightening when she was angry, with the aura of destroying the world.

Especially now, when she stepped on the accelerator and the car flew out, Xie Yu closed his eyes.

Oh shit! This woman is terrible!

Dou Qiaoan and Qian Shu, who were galloping on the road with their motorcycles and chasing them, watched helplessly as a car passed them from behind at an extraordinary speed, and chased the car in front.

The road here belongs to the suburbs, and there are few people. Dou Qiaoan is sure that the person in the driver's seat she saw just now is Meng Yutang.

She couldn't help but her mind went blank for a moment.


The one at the school gate! Obviously she saw the face! Damn does she have a twin sister!

Before she could even think about it, she immediately stepped up the accelerator to catch up.

Qian Shu was still holding the camera in one hand, and firmly grasping Dou Qiaoan with the other.

The wind was blowing so hard that his head hurt, and it happened so suddenly that he didn't even have time to put on his helmet.

Before the two could react, another car quickly overtook them and caught up with the two cars in front.


How fast can Dou Qiaoan drive as many blocks at once!

She is here with the most useful person taking evidence!

She raised her hand and pressed the headset next to her ear.

Mu Feng's voice came from over there, it was Meng Yutang who gave them the device to facilitate contact.

"Fuck! Brother, aren't you on the border line! Why did you chase after him! And who is in the car! Tangtang is not in that car, she chased after him!"

Mu Feng was leaving the border of the city. They were guarding this road and didn't need anyone else to come.

Hearing this, he almost jumped up: "What!"

His mind went blank for a moment.

"I said it wasn't Tangtang in the car! But I clearly saw that she looked the same as Tangtang! Are they sisters!"

Mu Feng reacted instantly.

Turning around and looking at the person: "Check to see if Xiaoxiao is here."

But whether to check or not is not that important anymore. Since I saw the same face, there should be no surprises.

"Are you sure you see the same face?"

"I'm sure!"

Mu Feng clenched his hands, turned around and got into the car.

"Find a way to catch up! People can't have troubles! She will go crazy if people have troubles!"

After hanging up the phone, Dou Qiaoan cursed in a low voice and continued to chase.

Mu Feng has already asked all the people on the route to gather together, and tried to stop the car when he saw it.

He didn't stop the car before because Meng Yutang was more than enough to deal with the people in the car, but now, there is a smile without any force value in the car!

She can't resist and can only be slaughtered!


Meng Yutang had already caught up with the car in front, without any sign of slowing down, he squeezed the cars side by side and wanted her to stop.

She doesn't have much confidence that if she bumps into it directly, she will guarantee that Xiaoxiao will be fine.

That car was also driving like hell.

Meng Yutang went straight ahead, trying to block his way.

Xie Yu was so frightened that his little heart almost stopped beating, good guy, if he bumps into it, he will also be injured!

But the person in the driver's seat obviously didn't want to die.

Just want the car to stop.

Her eyes are red.

The car didn't stop and she didn't know what was going to happen!

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